So they will show the S4 in any minutes, Do you think it will be a "Iphonekiller" or will iphone keep taking over?

Tell me what u think

link for live presentation

11 years ago*

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As long as only Apple is allowed to make iPhones, I dont see how anything can take over.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I think I worded it poorly.
Only reason Apple appears as the top-phone maker is because only they're allowed iOS devices, while with Droids, anyone can make those.
If it wasnt for that, I dont think iPhones would be such a hotseller.

11 years ago

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I am pretty sure that the S3 is currently the single most popular handset in the world.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Silly Sausage

11 years ago

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Silly apple

11 years ago

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According to this iPhone 5 is better.
Actually Galaxy S3 is lower than even iPhone 4S.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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A large proportion of the phones which come under "Others" on those charts will be of brands available almost exclusively in China. Most Chinese Phones run some form on Android OS, and Apple has really struggled to make any sort of foothold over there (Infact its only really in "Westernized" countries where Apple has any real market value). As for the topic. I don't think the S4 will "kill" the iPhone as there are a lot of Android phones out there, whereas there is only "1" iPhone.

11 years ago

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Add the numbers. They are the same between s3 and i5. 4s has a very slight lead though.

11 years ago

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You realize this isn't counting the S2 or S right? the S2 was more popular then the S3 I myself still use a S.

11 years ago

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you ready Jeremy?

i'll give you candy.

11 years ago

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Let the sheeple buy iPhones, we'll keep enjoying these awesome android, ubuntu and windows phones.

11 years ago

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My WM 6.5 phone was a nightmare. T_T

11 years ago

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6.5 was extremely business oriented. WP7 and 8 are a game changer when it comes to WM.

11 years ago

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I personally don't have any experience with windows phone, but the windows 8 phones don't look bad at all

11 years ago

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Doesn't matter how good it is, people buy iphones because its 'cool' to have one.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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It's not cool, it's more uncool imo because there are so many haters. I even know someone that used to use his iPhone with black-taped Apple's logo because of the haters.

The iPhone's well sold because it's the safe choice. It's well built, the ui is very user-friendly and safe to use, and all the applications are very well optimized. That's why people buy the iPhone. It's like the Nokia phones 10-15 years ago, you can't just go wrong with those phones. Well, you can, but you have to always know what you want from the phone... Like wanting open-os and thinking about iOS, that's always bs.

11 years ago

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Id like to think that but if I go on the street and ask anyone for specs or details about the OS of their iphone (or otherwise) they would have no idea. They think its the best because everyone else does.

11 years ago

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What kind of detail do you mean?
I don't memorize my phone's processor speed or screen size or whatever.

11 years ago

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When im about to spend a large sum on money (especially now days) on a phone I think its wise to actually know what im buying, but thats just me apparently. Ofc I don't memorise them but I do know what I paid for. Ask almost anyone who has an iphone (most phones actually) why it costs so much and they will have no clue, no idea why or what 500+$ buys. 500+$ is no small sum of money.


11 years ago

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Well I don't know fully specs of my phone either. I just don't care, the main thing for me is that it runs well. That's all I need to know. Especially nowadays, when number of cores doesn't really matter that much and it's more question of optimisation.

11 years ago

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The iphone GPS and voice-recognition don't even match to my phone running android like 2.2

Not to mention their recent ios updates just brought them up to date with my 2.2, can't imagine what the newer android versions look like. Maybe one day I'll go and install a new one

11 years ago

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Sadly still too many fanboys buy Iphones. But luckily slowly more and more people shift over to THE MASTER RACE: Android!

11 years ago

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People only buy Android when they can't afford iPhones, soz bro.

11 years ago

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I have to say, taking pictures with sound is the stupidest thing iv heard in a while...

11 years ago

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I remember this function on 10 years old cameras, nobody used it back then either.

11 years ago

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Samsung phones are pretty shit imo. So while I dislike iPhones, I would prefer one over a Sammy. The best Android phones imo are by HTC, the recent Xperias, and Nexus line in general.

11 years ago

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my mom has an xperia, i sorta like it.

11 years ago

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+1 about the Samsung phones.

I had a Captivate, not a very good phone, must say though the sound card in it is top notch and it makes a wonderful MP3 player, I have a 32gb card in it(Has 16gb built in), plenty of room and sounds great, its funny because I hated it as a phone but it takes the #1 spot for MP3 players I have owned(Owned a lot of them).

11 years ago

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Honestly, in terms of PMPs (I use FLAC or Google Music), I think that still a dedicated music player (I use a Zune HD) + portable DAC is still the best choice in terms of quality.

11 years ago

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The captivate has a surprisingly good sound quality, people actually buy it to use as a portable player, learnt about that on Headfi.

Most phones yeah....pretty crappy, but this ones an exception if you ask me, it drives headphones amazingly well also compared to most players I have used(Had a Sony, Sansa Fuze, Rio, Zune). Honestly like this the best sound wise, 2nd runner up would be the Rio from back in the day. Its also built really well, all metal backing, nice screen.

