I didn't really understand what you wanted to say
However, don't worry, friend. It's just random people on the internet. Why worry about it.
By the way, you said the magic word - Blacklist. I think their number will increase for you.
PS: I think I just said that too. Now they will add me to the blacklists too. Blacklists. Blacklists. The rules are the same for everyone.
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should I give away games on SG, or help poor Indians IRL?
oh, just so I know if I should be worried or not, how many blacklists are we counting? A couple of them or a lot of them?
I sometimes think to stop using the B-word but then my brain stops responding and resets itself
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give away games does not prevent to help IRL, and vice versa, or that would mean the more you give, the less you help IRL ? it does not make sense.
I usually B <0.2 ratios , after scout on steam profile, sadly you dont fill conditions to be B but as other pointed, why dont you play the games you've won?
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Actually, it does because there are no jobs for students in India and unless you already work hard and are able to afford to get into a college, there's no way you're dreaming of giving away games on SG (unless you wanna be fake and give away freebies from other sources.
The more I give The less I can help IRL, It's not really an excuse but Indian currency (regardless of websites like fanatical and humble bundles) is very low even with regional pricing so it's hard to afford games in the first place.
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Ok so for you it makes sense
I think all have been said by others , nobody blame you for not giving GAs, if some can not its ok, but in your case, that would have been appreciated you play some of the games you've won at least, and avoid to depreciate ppl who give games even for free or few dollars and blame them because you think its nothing for them, they can do it and not you.
Do what you want, what you can, its ok. But please respect everybody, if you want to look smart that doesnt resume in helping ppl, its an attitude,for SG members you have no idea who they are, how they live and so on
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I HAVE NEVER ever said that I don't appreciate EITHER/ANY of the games that I ever won if you prove that I was unhappy about any game (except a user trying to aggressively force me to take a DLC ) I would give away 5 bundles within next month.
I do respect everyone who doesn't say anything bad to me and sticks to answering the questions that I asked in the first place(and I would accept being at fault If I'm the one starting it for no reason ).
Yes I'm also not in a very good condition this year (and last year) in my entire 22 years of life and there's very less I can do to change that and I'm already trying .
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Like StarPONY, I don't also understand what are you trying to say.
No one expects you to give away thousands of games, but you know, if you wanted to, you could just keep an eye on the deals section and buy a bundle or two for a few bucks and you would have a 1:1 gift ratio.
You say that you don't want to do that because you want to give away good games, but you can get those from bundles cheap too. If you don't want to do that, then let's just say that for now, you give only a promise, which means nothing on the internet, until you do something.
Anyways, I would suggest you play the games you win! If everything shows correctly, you didn't even touch a single game you won here. Maybe play one before entering more giveaways?
I also need to pump my numbers up a bit, let's see if it works! Blacklist.
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You sound polite, but you also point toward what's wrong/negative with my profile, I've been busy in Valorant, but as the "promise on the internet" goes on, I'd play games starting when I solve my internet issues and so on and I'd play each and every game BUT, it would take time, and I can assure you I really like offline games, but this online gaming has consumed me since 5 years or so because of my extrovert-ish behaviour, well since you used the B-word, I shall too. Blacklist
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i looked at the games you won for example save jesus is not a internet heavy game - unless your internet disconnects during games this for at least some of your wins is no real reason not to have tried some
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never thought of that just checked his games as free to play on those - never thinking he complains of his bad internet and then play mostly online only games a lot
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yes but if your internet is as bad as you said you wouldn't be able to play online only games very well - if it's free or not is not the point
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well if that is the case (again no idea what 10 years on SG has to do with anything) you should stop entering giveaways if you have too many to play already
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i don't understand either are you saying you hate people who think you should have given away more games than you win - then simply stop entering giveaways for a while - if that is not what you mean then sorry i failed also to understand what you meant
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If those are two choices that hinder the other, I think no one would expect you to choose giving away games over giving poor people clothes. While one is for entertainment and the other is about survival / better living conditions of human beings. Even if you see SteamGifts as some kind of charity, it should be at bottom on your list.
