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Whoa, already did the initial list, but now that's too tedious. XD
As someone wrote above, this link
seems to do the same thing but better. I just got much more in an instant from there.
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It's trailers and demos.... why would anyone want this?
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I've been adding games from this list for 2 days. What would be good would be to know when any of these games stop being free, to brag about it with my friends hehe
Is there any way to find out? Is there any page that tells you when a game stops being steam free?
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it add all free stuff like dota and tf2 games? is it gona be +1 or free stuff or any other profit?
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No, free doesn't give you +1 or anything else, just more clutter to you account.
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Your version vs my version :P
I recommend working with actual variable names, otherwise you will get back to the script an hour later and have no clue what's going on.
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That has nothing to do with this script, it's because all Zonitron Production games got removed from the store today so they don't count into the game counter anymore. The game counter updates as soon as you add a new license to your account, so you would've "lost" those games from your counter as soon as you would've bought any other game anyway. The games are still in your library, they just don't count on your profile anymore.
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did i do it correctly? someone help me, im new to this. thanks
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Use spaces instead of commas between ids.
So instead of:
app_license_request 375230,648430,582500
app_license_request 375230 648430 582500
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For me it didn't work with commas so I tried with spaces and it worked. Also, for each app_license_request it didn't go through all 50 ids so I split each batch into two sets of 25 ids and ran each of them separately without any issue.
It was mainly an experiment but this is what worked for me.
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You're very welcome. Thanks for the list of ids as well.
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Take one line of this each hour. Each line contains 50 FREE "things" on steam. If you do more then 50 in 60 minutes you will get rate blocked on steam for 1 hour, so do 1 line per 60 minutes maximum.
If you hit the limit it will only add 1 item each time you run a set of 50. Better to stick to the limit...
1 hour ago
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Not certain, though you can try this (on PC, i press Ctrl+Shift+K to open console in FireFox).
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to us. it does to him on his library,not in profile
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I just got this back from the console:
No cached sticky mapping in ActivateActionSet.Game update: AppID 233450 "Prison Architect", ProcID 3720, IP
Adding process 3720 for game ID 233450
Game removed: AppID 233450 "Prison Architect", ProcID 3720
Did this thing cost me a game? It is still listed among my games and it is installed, but I´m afraid that the next time I try to run it it´s going to revoke it.
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192 Comments - Last post 59 minutes ago by Koalala
50 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by RobbyRatpoison
2,279 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by MeguminShiro
341 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by JTC3
4 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Chris76de
285 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by pizzahut
70 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by FranckCastle
16 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by septeroc
246 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Daniellejake
1,657 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by AllTracTurbo
810 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by Madpie24
36 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by Williamatics
87 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by RobbyRatpoison
17 Comments - Last post 52 minutes ago by lext
Generated by:shak59
Each line contains 25 FREE "things" on steam (games, DLC, apps - nothing really great, but all free). If you do more then 50 appids in 60 minutes you might get rate blocked on steam for 1 hour, so do 2 lines per 60 minutes maximum. I recommend waiting a few minutes extra to be sure. Rate blocked means you can't add any new games for 1 hour.
Open windows RUN (windowsKey + r), type in:
This will open steam with a small line at the bottom that you can type things into. This is called a console line.
Copy and paste 1 block into that. and press enter
It will say requesting license blah check your licenses page (click on your wallet then licenses) and it will show all your new free things.
I recommend copying the whole list into notepad then deleting the rows you have added as you work through it all.
