Prayers for healing and fortitude to push through, my mother has seizures as well... scares the crap out of me every single time.
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Thank you. Sorry to hear about your mum. It scared my sister the most.
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Wishing you the best. Everything's gonna be alright!
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I said I can't drive, sheesh, you want me to kill other people in game? ;)
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Trust me, seizures aren't fun. I've had epilepsy since I was 9. I can't drink, I can't operate heavy machinery, and if I were to stop my medication, I'd need to go a year without driving.
Good luck.
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Sorry to hear, and thanks... I just hope it's a one time thing.
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Because alcohol is known to have adverse effects on medications.
Read this to find out.
Edit- Just remembered an example. I one had a friend that worked with a diabetic that loved to drink. One night they went to a bar, they drank and the guy passed out in my friends car and wouldn't wake up until he was in the hospital. He had severe alcohol poisoning due to an adverse reaction with the insulin he was taking. The moron blamed the alcohol and not his own stupidity for drinking on meds.
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Thanks for the informative reply! I guess people should be extra careful with these things. The strongest thing I had to take was Pethidine (for kidney pain) and I can't even imagine what would happen if I had a drink before the nurse gives me a shot of the stuff.
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No problem. You would be surprised as to how many people don't know this. I like to be very careful with what I do on my meds.
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Well, except for the parts where I hate to go to bars as I'm instantly pegged as the designated driver before I even step in? That's one reason I hate going to bars. I feel completely out of place.
But otherwise, I don't miss what I can't do. Except for things like skydiving or para sailing, two things I'd KILL to do but my doctors don;t want me to go on heights like that.
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I hardly drink, last drink was Wednesday Tequila. Only 1 shot due to meds. last time I'll have a shot... Might use it for a cocktail. Never really like drinking anyway.
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Man that's not good to hear =[ I got my dongers up for ya for life \0/ sending ya positive energys and good vibes send the bad my way let me deal with it =p
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Thanks for that :) ... Usually when I send things somewhere, it gets lost, and someone else will get it lmao.
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Depending on what your trigger is, playing games might not be the best idea. Hope they can figure that out soon!
The disorientation really sucks, you have my sympathy. I had a couple seizures myself, but with medication, it's completely under control and I'm free to drive or operate anything I want, so don't worry about it too much.
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Thing is, I usually play games, feed nanna, or play games after I feed Nanna, get some dizzy spells sit down, and that's it.... This time it was worse, it maybe from the game I did play (Yakuza 5 PS3).
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What exactly triggers a seizure seems to still be very poorly understood...I've had two playing games excessively at first, but after that a couple more outside the house as well, for no apparent reason. The doctor's best guess was lack of sleep might be a trigger for me.
My grandfather had exactly one seizure, and then never again. Brains are really complicated.
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That's what someone said, the brain is a complicated thing. Still don't know certain things about how things are triggered.
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I also like your Steam profile, plus a Doctor Who fan I see?
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I know you weren't asking me, but I can't help it.;)
Classic: Tom Baker
Current: Dave Tennant (with Christopher Eccleston close behind. While I loved Tennant as the Doctor, I wish that Eccleston had been around longer than the one season). I am missing the DVD set that has the specials that bridge Tennant and Smith, so I have not watched Seasons 5 or 6 yet (6 being the last season I have on DVD so far).
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the driving ban is increased to life (+/- 1 year).
Hey, you have a sense of humour, which makes anything better (even the not better stuff). That may also be because the "life" sentence in prison in most countries is actually around 20 years.
Well, as long as you are at risk of seizures, driving really is dangerous. We have public transport pretty much everywhere here (Romania), even if it has a "every 2 hours" schedule. Well, when you're fine, they should do the psychological evaluation again.
You're lucky to go the hospital on Thursday and come back on Sunday. my grandma got to the hospital on Thursday and we buried her on Tuesday.
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"every 2 hours"
we have places that the bus gets every other day. so every 2 days...
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I try to have a sense of humour, without it, I'd be boring, well I am boring but with humour.
Oh crap, I'm sorry to hear about your grandma... I hope she passed peacefully. Thoughts are with you and your family...
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That happened an year ago, it's our horrible hospitals. My grandpa sit in a hospital for 2 weeks 5 years ago before they moved him to another city, where they kept him for a week while (for some reason, only now) doing tests on him. When the tests were over, they said he was finally stable. He died 2 days later.
If doctors here say you have to stay for 2 days in the hospital while they do tests on you, it's safer to go to Germany, pay about 100000 euros more and... survive...
I do know a guy (he's 17) who had a stroke and was critical for a few weeks, but he's now fine and although he can't move an arm and half his face, he is young and even with our horrible system he'll fully recover (with regular pills and no alcohol for the rest of his life, though). So we still have some good doctors.
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Least your Grandpa isn't suffering anymore... And least there is sometimes good things that happen.
