Do you like or dislike Desura?
I've tried reading up on that, but can't really find much info on it. The most recent info I could find that was directly related is mostly a month or more old, so I'm not too worried about it currently, although I just made my Desura account a couple days ago.
I've also read that Desura is DRM-Free besides developer-added DRM, which then would only require a key backup I assume. I always make backups, so yea.
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Ah, makes sense. Since the Desura keys seem to trade for so little here, I'm trying to get as many keys as I can for games I might enjoy. With the news of it possibly going down, do you think this is a bad idea even considering how much is DRM-free?
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last thing I saw the said they were going alright they just were sorting stuff out
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Desure is not Steam, end of the story. Don't forget, you're dealing with a community that would pay 4-5 times more for a Steam Watch Dogs key than a uPlay one, even if they need to run uPlay AND Steam at the same time to play it. Usual reasons are:
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The main reason is to "keep everything at the same place", and that place will be the best one, and the best one right now is Steam. If you think in all the features that Steam has is a kinda good social gaming platform, altough one thing that I don't like is 1€=$1 that Steam apply in some games.
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Yup. I may have a lot of Steam games, but the primary use it serves for me is the social platform. Most of my friends use it, so I do as well. I agree that it's the best platform currently, but I've always been a huge fan of DRM-free. I'm so used to DRM causing issues (GameGuard, Secu-Rom) that I truly don't mind Desura since most things seem to be DRM-free.
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I also buy games of GOG (if unavailable on Steam, or much cheaper than on steam [looking at you, Beyond Good & Evil]) - I don't buy, but play games eventually on Origin - I see no reason activating M.E. 2 from Origin bundle on Steam, as there are no 3rd, it's Origin only - so I rather go for the best deal.
Also, I'm quite sure LOTS of people don't know about the "add a Non-Steam game" option - while it doesn't give access to achievements, anyone can use the overlay to chat or stay in touch with people, even make screenshots. WIth a game that doesn't have achievements, cards, workshop - it's actually does not matter if people playing DRM-free with added overlay or with a genuine Steam version :)
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Thank you for the advice! :3
I wasn't really planning to put in money into it unless there was something there I was specifically interested in that I couldn't otherwise get on Steam or GOG, but I haven't done a fair share of looking yet. I really like how it's mostly DRM-free though, so I'm trying to get what I can via good trades.
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I don't disagree, though I got the Popcap stuff I wanted for Desura super cheep, which is the only reason I have it installed.
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I've found a couple games there that I can't get on Steam. I'm mostly into RPGs, which a lot of Indie games seem to be. I'm mostly just trying to see what I can't get cheap there or get cheaply in trades for things I'll enjoy, and it's working out pretty well for me so far.
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Desura is broke to the point that they haven't been paying the dev's their share of the profit for months now. While the parent company is in court hashing out the bankruptcy, devs have been slowly switching to other platforms (Steam,, etc)
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I was reading about that a bit on the notification in Desura. Not too sure what was going on, but they claimed that they would be paying them soon. Who knows?
I've got a couple games, but I haven't looked into the platform too much. How are they?
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It's a decent service. Takes a while to get used to how it works, but that's it.
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I'm perfectly happy with Desura. You can download your games from there client-free, for the most part. And folks just toss out their Desura keys like they were trash. Perfectly good games, all for cheap. Plus I can play some damn good stuff on Desura while waiting for Steam's greenlight service to stop scooting its asshole on the carpet. Seemed like it took forever for Cell HD: Emergence to get onto Steam, y'all.
I just use Steam to organize 'em, 'cause it's much easier that way. And it allows me to take and share screenshots.
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I don't even know. I just manually add 'em to my Steam client. lol
Wish I could be of more help.
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I like Desura for trying out games (since you can get keys for very cheap or even free). If I enjoy them though, I'd try to get them on steam or gog, due to the fact Desura might go down any day.
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I recently received an email from the dev of the game Alarameth TD saying that it was confirmed that the parent company of Desura (Bad Juju Inc.) had declared bankruptcy last week and most developers were pulling their games from Desura (he is graciously providing Steam keys to all owners of the game on Desura that he can reach). Luckily, more than half the games in my library were from bundle sites like IndieGala or ShinyLoot that provides DRM-free copies anyway, and the rest were freebies from Desura that may or may not have the DRM-free files still available. My advice: grab those files (and grab ALL of them whether you have Mac/Linux or not) ASAP and save to disk before the site goes down (Who knows when that will be...). If the files don't work, or there are no files to grab and you didn't purchase the games thru a different site, you may be SOL.
