Do you have pets?
Yes.... but some ppl think that pets that aren't dogs or cats are less than others.... thank you!! ^^
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When I was in school, my cat was put to sleep so the next day I felt horrible and cried at school.
They asked me what animal it was and when I said cat, the responses were like this: 'oh, just a cat, I mean if it was a dog I understand but a cat?...' and other stuff like that, it hurt :(
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I don't understand why they would think that. Attachments are attachments. The pain of loss hurts, regardless of what kind of pet you had. When your companion is gone, you will miss him or her. Remember the good memories, however, so that your pet will never truly leave you.
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Ty... I've had more than 50 agapornis (the name of that kind of bird) but every time I lose one that has passed some time with me is really painfull...
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I know how you feel... Right now I have cats, but I used to have birds and they were so lovely and affectionate.
My last little budgie was especially dear to me... He was sick and we noticed it far to late... I hated my family when they could not understand that my world was crumbling when I lost him. All they talked about was the bill from the vet while I sat there and collected all his little toys to put them in a box so they could not throw them away.
I'm afraid, the day my cats will be gone, someone really needs to stop me from doing something... well ^^" you know, stupid...
So... I guess I really know how you feel. They aren't pets, they are part of our families, friends that never judge us, always listen. They love unconditionally.
I hope you're not suffering to much... and I hope someone is there to hug you. In your memories, she'll always be with you ❤
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I have 2 cats too (1 year each) but I also have a turtle (16 years), a caroline (dunno the age, as i got it older) and 0 agapornis right now...
The thing you say about the parents worried by the bill of the vet.... also happened to me. Luckily they paid once but it was really very expensive and I understood it.... but my heart don't so I decided I'll had cats (always wanted to have 1) when I where workins so I could afford the costs.
How much truth in this words: "They aren't pets, they are part of our families, friends that never judge us, always listen. They love unconditionally."
thank you!!
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So many lovely animals ^^ They give so much and can teach us so many things... I'm sorry for the people that never had such special companions. And I'm sure, your other little friends also know that you miss your little Amarillita. Give hugs and kisses to them on my behalv ^.^
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I like how you reminded us of that. There is so much we can learn from animals. All of the dumb things humans do to lessen the quality of their lives.... Animals don't do those things.
Animals focus on being themselves, living in the present instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. They make the most of what they have right now, and they are thankful for all the good in their lives. I wish I could do a better job of following their example.
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True, but then again, that is not a behavior I wish to adopt.
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Such wise words ^^
And there is one thing I would like to add, one thing I've also learned from my cats, and many other animals I've met in my live. To trust your instincts and be honest about your feelings. My cats are pretty straightforward when they like (and also when they don't like) someone. No need to pretend, or try to impress. They're fine, even with people who don't actually like pets, as long as said person doesn't approach them. Live and let live, so to say.
Oh, and the thing with licking your own butt? That's also true, I guess >3 But at least, we've got thumbs ^^
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15 years is a long time for some birds to live, I am sure she was happy with you around.
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Yes...I've had others that diesd younger. The truth is that she got sick at the age of 8.. .She had a problem on her liver but still fighted and lived until 15 (no pain for her, don't worry)
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I know what you are feeling, i lost my beloved dog this year, she was very special to me, was 15 years old that she give me love and taught me what unconditional love was.
I still hear she call me sometimes =(
deeply sorry for you and put this feeling in your heart and your beloved little friend will be forever with you.
Best Wishes
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I'm so sorry for your lost too. Thanks for ur wishes ^^
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I've owned so many different animals and have experienced so much diverse life in Appalachia. Animals are good people...better than most humans. At least they're driven off of nature and not greed and such. A pet can be very special and quickly become a member of the family. I've had some pets that I was sad to lose then I've had my "friends" that absolutely turned me into a whimpering little girl. I know it sucks but life will continue, just remember the good times of the past without getting stuck in it, remember to always move forward.
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Yes... I won't be stuck there but everytime this happens is sooo painfull... I have to pass it as I have to go work every day TT__TT (not holidays for me yet)
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It is very hard to lose someone you love...
Rats live around 3 years and it is really painful for me to accept the loss every time, but i try to remember happiness each of them gave to me, and a moments they supported me in a hard times.
Sorry for your loss... <3
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Ufff I'm so sorry that they have such a little life range... :(
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ty... it's a pic for internet as i couldn't load the good one but.. she was very similar
Comment has been collapsed. sorry. I know how you feel. I've cried like a baby every time I've lost a pet, and I feel zero shame about that.
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I know what you feel, i had a Java sparrow before QQ
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nope QQ , she was cute but poor(in the cage)~i have almost 10 yrs don't have a pet QQ
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Pets are the best thing in life, no doubt, no matter what they are.
I read somewhere once that pets don't live as long as humans because they don't need to. We spend our whole lives learning to love, and they're born with the ability. Only a pet owner will understand that.
I'm sorry for your loss.
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"they're born with the ability." Right! Humans get angry with other humans sometimes forever... animals don't... maybe you nag (quarrel (dunno the correct english word) with them and that day they prefer to be by them self but the next day, the came to you cause they miss you.... a human would hate you for a week....
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I share the same feelings for my pets so i can see from your point of view, I have a dog and a bunny and i see no difference between them or family
Sorry for your loss. Every animal can return the love you give them i wouldnt believe it till i saw my bunny how it treats me , Animals are amazing
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Correct. That's why ppl shouldn't say somethings if they haven't had any pet before..
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Ty. A little long name in my opinion but... she liked it so... :D
What a beautiful pic!!!
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You used to think that when you miss them....I think it the other way: I want to be the person that takes care of that pet for the rest of his/her life. I want to be his/her human and do it the best I can... that's why when they come to you because they missed you (during day or night) it's so beautiful... you know you are doing it well.
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Gracias! LA foto no es suya porque no pude subirla... luego lo volveré a intentar
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Today is a really sad day.... it's something I never use to talk about, not in forums or facebook... but dunno why i feel I need to say something about it so... here it goes to those who want to read it.
Yesterday my mom phone me... she had bad news... she won't be anymore with us... maybe some of you will say: " for good sake, it's just a pet", others may think "poor.. she was her pet but it's just a bird"... these are some of the things I used to think as a child until I had my first bird.... but you don't know what you can feel until you domesticate one and you see that they love you and give u as much love as a dog which normally is bigger than a human love.
Sorry for my bad english, but I won't accept saying IT to her.. she is more part of my family than my own blood in some cases. It's been 15 years since she born at home... its more than half of my life.
The month she born, I found myself with more than 15 chickens... I used to gave them but I decided to keep her with me... When I decide the names of my pets its because they mean something related to their personality. This time I used a 'pseudo-name' waiting to find the good one but she started to come to my call when I called her this way so... as she liked it, it became the final name... Her name is.. or was... "Amarillita" (spanish) wich in english is Yellowish if I'm right.
If you read it, thank you... dunno why but I just felt I needed to tell my feelings.
No gibs this time. I was planning to make another 120+ Gas like the ones ended yesterday but this time for everybody and some for WL but it will have to wait some days...
EDIT: dunno why pic doesn't load well so.. I'll put a pic from inet..
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