I have just launched a new youtube channel and uploaded a video to it. The channel is about showing people discounts on games like Total Biscuits sale box, but on more sales such as humble bundles. I hope this subject is something the people on the steamgifts forums are interested in.

You can take a look at the video right here.

I would appreciate any feedback.

11 years ago*

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my feedback: why would anyone bother waiting till you make and upload a video for new sale - which can take anything between hours to days, while we can get the same info on reddit, various Steam groups or even SG forums in matter of minutes?

The success of TBs SaleBox is not because he tells about discounts - it's because he covers his opinoion about every game on sale, is it worth it, links to his reviews etc. And people who sees his point of view valid and trust his opinion trust his recommendations as well. On the othewr hand - you, unknown noname tries to do the same. Why would anyone trust your opinions, if your chanell is supposed to cover ONLY sales/discounts?

11 years ago

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Good point, but some people like to have a second opinion. And like someone in my comments said, not everybody always knows about every single sale. Some like to get to know about them by reading and others by watching or at least so I hope.

Good point about people having no reason to trust me, but everybody starts somewhere.

11 years ago

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Actually, how can I make you trust my opinion of the games?

11 years ago

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Best geinig. Heb subscribed ben benieuwd waar dit heen gaat. Je engels is goed te verstaan, je accent verklapte gelijk dat je Nederlander was hehe. Audio is naar mijn idee oké. Het is goed verstaanbaar maar het mist de bass, heb je het opgenomen met een headset? Beeld is ook goed, je ziet dat je goed hebt voorbereid met het scrollen van de plaatjes.

11 years ago

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Ik ben inderdaad Nederlands en het is opgenomen met een headset. Voor zover ik kan merken klinkt het goed, maar ik zou wel wat meer investeren in geluid als het kanaal echt populair wordt, maar voor een hobby vindt ik het op dit moment goed genoeg.

11 years ago

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Hmm, trying to imagine how this could kind of thing could do well. I mean, why should someone choose to watch your 11 minute video instead of taking a quick glance at a list of all the latest game deals and just deciding for themselves what to buy? The main thing you have going for you is the quick mini reviews you've done for each game, and the info on which have had better sales on Steam like Dawn of War II. I would add to that a bit of gameplay footage as well if you can. Otherwise people will just look at the deals, look at the reviews and watch gameplay videos to see for themselves if they want to get it. One other thing that you should get used to doing for videos with lots of info & reviews packed into them like this is to put in the description where each review takes place. Like, 1:48 - Bioshock Infinite, 2:18 - The Bureau: XCOM Declassified, 3:07 - Borderlands 2, and so on. Anyway, good luck.

11 years ago

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Thanks for the feedback. That thing about the time is an amazing idea and I will add that. I will be recording/collecting some gameplay videos for the games, but I can't really get that done every time, because sales are temporary and the video has to be done quickly so I can't really take that long to download, play and record each game.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by wuppy29.