For those of you who know me(so basically no one maybe), despite my intense lurking and occasional cowardice(and overall stupidity/ridiculousness) in commenting over the last few years, you'd know I've been one hell of a whiner in my comments(and one specific drunkenly-made thread of which I cringe at the thought of) but I've seen a lot nice and supportive threads over the years on these forums so I've always come back despite how weird and stupid I always feel thinking strangers on the internet will care at all. I'm not good at talking/typing my thoughts. I'm more or less here to rant a bit.

Over the last couple years I've been feeling sort of terrible about my life as a whole. I don't know why, but it's this feeling I've had for a chunk of my life and it's sort of gotten "worse" in recent years. Maybe it's because I feel like I haven't done enough to consider myself worth caring about, or interesting enough to put any effort into, or maybe I'm just unsure of what I'm doing day-to-day and don't know how to continue my life. What I do know is that I have no idea what to say on my thoughts about my future, my emotions, and my life overall and it's such a weird but also scary feeling to just feel "pointless" all the time. I have stuff to say but it doesn't mean anything to me, and I don't know why I even bother to say it. I more or less have no idea what I'm doing with my life and I feel like I'm walking down a pointless path leading to nowhere but feeling terrible about everything I do. I'm still relatively young, at the age of 21, but I just feel like I've wasted a lot of my life already.

To summarise the last 3 years, I stayed for an extra year in Highschool to try and get into any university at the pressure of my parents and... failed. I got my first job ever at 18, worked for a year, and then quit because I was taking a 1 year pre-health college course to try and get into university... and... failed. The third previous/current year was spent feeling useless, lost, and more or less forced to look for a job while I participated in a youth employment program at a local employment agency while also getting help with education. Just recently, I finally got a job at a local grocery store after just over a year of looking for a job and I'm supposed to have a meeting next week for this "mentor program" for a college course that I may or may not be interested in. I have no idea. So, things are sort of looking up... I think? I still feel empty, terrible, and pointless.

My social life is pretty much non-existent but it's always been non-existent, so I don't know what to think about that beyond, why bother try to "grow up" and try to meet new people?. I'm pretty socially inept, awkward, and have very low self-esteem(I think) but I have no idea how to change it, how to grow as a person, or even how to really "meet" new people. I can't honestly say I've ever really been able to talk to someone and create a relationship of any kind, and I always feel like an outcast in that I don't fit into anywhere. I always just feel alone and weak and it's kind of gotten to the point where it's a normal feeling to me. Education and employment wise, I'm not really going anywhere, and my parent's support goes as far as "as long as you succeed" but I think I'm at the point where I don't even see a reason to try and succeed. I'm terrible at everything I do, in my experience. I have pretty much no friends, no employment aspirations, no educational direction, no emotional attachment to anything, no hobbies or anything I particularly like a lot. I don't really have a great relationship with my family and yet I can't find myself to actually care.

I feel like everything I do is pointless and I feel lonely all the time. In many cases, I feel like I try too hard to force something, such as trying too hard to talk to someone, or enjoy something, or trying to hard to succeed in education, at my job. I don't even know at this point if I actually want to talk to people or if I'm just forcing it because it's something I think I need. Ironically (is it ironic?) I can't force myself to cry and I don't think I've actually cried in years. It's a weird thought. I don't even know if anyone really likes me as a person or likes to talk to me, and I try really hard to be likeable. I think I also beat myself up too much when I fail at something or when I'm just plain bad at something. I haven't even been caught up on playing my wins from this site and I feel terrible about it. It's got such a selfish and greedy feel to it. Do I even deserve anything I have in my life currently? I don't know. I probably don't have anything to really complain about but I just feel terrible all the time and it's a terrible feeling to experience.