REMEMBER! max 50 appids per hour. Don't get greedy. Enjoy and share it out!
app_license_request 685310 625430 212070 442120 550470 286080 675810 575720 375230 641780 215280 455020 448930 604500 531640 572520 380600 397900 592890 339600 364470 600750 582500 607200 331360
app_license_request 648430 622470 301520 643980 619310 386360 444930 236110 529840 287920 253710 661960 680310 235400 446540 445720 534500 688650 522230 372000 212740 688240 416450 397060 505700
app_license_request 265630 227940 531800 459820 382850 622650 357480 424280 466660 530330 689580 436520 360730 542560 446270 113400 453480 642390 622060 238260 348250 660880 506540 518580 591960
app_license_request 365300 414530 300080 446150 412310 329110 687280 435440 521800 679990 627530 253510 691730 429790 716690 436180 713650 351790 311730 291410 566410 262410 390540 280790 657050
app_license_request 627690 703671 370070 691540 565050 335820 587650 293260 353130 444200 465520 200210 238960 375950 564710 234330 271920 689090 544730 411480 17740 233570 669580 386180 213450
app_license_request 343730 291480 615050 550650 482920 516510 485610 513000 261980 639650 1280 582890 349620 603140 340810 270370 391780 531960 647530 708680 259080 373330 672650 397550 415860
app_license_request 442080 529110 589870 689830 388490 402840 420790 437160 438140 316390 707340 546390 547180 672730 683670 457550 628530 682970 611120 211500 212160 225840 264380 628440 394230
app_license_request 570 677290 720460 561970 608110 640030 317600 703760 621880 474010 656770 610080 687980 382000 394120 533780 438100 377260 530900 704060 676490 718230 703900 594960 593620
app_license_request 657860 599060 310380 510190 412940 478980 223750 333930 274620 227180 504300 304930 235340 671310 693810 423880 396280 321400 236390 513650 708171 39000 656070 312990 416030
app_license_request 530700 720110 291150 370770 342200 624771 451160 577020 545170 469990 477200 533970 719690 341890 455460 462270 643910 649310 528450 244050 226980 282660 212200 700860 402570
app_license_request 203290 436150 227240 673620 349720 612290 673070 716620 39120 690690 596940 434520 390100 24200 434120 11020 291550 695410 373980 263540 327690 697970 204300 317400 555570
app_license_request 444090 427270 408930 392950 532800 550900 388520 687630 552110 586030 460510 491790 323370 389430 266430 388370 342150 410380 656120 391460 651090 372800 706970 676770 22350
app_license_request 226320 429680 454540 513450 324810 454910 359800 558100 510660 314970 290930 404410 690930 201210 709960 461910 466910 718570 452230 606010 545820 427020 464800 643870 652480
app_license_request 442810 305260 686950 688870 385370 409510 688340 349480 607260 594610 578600 588180 619910 644540 497640 508390 466170 578310 555210 589120 334370 672640 268420 51100 244930
app_license_request 447270 466270 312450 614250 412470 661260 363970 471710 667120 525100 433350 331470 533690 542210 711400 670500 674400 380840 703430 665490 615340 436160 332070 691930 339610
app_license_request 383080 676860 568810 651280 336510 449040 462930 393360 351570 440 512470 612020 339280 563560 565030 369200 713240 382490 214850 636040 562540 504730 404015 455041 506190
app_license_request 534330 551820 551821 619250 449394 664270 435030 542590 708170 415270 354290 451130 351140 639230 528740 588430 606180 555450 609220 687870 611020 645260 237310 713280 355840
app_license_request 652980 261430 546600 258700 215080 224600 304030 304050 407510 232450 612620 706620 378370 109600 673590 644700 589160 265770 293540 592460 703441 512560 365670 686340 571350
app_license_request 645830 338810 709580 402560 541180 314280 216150 668770 362850 416690 557780 530620 17520 436110 579010 351640 467380 528580 544510 374570 591740 290140 9880 1840 17500
