Would you like a like feature
Sorry just seems the tone was a little rude. Maybe I read it wrong. Text is hard to decipher tone :)
This is the first I'm seeing of it! Seems like I'm the minority! I suppose I'll just keep spamming replies...
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I use sarcasm a lot! Just rarely in text because people never read it that way unless the whole tone of the conversation is that way or you know the person personally... Idk... I shouldn't have said anything...
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I feel your pain. I saw it the same as you and could have been in the same situation if you hadn't beaten me to it. I also know how Lugum feels. I tend to be pretty humourless (or just silent) in text these days due to the number of people that I have inadvertently offended. There's often no explanation that can save you once somebody has been offended. I find it a pretty boring way to live, so revert to normal behaviour every so often until inevitably irreversibly offending someone else.
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I mean I shouldn't have called him out on it. He's a nice guy. It's just the OP is a new user who doesn't know any better. I don't know... just wish I hadn't said anything. It's attracted some other users attention though... luckily I've ignored them with a script so I don't know what they've said on the matter :)
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You know thats quite a nice idea! So many times people bump or just say thanks and I would much rather like the comment rather than spam thanks. Like I want to show appreciation that they took the time to comment on my giveaway or thread but the only way is to spam.
So I think this feature would be used a lot by me, dunno about anyone else
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Its a shame really! A lot of people comment on my threads saying "are you really going to reply to every comment" and I'm like "hell yeah! I want to show respect etc!"
Honestly, I find it annoying replying to comments sometimes. I'd much rather like it so only they get the notification!
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Yeah honestly my recent thread has 17 pages of a lot of "bumps" I gave up because I was only saying thanks... Oh well!
But facebook sucks! Stay here, my friend :)
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I would disagree about the thanks button, feels very impersonal. Like in a giveaway I'd rather hand type it and add something to it! I would more like it for bumps really... Thats my main concern because of comment spam in the thread!
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I am Sadistic because I spam the thread and people get mad! Its funny :3
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Dont forget to make 'i've entered 10 GAs and never win anything is this site a scam?' thread.
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I can say you're lucky to win a game after 1 week, I won my first ga after 3 or 4 months, but it was the previous steamgifts.
Now I even see people win the same day that they register here. (there is a lot more ga now, that's a good thing)
Keep creating and giving you're in the good way!!
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There's a lot of people saying this is a bad idea and that they don't want it but they don't explain why. Would anyone care to explain why this would be a bad feature? It certainly doesn't seem bad to me.
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i worked for several big sites and i can tell you that communities are not able to handle this feature... we always removed it after around a week...
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I'd like that. Sometimes you want to let someone know that you like what they said or that you agree with them, but you don't feel like replying or wasting a reply with "+1". Would be useful. And also reduce spam.
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like I said before, a little "thank you" button for GAs and topics would be okay but a up and downvote would be hell.
have a look at blizard forum. It's insane there are groups of people that downvote each other no matter what the text is sain
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I would be pretty happy if there'd be a thumps up / like option, simply because it could be used to +1 useful comments without actually spamming the forum and the notifications of the poster. And yes, sometimes if someone posts something nice it would be nice to give a little bit of feedback that I liked it except posting weird ":D :D " to it or something. Very likely won't happen, but I really wouldn't mind it.
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I passionately hate the "like button culture" in any site that uses them, so no, I wouldn't want to see yet another site implementing that useless feature. :p If someone likes what other user has posted then they can just say so.
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threads like wl4wl or bl4bl or shitload of posts under group messages rep4rep - people like to exchange anything xD
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Yes, but if you can just like a post for being good / funny / useful / whoring enough and it only counts there (so no karma-collecting like on reddit) then there'll be no like for like topics :) I still know this is like 99.9% that will never happen anyways, but this way it's a post-oriented approach, not a user-oriented one
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I started to use this site quite recently -and i already love it-, but in the discussions sessions i feel like i can't really reply anything significant enough to annoy someone with a notification. So, as a avid facebook user -as cringy as it may sound-, i would appreciate a like system, it would give the user a response, but it wouldn't trigger that brain OCD to open the notification and see an "oh"
I can't do anything, but yeah, it's just a tought
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