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Some people try to compensate for their own needs not being met by taking care of everyone around them. Please make sure that you aren't giving away more care than you are able to. It's not selfish to accept help!
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Thank you for saying this but helping other people makes me really happy, makes me feel like I have a purpose. No one deserves to hurt or feel lonely. I want to bring joy to as many people as I can. I will make sure to not spread myself to thin. I appreciate you caring!
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It took me a long time to get away from the idea that depression is something I can just "tough out", that if I just quietly endure it, it will somehow pass and get better. Never count on that; years of not acting against my mental health problems left me numb and fatalistically used to the idea of just watching my life burn to pieces while I don't act against it. I am still working on finding a way to deal with everything that has built up over these years and weighs on my soul.
I'd love to echo the offer to be there for everyone else who is struggling, but I need all the energy I have for myself. (Besides, I don't think I'd be any good at it.) But to everyone who feels overwhelmed with their problems, be it mental health, trouble with friends or family, school or job issues, struggles about their identity, or whatever it is that prevents you from living a happy life, turn towards someone to help you carry that burden. This world is often unnecessarily cold and unforgiving, and nobody should go through this life alone.
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It is a nice thought that you would do love to be there and help people if you had the energy to do so. The thought is what counts. If you need anyone to talk to and help replenish that energy through friendship please feel free to contact me anytime and I will be here for you. I hope you are having a good day/night!
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Please don't think that way! I am here for you seriously if you want someone to talk to reach out to me. Everyone needs someone. Don't let the past stop you from trying.
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Trust me,reaching out time and time again proved me everyone is the same. My best attempt at trying now just consists of not forgetting this is all there is.
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It is now my life mission to be your friend. Not everyone is the same.
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I feel you, cause it's been mostly the same for me. Of course it's not your fault that people sucked when you reached out.
anyway i'm not here to try and convince you to trust people, you have your reason, but it's a good thing to surround yourself with people that you can have fun with and make you feel better.
idk what i'm saying just distancing yourself from everyone just gonna hurt you with loneliness more.
wish you the best, and my steam is open if u want to chat, or just add to have a +1 friend there or whatever
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well ur not wrong, also i'm no therapist so it's okay to disregard anything i say xD
just for me, i've been betrayed by most ppl i considered good friends, it sucks and i've distanced myself for years, but it's getting to me now, i become addicted to being occupied cause if i can hear my thoughts i get more and more depressed, and having no one to talk to is really difficult.
Being lonely is very sad
i mean i fear and have anxiety about interacting with other people because i don't wanna give a chance to be hurt again, and i don't talk to anyone besides a comment here and there, but i wish it was different, because i don't think anyone deserves to be like me
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Man it's like reading the manga "Its too late but I have fall in love with my childhood friend" (There is a character in that manga that has self-destructive behaviour like me, and I just want her to be happy but not me). I really are in no different position than yours right now and I sincerely hope both of us can one day found happiness bro.
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This is a wonderful initiative, really kind of you 💖
I'm going through a situation very similar to yours and I know how lonely one can feel at such times...
I also make myself available to help, if someone want to talk I'm here, no one should feel alone in this world!
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You are so kind offering the same. I am 100% here for you. I hope I can help you not feel lonely! 💖
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Today must have just been one of those days for all of us. I was hit pretty hard with it this morning granted I contributed to it's formation by seeking information that I knew would hit me hard. It finally settled down but most of my day was locked in. Nothing helped. I have you on Steam already but if you want to hit me up for Discord then feel free to throw me a message on there.
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Yes I have been to therapists, mental facilities, survivor groups, and more. I know life goes on. Happiness matters too though!