Even typing this now I feel really embarrassed, ridiculous, and weird. I feel so melodramatic and pathetic. I feel so stupid. In a week I'll probably forget I made this. Sorry to post this on these forums but I just kind of needed some people to talk to and somewhere to throw down a wall of text containing my extremely disorganised thoughts, regardless of whether not people read it. I have nowhere else to go, truly.

tl;dr I feel useless and terrible in life

Giveaway because I guess I want to contribute to something.

7 years ago*

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You are very young to worry about future and be hopeless about it that much.

Physical exercises can help you to cope with your all kind of problems. Even simple running on daily basis will improve your life quality you will be surprised when you see how happy you can be actually.

At the same time you should see a psychiatrist too, not psychologist.

7 years ago

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Not sure if I can really give clues on how to get unstuck...
Anyway, what I try to do is think about what you want (to do, not achieve or some super-long-term thing) and do that more than 50% of the time.
Chances are that everything else may fall into place - more or less.

Don't forget the community when it does :)

7 years ago

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Hey man, life has just started for me really (subjectively) after my early 30s when i moved from my parents at last, you really have a lot of time in life to do EVERYTHING you like to! (or nothing at all) Dont give up, there is 100% a person somewhere for you in this vast world, who also feels lonely without you - remember this all the time and just search in different areas (social, geographical etc)... Take care!

7 years ago

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I think most of us go through times when we feel lost in life, especially at your age, and rather than give you a lengthy reply to this personal thread, I'll share this presentation by Nick Vujicic that I think you may find some meaning in. (The first 10 minutes are basically warming up the crowd, and 10:19 is when his real message starts.)

7 years ago

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I've read it, I've read it whole. and somehow skimmed the comments. Some points are repeated.

I feel the same about wasting time. I'm 24 and I think that people at my age are doing wonderful and terrific things and I'm just sitting at home and read SG forum ;). The fact I'm starting to work in the next month isn't really helpful, only adds to the overall anxiety. But I guess feeling lost and unsafe in life is part of it. The safety and self-confidence come with experience. We yet lack it.

I have few points to made and I will write it down, even if you won't read it ;)

First: life isn't a race. I know it looks like it, but it really isn't. Everything around us screams: BE THE BEST, and the truth is: only one person can be by definition the best. So the life is more about being good than the best. Also, we all walk through life but out paths are and will be different. Not everyone has 2k friends on facebook. Not everyone will be a manager in a big-ass company. Not everyone will make something important and not everyone's name will be written in the history. (And perhaps your name actually will be written. I only say it because some of us lost their true goals after comparing themselves to people in the different places in life).

Second: you can be young - despite the age. I know it sounds silly. Still, I believe it's true. We live in the age with good healthcare and crazy opportunities (I leave to you what defines 'crazy'). You'll still be able to make friends, earn money, find new hobbies, have sex, and all this stuff later in life. You may start late and still achieve more and be happier than other people around you.

Third (this should be the first, oh well): you are so negative about yourself, this worries me. Do you consider talking to a psychologist? Sometimes mental health problems are imperceptible at the beginning and the health worsens only slightly day by day to eventually give full symptoms of, for example, a (treatable) major depressive disorder. And not only feeling sad but often also feeling numb to everything is one of them. Think about something you were crazy about before. Try doing it. Not fun, no emotions, only boredom? Go see someone and talk to someone qualified to help.
Even more - sometimes even our bad attitudes are deriving from something in the past we don't even expect. One's laziness or shyness towards people or anything else may be a reflection of something totally fixable, that's hidden in our minds and that can be found during the therapy.
You have certainly low self-esteem if you think about yourself as you described in the 4th paragraph. But it can be fixed as well by psychologist/therapist/coach. Because I'm certain that you may be introvert but not socially inept, you may have low self-esteem but you are worth much more than you believe.
These are only the suggestions. I'm not trying to tell you that you certainly have something that needs treatement/counseling/therapy/whatever. In the end, you will do what you want of course. Only consider this may actually help even if it takes effort and doesn't feel good at the beginning :)

Fourth: to meet new people is to go outside. And I don't mean outside of the house, I mean outside your comfort zone. It's hard (especially if you don't believe in yourself) but in the end, it's worth it. Find a group in your area (or online, via facebook group for example) that does something (yoga, origami, protecting human rights or playing banjo, whatever you think you can do) and join them. Join free events around you (facebook is a good place to search them), concerts, lectures, and film shows are good to start, 'cause active participating is not obligatory ;)
Very well thing to do is to volunteer in some foundation or organization. You will support something you believe in and you will meet A LOT of new people.
You'll meet new people at work as well.