11 years ago

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Yeah, some people on Head-Fi like it because it does support Voodoo kernel, which greatly improved audio quality. Still, I would imagine a dedicated player would still sound better (Such as the Sony Walkman F)

11 years ago

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I still have my Sony Walkman, with voodoo the phone indeed sounds better and drives headphones better if you ask me.

Guess its up to preference though.

11 years ago

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Was the walkman you have the relatively new Walkman F series? The older ones were kind of rubbish

11 years ago

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This one

Don't get me wrong its good sounding for sure, but the Captivate is clearer and drives headphones better.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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-1 on the Samsung count, and HTC phones are shit in comparison.
But then again, opinions are opinions and it all depends on which handset(s) you tried. Source: Used both a HTC Desire and a Samsung Galaxy S2. Desire is nice on it's own, but just a bit shit when compared with the SGS 2.

I have used both iOS and Android and Android is a much nicer OS in my mind.

11 years ago

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I'm not saying iOS is better than Android but that I would prefer getting an iPhone 5 over the SGS3 and the SGS4. In my personal opinion, (I've tried the One X and a couple of the newer HTC handsets along with the Note 2 + SGS3 along with my own Galaxy Nexus along with a friends Nexus 4) the plastic body of the Samsung handsets feel just cheap and chip fairly easily. Also, the radios on my Galaxy Nexus are just naturally bad, which doesn't help the poor battery life either. I would rather prefer the body of the Nexus 4. If you want to compare internals, a quad core is perfectly fine. I would take the Snapdragon S4 Pro or the new Snapdragon 600 (Found in the new HTC One) over the 8 core. Nothing on a mobile phone is that demanding to begin with and so it would mostly just be detrimental to the battery life.

11 years ago

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I know that you weren't comparing the OS, I was mainly comparing two Android phones then tagging that part on the bottom to explain why I think galaxy s2 is better than iPhone.

That part was my counter argument to your "Id rather have iPhone over s2" whilst the main part of my post was my counter to opinion that HTC phones are better than Samsung.

11 years ago

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The thing is, the new 8-core processor you're talking about won't ever run 8 cores at the same time. It is the big.LITTLE processor architecture which means that it has 4 high powered (and high battery drain) processors and 4 low power (and low battery drain) processors. It switches on the high powered processors when you're doing something more intensive, but when it is idling, it uses the smaller processors.

11 years ago

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I do realize this. But with that, its not that optimal for low power. A 4+2 solution would actually be very optimal because of the fact that quad cores do consume quite a bit more power than duals and with the applications we are using today, a ARM15 dual core would be more than enough. The ARM7 quad is effectively just a way for Samsung to market to the mass majority who aren't tech savvy about 8 cores and nonsense similar to that.

11 years ago

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Gotta agree in low lines of samsung but compared to the top dogs of each mobile makers? nu-uh

11 years ago

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Even in comparsion to the top dogs so to speak, I would take other manufactures over Samsung.

11 years ago

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disregarding nexus (cause they're equally awesome with samsung), here's my personal opinion to HTC and xperia

HTC, I don't want to touch HTC anymore due to its lack of ext microSD. Really, no SD card and only 32gb max mem? I'd fill that memory pretty fast. Also Was the software issues with their phones already fixed? I'm not a super knowledgeable with smarthphones but almost all mobile tech guys I talk to just straight up says that HTC is not worth its price which is $70-$100 more expensive with samsung/nexus here in my place plus it doesn't have a good contract feature bundling .

For XPeria, I don't really know. Design body is unaactractive, again more expensive that samsung, and It's sony, I hate them, I'm biased :|

Performance wise IMO, high-tier phones are just pretty much all equal to me, it seems that apps are behind to push the full capability of the phone. As long as they can play 1080p videos with subtitles, I'm pretty happy with them. The only difference that I can compare with each other is the price and the exclusive features of the phones

11 years ago

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Prices in the US are more or less the same with everything, with the samaung usually a bit more expensive. When you say the HTC has a max of 32GB of fixed storage, the Nexus devices are worse off, stuck at 16GB fixed. I don't know what software big you were talking about but I usually just flash a new rom anyways.

The design of the body on the Xperia Z is pretty standard and is Imo better than the ugly plastic design that Samsung uses.

What differentiate high end phones is mostly CPU (in regards to battery performance and GPU performance) screen, and the body. With Samsung pushing 8 cores in the SGS4,its certainly not going to be good for battery life. I would take a Snapdragon over a Exynos in any case. Also, the AMOLED they use is often not the best in color in that it makes things look a bit cartoony, too much contrast. Other phones are typically S-IPS these days. When you get to body design, the plastic and the overall shape of the Samsung is the ugliest to me compared to any other phone.

11 years ago

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People put cases anyways in their phones, I won't notice that plastic thinggy. But one thing I hate with xperias is it looks squary. Looks fugly too me

Battery life? can't say about the new upcoming s4 but my S3 and my mother's note averages @ 3 days before the battery is fully drained, And that is paired with an average of 4 hour video, 6 hours app gameplay(sprinkle, chaos rings, FF), and around 2 hours of call time.

