It really depends on you, just make sure the price is (preferably) at 75% off.
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You don't really need HL1 to play HL2. If something sounds cryptic and unexplained in HL2, it is because it was intended that way to be more X-Files-like. (I have my opinion on how well it fared, but it seems even to this day the majority likes to tell themselves that Half-Life 2 was a good game. It is cute and funny in its own sad way.)
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You could get Terraria and Dark Souls together for that. Hundreds and hundreds of hours of gameplay in well-designed systems!
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Based on your most played games, I would say perhaps Kingdoms of Amalur or maybe the first two Witcher games, which are 85% off and maybe Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Addition. you could get all three of those or the Kingdoms Collection.
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It was an MMORPG project turned into an RPG game, it's incredibly big (maybe bigger than Skyrim I don't know) and has incredibly good DLC's which are practically MMORPG expansions. Combat feels incredibly dynamic and fluent, not like Skyrim or Dark souls, it's kinda cartoonish but the dynamism with animations are wonderful. I probably should buy it too :)
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I do. Armor&Weapon DLC is bad, the others are wonderful. It's like Skyrim, you'll regret it if you don't buy the complete pack and you'll have to buy DLC's for twice the price at a later date. I'll grab it for myself too ^^
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I did notice that one of the DLCs says its just armor and weapons. I am definitely leaning toward Kingdoms of Amalur though, I feel like I could definitely enjoy that. I actually bought Darkest Dungeon yesterday and played it for about 80 minutes before returning it so I could have the money just in case I needed it. I didn't really find Darkest Dungeon to be too fun after comparing it to Fable and Kingdoms of Amalur.
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It might be filtering you by IP. Just type kingdoms of amalur vs skyrim into Google. Probably plenty of info there. The Forbes article probably does the best overall comparison of them. I'm not saying they are so alike the comparison has to be made, but people seem to always ask about it when Kingdoms is mentioned.
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I actually just checked out that Kingdoms game and it looks REALLY amazing! Its kind of like Fable right? I also want to get Fable really badly although I know for a fact Fable doesn't have that well of a character creation system which is the reason I haven't gotten it yet.
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Yeah, it was actually on Origin only, for a while. A former baseball player named Curt Schilling blew his entire careers earnings, to make that game and they were working on another. They overspent big time and the company went bankrupt. After that a Lawyer was in control of it, for the state of Rhode Island and Amazon convinced them to release it on Steam. Amazon was going to do a big sale on it, but Steam had them sign an exclusive deal for a while, so it launched only on Steam, in Steam form. After a while it made its way around and started to get Steam keys elsewhere.
It is considered to be a really good game, that they did manage to finish. I think they would have made a lot more money had they not gone to Origin. Huge mistake.
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Dust from your wishlist is a very nice game. Crypt of the necrodancer seems also like a very popular choice this sale but it's not my cup of tea so can't give you an opinion on it. If you like jrpgs tales of Symphonia is also in your price range atm.
From stuff outside your wishlist I'm gonna suggest Recettear. Absolutely addicting! Capitalism, ho~
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Might be worth going for slightly older games, those that have a base price of $10-15, and have a good discount. There are still plenty of good ones out there. And if you have limited funds, go for longer games.
I know the graphics is bad in Avernum: Escape from the Pit, but you have a good 45h of gametime right there, with good writing, an interesting story & setting and fun gameplay.
Euorpa Universalis Rome, while not the strongest entry in the series, is still a good game with plenty of replay value.
Age of Empires: Legacy bundle gives you 2 games + 4 DLC/expansions. Months of gametime right there (of the quality variety)
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Avernum is a very easy-to-pick up game, you won't regret it. It's not as complex as the early Fallout games, and that is a selling factor. It is an old style RPG without the diabolic difficulty of 80s-90s RPGs.
You should be getting games for less than $10, because you might want to buy something later in the sale. I know splurging now is very tempting. Here are a few games I recommend: Dungeons of Dredmor Complete, Shadow Blade: Reload, and Bully: Scholarship Edition, which is a GTA-style game in a school setting.
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Dungeons of Dredmor is diving into dungeons (as the name says), gaining experience & loot, a classic RPG grind with many achievements -- it is similar to rogue-likes like "Darkest Dungeon" and "The Binding of Isaac".
Shadow Blade: Reload is a side-scrolling platformer in which you slice your way through the level, and avoid the many pitfalls, traps, and other hazards in your way. Bluntly, you have to kill the enemies in the game, of stealth or hiding in shadows. The game has high replay value, according to the reviews I've read. Imagine "Mark of the Ninja" without the stealth aspect -- and this game is it.
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If you like platformers, Max: The Curse of Brotherhood is a hidden gem.
If you like action-adventures, ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West is also a hidden gem.
If you like deeply environmental puzzle adventures with a driving story (and some basic platforming), The Swapper
If you want something that costs a bit more and like Telltale, Tales from the Borderlands is great~!
If you like untimed, somewhat Tetris-like strategy-puzzle games, FaeVerse Alchemy... Oh hey, that's free now, go grab it! ;D
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My favs
fps = csgo
rpg = risen risen2
fps + rpg = borderlands 2
sandbox = terraria, starbound
fps + horror = fear, fear 2
local multiplayer = gang beasts
multiplayer + tanks = shell shock
sandbox + action = payday 2
drifting = drift steets japan
cars on crazy tracks = trackmania
2d adventure = rayman origins or second one
simulators = grass simulator (jk)
Hotline Miami
Half Life 1/2
Risk of Rain
Sniper elite
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I'd rather get as many games as possible, because +1.
But well, usually cheaper games have lower production value, even though more expensive games sometimes are lacking as well. So in the end, it depends on your taste, priorities, expectations and overall tolerance.
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Yes, it's nice. It's an RPG/ARPG hybrid.
Great gameplay for an RPG, great storytelling for an ARPG.
A few choices, dialogs here and there, nice loot hunting and overall combat.
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I really can't say much, I've played it long ago when it was released quite a few hours (back then I still pirated games, anyway), and recently after I bought it on Steam for a couple hours. I think I played on Xbox 360 controller last time, but can't remember correctly, as I suck playing this kind of games on controller (third person) .
Since it was released for consoles, I bet it'll support joysticks just fine (specially X-input ones).
Regarding WIndows 10, I haven't tried the game on it yet, can try later when I get home in a few hours, and I'll tell you. I've seen some people complaining about crashes, and other saying it ran fine, so I can't say for sure.
What I know is that it seems to have some trouble on resolutions bigger than 1080p, which is not my case as well, so I can't confirm.
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