Dont take this too seriously- this is very much just a random idea, of a shower type grade.

Maybe its a side effect of the social media age we live in but every now and then i feel like missing some way to show apreciation- to someone, a thread or a post.
But also because i increasingly have points i dont want to spend on GAs i wont play soon, and i wondered if i could spend then some other way

The closest we have is whitelisting wich is awesome but account wide and singular (more then a few times i went to whitelist someone before noticing they were already whitelisted lol).
My shower idea came from steam awards- too complex for SG, probably not worth the trouble, but to me it feels like the sort of thing that would fit right in with SG and its overall vibes.

I know anything else more(even simple) would mean coding and backend and so on - so that already leaves complex ideas like steam awards out of the question. Still i feel like one or two extra social features could be nice

Just throwing some random ideas:

  • Liking threads and posts that could show Like count; As a bonus a way to order discussions and posts by likes
  • Thread creators being able to mark a post wich then is pinned on the top, like some places do such 'post marked as answer'. But it could have flavours- so when marking a post choosing a flavour like 'this answers my question', 'favorite💙' or even 'Potato🥔'
  • Simpler 'steam awards' like but actual awards; Where people could mark posts or profiles perhaps just one award- Smart Puzzle, Wholesome Gifter, Trainmaster, whatever- and by the end of every year the users with most on each category being awarded a badge on their profile with the year assigned
  • Point sink 'steam awards': a bit like steam awards for threads and posts, showing the count and if possible who, where it costs SG points to the givers but NOT to the awarded. It would be nice the other way but we have bot users who i bet also alt-account who would definetly abuse something like this... so instead it would cost to mark posts alone.
  • ...or the above giving points but not 1:1 with a cap. Like each 10points=1point, cap 50 or whatever. Symbolic basically. Not worth the trouble unless it would be dead easy

Or idk, at least an event with votes for the badge award thingie perhaps, once a year- but i do think an automated system would be more worthy then someone organizing as an event and i dont even know how the poll/voting would work

So anyway... just throwing it around. Had some free time and i guess i took to long in the shower.
Toughts, ideas, criticism whatever feel free to comment

1 month ago

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Any favorite? None? Potato?

View Results
Liking threads/posts
Post marking
Awards - Anual Badge
Point sinking simple awards
I like more then one idea
I like the concept but none of the ideas
Not worth the trouble

I'd like a simple "like" function for threads and comments that worked like how the holiday boxes do, but calling it "potatoes" to give it a bit of SG flavor. And also for it to show on the stats page.

1 month ago

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I'd potato your reply.

1 month ago

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Yes and you could go to an user's page and see the won and sent gifts, and also how many potatoes the user has. This one could be worth implementing.

1 month ago

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I love it. Let's have it all! XD

1 month ago

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Sounds like a slippery slope leading to a Reddit-like forum (where everyone gets downvoted if they don't say what's popular).

1 month ago

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Wich is why i didnt mention anything about disliking or downvoting. Not to mention reddit and anything using that pattern is built around upvotes first while on sg it wouldnt change the default. Users would need to to click on sort then sort by likes.

Most people dont ever user filters or different sort options, and as far as i know SG dont make those like a permanent setting either- whenever i change sorting of discussions the next day its back to the default unless i change the sort order again etc

Its all about how things are done. This is one that i think could be useful in some instances- for example whenever a thread is asking for opinions or suggestions, be it game recomendations or 'what GA to do next' etc it would be simpler for everyone to like ones already posted, see wich ones people liked more... unlike a poll wich is predefined

1 month ago

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Pro-tip: An upvote without constructive purpose is just a downvote to everything else. 🙄

Also, it's a totally wasteful thing to use site database resources on and add visual clutter to the site with, imo. :S

Theoretically, it's something that could be handled with scripts and calls to an external database, as well, and the site's MO has always been "what can be done with scripts, should be done with scripts".Given that the only clear use would be for help threads, and that generally those get answered fast with clear, specific answers (ie, that would be better addressed with your idea of post pinning, though even that would rarely offer much benefit, given how few comments a thread generally needs to get an answer), it seems like a function that'd be limited specifically to opinion threads, such as "which controller is best for PC".

Which, sure, theoretically useful- though redundant in many cases with thread polls, and such polls have further shown that if an option to not leave a comment exists, fewer people will choose to comment at all, which is counter-productive to help threads- but not something that needs to be introduced site-wise, at the very least. In short: Detrimental for the site as a whole, and hard to justify even for the part of the site that'd benefit from it.