Fifth: you will never be liked by everyone so there's no point in trying to be likable, be yourself ugh I again sound like a teenage Tumblr user and in the end, there will be people who will like you. And if you meet someone and they don't like you - move on. Don't force yourself and don't force them as well.
Instead, you could try to like yourself. Embrace your good AND bad side, treat yourself with respect. You deserve it. And the first person to give you this - is you. The whole world comes after.

Sixth: leech support from your parents. If they have your back "as long as you succeed", take it and use it! Sometimes trying is already a success.

Seventh: don't feel bad about this post - it's sometimes easier to spill the guts to strangers on the internet :) And you are not only one doing this.

Tl;dr: you were listened, RobotDeathParty. Few maybe not so useless tips above.

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7 years ago

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Keep doing things, mostly things you really like. Start something new, try travel somewhere, meet new people. Don't look back, and don't look sideways either. Keep walking towards somewhere nice, you'll get there eventually. Don't try to fit, you'll fit if you are yourself, people like you will get closer.

Find someone or something to care about, could be a partner, a pet or a plant, or a friend, or your family.

And have a good life!, It's too short and nice to spend time not enjoying it!

7 years ago

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Have a recipe - buy a dog. Walk with it and you will have new friends! A dog - the loyal friend!

7 years ago

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Dogs are the coolest thing there is!

7 years ago

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this really is good advice!

7 years ago

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Try to eat healthy (include lots of fruits and veggies in your diet, and as little saturated fat as possible), exercise, and take vitamin D supplements (it can improve mood, and you can take up to 3000 IU daily).
Be ridiculously well organized and keep a tight schedule of everything you do. In my experience, depression can really mess with your sense of time.
And finally, address any addictive behaviours you might have. Do you spend an unhealthy amount of time playing videogames, watching YouTube or.. doing other things? Can you imagine abstaining for, say, a month? If the very idea makes you uneasy, then you need to figure out why that is. You might be engaging in those activities to make up for something that you’re missing in life, and which could very well be the source of your depression.

I relate to a lot of what you’re saying, and I wish I could offer more advice, but I’m still figuring things out myself. Good luck.

7 years ago*

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Don't give up
You are a good person.
You are appreciated.
Even though it may not seem like it.

7 years ago

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Saw this guy today, seemingly the complete opposite of what this thread´s about. Happy fella, absolutely talkative, no shits given about his obvious sexual orientation, he just kept asking people if they could drive him home (even a gurl on one of those kick scooters lol) and i could´nt understand how one could be so fucking happy/careless.

We can´t all be happy in the same way i guess!

Did a school trip to a monastery for a week a long time ago, and to my surpise even monks can find happiness in their life even though they aren´t allowed to fuck and mostly only chant to "god". It´s not like we´re all going to end up on a LIFE or Playboy cover at some point.

PS: I´m not allowed to give people a ride, would cost me my job under certain circumstances (i.e. accidents). Also i´d preferred one of the gurls asking about being taken home XD

7 years ago

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pro tip: pick a team sport which is played by the kind of people you feel most at ease with and join. You won't have to 'force' social interaction; it'll come naturally. It'll help with your self esteem and social awkwardness.

7 years ago

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Check out the original You Are Not Alone thread. You really aren't alone.