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Oh sorry I thought asking Real-life friends for assistance to go to college or something ( because apparently, sosich will not pay my college fee or anything ) is legal but as steam gifts police are very good at dealing with law and the general rules and regulations
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wow glad you mentioned this he is now off my whitelist
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Oh sorry I thought asking Real-life friends for assistance to go to college or something ( because apparently, AmanoTC will not pay my college fee or anything ) is legal but as steam gifts police are very good at dealing with law and the general rules and regulations
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Oh sorry I thought asking Real-life friends for assistance to go to college or something ( because apparently, AmanoTC will not pay my college fee or anything ) is legal but as steam gifts police are very good at dealing with law and the general rules and regulations(and would deal with illegal users) I would get a well-paying job without a degree, without money, without savings, without anything, and after I get a free degree, instead of covering my bills, I would giveaway 1000$ worth of games just because I was a lucky winner to win a contest where 15 random, generous people felt the need and desire to giveaway and I was lucky enough to win so I should repay back 1000$ worth of games or deal with lawsuits, and I should do it all on my own without the assistance of anyone
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i don't understand what your getting at - none of your friends are going to give you money just to giveaway games on here
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some things 1 - you made this thread to (and i still don't understand why fully) to let people know why you have a low ratio - when if you hadn't few to none would even have cared about your ratio
2 - you claim to give to charity or to help people in real life - while i don't doubt that for a second and am not saying you should give that up and give games away instead - you (as was shown by someone in this thread) asked for money at one point from them - which is totally wrong to do - i had someone contact my son recently to ask if they could have some cards to help level up and ended up trying to pinch all his anime ones - it did not end well - so be warned about asking people for something for nothing without a good reason behind it
3 - you can do both give in real life and on here - you sort of claim never to have used bundle sites but you list a few off - so you must have at least looked at them and seen bundles like - https://barter.vg/bundle/5891/
i haven't seen all the games you own on this account but saw Halo was on there which costs a few more $ than this type of bundle
sorry if i am seeming unfair or ,mean but somethings you say just don't add up
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I haven't asked anything from strangers and I've asked from people I know in real life, and that's my birthright given to me by steam, and my friends didn't have any problems helping me, but apparently, the entire half SG community is burned by the fact that there was a comment where I was requesting for small assistance temporarily,
you shouldn't really apologize if you "actually" think I'm wrong, or you shouldn't accuse too much without "really" knowing the actual entire true story (or the entire false/fake story). Yes I'm a student and own no credit and debit cards and have seen and browsed but not purchased actual bundles like ever
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how do i know what you tell us is true or not - for all i know is you have a second Steam account full of games purchased from bundles - just because you write something online and just to let you know there is a big difference between a few bundle giveaways to being a millionaire as you claimed we all are
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that's a pretty weird accusation, no one has ever accused me of typically being richer than I am, so IDK where this second steam account full of games came from, you are a pretty positive person from my personal experience so I'll not say anything further for now.
Few bundle giveaways still cost money, money that no stranger would ever lend me, money that 3rd world country students don't have before getting a job, I'm still here on SG talking to you talking to everyone, I didn't take 10 or 20 games and run away or leave the country or anything....... maybe when my time to play and give will come, I will give?
small rude edit: how do I know what you speak is true or not, you post good things so I should just take your word for it?
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There's no such thing as a "good" ratio. This site is called Steamgifts and is not a trading site like barter. Nobody should feel the need to be obliged to give anything back whenever they are lucky enough to win some games, just some general respect and thanks maybe. The main priority for any person should be to seek and maintain a healthy financial position if possible, and only then, after achieving that, is it that they should start thinking about helping others as well. Of course it's entirely up to you on how you want to live your life. That being said, gifters can use the available filters to seek preferential outcomes, there's levels and such for a reason.
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I feel very positive to read such comments about the main priority being in a well financial situation instead of fearing blacklists, not winning giveaways and having the social pressure to give away ( a LOT) back before being able to be in a stable position, thanks
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Simply put, who cares what others expect of you here. As long as you're trying to be the best human being you can be, that's all that matters. Giving people stuff is not a requirement for this, something as simple as words of encouragement, or helpful advice, can go a long way. Helping those with disabilities, or that are elderly carry stuff, or get across difficult terrain is great. Good comes in many shapes and forms beyond monetary value.
If you have spare money and want to give people gifts on here, that's great, but in all honesty, there are much better ways of utilizing that money for good. Just do what feels right to you.
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Thanks a lot, you are probably going to be blacklisted for saying that but I wish the best to your courage and for what you felt to be said as the right thing to be done/doing
I would talk about spare money in future but I wanted to see (and actually understand genuinely) about how negatively and positively people can take this .
Thank you
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Your first paragraph is pretty negative and insulting but your second paragraph ain't that bad. thanks for your comments, also don't play = couldn't play because covid and personal issues can temporarily change your life and I'm not on SG since 10 years
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what's being on SG for 10 years got to do with anything?
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What is the point of this wall of text? Can't do ga, then focus on your studies/career, find a job to make money then spend it however you want. You help people in real life, well that's good. But nobody can really prove that. There were people claiming how poor they are and bragging about their expensive pc setups/consoles etc.
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The point is to read the comments and have an idea about what people think, regardless of what I might be doing to support people IRL or the evidence to prove it.
If you're talking about me, MY PC isn't expensive and I'm usually not claiming to be poor recently
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With what was written in your first GA and on Steam...
Wait... wait... Did I get everything right...?
You are a homeless poor student with PC and internet that is idling games for cards and is helping other poor homeless people and is now on vacations (from homelessness I guess?) and hopes people on Steam will send/lend him some money?