app_license_request 616090 632280 369400 17570 351030 660520 703090 431510 317790 604091 526400 253530 317360 434430 689400 215100 353360 537130 417860 384180 659900 654174 9900 696990 701100
app_license_request 346900 250740 306930 376310 444640 332650 637960 646140 687320 560970 317470 268850 596650 587460 624510 631660 655550 389570 273110 344670 372650 381940 392230 396060 397610
app_license_request 404020 405480 409020 410390 413620 420020 422500 426610 428810 431390 436340 436740 436820 446750 446770 448710 448980 450390 451980 452490 452710 453000 453170 453190 455160
app_license_request 455440 456450 456570 456920 457230 457420 457670 458590 458890 459170 460850 461320 462530 462910 464540 464940 466720 466900 468700 469540 469650 469960 470130 471630 474720
app_license_request 477130 477800 478000 482390 483680 485230 490840 491800 493400 495030 495450 495520 496180 496190 497820 498510 498600 499540 500360 500380 500660 501180 501380 501470 503470
app_license_request 503630 504630 506280 507210 510130 511360 512630 512710 513150 513760 515020 516470 517550 519170 523170 524030 525540 526680 526730 529150 529540 529670 531990 534460 536210
app_license_request 537060 538110 538780 538950 539190 540630 542170 542960 543640 543660 544130 544420 544590 547440 547750 549360 549880 549920 550520 550820 551960 552770 552960 553590 554140
app_license_request 557670 559010 559920 561080 561390 563470 564330 566130 566150 568600 568690 569370 571500 572000 572660 574440 574730 574780 576650 576790 576840 578470 579040 579050 579080
app_license_request 580410 580630 582030 583510 584170 584200 585000 585270 585340 588290 589460 590430 590440 592450 592920 593090 593400 594490 595490 598070 600140 602140 603630 604530 605810
app_license_request 605850 607770 607860 608000 608980 611090 612050 612440 612590 612790 613220 613920 614710 615460 615650 616810 617600 619020 619600 622110 622290 622310 622380 623970 624460
app_license_request 624920 625470 627300 627301 630180 630510 630540 630541 630542 630543 630980 633140 633210 633320 634060 635680 635681 635682 635683 635684 635685 635686 635687 635688 635689
app_license_request 635690 635691 636580 636930 638920 639190 639550 639960 640630 642840 643000 644660 645480 647670 648870 650090 651320 653560 657010 662470 662700 665200 667110 668180 668480
app_license_request 668530 669440 670600 670601 670602 670603 670604 670605 671340 671341 671342 671380 671381 671382 676470 677380 684380 356670 506140 509420 260430 697040 449130 17510 365270
app_license_request 385890 511800 682710 581130 672000 248570 614111 536930 393790 465710 497570 653220 646171 646170 678350 17700 283060 362060 375600 665040 8500 416040 467360 687590 600120
app_license_request 298240 542480 38830 206210 338540 434510 562590 616220 703590 693623 689430 702800 458960 547680 706150 345390 590280 673900 676070 513210 206500 404790 389300 534820 342480
app_license_request 449050 343630 35800 473850 319630 540160 648650 352700 317110 335240 372540 468560 488440 520860 537180 568770 671700 700900 550740 245550 290730 298260 407120 509800 17080
app_license_request 497860 390160 361630 390670 409690 464700 465440 681500 637850 212800 293500 381990 412140 698470 384030 415840 531190 700380 458970 298160 355180 501050 411192 411186 411185
app_license_request 523488 702695 685200 214420 412230 543650 659000 454600 684250 319150 336520 387970 495910 651470 438720 685830 286100 302670 398840 529780 628870 702690 702691 702692 702693
app_license_request 702694 702696 670640 476460 419070 463794 626680 17580 510790 552140 302590 686870 676800 335430 454070 553730 620530 417920 17530 113420 235780 239660 313240 354900 409160
app_license_request 461560 658510 691961 643270 432290 397040 337410 11610 645540 631130 295550 326960 475530 529720 212500 448570 640410 568110 636240 619582 688810 400040 99900 385770 397100