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From my own personal experience, I would really encourage you to at least see a therapist before deciding you are depressed. Years ago, I self-diagnosed myself with depression and tried to deal with things on my own, but just kept spiraling downward. When I finally agreed to therapy they helped me to see my issue wasn't depression, but being overwhelmed by years of stress in dealing with a long string of shitty events and people. That outside perspective helped me see that my reactions (and inactions) to things were what were making things worse. It helped me find the strength to cut out the toxic parts of my life that I could control (romantic relationship, "friends", employer, my step-father), which then left me strong enough to push through the rest of the bullshit around me and learn how to enjoy life again.
I'm not at all saying that you're NOT depressed. You very may well be. But you've got nothing to lose in talking to a professional and getting an outside opinion.
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Just want to send you some extra love. Someone very close to me struggles wih the same kind of issues than you had. Fortunately this person is not alone, and we try to help in any way we can.
It's good to be listening to others, but don't forget to listen to you first !
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Thank you for looking out for others. Especially while dealing with your mental health. This community really is full of amazing people. Others have already said this but please make sure to take a break for yourself as well. Helping others is great but can be very draining. I've also struggled and still struggle with depression and anxiety but always want to help others. It's real easy to accidentally over do it. Glad you're doing better and thanks again for helping others.
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I once got asked a question by a broken friend, being myself a broken person: can two broken persons heal each other? Not like "magic wand, ok you're perfect now". But love, care, understanding, relating to each one's bad or good experiences, communicate, works. It works heavenly it both are ready to be fully open and honest. Sadly, I couldn't do it with that friend. She was quite complex, difficult to deal with, and too unstable and whimsical to help it make it work.
Now, I answered the question about her. I'll answer in a more general way. Can two broken persons help or heal each other? The answer is a big yes. Not because I believe it, but because I've gone through it. I talk from experience. So, it doesn't always work, that's true. Sometimes you get at least some relief from venting out, or from feeling understood (truly understood) for once, or first time in your life. Sometimes you get frustration, lack of connection, or uneven commitment to it from one of the persons. But when it works well, it's like magic. Surely, not perfect, you have to put your effort. You know the deal, you're being helped so you can help yourself. Therapy from you-never-imagined-where. And it all boils down to communication, something that I see it's severely lacking in our society or between friends or even couples.
Commitment, wanting to help, I see it there. Four thumbs up for that. Not many people want to help others when they're fighting their own demons, but you do it fearlessly. I bet you'll not have any problem with communication, either. So whoever is brave enough and make a step forward and talk to you, they're lucky people indeed. Just be sure to keep enough strength to yourself, and yes I know you've been told that already.
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Hi, ill send you a friend request, hope you never go through those things that hurt you again, and wish you the best.
Hope your quest to help people also make you feel happy and fulfilled cause you deserve the best.
I've joined your discord and hope i can get to know you and other people there, but i don't have a lot of time.
I also been hurt a lot by a few groups out there and it sucks, i'm not going in to vent or something, but i just want to find new friends that are good people and hang out, cuz i'm very lonely.
<3 let's spread love
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It's very sweet and great of you! I wish you all the best and all the best for your efforts! :3
I sincerely hope that there will be no more black streaks in your life! The only thing is, while helping others, please do not forget about yourself. Sometimes you can give too much of yourself to others.
I also used to always try to be a shoulder to cry on and a helper for some of my friends and relatives in difficult situations, but later I slowed down a little when I realized that my nerves were no longer enough. But I do not regret helping them at all. And when grief suddenly came to my family recently and I had to bury my dad, they also helped and supported me a lot. I apologize for my English, it is not my native language. And once again I wish you all the best! :3
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UPDATE: Do you want a community of people to just have fun with, laugh, post memes/gifs, listen to music, etc? Come let us love you!
I have struggled for a long time with depression issues and have a pretty bad past that has left me with anxiety, PTSD, and other issues. I know that many other people are going through the same things I have and may not feel like they have anyone to love or care about them. Well I am a very loving affectionate person and want to put the option out there that if you are feeling alone I can be a friend to you and help you to feel loved as much as I can. If you need someone to talk to please add me on steam and we can talk there or exchange discords. Never struggle alone, I will be here for you!
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