1 month ago

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I liked the potato idea. But there are some flukes. Let's say you made a thread and i commented it. It got lots of potatoes. That would make me to only comment to get potato. This way as it is people showing if they liked or not that comment or post by expressing it.
"I loved this puzzle then i need to say something about it."
"This post is like garbage. Okay time to puke my thoughts."
That kind of features would chain the community and reduce the interaction. But liked your thoughts. Here is a potato 🥔

1 month ago

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I would like some event like sacrifing 400 points into bowl to feed animals in shelter. Problem is at the end there would still have to be someone to actually pay for food collected in that bowl.

1 month ago

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I've been on medium sites like SG where some of these features are a thing. The website, despite being centered around trading and raffles, was a cesspool of drama, people seeking attention, a continuous popularity contest. Not fun at all. Also a nightmare to moderate.
I do like the idea of being able to pin a comment tho, no more "reserving" comments to show up on top.

1 month ago

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Do you by any chance mean raffle tips on scraptf?

1 month ago

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do you remember the old leaderboards? what a mess

1 month ago

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Hmm.. can't say I do. I remember the top donator list, but after trying to remember for some minutes I kinda recall there may be been some top raffler thing for a short time. But again I don't really remember.

1 month ago

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People are generally upset how Steam points and awards motivated absolutely pointless reviews, idiotic "guides" and trolling comments. En masse.

While SG is way smaller, I still don't see any benefit in it. If you do something well, you don't need such confirmation. It only motivates people who crave but don't actually deserve such confirmation.

1 month ago

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I'm both pro and against it, same reasons as everyone here. As one random idea just to add to it, not super serious - ability to give people "cake" on cake day :))))
Although I would hate if it distracted from people leaving genuine comments wishing cake day

1 month ago

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The idea of setting 1 answer as a 'this answers the question' or whatever sounds nice, that way if someone else has the same issue they can find the answer way faster.
The idea of upvoting an answer because you agree so you don't have to respond with the same one is also nice, but it does stop people from posting and so a discussion dying out faster so not fully sure if that would be a good addition....

Outside of that the idea of these things are nice but I personally dislike the Steam awards because, like others said, it motivates for idiot stuff that adds nothing, sadly there will always be people ruin it for the rest.

1 month ago

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Yes marking answers is good feature for a forum.

1 month ago

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From personal experience, just a thanks comment goes a long way. I mean yeah, it's basic, but so few people actual bother to write anything.
Still, not a bad idea at all.

1 month ago

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Transfering points is not a good idea, too many bot accounts already. It would just incentivize people with too much extra time to farm as much points as possible, even if it's 100:1. Too many no lifers around.

1 month ago

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All level 5 and above members should be granted the right to wear a crown. 👑

1 month ago

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Liking threads and posts that could show Like count; As a bonus a way to order discussions and posts by likes

This is has been discussed for years, and there's plenty of fantastic reasons not to introduce the system. Fundamentally, like systems (even without the dislike function) are meant to provide feedback support for sorting purposes, and even within that context easily get derailed. For sites not built around utilizing a like system (ie, anything that's not a content page with an associated feedback section, like webcomic sites or news sites) it quickly screws up the entire site (speaking as someone who has been on sites that introduced- and rapidly had to de-introduce- such functionality).

People start trying to farm likes despite their lack of benefit- which can push users off the site- people utilize it to passively push toxicity by liking toxic comments (eg, bigotry)- which can push users off the site- and it's just annoying visual clutter- which can push people off the site.

Pretty sure there's been quite a few other issues mentioned in past threads as well. Conversely, liking functionality in a site without an associated priority listing system (or that covers topics not suitable for such a system, like this site) adds nothing readily discernable as being a positive influence to the site. The only people that heavily appreciate likes are those who are insecure enough to want to farm them, and that only contributes to an unpleasant site atmosphere. For everyone else, they're an ignorable gimmick at best, and a frustration at worst.

Meanwhile, the likes don't offer anything constructive to their given thread (some polling or game functionality aside) and don't offer any direct positivity to the person getting likes- only social affirmation, which is fundamentally different, and generally inherently disruptive and prone to degrading community behaviors and flow. (See MarvashMagalli's comment above for a better detailing of those issues.)

In short, there's a reason you only see like functionality on blurb sites like Twitter or Facebook, or on sites with sorting functionality (be that Reddit or StackExchange or news sites or anything else) where you essentially have blurbs as response to a core topic, and not on proper threaded discussion forums. And you can just look at Reddit to see how terrible such systems can end up being, even on sites designed specifically for them.