app_license_request 464780 490230 549090 663170 257730 682310 682300 391820 416130 562010 603880 351270 655170 377330 423890 429180 302830 342370 385260 641880 642270 652840 691950 675630 690030
app_license_request 286940 429940 691960 602090 554340 433800 545110 338180 689890 623840 692140 201230 542310 610940 686140 592800 687820 619801 368950 553030 224260 244630 310370 519140 532840
app_license_request 557400 372190 230410 354640 409670 421670 443580 573770 652150 306830 321840 356130 412400 647000 574680 282880 346120 365720 384150 547870 385530 320590 348860 367120 491130
app_license_request 581650 692330 373680 207230 353220 684780 373720 223710 654680 614620 567970 102700 250420 442710 449140 346330 612610 313730 331120 346250 387860 319570 598530 654171 654170
app_license_request 437900 492690 104700 213650 673690 685070 545650 459160 338000 684110 355000 587290 246820 684610 238070 337950 676890 593270 590770 631450 684730 680790 300040 628610 461680
app_license_request 437720 678990 240320 665740 266450 364960 541190 547690 598680 534950 660330 668140 677370 683060 468530 524970 407060 650290 650291 682840 682850 682830 227700 218230 671950
app_license_request 678710 370190 489560 510050 493370 354200 646820 669940 654340 679950 521470 625140 656620 414730 467990 605610 630 17550 17730 92500 229950 231390 261820 301070 463020
app_license_request 521200 522660 557880 581120 509880 503110 614100 647430 678550 383860 531540 386640 459510 646960 667650 667710 330760 431540 513440 655160 660770 666200 670030 626650 430890
app_license_request 539260 438040 655330 609940 432310 675150 675151 675152 495590 355500 673440 670980 449000 376570 596710 657410 674460 481890 641860 461820 672060 553670 314000 395520 271290
app_license_request 519569 519570 519571 519572 519573 519574 519575 519576 519577 519578 519563 519564 519565 519566 519567 519568 381640 377430 393530 463390 525780 560260 340350 391270 357500
app_license_request 206480 399520 509190 266150 321480 663420 614610 356330 529770 461180 440090 667250 565730 523680 526180 585030 669300 665990 509560 251450 404480 407900 567740 598390 259020
app_license_request 366440 453890 564180 598710 217750 523190 316010 661950 41010 471450 35420 625080 544620 530670 530671 377150 627010 627011 627012 627013 633251 650030 650031 660740 642590
app_license_request 348760 348700 519562 519561 519560 539640 580210 642250 649920 420690 653200 578290 213550 438920 397680 600410 590450 638800 645840 376140 404281 536950 645960 592860 511890
app_license_request 581951 642640 640230 590910 392450 614870 642540 635530 366530 389509 639010 610040 595750 533200 639870 542974 475230 618730 639030 610051 592850 635240 635241 635242 635243
app_license_request 587840 452780 634170 305280 470040 505430 537540 593880 627470 542940 472680 218330 486110 611210 621960 556750 323910 610050 587660 631610 47410 633310 624390 612870 486830
app_license_request 604950 628700 391210 455760 633410 496580 394740 614200 592840 456410 592780 630780 631320 329020 509530 396030 593370 513560 348350 411820 510630 604190 616440 625660 626900
app_license_request 608590 487520 386600 456200 563850 486490 592830 518213 518214 518215 595350 585640 583740 619790 483280 620820 587980 624770 520180 578000 399660 602750 439940 518212 587740
app_license_request 532770 554640 567090 574740 582830 212180 622500 547010 408030 317780 618280 586870 604930 529190 491380 413720 587570 594300 594310 397360 364110 209710 442110 36620 583680
app_license_request 510730 582570 582575 582574 582572 582573 582571 529870 579537 613680 450220 584190 601190 585990 606970 595980 108210 582100 545570 579536 589700 583635 569682 569680 569681