7 years ago

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Don't know if anyone already suggested this, but:
Get help. And I mean the professional kind.
I've been through a depression myself, and some people close to me as well. I also have my fair share of experience with mental health problems, in myself and in others.
It really helps if you know if something is 'wrong' with you, so you know what to do about it.

I wish you all the best!

EDIT: since people did this as well, I'll share my story:

I am highly intelligent, yet 3 years behind in school. I'm 20 now, almost 21, and can't start university for at least another year. I have low self-esteem. I have performance anxiety, for no apparent reason.
As I already said, I've been through a depression, which, as mostly is with depressions, occasionally makes me feel down. Besides that I am socially awkward. That, paired with my intelligence, means I have little friends and never have had a girlfriend, even though I would really love to have a relationship.
I don't like alcohol, and with little social life, I've never gone out, nor have I ever been in a bar or pub or the likes.
So, yeah that is me, but you know what, I'm fine this way, and I'm working on being more fine.

If all this doesn't prove that there are people, that don't even know you, that care about you, then I don't know what will.
Remember: You rock! You are not alone

7 years ago*

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Sorry to hear that OP :(. I wish you the best of luck and hope things get better for you!
I think everyone else has covered most things advice wise, so I'd like to link a song that I find to be very calming and relaxing. I hope it can bring you some peace.
Eyedea - Here For You

7 years ago

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Just now noticed this thread.
I read the original post, but I'm not gonna go through all the replies.

Your story sounds very familiar. Like me 10 years ago.
You're more than likely depressed and maybe you don't want to admit it.

All I can say is, don't be like me and wait for almost 10 years to talk to a doctor.
You don't wanna waste your 20's getting gradually more depressed.

7 years ago

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I can relate to some of your feelings, mostly the part about feeling useless, and the impression of under-accomplishment. The thing is, I finally just accepted who I am recently, and I decided to stop worrying about my future, and instead just keep on doing what I do. I have a part time job. I don't do most of what I'd like to do, but I have a lifetime to do that. At 20 years old, I'm not much younger than you, and I only got a job last year. I'm extremely awkward in real life, I have no friends (I know my sister's boyfriend and we sometimes hang out with my brother and talk computers, video games, and electronics - but the only reason we know each other is because my sister visits sometimes and he comes along).

Basically, I'm a person with a pretty messed up life, and I often think "I need to get my shit together, I need to do this, to do that"... but then I remember that I have time. I have lots of time. And even if I'm not absolutely satisfied with my life right now, I'm okay. I'll take life one step at the time, changing myself and my surrounding very slowly, as I find necessary.

In your case, you appear to be struggling with depression and/or trouble in your life which I don't have. The first thing to do for you is to take care of that, then you can tackle other problems that causes you to be dissatisfied with yourself. But always remember, you aren't alone in this. There are many of us who go through a similar "phase", and you'll realize eventually that maybe what you think is wrong with your life, and things that need to change... maybe these things don't need to be rushed. I wanted to learn something useful, so that my life would be a bit more meaningful. And I tried, but then I failed. And I gave up. Because this is who I am, and nothing will change that, except time. Eventually, I'll finally be ready to do what it takes to achieve what I want. Today is not this day... and that's fine.

I realize this probably doesn't help at all. I'm not in your situation and can't understand what you are going through, only tell you what similar experience I have been/am going through, maybe to inspire you to see things from a different angle. Either way, I wish you the best. :)

7 years ago

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Learn to laugh at yourself, just a bit and you'll see how life's going better.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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exercise can help with depression a bit
avoid porn and playing with yourself, it may seem like it helps but in the long run it makes you feel worse and waste time you could be using to date or improve yourself
lower your standards for a mate mostly through the floor, the sex will probably be terrible and hardly worth it, but the cuddling makes the depression and loneliness go away.
do push-ups, they are effectively sex practice
to the extent you have a choice in mates choose youth over beauty, also thin girls are popular for a reason: the bigger the girl the longer you need to be to make love the lazy way.
so far plentyoffish pof is the only legit dating site i know of, flat out do not waste your time on eharmony. then even when you think you have found someone friend them on facebook and monitor their account, a lot of girls will pretend to love you for free stuff, but their fb page will just be about their real life. never give girls gifts or money until you are married or almost married, this helps filter the girls that want YOU from the golddiggers
work sucks, but it is necessary, force yourself to do it