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I always found the interface to be clunky and a bit awkward to navigate to where I really wanted to go, and sorting my games was a little confusing given it listed games not installed by desura (or within the desura folders). It wasn't BAD, it was just a bit awkward on top of heavily leaning towards indie titles and having a lot of terrible games ranked really highly. This, plus the fact it allows your comments to be downvoted to invisibility (preventing you from ever sharing a negative opinion on a game with unjustifiably high score, to warn others of inaccurate advertisement, etc) made it just never be of any use to me.
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Yeah. I mean in this case my comment was regarding a game called "Paranormal", where the premise was great but the execution was lackluster. The description of the game suggests it is fully procedural and it generates hauntings new each time, only every one of my plays had the same cause of haunting and same ending, and the paranormal activity itself was simply triggered at random from a list of events (the same each time, but the order and timings change). I posted a comment regarding the nature of the game, and it was quickly buried by downvotes.
The trouble with any system that allows a "+1 / -1" system, is that people never vote based on the value of the post, but whether they agree or not. In this case, if the first few people who see your comment disagree, all others who follow after (who may have agreed) will never see it. Shame, really. Besides, any developer with too much time on their hands and a few sockpuppet accounts could easily abuse this. Not to say that these devs did, though.
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I really dislike most downvoting systems, and utterly hate ones like that. No good has ever come from mob-based censorship.
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Desura's management are awful, horrible people.
After months of not paying some devs, they released this statement, note:
"Desura is not going out of business, we are not in financial crisis. We are moving forward and actively working toward partnerships and opportunities for growth."
Days later they filed for bankruptcy and have updated their statement since.
They fired at least one employees by twitter.
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I have battle net, i have origin, i have steam, i have desura, i have some drm free, i have who knows where else i got some games but never installed the client.
I have too much crap that is kind of hard to maintain control over all. On top of that, like half of the games you get in indie bundles have keys for both steam and desura, duplicating the games on the clients. And although i dont really dislike indies, they are neither my priority on the backlog.
I dont know how many games you have but its a lot of mess with so many different clients that have some dup games that you are never going to play.
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Desura filed for bankruptcy and completely stopped paying the developers with games on there for months. They also had a community manager doing damage control and who was pulling overtime ~80 hours that week and fired her via twitter. I'm glad she got hired by groupees afterwards. My hate for Desura is my perception of them from their actions.
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My main game is on steam (CS:GO), its from the company who owns Steam, so I don't see any other reason to have other platform.
I only wish companies like Blizzard and EA would put their games in Steam. Steam will last for a long, long time. It will be way too hard for any other company try to take Steam's place.
I would love to have Diablo 3 and FIFA badges and achievements.
Steam have many more games, have a better platform, many more features, etc.
If there is a Steam sale and a Origin sale at the same moment, and I want to spend $10, even if Origin have a game I want more, I would spend it on Steam.
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I like(d) Desura for it's DRM free stuff, that GOG doesn't provide or never reached Steam. It had a place next to GOG and Steam.
Also alot of Desura games eventually gave Steam keys, and most devs were nice about it if it didn't give out keys straight away and you asked them personally about it.
I have downloaded everything from Desura (which is alot, about 1100 games (400 free) because of the pending bankruptcy, then i went back a second time to add screenshots (to know what game it is) and doublecheck. Now i am going through them a third time to rename them all properly.
Their client however was just very slow and bad.
I think they will go down eventually with noone to take over, so better just get anything you can while you still can.
Maybe some will say it just had alot of crappy indie games, but i don't find that to be true, alot of indie games had very good review scores and were decent games (and alot eventually did came to steam).
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So, I've been here on SG for around a month now, and recently got involved in trading via the trading section. I've noticed that most people either offer free Desura keys if you're trading with them, or give them away for as little as 1-2 cards.
Is there something about Desura that most people dislike or something? I know it's not Steam and there's not really achievements or trading cards, but is there something actually wrong with it? Admittedly, I can't really stand the UI, but games are games! Thoughts?
Please leave feedback to your answer on the poll!
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