For screen, Really? Looks really the same to me, Comparing it outside with a little of bit of sunlight actually makes samsung screen better to look at. If it makes it cartoony, then I guess that's why I love samsung, watching anime on it is better.

11 years ago

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Do that many people put cases on their phone? I personally don't and most of friends who own Android phones don't either. I don't personally have an S3 but it feels like that battery life is not right unless you have a extended battery. People I know charge their S3 every day because it rubs out of battery.

About the screen, the color reproduction on AMOLED are way too saturated and not realistic. S-IPS panels tend to go for realistic reproduction of Adobe RBG (or something similar).

At the end of the day, it comes down mostly to opinion.

11 years ago

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having recently gotten an s3, I realised that android is far superior, ios is too closed off, android is more like a pc.

11 years ago

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But that's why IOS is more stable,safe and better optimized.

11 years ago

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I would choose vast variety and customization over a little bit more stability and being completely limited and shut off any day.

Safer? I hear the same thing about mac and pc, although ios/mac os is safer for a novice, PC is just as safe if you have common sense and know how to look after it, People don't scan and update their antivirus and use firewalls etc then proceed to download 2gbs of pr0n, movies, music etc off of dodgy sites like limewire and are shocked when they get infected LOL

It is better optimized but is still slower in terms of performance because of the hardware.

Only thing IOS has over android is the app store. It has a lot more support from developers since the apple app store gets more customers, not to mention they only need to put in half the work because there as less iOS Devices to code for.

11 years ago

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I've only seen rumors so far, nothing official, but I like the idea of the eye tracking to scroll through web pages.

The only reason I might not be upgrading from my S2 is the screen size. I can just barely reach across the screen now with my thumb, and the screens just keep getting bigger. The larger screens are nice for videos and games, but they really hamper my web browsing, which is my number one use for a smartphone.

I do like that they've kept the replaceable battery. That is one of thing that I hope to never own a phone without, and the reason I don't even bother looking at some of the other top android phones. It's really useful to have a backup battery in my wallet for days when I want to use a lot of power, or go a long time without charging.

11 years ago

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I have a non-removable battery. For long journeys I have an external 7000mah battery that cost as much as my backup battery for my previous phone (i9000). Fifty bucks. I can charge my phone up three times. While on the go, anywhere, and fast, 2.1 amp port. Seems inconvenient, but I just plug it in as I am not using it to keep it juiced.

11 years ago

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There's certainly some interesting technologies. But nothing that I really need or want.
I'll wait for iPhone 5S.

11 years ago

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Too big for me. Even my current phone, the Optimus G, is a tad too big for my liking. But hey, people will buy it like crazy off of me and that will make me loads of cash.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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HTC One for me!

11 years ago

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I got jiayu g3 :3

11 years ago

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No word in for the up coming Firefox OS? I have an iPhone 5 and before that the 3GS, main reason i kept with apple is the money i had spent on apps.

11 years ago

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Oh, don't worry: chances are you'll find those apps on the Play Store for either free, or for cheaper! :v

11 years ago

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Most AppStore apps are ad support and free now. You only have to pay to remove the ads. Just sayin'.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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You literally have no idea about the new Galaxy S4...

11 years ago

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There is a new Galaxy discovered in the universe? WOW WE NEED TO GO THERE NOW !!!!!

11 years ago

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wow you bolded and italicised it fuck that's hardcore must be amazing

11 years ago

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SGS4 is great. Thats why I'm waiting for Samsung Galaxy Note 3(now I have SGN2).
And I still use motorola razr v3 as phone :)

11 years ago

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I will use my S3 for the next few years...

11 years ago

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Depends on your personal choice. If a phone looks, works and feels great to you.. buy it.

11 years ago

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"iPhone killer" - hahaha - hu huuu huuu uffF.
That was hilarious, 'cause it's killing itself without any help.

11 years ago

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iphone is dead. finally

11 years ago

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I still have a nokia. It has 2.0MP camera and bluetooth! I ll never buy an iPhone. Im ok now. Thanks.

11 years ago

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Blackberry for life bro! Best of all unlike every Android phone I ever owned the battery last more then half a day to a day. Last about 3 days without a charge on average. I can't deal with bad battery life to be honest or I would still use Android phones.

11 years ago

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I have an s3, and I typically dont have to charge it for 3-4days. I dont have an extended battery either.

11 years ago

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Never had that particular phone but I always had terrible luck with Android phones. Pretty much gave up on them...not to big into phones in general, barely use it.

11 years ago

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Apple is suing Samsung again for spelling "4s" backwards. ಠ_ಠ

11 years ago

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You might be joking, but am unsure....I would know if Apple wasn't a bunch of crazies, but they pull off some amazingly dumb lawsuits.

11 years ago

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You mean, there are still people dumb enough to buy iPhones? In 2013?

11 years ago

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They are good phones, just overpriced.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

11 years ago

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So hopefully the S3 is going to be cheaper, because my phone is crap, I didn't even know Alcatel is still making phones ^^

And I don't wanna write a whole sentence while touching once with my fat thumb because the display is small as crap xD...the display size is 2.8 inch -.-

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Alan97.