My Dad passed from cancer, they didn't see the stomach cancer until it was way to late... After he was diagnosed, he went to palliative care, and passed a few days later.
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My dad's dad (my other grandpa) had problem with his liver when he was around 50 and after sitting for months in the hospital, they gave him some incompatible blood so he died. After MONTHS. They didn't have his blood type figured out (or the donor's blood, because that's how it was in '90s here, probably)... If they preemptively sent him to any other country, his liver cancer could be better. It's so terrifying, my dad is almost 50 and has liver problems, I can only hope I'll have some good private medical insurance by the time anything happens to me.
This is why my country has a life expectancy of about 70 years instead of the 80-90 the countries with the "same" healthcare have.
But it's not the doctors, people say the doctors are to blame. No, the doctors here are underpaid and expect bribes. Still, even with bribes, you're going to die because of the bad administration of the hospitals. They dilute disinfectant (1 liter come in the hospital, 10 liters are used, nothing suspicious) and people die.
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Ouch, that's no good :( sorry to hear.
I would hate to be sick in your country, or any country that has a horrible health system
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We're changing. My generation hates corruption, we picked the president which has problems speaking our language because the other competitor was obviously corrupt. People are getting arrested more often than anytime nowadays thanks to the changed justice system, every little scheme is starting to get uncovered (not the poor doctors not having enough money to live on, but the administrators of everything).
I hope you'll be fine, having doctors doing the right thing with the right tools is pretty much the best you can get.
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That's awesome, I think I saw something like that in Greece (or maybe another country), the younger generation is speaking up to bad stuff..
I just hope it's a one off thing (as I said before).
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I'm sorry to hear you went/are going through this. The good thing is you're home and have at least some sort of explanation for it, despite it maybe not being the full picture yet. It seems you're still able to have a good attitude and humor which is invaluable. Continue to maintain these and things are always better. I sincerely wish you all the best. ^_^
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Thanks for that, I have to have humour, since it's boring without it.
I make jokes at a pharmacist, about how he will break my legs if I don't get scripts for my pain meds, he just laughs...
Though my humour can be dangerously racist, I said to another pharmacist to open her eyes to see where she put it... She's Asian, so I had to say "not in a racist way"... yeh. :)
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I hope everything turns out good for you, mate. Just don't beat yourself over it if there is nothing you can do about it.
Keep us updated...
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Thanks for that, next test is a heart monitor for 24hrs. But since I'll be home, it will be kinda lacking results.
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Thanks, and I try to give a tad of humour when possible. Though it's corny most of the time :)
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I joke with work mates, even pull pranks. They laugh at it, or might be laughing cause they want to wack me on the side of the head. lol.
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I hope they can find out what is ailing you, and you can get treatment for it. Take care, and I'll send some good vibes your way.
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Thanks for that, they might think it's the heart, since I'll need to wear a monitor for 24hrs (whenever that will be)
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If they do throw you in the asylum I'll bust ya out.
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haha. Thanks for that, I might see you in room 101 ;)
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Thanks and I wouldn't trust those doctors with the voices in my head, though they might be better than other doctors.
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Vittu Perkele! I wish you all the best for a swift recovery and I hope you come back to play videogames quickly.
Ciao! :)
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haha Thanks for that :) , and I agree to your statement from your native tongue :) and thanks (I had to translate it)
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ahahahah no no I'm italian but I know some nice finnish words. :)
May the force be with you!
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Thanks, I wish to visit Italy (and all my family background), my Great Grandfather is from there, and was an Opera Singer. Not sure of his name though.
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If you decide to take a trip to Sicily , let me know and I'll be your guide . There are many things to see and eat here and I'm very good at cooking. ;)
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I might find true love there, haha, chances 0. I only know 2 words in Italian... One of them would get me a slap on the face.
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Of course, I had to be the "hard case" for the good Doctors and Nurses at the PA Hospital (Brisbane, Australia).
Was shaking (if I had a milk product, that would of come in handy, then I could of shaken it)
Was there from Thursday Afternoon last week, till Sunday morning.
That's the first time I've been scared, seeing things (like time lapse when you see the car lights) but things were still (tv cabinets etc), being disorientated, and just wanted to keep on
swimmingwalking.Now I'm banned from driving for 3 months (just got the car), got no work due to lack of transport, and to top it off, this is the first and last warning, if I have one more seizure, the driving ban is increased to life (+/- 1 year).
I was also given a Scrubs uniform, the looks I got from people, until they saw my bandage and armband name, the looks from smiles to 'crap, he's escaped from the asylum'.
The thing is, they don't know if it was tumour related or something else (I have Neurofibromatosis -1), my optic nerve has a sheath over it, and it has gotten larger (yay me).
Anyway, off to catch up on primetime gaming, not sure what to play.... I might play the sleeping game...
Ciao for now.
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