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Oh sorry I thought asking Real-life friends for assistance to go to college or something ( because apparently, Zarddom will not pay my college fee or anything ) is legal but as steam gifts police are very good at dealing with law and the general rules and regulations, at-least you weren't as toxic as other people in the thread
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here have a W.L to balance it out (infect i removed them from it after this thread so have their one)
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no problem you seemed really nice and i like that you make giveaways and don't such this site dry
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How do you know you are been blacklisted by someone?
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You can click on their profile and try going to one of their giveaways. If they blacklisted you, you won't be able to open the giveaway.
You can try it yourself now, I blacklisted you for now, when you see how it works, reply and I will remove you from there. :)
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Ok,thanks, so you won't know exactly who blacklisted you?
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This information, actually, is useless, because if someone blacklisted you, about what do you want to speak with that person? And if you want to blacklist him in return, you don't need to do that, because person who blacklisted you automatically can't see your giveaways.
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Oh, it works both way, then I don’t need to worry about it then. Thanks for the info.
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you do know if you don't make giveaways adding someone to your blacklist does nothing except stops you entering there giveaways (even if they haven't blacklisted you)
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Good ratio is based on your opinion. When someone gift, someone will receive. It's impossible for 1|1 ratio for everyone in Steamgifts as there were gifters that do not join any giveaway.
Blacklist just reduces your chance of winning from the specific user. If you are joining games that you intend to play, then there is not much difference as not everyone gift the games you wish to join. Unless you are joining in giveaway for the sake of winning random games.
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Thanks, i do join games that I intend to play but I have a backlog and people seem to be getting mad about it , it's not like I've been on SG for 10 years or something , I join random when I have less points remaining after spending 95% but still I'm a bit selective
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You had a lengthy topic about the first GA you won, another for the first GA you created (for a shovelware game) and now this one about your ratio. Also what is your question? Is it 'Do I give to the poor in India or do I give away games on SG?' If so that's an asinine question. It reads like looking to get a seal of approval to not give away games here.
Most people don't care about your ratio and the minority that does enough to maybe blacklist you over it most likely won't see this topic or care for your reasons. There are tons of gifters here, getting on some blacklists won't have any noticable effects on you. So what is a good ratio to have? One that you are comfortable with having, I'd say. Nobody else can answer that for you.
If blacklists are a concern being a silent leech would probably get you on way less blacklists than being visible on the forums with any kind of ratio. Most people don't have the time to blacklist the thousands of silent leechers but might take the time if you rub them the wrong way on the forums.
I mean I don't do cheap things like getting free games and giving them a way to get XP/satisfaction/praise/thanks' , what I'd love is giving 10$ BUT that game is a game that's KINDA really gonna played and I spend real 10$ to give it away, not got it for free from somewhere you know?
There are tons of good to great games that are extremely cheap to get because of getting bundled to death or having been given away for free at some point. There's no shame in giving away low value keys, don't see why it should be beneath you to do so. And it's definitely not worse than not giving away anything at all. Also quite a lot of people here don't even have the hardware to run most AAA/expensive games. I very rarely spend 10$ on a single game even for myself and to be honest would probably never spend that much on a single SG gift.
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what's wrong with a G.A for a "shovelware" game?
also works the other way around as well - just because it costs $10+ does not make it a good and playable game - not to name any names in this case but i have been playing a fair few games i really am enjoying which (either at normal price or though a bundle) which are way less in price than $10
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I think that you misunderstand what do they mean by a "shovelware" game, as it does not have anything to do with the price of it.
Shovelware is a term for individual video games or software bundles known more for the quantity of what is included rather than for the quality or usefulness
In this case, we are talking about the game Naked Warrior, which looks like a really bad asset flip game made of random unity assets and code.
If you do not think that it is shovelware (i.e. it is not a bad game), then I might interest you in other masterpieces made by the same developer like The Sperminator: Rescuing Tzar Vlad or Sperm runner... you get my point, for your sake, don't look at those games.
Giving away such games isn't inherently bad, but if the OP says:
I mean I don't do cheap things like getting free games and giving them a way to get XP/satisfaction/praise/thanks'
Then I hope they didn't waste their money on such a horrible piece of trash.
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i looked him up on barter and i do recognise some of his games
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I have all the rights to get into lengthy topics about winning the first time, giving away crap shovelware, and the ratio, but the question still remains (which you answered very properly and out of like 1000 people you're one of the few with a proper answer), I giveaway or not is a different thing than me deciding to giveaway shovelware and cheap bundles OR getting done with a couple of worthy games, but that's for future lengthy topics considering how busy my life got for now. Thanks for your genuine and respectful comment. And no I'm not afraid about blacklists in fact, I say bring em on SG people (not saying that to you, PaganFears)
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I do understand that some people can't afford games because they have other priorities or would rather get things for free or heavily discounted. Believe me, as someone who lives in a country where the average income is less than 25% of the average income in the US, and who is paying full US price for games plus currency conversion fees, I understand. Sometimes giving gifts/charity/spending locally feels higher value than gifting entertainment to people who probably have enough of it for what feels like a premium price. While I'm well off enough to afford buying games if I get most of them on sale/through bundles, if I couldn't, I would just stick to free games. There are good free games everywhere if you look hard enough. We are not entitled to free stuff just because we have less favorable circumstances.
