And this is a prime example of people who have a glitchy processor, they continue to say the same thing over and over after it got old and people were tired of hearing it. I don't think that we have a fix for it yet...
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Yeah but that's against the server rules... He would have to attack us first...
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Hmmm, you're right... This is confusing... I may have to rest a while to regain my intelligence...
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You are a character in a game... That about sums it up...
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Thank you, I guess my processor if far ahead of yours and other people's. I guess I can think better and reason better...
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Well, that means your processor is too old or buggy. You can't stay focused enough to read something.
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Yeah, bots don't exist... Well, yet... I think people are trying to create them.
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But bots are bad in the beginning most of the times. Let's take a look at Counter Strike (no, I'm not a fanboy and I'm not playing it) - bots are dumb. But for newer games they are getting smarter. We are still trying to figure these things out and it's the part of the game. You need to fail to succeed.
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Who said Counter-Strike is bad? I think this kind of proves my point that NPCs don't exist... No one has created them in the games yet, so how could they exist? I know that they are getting better, but not to where they should be... I hope they fix them before DICE releases Battlefront (not field).
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I'm talking about old CS (although CS:GO is bad too).
NPCs exist. There are working NPCs but they are just lagging or glitching and they don't have all the functions we have. Game makers and/or admins are still working on them and it will take some time but they will work fine.
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Hmmm... That's a good point... I think I need to rest on this for a while... Let my processor cool down...
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Well, I'm not... But I think that everyone here is a player, so NPCs would be fairly easy to spot, they would have to be pretty much the same to an entire group of people... Wait a minute, we do have NPCs! An entire town of them!!! They go by the name of: "Actors." There are a few that are different, but most of them are just copy paste jobs!
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Yes, and maybe someday, we will figure out how to use console commands...
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You saved the village ! Now you'll always be welcome among us. You can sleep for free at the inn.
[You gained 20 gold coin(s)]
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You forgot to mention the level difficulty that depends on the server region. And the achievements. And the highs score board. Don't get me started on character balance...
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Yeah, I hear hat Australia's difficulty is so high, that everything there is trying to kill them!
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Oh yeah... I forgot... Australia just has a higher spawn rate of hostile mobs, Africa as very few resources, that's why we are always trying to help them...
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No no no, we are all characters in an MMORPG, being run on the computers I talked about.
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We are the characters. The Universe is the database of the MMO. Our ability to play the game effectively depends on our gear, as in our brainpower, looks etc.
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I don't do those kinds of things... I've just been bored since our tutorial sessions are out until September...
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It's just a greater processor... You wouldn't understand... I guess the person controlling me has opt into the betas for now hardware so my thinking capability is way better.
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Okay, so I took that number, put it into an encoder and turned it into Base64... Then, I copied the output and pasted it back into the input until the output from the Hex and Acsii sections had a number than matched... The first number to match, 70... I think I am that much closer to solving this thing...
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This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I'm offering is the truth - nothing more.
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I think I want the red pill, I might be that much closer to unlocking console commands...
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Yes, but I think your processor is on the fritz, you misspelled so much in that sentence...
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I would, it allows your processor to cool off, and your controller person to take a piss... Wait a minute... That's why we are so jumpy after we don't sleep in forever!!! Our controller is trying to hold in the pee, and so he is shaking, hitting the wrong keys, and so we say and don't things we don't usually do!!! THIS IS A SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGH PEOPLE!!!
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Art imitating live vs life imitating art?
Take more pills. It will all become clearer.
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That's what the title meant, I just figured out the meaning of life!!!
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Wow dude, I like you. I'm a bit philosophic myself, or very philosophic to be honest, planning on "studying" it on senior high aswell, taking all classes in philosophy that the school can offer! (think there's just 2 or 3). It was a good laugh and I wish to give you a imaginary medal of philosophic greatness! giving medal
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Hmmm... I have been trying to redeem this medal but it seems as though no one wants to trade for it... This is most interesting... I will have to study this more...
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27 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by FranckCastle
42 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by kodonokami
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31 Comments - Last post 35 minutes ago by Axelflox
8,638 Comments - Last post 43 minutes ago by Axelflox
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415 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Codric
892 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by idontknow23
Okay, so I was sitting here thinking to my self, why is the world not lagging when I get close to all these textures, and then I remembered I was in real life. But that's just it. WE AREN'T!
Basically, we are all playing a big MMORPG that randomly generates the character for you, and you don't get a do over. When you get put inside a character, you start from beginning to end, birth to death. If you mess up, there aren't any quick saves. The physics engine is amazing, but it's used against us because if we fall and hit the ground, we can break our legs.
That is another great feature, it has an amazing medical system. But unfortunately, there are no NPCs, it's all other players in it for their own gain. So when you go to a medical station, you have to pay outrageous prices for a simple shot to get a virus out (another feature, similar to computer viruses).
If you don't believe me, think about it, we can get viruses, like a computer. Most people believe there is an Admin, but some argue about who He is, if there really is one, or if there are more than one. And then, people get in trouble for PvP, unless in a war zone.
And the only reason our computers can handle this game, is that we have the greatest processors and graphics cards ever. But our hard drive eventually runs out and as it fills up, the speed slows and eventually our RAM starts glitching so we can't access our memory fast enough or even at all. And think about it, when you go and get drunk, our systems start to glitch. It's like drinking gives us a bug that causes double vision, slurred speech, and vomiting. Same with drugs, they are just even worse. And if you drink too much or overdose, your system will fry and you will die...
We have different factions that we are born in, but you can change when you are old enough.
There is a tutorial that lasts about 16-18 years.
And when you see a person that is "mentally disabled," it's really just someone whose processor doesn't run correctly, and unfortunately, there is no known way to fix it...
Some people believe that when you "die," you will respawn as something else, and depending on how good you were at your last life, you will spawn in as another human, or you will even go to be an admin. But others believe when you die, you go to the Admins house where He questions you on what you did, and if you believed in Him, He let's you in, and if not, he sends you to someone else's house that is really bad.
Now go my children, take what you have learned and tell the world, and now be aware, that you, are merely a character in a game... That is being played by someone else, OF ANOTHER GAME! WHAT THE HECK!? It all makes sense now! We, are characters in a game, played by characters in a game, played by characters in a game, etc. etc. etc.!!!
Now, I'm going to see if I can unlock the console commands and give myself some money, and maybe some god weapons, and probably some armor. And maybe force marry someone else... Or change my appearance... Probably all of them...
I am closing this thread to further ponder the rest of life, I think I will now devote my life to truly understanding our programming, and figure out how to prevent viruses from entering people computers... Or I'm going to play more video games and forget any of this ever happened and become a lazy couch potato like everyone else... Yup, that sounds about right...
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