There's two other threads about it. The code parsing the prices doesn't handle the comma properly for the euro prices where the comma is a decimal separator instead of a thousand separator.
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... if that's the case it should be a really simple fix, especially since all prices are given in cents, without the seperator.
Well, at least the points per game are correct.
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There's some other wonky stuff with pricing, like how the first Deponia game periodically uses 50, or 100 points rather than 20 points due to how the site works things out with the Steam API (seems to happen when the packs listed on its store page are on sale). Used to report that when it came up, but after I got a response saying that they know of it, but the powers that be are content to leave things as they are, and let it sort itself out, I'm not doing that any more.
I image it'd be the same sort of deal here, they may know of it, but can't be bothered to fix it, as they don't view it as a big deal. There's also how it seems like our points aren't returned when a giveaway is canceled like they used to, I'm guessing they know about that as well, but are going to leave it be, or how regifters keep the CV they gain from they're regifint giveaways, and so on.
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this is not true.
the reason is usually a price bug in Steam or a sale gone wrong and the original price went crazy.
it sometimes happens with bundle games.
don't besmirch support.
also, most bugs can only be fixed by cg or one of the superadmins. (only one i think).
report in case they missed, and move on :)
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This is the response I got in a support ticket:
"The admin knows about this problem already, but I guess he wants to leave it to Steam API to determine the price. It's not that terribly common anyways."
Another one after it (they were going through a backlog of reports apparently) was as follows:
"Yes, Steam API messes up occasionally. It fixes itself within one or two days typically."
So, yeah, they know of it, but are content to leave things as is. Also there are times it's messed up for about a week or so, which also seemed to coincide with a sale on one of the packages, which I mentioned in at least one of those tickets, that got one of the above responses.
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well, you just proved my point.
if you know it's going to get fixed soon why mess with the SG code?
it will never end...
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Wait, what, no, you don't seem to get it. They're not going to fix it, there is an issue with how the site is working out the price, but they're not interested in fixing it, they're just going to leave it as is. That means any time the packs are on sale, which seems to be the problem, the point price on that game will be 50, or 100 points, rather than 20 points for days, or weeks, or however long that lasts. I'm sure that's not the only game affected now, or in the future either. If it's wrong, it's wrong, and they're not interested in making it right. Then as I said in the first post, it doesn't seem limited to just that, as there's various other issues that just don't seem to get resolved.
You also are claiming this is all on Steam's end, yet when you look there, it seems just fine. This site can't tell if you have most/any DLC, it can't tell if you have most/any GOTY type packs, so there's clear deficiencies on the part of the site, and its access to the Steam API its trying to use to do everything. I'm certainly no huge fan of Valve, but the issue would seem more on SG's end of things, and they're limited access to the tool they're trying to depend on.
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i don't get whats to fix. these are "transient" problems. true they happen with sales and such, and steam being what it is there is always something on sale. what you say means a complete overhaul of the site. i think there is a saying, don't fix whats not broken. and it is not broken, maybe you get a bad signal every now and than, but hey, it's a one man show right?
i'm putting aside other issues, cause there are, i agree with you on that one.
DLC and GOTY and packs and such are indeed a problem. not a coder myself, but not sure how this can be fixed easily. you will need to always double check. i'm guessing it's a question of time vs functionality. as long as the users who GA games are aware that they need to check (true, tiresome) it's not a big problem.
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Think of it as if it were an online game. Online games always have some bugs due to their nature of always being tinkered with for new content updates, and such. Yet players do want a bug free experience, as bugs don't make playing it better, and complain about the bugs. The Steam Sales site would surely use tools to update all those prices, yet if you check their Deponia listing, it's never been marked at above $20 US, plus they can list info on DLC, and GOTY type packs, which further points to the issue being more on SG's end, and that it's not limited to just that one game. If there's a problem, it should be fixed, that's all there is to it.
Saying if it's not broke, don't fix it, doesn't fit, as clearly, it is broken, or else it would be able to check info on DLC, GOTY packs, have proper prices, etc. You also don't know what fixing this, that, or the other would entail, so don't go claiming that it'd require some complete overhaul of the site, and try to use it as a reason to leave the errors as is. You're coming off as a bit of a white knight that you see trying to defend some game, or what not from any that may speak ill of it. People don't tend to like white knights too much. There are problems, and they should be fixed, period.