This is a website with a certain "economy". This can clearly be seen by the way the level system works to incentivize giving, because without giving there will be no taking. You can technically leech, but do expect some people to feel strongly about you not contributing to that economy and accept it gracefully. No need to get upset about it. While I personally don't feel that strongly about it, it does leave a poor taste when I see someone with hundreds of games won and very few gifted. Hoarding is a privilege, not a right.
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i really like you dude - your on my W.L already but i think this person could afford bundles from time to time i mean some bundles cost as little as $1 for a bunch of games - so people really have no excuses or their is always getting games from free giveaways and trading them for games worth some CV - but winning games for no point as to even try one or two of them is what people don't like
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Tbh, he seems more like a troll account...
And in case his statemens are truth... I have been always saying CS:GO destroying people lifes. Homeless, unsucessful student, needs to ask for money on steam profile and 4500 hours in CS:GO? Not a coincidence.
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who did you mean is a troll - the OP of this thread or amusedmonkey?
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You are right, you know everything, you even know when my grandfather died with the accurate minute and seconds right sharp to the clock, you must be a god to know all that because I don't remember ever telling you about my personal life nor did I found any clues of you spying on me all these years but you seem to know more about me than my own mom knows. Unsuccessful student! Excuse me? you definitely know way too much about me Lord Jesus and yes I'm a troll I do rolling and the trolling with the shadow cloning
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Tbh, he seems more like a troll account...
And in case his statemens are truth... I have been always saying CS:GO destroying people lifes. Homeless, unsucessful student, needs to ask for money on steam profile and 4500 hours in CS:GO? Not a coincidence
You expect all 22-year-olds to be Billionaires even when they're from 3rd world countries, because otherwise they automatically become unsuccessful, nice concept I would avoid world-class education if that's where you learned your concepts from
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Yes, I expect CSGO players being unsucessfull.
As a student with fulltime job I can say just that some people search excuses, some opportunities. Get your mind set up and stop kick people around, or you will stay in your circle of inability forever, dear troll.
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Woah there!
well....... if you were in India you would at least learn one thing, there's no such thing as 3 words combined together and they are "student fulltime job"
and I'm not talking about grammar or something.
btw thank you Mr xxxka for calling me a troll o,0
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you have commented a lot on this thread but you speak like I've been on SG for like 10 years and leeching thousands of games not giving back even just 1 game, and this you're saying on the post I made to ask/enquire about something and not necessarily saying
[ hello goodbye, I can't play any games I won, I don't thank anyone, goodbye I will not be back I will not pay it forward, like do you really expect a college student without a job to have bank accounts/credit/debit cards/bank balance/pocket money, necessarily have parents who can/would spare 5/10$ for using on SG/fanatical ].
Like just have a little respect for the temporary situation man I even wished your son a happy birthday that most people simply ignored while leeching giveaways, maybe you like them more than you like me I guess. Well at least you have the courage to openly admit your thoughts and communicate properly unlike other toxic people whom I had to blacklist who typically prefer to be toxic in DM's/outside SG and maintain a very professional and good status on SG
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i'm not being or at least not meaning to be rude but can i ask what the point of the thread was to begin with - my take was you were trying to get people to say it was ok that you are not making giveaways currently and that to me is fine - it is up to you but this thread just drew attention to that fact and all - and no i don't claim to know fully why you haven't or can't get a job
i thank you for birthday wishes and really want to say nice things to you - ok here is what i would do if you want to give games away but can't give games away (i mean this and it's not a troll) use a website called barter dot vg and it will show you the current list of games being given for free and where to get them - build up a list of keys for some of them and trust me you WILL in time be able to trade them for games which have not been free and are worth some CV or % to levelling up on here.
The other option is to use indigala not to buy bundles but use there giveaway system - i start using it maybe a week ago and won 3 keys already (yes i am level 1 but plenty of giveaways for level 0) - then either add to your trade pile/list or give them away on here as i have been told it is not a rule to it has to be used on your Steam account.
I hope these ideas help (just don't mention trading on here) - feel free to contact me on Steam if you need help
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Thank you for your long genuine and respectful comment, I understand where you're coming from and although you mentioned you don't really feel strongly about it, you must know that I'm technically behind the clock or won/participated more than I should and that my ratio is still (I have to mention this stupid fact) better than thousands of leechers, and I've won in ten's or fifteen's number of games so UNLESS, I don't do anything in next 5 years to make it right, I don't see how am I a problem and consider it a right and not a privilege .
