A friend wanna gift me Bulletstorm, but the game is not available in my region. For example Bulletstorm, Batman: Arkham City and others GFWL games on steam are not available on my region (Steam block the games), I have GTA IV and many more GFWL (Not steam) and I can login without problems.

I wanna know If I accept the game, the game will appear on my Library or I could not activate the game and the only way to play it is buying the retail?

12 years ago*

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12 years ago

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I've got Skyrim from tradable copy, as it's not available in my region. Game works fine, but there's only english language. I don't mind though.

12 years ago

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I bought Arkham City yesterday on Amazon and it activated woithout any problems, so no worry. Unavailable only means you can't buy it in your region on Steam, not that you can't play it if you get it as a gift or you acctivate the key. Why the publishers choose to block in such a way I' don't understand.

12 years ago

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Oh, thanks. So I'll get for sure Bulletstorm :)

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by SniperBNAtm.