I guess in theory you could have the functionality in a way that has minimal negative impact but, it'd need to have the site: 1. Restrict it to specific forums, such as the Puzzles/Event forum and 2: Have it as an optional toggle-on when creating a thread, not something that's available by default.

If you carefully manage it like that, where it's outside of general discussion, it may work. As an introduction into core site functionality, however, it'd just be disruptive and encouraging of toxicity, discouragement to use the site, and obsessive social-oriented posting behaviors. In short: Massive ew.

Point sink 'steam awards': a bit like steam awards for threads and posts, showing the count and if possible who, where it costs SG points to the givers but NOT to the awarded. It would be nice the other way but we have bot users who i bet also alt-account who would definetly abuse something like this... so instead it would cost to mark posts alone.
...or the above giving points but not 1:1 with a cap. Like each 10points=1point, cap 50 or whatever. Symbolic basically. Not worth the trouble unless it would be dead easy

No idea what you're trying to say there. But anything that involves generating points (which I believe is the core idea, in some way?) would find a way to be exploited, and again, could lead to site frustrations. There's already enough frustration with how the site handles P as-is (eg, overly demanding-on-time P cap, ability to stockpile points, etc, all leading to a site structure that's overly encouraging towards gaming the site through regular, high-effort use; Which, at that point, makes it weird the site doesn't feature some of the more involved giveaway practices of similar gifting sites, as well (eg, giveaway formats that allow you to, for example, invest P multiple times for multiple entries), as there's not really any reason to allow one thing and not the other.)

As for the awards idea, I'm not at all personally a fan, but I don't see any technical reason to argue the practice, so long as there's an account settings option to disable any associated visual clutter that may be introduced.

The pinned comment idea is more intriguing- while it could be also annoying in certain ways, it's the one idea that serves a clear potential constructive purpose (eg, highlighting answers to questions, highlighting important recent update posts, puzzle/gaming use, etc), as well as potential positivity aspects without any strong social gaming aspects. Likewise, there's not a huge potential for toxicity or disruption, like with the other ideas. Really, the only counterargument I can make on that one is "cg has more important features to update and add", but that's always going to be a counterargument for anything on this site. So yeah, maybe go with that idea?

1 month ago*

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Fair points. I disagree on some points, i think it can also depends on HOW things are done- like the sorting idea wasnt meant to be the main sorting of posts or anything like that. I still use some forums where there are such a thing as likes but where i saw none of that. Top of my mind the Obsidian foruns (btw its an app that i love and i cant recommend enougth). It shows likes per post and... nothing changed. I never saw anyone farming for hearts, the topics thenselves arent even sortable by likes... and they helped me more then once trying suggestions and alternatives

I didnt knew likes were such a sticking point for so many- i know people farm then on social media wich btw i avoid (i hate it, only one i used was twitter and mostly as a lurker), but maybe im too tone deaf socially to realize that could happen here...perhaps for not indulging in social media so i never cared about amount of likes or felt other posts getting likes were like downvotes or anything... that would make sense in a feed, algorithm pushing most likes to the top and such wich wasnt my idea...
Anyway i didnt tought that being a problem here since its a niche site with an already positive community- people arent getting followers and such. I tought it would be the same as niche foruns with nice communities where i do see likes.

The points thing was more about spending then. Like right now i just got a bit over 400 points, i have been picky with entering GAs so i just imagined something dumb to spend the points. Steam awards came to mind since its how i handle steam points- here and there giving some useful award. And yes im aware people farm then on steam, reason why i first mentioned then not 'giving' points, just taking

Anyway all just random shower ideas. I definetly dont intend making a point about implementing this or that one and im no coder- i dont know what stack they use or how simple/complex any of then would be. If im not mistaken Obsidian foruns that i used as example uses some opensource forum thingie (kinda like the now dinossaur phpbb wich was heavily used in the past) so they probably didnt had to implement anything just tick features on/off. I have no idea what SGs forum is built upon so actual complexity could vary... but in any case the idea isnt taking away from important features

1 month ago

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i think it can also depends on HOW things are done- like the sorting idea wasnt meant to be the main sorting of posts or anything like that

I don't believe that's related to anything I mentioned. Actually supportive to what I mentioned, I believe. To reiterate, a specific structure needs to be introduced to make likes usable- ie, a sorting option- but a site needs to be structured for that to begin with, as sorting doesn't really work in any helpful way if users aren't posting with it in mind, or if the UI isn't built to support it, or several other concerns that'd need to be addressed. Again, there's a reason likes are only used on direct feedback comment sites or social blurb sites- it's the only place where the structure makes sense, and countless precedences show it derails more standard forums, even if they're rebuilt to support it (as there' a fundamental difference in mentality between such sites- ie, conversive versus reactive, and likes and like supportive structures fundamentally shift that dynamic).