learn to drive if you haven't already, a drivers licence is worth more than a high school diploma
if you are white choose a mate of a different race and when you have children put your mate's race as the child's race so they will have some chance in life, white people have the fewest opportunities, are actively discriminated against, and are in the process of being genocided.

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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Been there, done that.

Seriously, though, I have a very good idea of where your life (and your head) are because I was once in that place. Since that time, I taught myself how to get out of depression, how to dodge the anxiety, how to interact with people, how to find purpose in my life, and how to move on to the next step when I run up against one of life's "roadblocks." Is my life perfect? Far from it. However, I now have the skills necessary to have a happy life and the experience of having gotten out of the "hole" you're in.

A good therapist---one that fits you---could help you find your way. Your elders (those with life experience) could also help. You talk about not having any friends, but I'm perfectly willing to be your friend if you'd like. I think you could benefit quite a bit from chatting with me. Getting from where you are now to a better place is mostly a matter of outlook. You already have what you need to succeed. You just don't know it, yet. )

7 years ago

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I can relate so much to this. I'm 21 and am depressed and have anxiety. I used to look in the mirror and hate what I seen. I would look at my masculine jaw, my buggy eyes, my bushy eyebrows, big forehead, my big ugly "joker" smile, my big nose, my acne etc and would just cry... I felt so stupid, I wasn't intelligent and had nothing going for me. I studied for 2 years after school to fix my grades, only to drop out of university because my depression was at it's worse and I felt like I shouldn't be there. I thought I was being ridiculous thinking I could get a degree and a job. I was worthless. I had a boyfriend that well... I won't go into details but he made me feel worthless. I thought that's how it was, I didn't know any better because he was my first boyfriend. I stopped speaking to my friends, made excuses and eventually had no social life. My life consisted of sleeping and then seeing my boyfriend which I dreaded. That's how I thought my life was supposed to be. I hated my life. I hated myself. I hated everything.

Looking back now, I still feel like that but not as extreme. I have very low confidence. In November, I went to my doctor and started my medication that's now been bumped up to a higher dosage. I feel better. I have my ups and downs. I'm getting there though.

I'm still so young and immature but I'll try to give you advice. Put yourself first. Eat better, exercise if you can even if it's just going for a walk, go for walks even for a few minutes to clear your head and try to say yes to everything (with in reason.) Not saying to do some hardcore drugs... but what I mean is do things that aren't you. For example, I decided to change what my career is and I'm someone that is scared of "change". I am so awkward in real life and so shy... I travelled 5 hours to meet someone for the first time and it was one of the best things I've ever done. I put myself first, like I had a horrible ex and decided I didn't want to be in a toxic relationship. I lost money for a holiday etc but it was the best decision of my life.

I know it's hard. It's never going to be easy. You've been so brave to be so open about your life here. That's the first step. Now you need to keep walking. I suggest going to the doctor who can help you. Change your life little be little. Maybe if you are feeling brave... join a class/gym! It's exercise and a chance to meet people! Just force yourself to experience things, trust me go with it. I started making more conversation serving customers at work and I feel less awkward.

7 years ago

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Sorry I haven't been responding for a day, yesterday I was being pretty stupid and ended up having slight alcohol poisoning, long story short. I appreciate all of the comments and advice, I feel a lot better(aside from the alcohol poisoning, sigh) compared to a couple days ago

7 years ago

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Sorry if this seems like rude comment, it's just that I haven't slept yet and is rather tired but want to make a response if this were to get lost in my 100 tabs that I got open in my browser.