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Most of what could have been said, has already been said in the thread but to add on to it:
You need to understand that BL, ratios and other SG stuff doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Just like you don't need to give away games, you also don't need to enter everyone's giveaway. If you want to help someone IRL, do it. If you want to give away games, do it. Instead of talking about these things, take action.
If you don't have the money to do give away games, there's plenty of sites where you can get bundles of great games for cheap. People are happy to win such games. Or don't spend money at all, and instead devote time to helping others IRL. There's plenty of things you can do if you really want to, and money is rarely an issue in such cases.
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even for free like using lootboy - so no excuse not to be able to ever do a give away when you can get a game for free - just spending your time
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Sure, let's come back to my real question with you didn't really answer properly, what's a good give: take ratio and why?
yeah well, Will these cheap gaming companies give me games even if I don't have a credit card debit card and can just pay via cash?
Is it a crime to think about giving away ONLY after I land a job and clear my debts if any?
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I already answered your first question. Ratio doesn't matter, unless you're trying to enter some exclusive giveaway groups. You will never buy anything online from any company using cash, so I don't know what's your point here. And no, it's not a crime, but you brought up the topic in the first place, you could have easily brought it up ONLY after you landed a job and cleared your debts.
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Uh, I think other people are contributing more to this topic, but the mindset around here is mostly "don't take more than you give". So if you keep any sort of balance at all then you're going to be fine in many people's eyes. I don't give away thousands of games, but I have given more than I have received.
Other than that you're spitting a lot of crap but aren't backing it up. Actions speak louder than words - what you do seems to be the opposite of what you say you do lol
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i know he's never tried bundle sites but would be happy to do so - then just do it what does he think most people do to make giveaways - either they giveaway freebies which while not improving your level is still good (unless it's game hording like 50 copies) or from bundles maybe $1 bundles or first parts - he doesn't need permission from us to use a site like fanatical but yet seems to make reasons why he won't or can't
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If I'm confronted, I have to have an answer for the reasons of my situation and circumstances unless I wanna pretend like social media brands who go offline when they see a negative review and make "GOOD" people presume that I'm actually a "bad " person so yeah Id repeat what I said earlier and you know what I said
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Yeah UNLESS, you can literally afford a ticket to India and meet me and verify my backstory with DOCUMENTED proofs about my fraudulent activity and false claims, MAYBE you should think you are not as good at catching liars as you think you are, maybe just maybe..... try to think about it , also I didn't ask what other users think, It's a public question and you're supposed to just answer for yourself, that you indirectly did but I know what most people indirectly say and hence I created a thread to get direct replies
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Lmao dude you're pretty funny.
I'll throw you one last bone in case you're really not a troll:
That is what I meant by "actions speak louder than words". What you say means nothing on this forum because you have not shown that you do what you say you do. I don't need to travel to India to see that.
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Fine, I'll stop studying (in fact I took a break from education during covid because of financial issues and quit study) , and I'll pay for some bundles with my study savings(incomes/loans/debts) and instead of getting a job, prove my worth to people at the age of like 22 , in a 3rd world country where no one gets a job before graduation
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How much is a good recieved : sent ratio ?
i figured this varies based on people. personally, i prefer people to play the game that they won rather than having a good ratio. i don't like giving away games for +1 or cards.
do I give back on SG, or IRL to the needy like I always do, or half towards both places, OR do with what my heart says?
just do what your heart says. you don't have to spend money for someone else if you don't want to. also,
I've NEVER tried humble bundle/indiegala/fanatical/g2a/kinguin etc but I'm HAPPY to give away $X? worth games coz they're the real shit and that's what would satisfy me.
i think you already answered your question?
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I think I know what you mean. I have only spent one euro directly to give away something here. All the rest I've given are mainly my discards or dupes from bundles, with some games from promotions and such. When I can afford getting a bundle, of course.
I do give a buck now and then to people in the streets, when I can afford it too. I think it's both better in general terms, and more satisfying in personal terms. Said that, I do like to give back here, but in the way I can. If you think you can use that buck in a better way than getting a better ratio, or giving back to the SG community, then do it. As simple as that.
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The big majority here is level 0 with negative ratio. Most of level 1-2 (and even some higher levels) also have a negative ratio. Mine is positive, currently about 10:7. Giving the state of the majority of ratios, I think that just having an even ratio or slightly positive is way good enough. That's my opinion, of course. Some people have infinite positive ratios; nothing won, thousands of real CV $$$ given. I guess those can afford more than just giving some bundle leftovers, like me. And I don't buy all bundles I want, because my pocket also screams "empty empty empty".
My advice is to not think about SG in particular but about doing good in general. As I said, if you think you can give a better use for that buck outside SG, then simply do it. If you can afford giving something back in SG, and feel right about it, then do it. We can give you our opinion, but only you can know what's the best decision for you.
