My social life is pretty much non-existent but it's always been non-existent
I'm pretty socially inept, awkward, and have very low self-esteem
I always feel like an outcast in that I don't fit into anywhere.
Education and employment wise, I'm not really going anywhere
I'm at the point where I don't even see a reason to try and succeed.
I have pretty much no friends, no employment aspirations, no educational direction, no emotional attachment to anything, no hobbies or anything I particularly like a lot.
I don't really have a great relationship with my family and yet I can't find myself to actually care.
I feel like everything I do is pointless and I feel lonely all the time.
I think I also beat myself up too much when I fail at something or when I'm just plain bad at something.
I haven't even been caught up on playing my wins from this site and I feel terrible about it.
Uh... relatable.
I can't force myself to cry and I don't think I've actually cried in years.
But this isn't.
Do I even deserve anything I have in my life currently?
"Deserving" is a shitty concept. You were brought to this world against your own will, and you got what you have, it's not about if you deserve it or not. If you have it, it's yours, no need to feel like it shouldn't be.
Well, you got two options. Either patch it up with dank memes and sulk in nihilism, because memes are kinda cool and funny, and sometimes you'll actually feel happy because you'll feel like a living meme. Picture reference #1
Or you could try to get better and not end up like a 30-yo bad stereotype of yourself, but that requires professional help at this point. You could ask help from your parents, tell them you have depression and whatever you need from them, like money for visiting doctor, or a ride there, or just their understanding about the whole situation.
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For those of you who know me(so basically no one maybe), despite my intense lurking and occasional cowardice(and overall stupidity/ridiculousness) in commenting over the last few years, you'd know I've been one hell of a whiner in my comments(and one specific drunkenly-made thread of which I cringe at the thought of) but I've seen a lot nice and supportive threads over the years on these forums so I've always come back despite how weird and stupid I always feel thinking strangers on the internet will care at all. I'm not good at talking/typing my thoughts. I'm more or less here to rant a bit.
Over the last couple years I've been feeling sort of terrible about my life as a whole. I don't know why, but it's this feeling I've had for a chunk of my life and it's sort of gotten "worse" in recent years. Maybe it's because I feel like I haven't done enough to consider myself worth caring about, or interesting enough to put any effort into, or maybe I'm just unsure of what I'm doing day-to-day and don't know how to continue my life. What I do know is that I have no idea what to say on my thoughts about my future, my emotions, and my life overall and it's such a weird but also scary feeling to just feel "pointless" all the time. I have stuff to say but it doesn't mean anything to me, and I don't know why I even bother to say it. I more or less have no idea what I'm doing with my life and I feel like I'm walking down a pointless path leading to nowhere but feeling terrible about everything I do. I'm still relatively young, at the age of 21, but I just feel like I've wasted a lot of my life already.
To summarise the last 3 years, I stayed for an extra year in Highschool to try and get into any university at the pressure of my parents and... failed. I got my first job ever at 18, worked for a year, and then quit because I was taking a 1 year pre-health college course to try and get into university... and... failed. The third previous/current year was spent feeling useless, lost, and more or less forced to look for a job while I participated in a youth employment program at a local employment agency while also getting help with education. Just recently, I finally got a job at a local grocery store after just over a year of looking for a job and I'm supposed to have a meeting next week for this "mentor program" for a college course that I may or may not be interested in. I have no idea. So, things are sort of looking up... I think? I still feel empty, terrible, and pointless.
My social life is pretty much non-existent but it's always been non-existent, so I don't know what to think about that beyond, why bother try to "grow up" and try to meet new people?. I'm pretty socially inept, awkward, and have very low self-esteem(I think) but I have no idea how to change it, how to grow as a person, or even how to really "meet" new people. I can't honestly say I've ever really been able to talk to someone and create a relationship of any kind, and I always feel like an outcast in that I don't fit into anywhere. I always just feel alone and weak and it's kind of gotten to the point where it's a normal feeling to me. Education and employment wise, I'm not really going anywhere, and my parent's support goes as far as "as long as you succeed" but I think I'm at the point where I don't even see a reason to try and succeed. I'm terrible at everything I do, in my experience. I have pretty much no friends, no employment aspirations, no educational direction, no emotional attachment to anything, no hobbies or anything I particularly like a lot. I don't really have a great relationship with my family and yet I can't find myself to actually care.
I feel like everything I do is pointless and I feel lonely all the time. In many cases, I feel like I try too hard to force something, such as trying too hard to talk to someone, or enjoy something, or trying to hard to succeed in education, at my job. I don't even know at this point if I actually want to talk to people or if I'm just forcing it because it's something I think I need. Ironically (is it ironic?) I can't force myself to cry and I don't think I've actually cried in years. It's a weird thought. I don't even know if anyone really likes me as a person or likes to talk to me, and I try really hard to be likeable. I think I also beat myself up too much when I fail at something or when I'm just plain bad at something. I haven't even been caught up on playing my wins from this site and I feel terrible about it. It's got such a selfish and greedy feel to it. Do I even deserve anything I have in my life currently? I don't know. I probably don't have anything to really complain about but I just feel terrible all the time and it's a terrible feeling to experience.
Even typing this now I feel really embarrassed, ridiculous, and weird. I feel so melodramatic and pathetic. I feel so stupid. In a week I'll probably forget I made this. Sorry to post this on these forums but I just kind of needed some people to talk to and somewhere to throw down a wall of text containing my extremely disorganised thoughts, regardless of whether not people read it. I have nowhere else to go, truly.
tl;dr I feel useless and terrible in life
Giveaway because I guess I want to contribute to something.
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