Like some replies have said, you're most likely depressed. I'm kinda incapacitated by depression myself atm, so I can see the signs.

You talk about failing a lot in your endeavors. Do you have any idea of why? Did you put enough effort into succeeding? I think it's worthwhile to figure out who you failed too - did you fail yourself, your family/parents, or your school? Think about if there's a difference regarding who you failed.

Ok, this might be the rude part. Who are you? No, really. Who are you? Do you know who you are?
What do you like? What do you love? What is your passion? Who do you wanna be? Who's your favorite rapper? Who's your favorite pornstar? What's your favorite word? If you could be any animal, what animal would you be? And so on...
Try to think of as many stupid, childish, or silly questions you can think of - then answer them. You don't have to have a definite answer, and the answer may change over time, but it could be beneficial to at least have some grasp of who you are and what makes you tick.
That's how I kinda get through day to day, by knowing that I am a good person and that I know that I am somebody - not just anybody. If you find no worth in yourself, no matter how little it is, I would assume it doesn't take many setbacks to start spiraling down into the blackest hole you ever been in. Believe me, I've seen some black holes in my life.

I get a sense that you have a need to fit in, and I guess we all feel like that, but trust me, once you stop caring about it so much it's so much simpler and so much easier to be social to other people. They may not like you, but unless they're total dipshits they can at least try to be cordial and civil during the conversations you have with them. I am very sure that I got more people disliking me than liking me, but that's because I'm always honest and isn't afraid to stop someone's ego if I think they need it (not that I do that a lot, but if the need would arise I would deal with it).
Don't be afraid to swallow your ego, or say that you're sorry, or make yourself look stupid. As long as you are honest I think people generally like that. However, don't do stuff just because you think that's what someone else would like you to do.

TL;DR: It may be a cliche but start with you. At least find things you like about yourself. Then find more things. Try to strike up conversations about what other people like, see if you share some interests - and even if you don't have any interests in common, try to learn more about what they like, be interested in them.

Oh, another helpful tip. Don't be the one who's got to upstage everyone all the time, it's annoying. And avoid that kind of people, they're mostly asshats either way. Avoid rude people or people who think they're worth more than you. And don't be afraid of that "awkward silence", it happens all the time, it's only awkward if you get stressed out by it. Use it as a sign to change topics, or focus on eating or such, to think and to breathe.

I hear religion is helpful too, but that's highly individual. Good luck. Go out into the world, or into your mind, and find you.

7 years ago

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You know, there's so much pressure from everywhere these days. Don't give in to other people's demands and expectations. Whatever you decide to do, just make sure that you are happy doing it. That you enjoy it. Whatever it is! :D

Seeing your doctor/GP is a good choice to get you started.
Therapy is a good choice, but you also have to be willing to work with it too, which can take some people longer to accept than others. I've been through anxiety and depression, (FYI agoraphobia is one of the worst feelings ever), and I've come out the other side, (and through countless therapists, CBT counsellors etc). It took me years to work through it and I still have the odd "wobble". I had a crappy day a few weeks ago and one of my colleagues said to me " It could be worse, you could have had your face ripped off by a chimp." I had a semi "Wtf kind of advice is that?!" moment, until she literally showed me a news story about a woman who had indeed had her face ripped off by a chimpanzee a few years ago, and i just kinda thought, "Wow". It was pretty sobering. Not to diminish how you're feeling or what you're going through by any means.

To be honest, I don't have any astounding revelations or solid advice, I'm not particularly eloquent. I also have very few "IRL" friends, the friends I do have are mainly from time spent online in games but I DO have a strong family network. I still bumble through life from day to day, but I do try and make each day count by doing something I enjoy and try to do something to help change someone elses life, however small, for the better. Whether its doing something nice, helping out a charity or whatever.

Anyway, I hope life picks up for you soon and you find the happiness and direction that you're looking for. It will happen eventually, its really just a matter of time. :)

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by RobotDeathParty.