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Again, thanks a lot for your genuine and simple polite response, I'm overwhelmed so I cannot type a lot to everyone, again I'm not saying users to feel guilty about REAL life people and vote for them, I'm just saying, be real tell me what's a good ratio and tell me what you would do if you were me and people applied a bit pressure(not very aggressive) about not giving back even when I don't have a job and still currently studying.
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Yeah, your story seems super legit. Especially when you begging on your own steam profil page for people to borrow you money... with 251 games (Halo Infinit, Path of the Exile on the front just as a start). Also your very "helpful and carring" attitude gets a little bit offset by the heavy swearing and cursing in the screenshots you take.
EDIT: Well I made a mistake cause Halo Infinit and Path of the Exile are apperently free to play. The argument for the big library still stands tho.
Thanks to PaganFears and VicViperC for pointing it out!
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yes but don't you (at least when i sign up here) need $100+ of unbundled games/dlc on your account before you can be on SG
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my son was a member for maybe 5 years until about a month or two before i joined i know what i know about SG from him in part
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I was not bad-mouthing you, I was just mentioning there are ways to get around the 100$ thingie and I'm not talking bots, fake accounts , multi-accounts , just plain legit logic and some understanding of steam and sg (and no real loopholes tbh ) , but that's a long story for some other time
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Halo Infinite and Path of Exile are both F2P and they have been part of Steam quests on Alienware. You get 25 ARP for playing each for 1 hour. OP probably idled them like I and many other AWA users did.
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Thank you!
Oh sorry I thought asking Real-life friends for assistance to go to college or something ( because apparently, serebix will not pay my college fee or anything ) is legal but as steam gifts police are very good at dealing with law and the general rules and regulations.
So now it's your personal business to check what's my steam profile worth, WHAT DO MY REAL-LIFE REALLY GENEROUS PEOPLE GIFT ME on several occasions, nice. First, maybe learn to check how to differentiate games from: paid/bought to won/gifted, then maybe you can insert your nose in my personal matters and assets.
Actually, I think you might wanna post me on r/niceguyz for my "helpful and caring" attitude coz it gets offset when I trash-talk back after people insult me in video games once I finish the game beating and destroying them.
You will become a really solid IRL private detective, believe me, you have a very distinctive set of eyes and I don't think anyone can escape from your fury.
(so yeah you know nothing about making free big libraries WITHOUT leeching on SG and without multi-accounting and botting and begging, and what I do on my personal social media is probably my PRIVATE matter not to be interfered by others)
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I makes totally sense to ask RL friends to burrow money on your own steam page instead of, you know, ask them in real life.
But there is another strange thing... if its ok for you (and it has to be since you use it as a defense here dozend of times), I wonder why you deleted just that comment from your page? Guilty conscience? We will never know.
But for a clear picture about your attitue I just leave a little something here.
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haha did you forget that the comment said that it would be AUTOMATICALLY manually deleted my me after 20 days? maybe you did..... take your time by going through the comments and you'd find it mentioned what I said.
also, I'm sorry should I be saving for a phone and a sim card instead of giving away games on SG, so that I use better use the phone to stay in touch with my real friends? because I don't remember having a phone until valentines day and I'm like 22, taking care of myself I won't comment on if I have a phone now or not but I'm pretty sure I'll probably never have to seek 3rd party assistance if things go as planned.
yeah it says a lot about what I've been doing in my free time which is why you took a very private/rare image from July 2021 and even that image would fail to maintain a status that a lot of people on SG, actively maintain for their behaviour
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75 blacklists, the B-word sure works, but I don't seem too concerned now do I? ahh perhaps a waste of time and addition of toxicity are the best things to expect from fools.
I'll reply to everyone when I get time, and maybe RELAX a little bit and take a deep breath, I've given away 10 times MORE than your entire 1$ bundles that you give away and feel very arrogant and prestigious about while MAKING 20$ an hour from countries like whatever, If I need money or a house or a car I'll ask my real friends like 10 times but thank you for putting your nose and calling me out for Begging, YOU noobs begged food from your parents when you were 4 year old, AND you still beg even today so I guess you win there and I'm not even a close competition. I guess I am a pretty educated person to understand the difference between lending borrowing and begging like you filthy peasants, cry is free you can cry more for all I care, I'll still walk on my own path and guess what my personal problems aren't your personal concern so calm down and maybe try to answer what was asked instead, but that's too much to expect from IQ's of room temperature so I'll be the smarter one here and let you toxic people win this time
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Calls everyone "fools" and ISN'T the toxic person? You must think very highly of yourself.
✨ Congrats on the blacklists.✨
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Oh sorry I thought asking Real-life friends for assistance to go to college or something ( because apparently, fleart will not pay my college fee or anything ) is legal but as steam gifts police are very good at dealing with law and the general rules and regulations.