app_license_request 569683 569684 476052 476051 480560 542900 263500 610820 588301 25600 610100 608650 602310 109400 579371 583634 579535 578240 493480 588010 480580 13140 496900 457330 342980
app_license_request 580440 580430 516400 434180 386310 542870 577390 579534 583633 579541 380360 463792 200110 444620 517910 544840 547820 573540 573546 568380 551810 514590 600560 590540 506803
app_license_request 506802 506801 319730 542850 579540 579533 583632 501280 590480 598290 537230 299420 583631 579539 579532 571460 312280 205890 596160 565250 569710 401800 596470 572600 477240
app_license_request 549610 549620 587500 579531 583630 289780 579538 246280 543200 556800 573570 573580 553440 588810 505100 571730 343740 565240 277950 589620 502550 523910 585281 585283 585282
app_license_request 562840 565400 574990 569400 501170 444250 370590 565230 577660 585880 540810 491460 491480 491500 491940 491960 491980 492020 492030 492040 492050 492060 371310 201070 565220
app_license_request 227220 584770 524900 584970 539650 505750 402450 524240 584620 469050 578410 565210 585130 585280 212240 555960 407210 415720 495750 582090 463250 563790 397990 465090 571810
app_license_request 582250 442290 534190 205710 576350 410810 517680 564010 576210 558680 380140 531200 541430 540170 486420 522280 356310 520910 378180 547540 431340 448212 431500 466260 366160
app_license_request 549770 569820 557810 569244 573920 566390 573140 458760 556720 564030 446990 567900 571750 566910 476570 556880 573880 573850 571440 562060 564400 431780 445780 325983 464050
app_license_request 570920 379870 567050 294160 257400 561816 561811 505650 418140 559990 569410 566720 538351 560790 560580 374670 563720 547560 555420 407250 566340 538880 542330 563400 548700
app_license_request 563430 444360 539370 561200 389530 518210 518211 541630 557890 485650 550768 548290 558660 546890 489000 549630 503160 299360 348920 348610 560240 558880 497090 496100 393480
app_license_request 406950 402290 406960 407080 555865 555861 466960 435340 254300 403690 546880 420240 547260 553130 239220 522090 273350 488160 347370 347360 495400 540380 218450 550760 550761
app_license_request 550762 550763 550764 550766 550767 550770 550769 550771 550773 550772 550774 550775 550776 550777 550778 550779 550780 550781 550782 550783 550784 11130 469930 552090 314010
app_license_request 552680 219700 499950 402890 534610 534614 534615 534616 534617 534618 534619 534620 534621 534622 534623 534624 534625 534626 534611 534627 534612 534628 534613 534630 534631
app_license_request 534632 534633 534634 550765 534635 534636 534629 393970 521570 349210 208090 218130 488910 404580 440980 452640 472060 295710 463060 493240 396420 462970 219340 351020 428870
app_license_request 317410 222520 209870 272350 451960 549640 494110 551030 424780 523070 527440 547660 518780 534340 448390 494220 518810 523334 314420 535440 544520 539310 542780 543620 523335
app_license_request 538360 538352 538350 351630 520190 331580 523330 523331 523332 523333 523336 523337 523338 523339 540520 530420 526430 403040 542120 242740 336040 542600 6370 13120 36630
app_license_request 90530 105430 113900 203850 212220 213390 234310 240380 244590 251670 269390 269910 329280 330000 330710 334030 345520 348840 351800 358390 368980 377590 385880 393930 418280
app_license_request 471770 479030 535420 396960 539030 539100 420828 372920 496330 532310 538400 527680 406100 527640 527641 527642 527643 527644 527645 527646 527650 527651 527652 537420 537421
app_license_request 537422 537590 514390 253490 525370 444560 533870 537410 521121 521962 516770 537190 534590 486160 497940 534860 534850 426970 345040 526470 476561 534341 530380 529030 526122
app_license_request 526562 526572 530180 362400 532000 60600 110500 513200 530661 512290 492010 491990 491970 492000 441520 530720 368290 518370 523329 523328 523327 523326 523325 523324 523323
