The question should be "What games should I not play with a controller?".
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I play most fps with a controller. I don't play many mmo's so I cant really talk about that.
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Any FPS, if you're after "optimal" reaction speed & precision. Any "fast" FPS is night unplayable with a controller (try to play the recent Rise of the Triad with a controller...)
Any strategy game. Even those made with controllers in mind (Fire Emblem, Advance Wars and so on) tend to feel a bit sub-optimal (the two series I mentioned are excellent, but they would have been even better with a mouse & keyboard instead)
Simulators. Silent Service on consoles was a sub-par experience.
Management titles.
Any 2D platformer that uses "abuse style" controls.
CRPGs with a good amount of menu use (yes I do think that Final Fantasy would have been considerably better with proper mouse & keyboard support, it would have made the menu-diving a lot less inconvenient)
Point & click adventure games.
*With controller I don't count Wiimote. Point & click adventure games worked quite well with that one, and while not as good as mouse & keyboard, shooters also worked surprisingly well.
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I have more fun playing most fps with a controller. It's more comfortable and, to be honest, you don't have to be deadly precise in all of them. Also, there are way more games in general that work absolutely perfect with controller, hence the question. It would take more time and effort to make a list of the ones you can play with than the ones you can't play with.
I don't agree with most points in your list, but I guess then we're entering the subjective territory, and no one wins in that argument.
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As for FPS, modern games tend to compensate a lot for you, as you can't do precise aiming (much like the games of old, before mouse look was standard). To me this detracts from the experience, it makes it feel like I'm not the one doing the job, but that the game is doing part of it for me.
Anyway, I would at least be interested in hearing your argument on some of those. Strategy games in particular I feel are ill suited for controllers. As long as they are turnbased, they are fully playable, if slightly awkward to play (more so the more complex they are), but when it comes to real-time, I've never played a pure strategy game that I did not feel suffered a lot from their controller support. As for simulators, it's down to lack of buttons, and I don't think anyone will actually argue with me when I say that something like IL2-Sturmovik, Silent Hunter or Blaze of war would be unplayable with a controller. Abuse style controls I probably have to explain, as it's a term that might be common knowledge, it's when you aim with the mouse & move with the keyboard, thus giving you very precise aim. You aim at a spot, not just in a direction, which results in a very different playstyle as compared to say Probotector/Contra. MOBAs would probably work, if the the genre gets re-worked a bit, but what currently is on the market does not work with a controller (to my knowledge, only one "pure" moba has been released on consoles, and that's the absolutely terrible LOTR one). Point & click is another one that's playable, it's just awkward to do with a controller (my introduction to point & click adventures was actually through the console version of Shadowgate, but everything was just so much slower with a controller that I honestly would never want to go back to something like that, not when I've played them with a mouse).
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In many games you can disable that, either way is made in a way the user doesnt really notice the difference (at least I never did).
Regarding RTS games, yes, it would be akward with a controller, but I just said it could happen, not that it should happen. Like most things in life, it would just take a little learning, then it would feel natural after some time. Regarding lack of buttons, controllers compensate by making combinations, wich are not really that hard to remember nor do, and moving while shooting on a controller? Check. You have two two sticks for that. You move with one and aim with the other. I really didnt knew about abuse style controls, and if we're talking multiple things at once, then the keaboard+mouse would probably beat the controller, but I dont think you have to do 3+ stuff at once in real time simulators such as IL2-Stumovik (wich I still have on my backlog). As I said, I have no idea about MOBA's, but with point and click, it would feel as natural to me as a mouse to aim with the controller's sticks, but that might take a little time to get used to for people who are not familiarized with them.
Regarding point 1 from the list (is the only one I actually care for and the only one I'll defend, I kinda agree with you on the rest. 6 is a pretty solid reason too, but you kinda agreed with it) I think you misunderstood it for 6. Confort was meant in a way you can be at almost any position posible and still use the controller. With keyboard+pc you're pretty limited, given that it's practically not useful at all unless it's on a solid base such as a table, and you need more space for the keyboard and extra space so you can move the mouse around. A controller, on the other hand, is light, small, and you can use it either if you're on those weird positions you get after some time on the couch or if you're standing upside down hanging from the ceiling. Also, there is a (kinda) widely variety of controllers, as well as keyboards, you should only try to find one that fits your hand in a way you like it.
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Yeah, well, if you want to make an entire list, go ahead :D
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I strongly disagree with most of them. As for point 1, that one is very dependent on hand-size. As I have longer than average fingers (due to me being larger than average) a controller tend to be far less comfortable. I just can't get a good grip of the controller. Point 2 I just can't agree with, 3 is basically a repeat of 1, 4 I guess might be true, I also started with controllers, 5 is mainly true if you get a low-end keyboard. get one in the same price range as a controller and it's a non-issue, 6 is probably true if you sit poorly (though due to point 1 it's not true for me, as I have to bend my fingers in an odd angle, and it really starts to hurt after a while), 7 is probably true, though a non-issue for anyone who is used to using a keyboard & mouse, 8 just says that it worked back in the days so it should work now, 9 can just be flipped around, 10 is more or less a repeat of 5, 11 is true for some games but not for others (controllers tend to be better for fighting games, but worse for fast paced shooters), and while 12 is true as far as one is designed for games and one is not, that does not automatically make one better than the other.
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I disagree with most games that you listed in your post, so I'm not sure what you consider "good with a controller".
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Oh, then in that case, you can simply search on Steam for games with "full controller support". I'll give you a full list of games that work with a controller.
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-Super Meat Boy
-Hotline Miami
-Among the Sleep
-Child of Light
-Oddworld NewnTasty
-Ori and the Blind Forest
-Valiant Hearts: The Great War
-Brothers A Tale of two sons
-Mark of the Ninja
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Could you recommend other games worth buying on steam that support controller ?
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