I apologize for getting called like 1000 things in a thread asking something genuinely curiously and then indirectly calling out a few people something "extraordinarily mild online insult" and having people again start the 1000 things loop like I learned in high school in computer C-- class, I think very highly of you now, in fact, the most respectable people are in my BL and believe me, I don't BL a lot, trust me on this one you're gonna have to take my word, but thanks to your appreciation and kind speech I'll give you the utmost respect, congratulations back to you Mr fleart
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what do i beg i'd like to know? i have what is called a job - it's not begging also didn't you get fed when you were 4 years old? no one cared what you do or did until you made it all about you - you seemed nice that is why i add you to my white list but you coming off more of a jerk
Also asking your parents for food when your little is hardly the same as what you were doing in asking random people to give you money so you could "so you say" give it to charity and boost you own ego - no one who gives games on here does it because it makes them look good to others (other than they are not leeching) - also how much someone makes does not in turn make them rich as you say it is relative to "living costs" - and you say it was borrowing but how were we sure you'd pay it back - no contracts , if you wanted money go to a legit lending site
it's very hard to answer what was asked when no one understand what you were asking/saying in the first place - all it seemed to me (and others) is you made this thread to be justified why you shouldn't be making giveaways - which no one forced you to in the first place
sadly like i said i thought you were friendly but this last post shows your true self and it is not good - but i think you can just be added to my B.L as well because i don't want someone nasty like you winning my giveaways which you 100% won't ever use anyway
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you made this thread to be justified why you shouldn't be making giveaways - which no one forced you to in the first place
1: Try to explain in a bumbling way, why you can't give away games, and make a stab at people who can and do
2: Get deserved negative feedback from people
3: Explode into their faces, calling them all kinds of words
4: You're angry at everyone, and because they "made" you angry, now you have a reason not to give anything ever
I guess this is also a way to come to terms with not making giveaway, through not the best, nor healthiest one.
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I don't understand it either. I mean, he has every right to leech, it's not against the rules. Many people do just that. Yes, he may find himself on a few BLs, but that's about it. Everyone is on someone's BL or another's. He doesn't need to justify himself. Contributing, if able, is just common decency, not a requirement. His money, his choice, but to demand people agree with his opinion then insult those who don't is rude. The smug samaritan act doesn't make you look better, either.
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yeah refer me to a legit lending site I'll pay you 5$ as well once they lend me some stuff, and if not you can call SG cops they would definitely take care of me , and I've got a lot of comments to answer so I can't reply to everything you said , this time .
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YOU noobs begged food from your parents when you were 4 year old, AND you still beg even today so I guess you win there and I'm not even a close competition.
Man, you have some issues that needs to be addressed, and your ratio is far from being the highest priority.
You made a topic to make up an excuse (or reason) to explain your ratio, and end it with a copypasta-worthy rant about how everyone is a peasant and beggar?
Projecting, or whatever... get some help. It really sounds you need it, in your actual, physical, day to day life. Maybe someone to talk to, I don't know. Sounds like you're going through a lot.
And to answer your original question:
Being respectful and maybe, MAYBE playing your games (you won some proper, good games) costs nothing, and it matters a LOT more than your ratio, when it comes to the community.
If you can't give away games, then don't. If you could and you want, because you feel better/more for it - you can get a single game for ~$1 a month. If it's a game you liked, if you mean it, it still counts a lot.
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if he went for some of these cheaper bundles -he think contains nothing but crap games you get a bunch for your dollar and if he is only worried about ratio then quality does not matter - i mean i use steamground where 100 keys cost about $10 and you get a lot of lesser games but a good ration and quality has no relation to CV/Ratio - not sure he understands that rating has no effect on it , a 5.99 very positive game get's less than a 20 dollar game which has a negative review
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haha who knows, maybe there's a 0.00000657984% chance I might be going through a lot, but why should SG community care right? it's all about "giViNg As MuCh As YoU tAkE" which I can typically also do on trade forums, key exchanges, bundle websites in exchange for my money(that I don't have atm), people should never depend on others and be self-sufficient and proclaimed billionaires by the age of 22 right?
yeah let's talk about respect and playing games, let's talk about if I have the internet to do it or do, let's talk about if I can download big games or not, let's talk if I want to try average fun games before I try Premium AAA games on my accounts, let's talk and sort this confusion out today man tell me how many games I should play because they are proper and good games, and NO NOT, I repeat, do not for a second ask why I joined them if I don't find them premium worthy, and I'll see how many can you come up with and I'll personally starve for food and water literally, but make sure (ACTUALLY) to play those 4-5 games by getting expensive/unaffordable/luxurious internet to do what a stranger on SG expects me to do.
does every person of this planet can afford 1$ a month before they get their first job and/or before they are able to finish college from a 3rd world country?
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"The community" will never care, specific people will. Sometimes it feels like it, but SG is not a hive-mind that we collectively judge people.
