Are people vindicative when the key happens to be duplicate ?
Pretty much this. People who think they are somehow above the general rules of the site annoy me, but I'm generally a live and let live type of person.
Though tbf I'm more likely to mark it as NR if they put it, than if they didn't and just politely asked. That to me shows a more honest intent, even if that's not the case and is only my perception of it.
If I'm unsure about one of the keys I have, I'm throwing it in the orphan thread or just giving it to a friend rather than making a giveaway. It's my responsibility to make sure it's correct and rectify the situation. Not the winners.
Maybe all that makes me a dick, idk/idc.
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Haven't read all of the comments but figured I would just give my thoughts anyway.
In reality, the person giving away the game should have a fairly good idea, if not 100% sure that the key or gift in question is LEGIT REDEEMABLE, and if they have any thought or indication otherwise they SHOULD NOT list it in the first place. Total double standard in my eyes.
You can have one set of rules for one group, one set of rules for another, and one set of rules for yet ANOTHER? That starts introducing a lot of confusion.
Why should one or a few people get special treatment because they are nice? You can argue that however you chose, because being nice is a good gesture in itself; yet you can't keep enabling people to do these things.
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Oh I have complicated feelings about that sentence. It became such a big thing at one point where I was starting to think I hope they dont agree. People can be free to put that, since support doesnt take that as a safety blanket for deletion. Like an above comment when I see it I do just think no I don't agree. I felt bad when I got given some dodgy keys and couldn't replace them. I was lucky enough to have them all won by people I know who were very understanding. The idea of putting that (which would be a surprise since I do my best to get rid of keys as fast as possible) just feels wrong. Like here take a key that might not work and no i wont try anything if it doesn't. Its strange to say but to me seeing sorry I cant replace it do you mind deleting it after finding out the key doesnt work is better then having the warning and having it not work. Then its a complicated matter of well seem like a dick if i dont agree but agreeing feels like im forced to
I am a hypocrite though. If its someone I know I would go sure straight away not even thinking about it. Frankly in the end I would probably agree despite feeling pressured. I dont want any nr in my wins just like they dont want it in in their sent. So yeah it really all depends on my mood. Im not against giving some people the benefit of the doubt as long as its clear its not a thing thata being abused
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I wanted to ask the same question! That's why I'm digging up this topic.
I think that people who write this statement want to have a "defensive line" to not get banned. So... They don't know the rules. Things like sending wrong/used key and not providing a new one will get you suspended - for a few days, I guess. At least that's how it works when you don't activate a game or you win a game multiple times (how do I know? I won Dota 2 two times in the same day - anyone remember the time when 99% of giveaways were D2? :D ).
They just want to avoid consequences. I'd love to see the mods reaction to that line. Does it really save you from the BanHammer? :P
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I'm pretty sure you don't get a ban if you provide a used key and/or can't offer a replacement for like 1 in every 100 GAs created (just spit-balling some random numbers here) as long as it's not frequent or intentional (as in "the giver clearly stated that the giveaway he/she created is a fake giveaway", even if it's as a joke). At worst, your GA will be marked as "Not received" and that's that.
The thing is though, some people might not like having a Not Received on their account - this is a completely personal preference here - and would appreciate the winner/s to be considerate enough to allow the deletion of the GA if a key does end up being a dupe.
Edit: To answer your question, I think a mod had replied about the topic either in this thread or a separate thread - the giver can't get SG's support to enforce the statement if the key really is a dupe. He/she will still need a written agreement (a simple "I agree to delete the giveaway" in the comment section of the GA) by the winner/s to delete the giveaway.