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True that i don't have any idea what it will take. my small understanding makes me think it will require a lot of work. i could be wrong...
however, i still think that it is not broken. since this site is doing what it is supposed to be doing. and you cannot compare a place where you "get" stuff for free to something you paid for. and most f2p are either p2w or you can purchase stuff/donate. not the case here.
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If it was working properly, those issues, wouldn't be issues. The site is also not being run for free, out of the goodness of the hearts of those behind it. It's one of those sites that generates money from the ads listed on it. It also only works when people spend money, to get games, and list them here. That could be equated to cash shop stuff in F2P games, then as spending more money, to make more giveaways, and get higher levels means you get to be in a more exclusive sect of users, and have higher odds of winning related giveaways, you could even say this site has a pay to win aspect as well. So money is most certainly involved here too.
Again, there are problems, and they should be fixed, period. There's nothing else to say about that, you can't at the same time admit there are problems, as you claim there aren't, so everything is fine, and should be left as is. You're simply digging a deeper hole for yourself with every post you make, just stop.
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i admitted to other problems. not the one we started discussing. no need to get over exited...
you do know that there are cost for such a site. i doubt cg gets a living out of this. but i could be wrong
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There are issues with this site using the wrong point value for games, at least at times, and it's not isolated to just the first Deponia. There have been others, and even rather recently, where not only was the point value wrong, it was zero, even one of the recent mass/developer giveaways listed at the top had a zero value recently. This is even for games that are still on Steam, and showing a proper price value. As I've been saying, clearly there is an issue with how this site works that all out, other sites using tools don't seem to have the problems, or limitations this one does, and as there are problems, they should be fixed. How hard is that for you to get, and admit?
You came in on your white horse claiming how wrong it was to speak ill of the great, and noble leaders of the site, when all I was doing is stating that it seems a waste to report such problems, as based on their own responses to me when I did report such things, they don't really care to fix it, even though it should be fixed, because it's not working properly, nor are various other things. The site is far from perfect.
Also I never said those in charge are making a living with this site, I don't know if they are, or not, but it wasn't relevant. You claimed the site was free, and claimed using online games, including F2P ones as a comparison didn't fit, I showed how they did.
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lets agree to disagree, ok?
still free site. more than f2p
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on that i think we agree.
but not sure anymore... this is a way too long discussion
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So you go to a store to buy something that costs $20, you get to the register, and the cashier rings it up as $100 due to an intermittent issue with their system. Will you happily pay $100 for that $20 item, when you know it's a $20 item, and move on, or would you want the issue to be fixed? Same thing, and it doesn't matter if you perceive points on this site to be valueless, to some, $100 is absolutely nothing as well. Also to some a given bug in a game will have no importance, as what it affects is of no importance to them, but to another, it's a game breaking problem.
You are required to activate won games, recently someone responded to another post I made in another thread with how even though the won key did not work, they decided to mark it as received anyhow, as the other person seemed nice, and clearly the one who won it didn't consider it a big deal. They said they got a suspension, and TinyPurple came riding in telling that person that they were deserving of a suspension for their actions. It wasn't a big deal to that person, even though they were the one that missed out on getting a game they won, but it sure seemed like TinyPurple thought it was a big deal, as he/she felt they had to be punished for it. When it comes down to it, in this, or that case, what should happen, didn't, and no matter how small a deal some want to claim that is, it doesn't change that what was suppose to happen, didn't happen, meaning there is a problem, and if there is a problem, it should be dealt with.
Then in your typical F2P game if you really grind your life away, you can get most to all the stuff on the cash shop without paying out real money, as often enough they can be traded around, so some people often buy things from the cash shop, to sell in the auction house to make some quick in-game currency. Higher Steam Gifts levels, which does offer a user a clear advantage on this site, although are completely unobtainable without giving away many, many games, and unless you manage to win a LOT, and cheat the system by regifting, that costs money. With a number of F2P games trying to just offer minor conveniences like costumes or what not, that would mean money affects you more here, than in many F2P games.
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Looks like, for every game, Steam price in giveaway sidebar's "Stores" section is 100x too high
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