I won games here years ago that I have't played yet, and won games I can't even run on my PC. Sometimes I feel like trash because of that, other times I look at it as an example of how others may have reasons not to play their games.
Anyway, it is you in the first place, who has to be okay with winning games, not giving back, and not playing them yet. Not in a way that you attack "the community" for wanting you to play/make giveaways. Be honest with yourself, and if you want to play them IN THE FUTURE, and want to make giveaways IN THE FUTURE - then hold your head high, and wait, and work for your goals.
Your wins are yours, they are out of our control. You not playing, or the games being won by a bot, or the winner deleting their account - that does not matter. You can be your best self by being humble, or at least quiet about your wins, and there are no negative consequences. It's not mandatory to join discussions, we have a lot of lurkers... Or you own it up, talk about your current situation without lashing out.
I understand how messy college can be, and it's likely a lot more difficult for you with this "leech this, leech that" dialogue going on when you can't do anything about it. It just feels your frustration comes from the mix of IRL issues and conditions, and from SG as well. It's no use bringing your stress here, and making your life time here more unpleasant. Been there, done that.
I don't know how affordable $1 a month is for example for you, but as I said it beforehand - you can give literally nothing. It's your money, your living conditions. It's easy to get worked up on how much money others can throw around when you're in a financial trouble, but everyone's life different, and we have many people way past their college years, with wildly different financial state.
TLDR: Try to accept your present, and work for a better future. Do not give away if you can't afford it. Also - your decent ratio is what you value as decent, according to your options.
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You sound like a person who really teaches a lot of important lessons in the life of strangers.
Thanks for your unique perspective, I don't know how big or small, but you including very few others, have had an impact on my life. also, I wish I could learn formatting/paragraphing like you.
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Yeah, no, apparently you are not educated enough to know how to communicate in a non-obscene manner. So damn rude.
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Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu ask a question, get called out 1000 things, reply back politely with extremely nice manners and go to bed, wake up ask a question get rape threats and death threats in DM's and comments and stay calm keep cool and answer in a good way, you seem to think very highly of yourself, maybe it's time to get back to the ground?
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you seem to think very highly of yourself, maybe it's time to get back to the ground?
exactly what i can say to you when i check ur replies around here. At least i do not call everyone toxic fools for no reason :) i found nice pic that explain it to me what you say here in whole thread.
Look at all your replies and try to reconsider who is toxic here. (and i still dont know whats the point of this topic)
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you need help. You are not disrespecting yourself but entire indians out there from your childish attitute and ignorant behaviour.
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oh wow, I need help, GUYZ I NEED HELP redpoison11 says I need help.
FR tho, although I have a lot of nice friends who respect me and care about me, I don't think Indians got any respect out there man, so relax, The world is tough, I know you're upset, get a glass of water, maybe a nice meal, anything that makes you feel good about Indians and their respect and let me know if I can help you in any way possible
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Do you get off on hate? Because that's the only reasonable explanation for such a stupid response.
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Well, I don't know what to add to this captivating discussion about blacklists, poverty, injustice and foolishness. But some of the comments here clearly classify as an undeniable reason to increase my whitelist.
UPD: Sadly, you can't add people to WL twice
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Although I'm still very busy at least today(and not replying to any comments before I complete my project), are you saying that I'm somehow worthy of whitelist (the good list to befriend people) even among all this chaos and that you can't whitelist me because I'm already there somehow?
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simple it seems
others = good
you = bad
at least that is how i read it
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I'm literally thankful to ALL THE PEOPLE who said anything positive to me or simply never behaved negatively with me, I REALLY AM.
I tend to stay away from people who blacklist me for no reason, the people who expect broke Indian students to give back 10000 games, the people who are toxic and judgemental, the people who believe everyone is rich and if they win 10 games they should give 9 back and so on.
But even tho I am a student, I love helping people IRL (doesn't matter where they're from but being an Indian, my currency is strong in India so basically.... do I give back on SG, or IRL to the needy like I always do, or half towards both places, OR do with what my heart says? I mean I don't do cheap things like getting free games and giving them a way to get XP/satisfaction/praise/thanks' , what I'd love is giving 10$ BUT that game is a game that's KINDA really gonna played and I spend real 10$ to give it away, not got it for free from somewhere you know?
scamhag/freegamefindings/groups/givekey/Alienware etc FREE KEYS for paid games.
I've NEVER tried humble bundle/indiegala/fanatical/g2a/kinguin etc but I'm HAPPY to give away $X? worth games coz they're the real shit and that's what would satisfy me. thanks in advance and sorry I'm on vacation I wouldn't reply back a lot, good luck on the whitelist and blacklisting me, I'm gonna kinda stop getting free games and focus on myself and my career, but of course this ISN'T a goodbye, you can't get rid of me that easily yo!
(oh crap I wanted the description to be small :P )
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