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They don't know the rules
nah, they know the rules perfectly well. they also know coercion works wonders when people can have their chances to win reduced when unwhitelisted, blacklisted, or kicked from groups, so they post those passive-aggressive threats.
they try to appear nice but what they truly mean is:
i'm an irresponsible steamgifts user that makes giveaways with keys that might be invalid to appear generous™ while i'm secretly super cheap and lazy (that means i won't go out of my way to replace an invalid key nor buy a new one), so "please" let me delete this giveaway if your win doesn't work for any reason, or else.
i also 100% support sg rules and abide to them (ban leeches! ban rule-breakers!), except that part of the TOS that says giveaway creators are entirely responsible to deliver working keys to their winners. that's just stupid and it doesn't fall under my personal definition of "rule-breakers" within my imaginary steamgifts rules ^^ (i'm giving away games so i'm generous™, that means i have privileges!).
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If I made a giveaway and the key happened to be a duplicate, I wouldn't get in trouble for that. Things like that can happen no matter how careful you are. Sometimes an older key can turn out like that and the site you bought it from might not replace it after a certain time period. Those people making those statements are under no risk of getting banned if their key doesn't work. It's only if someone is systematically making fake giveaways that support is like "Wait a minute." (There is a guy on this site currently in my blacklist who has been deliberately mislabeling his GAs to get higher points. Not sure why he's not banned yet. XD )
Now if you win a giveaway and you decide "Hey, this game is worth 10 quid, I'mma sell it." Then you will get banned for not activating that key on your account and will forever have that mark against you.
There is a difference between those two things. One is perhaps out of the gifter's control, the second is a user abusing the generousity of the person gifting an expensive game to the community.
I guess on saying all that, be a good steam gifter. If the giveaway creator is not doing it systematically let them delete if they can't afford to replace your key. They might have got it in a cheap bundle with games they wanted, and can't afford to buy a single key, even at sale price. (depending on the price of the game). If you see a bunch of red marks on someone's profile, or they seem to be mislabling games for higher points, by all means, mark as "not received." People deserve to know when someone is deliberately wasting other users' time and support's time. =)
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Why create a giveaway for a key that is doubtful in the first place? If you want to give it away, simply drop it in the comments of another giveaway or post it on this thread
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I would love to know if there was a tool to check a key without activating it. On my last batch of giveaway I had 4 keys freshly opened from a bundle I bought 6 months ago on indiegala. I requested support there, they told me that 60 days was now the limit. I couldn't have guessed that this would have happened..
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Fair enough. That should never happen with freshly revealed keys, or previously revealed keys for that matter - I was only referring to keys that users were not sure they had previously activated or given away, etc in my post. I've not (yet) had a problem like yours with older Indiegala keys, but clearly the responsibility lies with the seller to deliver value for money spent, especially since Indiegala sells multiples of bundles and is well aware that those excess keys will not be used until gifted or traded. Considering that, it's very shitty policy and I will probably avoid future purchases from them unless I am sure I can dispose of the keys quickly. Thanks for the heads up.
As for a key check tool. That will never happen as it would open up a huge can of worms where unscrupulous people would be brute forcing the tool to find valid keys.
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I am pretty sure that the previous policy was 6 months and that was the reason why I contacted them. Their "Happy Hour" system give between 2 and 4 bundles now. How are you supposed to use all those keys at once ?
If at least they had a system like Groupee or DIG where you can tick a key as being used after it's been revealed, I would have no problem to reveal all my keys at once. But it's not the case, so you kinda have to make some sort of spreadsheet with all the keys you are using and such and it's not practical. The worse is those keys I revealed to give away were once more in sale in a new bundle at the time I did so. I'm pretty sure that those keys were duplicate as they resold those in that new bundle.
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If you don't specify, winner has the right to ask for a new key, otherwise he can simply mark as not received and support will tell you, "Well, nothing you can do if the winner doesn't agree!", and considered how people can be petty, in case they say "duplicate" for a key you know for sure works, you can at least NOT pay for it again, and be done with that (But I suppose higher levels are better for this). It's already pretty winner sided, considering you can just buy a key but be really "unlucky" and end up with an actual duplicate key, and there's no way to confirm that key works. But winner can either say it worked, or it didn't, you can relog to another Steam account, activate it there, change to your other account and show a duplicate message for it.