Top of my mind the Obsidian foruns

Obsidian has extremely active mods- their support and forums are both highly respected for it, or at least were last I checked a few years back- and forums specialized to specific games or developers nearly never have issues anyway (more likely to have issues with the developers than the othe community members, in my experience), since they're focused enough to avoid issues. So that's a mismatched argument to begin with, even before factoring in more specific different interactions on this site.

but maybe im too tone deaf socially to realize that could happen here.

Again, it ruins a lot of forums (afaik, every standard forum site that has ever introduced it, barring ones with exceptionally small userbases), and we've already had issues with the concept in the past here on SG, so everyone's convinced it'd cause massive problems if introduced fully. And again, scripts can already handle the idea, and can do so without unecessarily causing additional server lag for SG or clutter for those uninterested or so forth.

So it's just a bad idea relative to existing SG policies (ie, the if it can be in scripts it should be in scripts thing), community expectations (oe, that it'll cause issues), and community development (as, again, it doesn't offer anything beneficial while, even if we assume it won't cause direct issues- which is highly unlikely given internet precedence especially on forums structured like this site's- we still have the issue of it being a nuisance to many.

or felt other posts getting likes were like downvotes

That comment was meant to be a tease, to highlight how "like" mentality is fundamentally tied to "dislike" mentality, for those who care about the concept to the degree to where it'd be a focus for them. You can just look at the +1 library mentality for similarly unhealthy mindsets already existing on this site, or review any of the countless bigotry or troll-filled major threads of the past to see how easily such things can turn into targetted harassment (ie, if someone posts a bigoted comment, people already leave +1 comments to it, and they're far more likely to do likes on such comments, especially if they're anonymous).

The points thing was more about spending then. Like right now i just got a bit over 400 points, i have been picky with entering GAs so i just imagined something dumb to spend the points. Steam awards came to mind since its how i handle steam points- here and there giving some useful award. And yes im aware people farm then on steam, reason why i first mentioned then not 'giving' points, just taking

Okay, so you're not involving other users, as I interpreted at first? You're more just investing points into Steam badges, in a way?
There's been countles, countless past threads recommending different constructive ways to utilize spare P, many far more interesting than what you're describing (note, that's not at all a slam on your idea, just highlighting that even more well-supported similar ideas haven't gained any support from cg thus far), so I don't imagine cg'd really go for it.

Though having something like cosmetic borders to unlock for your avatar, or maybe some sort of banner for your profile page, or additional cosmetic unlocks for Patreon supporter cosmetic effects.. I mean, yeah, I can see the appeal of a cosmetics "store", it definitely helps encourage investment into enough games, and they manage to usually do so without being disruptive to those not interested in the idea (or those that are interested). Rather, "gameified" forums far predate microtransaction gaming, having begun with the start of browser-based gaming in the 90s, so it's a tried-and-true concept with well-understood ways on how to best manage such structures.

I have no idea what SGs forum is built upon so actual complexity could vary... but in any case the idea isnt taking away from important features

It's not about taking away in the direct sense, it's about inconveniencing users, contributing to things the site needs to handle (which can cause site slowdown, increased server costs, etc), the value relative to cg's effort (again, there's countless more overtly constructive things he could be implementing, namely things that can't be covered by scripts), and about any potential negative social interaction effects on the site. Basically, it's a lot of stress for no clear gain with a high liklihood of negative outcomes. Again, that's just for the upvote/downvote thing, the rest of the ideas seem more workable, at least as starting points for discussion.

The pinned comment idea especially doesn't seem to have any downsides (that are obvious to me, at least), and other replies in this thread seem to suggest it's a well-received idea on the whole. Further, it's not an idea that fits as easily into scripts (thereby giving it legitimacy for official implimentation), it's not an idea that should introduce additional site load, and it's an idea that should be fairly easy to implement. So if the aim is just to introduce something, that's definitely the idea that seems the best for gaining traction.

1 month ago*

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