try it now!
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Thanks for your generosity but bots can claim all keys in 0.5 seconds leaving none for us. Making giveaways on SG would have been more effective, but I don't want to be a choosing beggar, just pointing out that sadly bots exist.
I downloaded your app anyway, as it stands out I'm having the same issue as what Theanyelpes said below but I'll let you know if it works later. Thanks!
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but bots can claim all keys in 0.5 seconds
No, they can't. SG has ratelimits now, no chance that any bot will scan all possible topics in real-time. But hundreds of users can.
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I had no chance to try the last batch of keys when I saw it 20 seconds after it was posted because I tried the previous keys in vain and that made me unable to try again for the next 30 minutes or so (not sure how long it takes before Steam allows again for it), so I might have been lucky had I been able to try. I simply guessed that, my bad.
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You really believe someone would use a network just to claim keys? Have you ever heard of paranoia?
Also, 14,400 requests per day = 600 requests per hour = 10 requests per minute, nowhere near 120.
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Well, if we are talking about bots - they only make sense if they are running 24/7, so limit per day is applicable. Of course, if you run bot only for a short time it can do up to 120 requests per minute, but since you can't know when keys will be dropped - it defies the whole idea.
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if we take your daily limit idea, it means not to hit a limit, you can do a page reload every 6 seconds (10x per minute). as far as i think, this is pretty safe number to catch everything you want cause, let's be real, here's rarely any topics that have posts/replies more often than once per few minutes (including bumps). also you may have multiple systems (bots) available so you can get even more loads per minute.
i don't run any bots here, but just for example: I have now access to 4 physical machines + 10+ servers. if you link them together (maybe a bad example) in k8s, for example, you have nice network of bots that can be invoken in row and killed and so on. if the goal is clear and you have an actual need to get and redeem all dropped keys (for some reason), you can safely do it.
SG is bad place for this as everyone can see those keys as well, this would benefit more in key drops like alienware or gleam
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Thing is - you don't know for sure, which topic has info and which do not. So, if you want to catch keys - you need to at the very least fetch main page every second, and then fetch all topics that has new comments, so if, for example, there is 3 new comments, it will take 6+6*3 = 24 seconds to fetch it. Average user, if they was lucky enough to notice new comment the same moment it was posted, has fair chance to claim the key before bot get to it. But this average user will have also to compete with 100 other average users, and that may be harder than some bot.
I have now access to 4 physical machines + 10+ servers.
I never said it's impossible to fetch keys with some botnet. But honestly, I doubt that people who have enough resources to make a botnet will be so much interested in a couple of keys. If you suggested yourself as an example - you don't run any bots, because you don't need that. So, while there are people who interested in hoarding keys, and people who can use botnet for that - those two sets are rarely intersect.
I'm not saying that there are no bots on SG that search and redeem keys. I'm pretty sure there are some. My point is - I doubt those bots pose more competition than other users.
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Anyway, the app doesn't work for me. Only "load" animation anywhere. Game list all grey screen. Only that works is the ads, but doesn't accumulate points
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So is it something like this?
Google App Promotion - Play Console Help
Advertising is when you are promoting products or services you are associated with, or when you are posting content that is paid or sponsored. Directly naming or linking to an associated product or service will always be viewed as advertising. General references (e.g. referring to your "website", "YouTube channel", or "Steam group") may also be viewed as advertising when we believe their purpose is to bring attention to an associated product or service for publicity or sales. Below is a breakdown of when advertising is allowed in our community. Remember, the above rules regarding user content still apply. For example, we might allow you to advertise in giveaway descriptions, but that does not permit you to post referral links or link to your website with illegal content.
The category of this discussion is not "User Projects".
At least it seems like a bad situation.
Are in conflict with the rules of Google and Steam Gifts?
I do not understand English.┐(´Θ`)┌
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Why is this under Deals? User Projects would be more appropriate.
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You can edit the discussion and change the category anytime.
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I didn't want to create a state case by creating this app.
just wanted to see if it was a good idea. meanwhile I apologize for the wrong section of steamgifts, but this is not a scam, it is my try to create something, and therefore I am trying to create something nice that can help you and me too.
But unfortunately I already knew how it was going to end. do you want something free all the time? do not accept something different, however, immediately call it a cheater. okay, do as you like. but please click on the banners to have your cooccolo 30 centimeters longer, when you go to unknown sites! go ahead. I tried.
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I didn't want to create a state case by creating this app.
just wanted to see if it was a good idea. meanwhile I apologize for the wrong section of steamgifts, but this is not a scam, it is my try to create something, and therefore I am trying to create something nice that can help you and me too.
But unfortunately I already knew how it was going to end. do you want something free all the time? do not accept something different, however, immediately call it a cheater. okay, do as you like. but please click on the banners to have your cooccolo 30 centimeters longer, when you go to unknown sites! go ahead. I tried."
Nice post. Wrong forum, no advertising.. Way to try and build your audience...
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okay, do as you like. but please click on the banners to have your cooccolo 30 centimeters longer, when you go to unknown sites! go ahead. I tried.
lol wut
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same as other ;earning' apps
to withdraw u need 10$
when u are at 9,90-app stop giving u adverts, account banned or something
These apps are only for developer earnings-you watch ads, dev earn money
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Nice. Spam & Scam in the same thread. two very enthusiastic thumbs up
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Download the app, and if isn't a scam this could be a really good app (i will say it in the future)
1 Game for around 120 Points (=120 ads), and some good game (Dirt 4/ Hero Defense ...)
Theorical better drop than Lootboy and Gamehag (1 Random game in Lootboy = 200 ads / for Gamehag = 400 ads)
And don't get any problem with ads im my case
Will add a comment about you're app in google app when i will get my first key
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If it would be an app to check if there are free keys available somewhere, or bundle from selected website is up - it would fit into "User Projects" category. It would be possible to have in-app ad banners to support the development.
But this app focus on users earning money for the developer, so they can later buy keys and offer as a reward. And thus this content is not allowed on SG. I will need to close this topic.
Third party giveaways that require or reward users for performing profitable actions. For example, linking to a giveaway on another service that requires or incentivizes users to click a referral link, like a Facebook page, follow a Twitter account, join a Steam group, complete a survey, sign-up for a newsletter, or make a donation.
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Hello everyone.
I'm here today to introduce you to my new application, KeyPoints.
It was recently developed, there are still slight graphical errors, but I ask you to give it a chance.
How does it work?
Watch advertising, earn points and take the game.
3 extremely simple and fast steps.
Games will be added every week / month, the ones you currently see on the application will only be available one copy per game, so if you are interested, hurry up.
To thank you for reading this introduction, I will leave you some free keys to redeem.
thanks and see you on KeyPoints.
Of course to redeem the codes remove keypoints written on the side!
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