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But winner can either say it worked, or it didn't, you can relog to another Steam account, activate it there, change to your other account and show a duplicate message for it.
Hmm, you're right. That's a pretty huge loophole to SG's gifting system that an unscrupulous winner could take advantage of, but I'm just thankful that most SGers are reasonable and pretty chill people so that kind of stuff doesn't happen here >.<
Edited to add in the quote
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If you don't specify, winner has the right to ask for a new key, otherwise he can simply mark as not received and support will tell you, "Well, nothing you can do if the winner doesn't agree!
That is misleading. Even if you DO specify the disclaimer in the OP, I don't believe that alone is enough for Support to delete the GA
The winner still has to enter a comment explicitly saying that they agree for the GA to be deleted - That is the rule as written in the FAQ. Anything else is outside of the scope of rules and would be support/mod's own choice.
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Even if you specify it, it's not enforcable as you cannot add any special rules to your giveaway. So specifying it in the description can serve as a warning to the entrant in case the key doesn't work but they could still decide to mark it as not received if they choose too.
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I have one Not Received. It had to be some time later that I noticed that it was marked that way. I had to replace the key as they said it was duplicate. I then bought them another key and didn't hear back from them. A few years later I check and notice on my games that I had a Not Received and then I contacted the person and they said that the second key I gave them was a duplicate too. I didn't even get a chance to fix it and it is way to late. I did ask them to see if we could delete the giveaway but they didn't want to.
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That could be considered "Misuse of Giveaway Feedback" when they mark Not Received even though they activated, as that can result in Permanent suspension according to user defaults/guidelines.
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I either misread the comment, or mistook this for another comment, as I thought that what was being alleged was that someone marked "Not Received" when they either activated on a duplicate account or sold/traded the won key.
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I personally do not have a problem when someone ask that in gib description. Key could be region-locked or duped and there is never a certain way to check keys for that. I asked once to delete giveaway because key was heavily region-locked and store said that is region-free. Winner was cool about it and agree to delete giveaway for which i am grateful. Of course you can dump your unsure keys on ninja thread but if key works he would just end up in some farming bot that lurks there. If you make giveaway at least there is not a small chance that actual human being wins it and eventually play it.
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Of course you can dump your unsure keys on ninja thread but if key works he would just end up in some farming bot that lurks there.
That's why people use tricky but easy ways to not just drop the key, like writing out the number or referring to abbreviations :)
If you make giveaway at least there is not a small chance that actual human being wins it and eventually play it.
Depends on person and game I guess. Best approach is still that if you part from your key, then try not to care if it will get played or not. Like even if I have kinda okay play-rate, I have horribly old unplayed great games still for various reasons, and then many (good) keydrops still, which is kinda sad. :|
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Technically speaking, all my keys in GAs should be working because I don't reveal them until I decide to make them a GA (and for key sellers that deliver them revealed I just do GAs asap then), but I'm no less paranoid about them not working for some reason. For insecure stuff like back with IGs Golden Flush, I just dropped keys for those games in the orphan thread (most people had most of those games anyways).
I've been winner in two GAs where the keys turned out dupes, in one case the GA host gave me a replacement key (which was also a dupe and I sincerely hope they didn't think I was trying to scam them out of keys or something) and I agreed to their suggestion of deleting the GA. After all I would appreciate the same kindness if this ever happens to me.
However I wish there was a way to keep better track of such deletions, after all my comments etc disappear when the GA is removed from public view. You know, just in case people make a habit out of such GA deletions. I doubt either of my two GA hosts did, and I'm sure staff keep an eye on whether people constantly have their GAs deleted. It is just something that makes me feel a bit eugh.
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I finally had a user refuse to let me delete a giveaway. I bought a new key to replace the original and didn't get a response within 7 days so reroll was requested and granted. I keep my blacklist small but there's always room for anybody who tries that nonsense :]
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I see that in many many MANY giveaways and every time I'm like.. "Are there so many butt hole who are making a huge fuss when the key happens to be duplicate so people try to protect themselves that way ?"
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