app_license_request 523322 523321 523320 365070 525180 525186 525185 525183 524630 512480 495470 362200 362210 362220 362230 362240 362250 362260 362270 362180 362190 508430 525960 293200 394140
app_license_request 416900 222500 413690 517320 520030 523690 229100 422630 458670 515300 523920 451230 523487 523484 523483 523482 523481 523489 523485 523486 523490 523480 479130 344190 519910
app_license_request 504270 492800 473660 487130 517050 351410 513040 503990 515990 447260 507290 510750 494300 508510 470080 447660 510670 509860 410560 506920 510310 498060 288460 508150 377560
app_license_request 506600 497810 458280 458320 458270 458260 458300 458310 458250 413859 413857 413858 413852 413851 413855 413853 413854 413856 447570 502490 503890 462972 438831 498811 435963
app_license_request 366960 449780 454640 463740 497811 497812 497813 500840 498810 351840 501250 493810 493630 493640 485000 487490 435961 394380 369030 379200 315880 411194 411182 411184 420090
app_license_request 411183 411187 411190 411188 411189 411191 411193 419910 411181 488140 488130 327360 495460 361780 361770 361760 361750 361740 361730 361720 361710 478960 494710 420880 354550
app_license_request 354540 354530 354520 493850 354510 403520 326740 407473 407472 485800 489920 489330 488190 41300 201190 218470 221360 223390 223630 230310 457390 327640 485960 435770 438680
app_license_request 488700 218170 486210 486520 485760 434630 406910 420825 420824 381570 435960 434633 434632 434631 474030 484340 449470 347680 451330 434480 448310 442220 466380 449020 273550
app_license_request 461970 413810 373700 461750 469520 429670 299910 274160 445130 428300 465730 466390 412630 464810 348500 336390 350470 463490 464580 462351 459110 458560 461060 445230 348110
app_license_request 455330 213470 413170 106010 109410 212370 212390 215120 218310 221080 221200 221790 224320 231060 238110 238590 241640 241660 247830 257710 264120 266030 266070 290830 307290
app_license_request 329790 335330 336670 342570 345650 350660 356370 360480 378480 398450 407090 416670 452220 420822 437400 435060 444040 340460 384980 440740 405980 435177 445080 219870 412990
app_license_request 439390 431980 211380 221120 430330 441040 438600 415750 441240 417890 343750 343720 400030 350990 435450 393410 429300 321280 324830 324850 341190 398310 430110 348320 348010
app_license_request 347910 347920 347780 349800 349560 350720 350400 350230 372820 420340 33310 425910 425930 425750 425920 425940 415430 421920 384560 421780 410140 213570 218210 257380 350020
app_license_request 381560 394170 419660 280620 400120 394720 388780 387450 380760 378300 375220 373100 370880 370580 366800 365050 364450 362970 360870 359080 358640 356520 354870 352160 351540
app_license_request 350870 350730 343330 340540 335981 335150 322420 317760 304890 300970 297210 250600 242720 224280 221220 215870 213530 213590 213490 213410 213430 31740 99910 95700 47770
app_license_request 48900 1230 3483 380890 351980 414480 316400 404800 414520 408430
My trash PHP script I used to make this - bad code 101 :D easy so it works in any online php editor.
//REPLACE $a sample list with your list of appids separated with spaces. Can be huge. Replace yyy with new line in output.
$a="375230 648430 582500 622470 397900";
$b=explode(" ",$a);
echo $c.'xx';
echo $b[7];
$x.="$xx ";
$stout= "yyyapp_license_request ".$x;
$stout2=substr($stout, 0, -1);
echo $stout2;
$stout= "yyyapp_license_request ".$x;
$stout2=substr($stout, 0, -1);
echo $stout2;
To generate the list of appids:
go here:
Set it to show ALL.
Copy the table into excel/spreadsheet, get the list of appids from it and find replace new line with spaces. Then use the list of appids in the php code above for variable $a.
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