Yeah, anti bot measure is one of the reasons, and level 2 is very easy for them to achieve actually. I was told at lvl 5 there is less of them, just achieved it myself and will see.
Another reason people might wanna do it is to give back to specifically people who also contributed a lot to the website, kinda similar in that regard to group giveaways, but more public.
TLDR, even when i do something like region restricted GA among multiple groups and whitelist, I still set it to AT LEAST lvl 1, so I know people tried to give something back to community
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Yeah I suppose that's a good reason. If everyone on level 5, the you have an even better chance of winning the game, too, right?
And about the bots, yeah, my first giveaway was wide open and I refreshed the giveaway page in like the first 15-20 seconds and I saw it already had like 50+ entries. I highly doubt 50 people immediately tried to claim it within 15 seconds...
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When you set a level, that is the minimum level required to access the GA. In theory, most bots are level 0-2. Higher level you choose means that person in theory gave away a lot of games on here and really contributed to the site.
If you want to make sure you're giving to humans, your best bet is sgtools, invite only, specific groups, etc.
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Just realised I myself have yet to create a GA using SGtools, only through other "anti-bot" measures
Should give it a try next time I create a thread!
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Yeah, I apologize, but I honestly am not sure what you mean by all of this lol
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And there is a little additional requirement on sgtools since 2022. Not many know but its not accessible for people from RU and BY. And there is no any warning about it on tool itself. So giveaway creators often don't know that their giveaways are (almost) region restricted
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Thats the 2nd time im hearing this. First was someone on POP discord.
I did mention to him that one of my Sgtools winner has been someone from Ru. But he said they likely used a VPN to get through.
Maybe you can ask the admin directly if it is the case and if it is, will they ever remove such a restriction.
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aww tough luck. Just looked up the news, its day 1077! Yikes.
Hopefully, who knows, it all ends in 2025 peacefully.
As for Sgtools, vpn is ur best friend for now :(
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But when people make SGTools-restricted GAs and then someone uses VPN to bypass a restriction which very much looks like an intentional restriction, will you want such someone to win a GA instead of users who are allowed to access directly? Will you expect such someone to also cheat around any other SG rules and restriction for personal profits? After all, people here are supposed to be allowed to limit their gifting in any manner they want and with no question asked.
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I couldn't care less about geopolitical stuff and its impact on the psyche of fellow internet strangers. Im using Sgtools for my self interest; of not wanting leachers as winners. That is all. I have no clue what you mean by personal profit. Its a video game, not the fricking stock market... Anyway.
Well boohoo. Ur word salad and meaningless insinuations didnt drive the point home. Sorry.
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I literally can't get into the SteamGifts Discord Server because the link to it is protected by SGTools, and SGTools currently is blocked in my country. I doubt this server and SGTools are made by the same person, but I'm currently denied access to it because the creator of an unrelated tool has banned me from using it. What kind of cheating are you talking about?
Also, does SGTools allow the GA creator to set a block by IP? I've never used it, but I highly doubt it's possible, can you confirm this for me? If it's not possible, then again, what kind of cheating are you talking about?
UPD: I see that you are from Russia yourself, then I didn’t understand at all what you wanted to convey and in which direction you were fighting, but oh well, the dialogue wasn’t with me in the first place, after all
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The SGTools website creator is certainly able to either restrict / unrestrict access to certain IP ranges, or do as much as say somewhere in public they are fine or not fine with anyone using VPN or similar ways to bypass the restriction which is in place (obviously, silence about the matter means they are not fine). That is what i mean.
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It's normal to learn and ask those things as you go, don't worry too much. I myself only created public Giveaways and joined everything i see for most of my 1st year here.
Read FAQ, join discussions, ask questions (although you can keep it as one thread and just update topic like "new question added" to not spam forum threads.
You'll discover specific groups and people who are happy to help
Keep an eye out for Unlucky 7, they might be a great help to you in a few months when you struggle to win
Best of luck!
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In my opinion, it is about the community. If you use the level as a filter, you can aim with your GA for those who help to build the community with their own GAs. It is not necessary, but a cute plus. On the other hand, you inspire the leechers to create giveaways for leveling reasons so they can also help build the community.
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best of both worlds: Sgtools.
A humble 0.4 or so real CV filter ensures not only do u reach the users in the lower levels. But also that your gift goes to someone who isnt here to leach off the generosity of the gifters.
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You mean put your giveaways behind an sgtools link? So that people have to come to the forum, read all the threads, find yours, then maybe manage to jump through sgtools filters?
The whole point of Steam Gifts is for a centralized place for giveaways, and it has tools like levels and regions and groups. I don't like sgtools giveaway filters. They're unnecessary and annoying to deal with.
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I suppose that is your vision of what it is supposed to be. And thats fine.
Some might see SG as a means to gift a stranger. They perhaps prioritize what sort of user it goes to.
Idk about you, but for the very few games I've given. I don't like it when it goes to someone who has given away 10 'games' but won 400.
I find the greed, downright gross. Especially in a world where there are a handful of decent keys that only cost cents from legit sources.
Public GAs don't give me the security of knowing it won't go to such a user. Sure there are niche groups, and I would surely participate more in such groups in the future. But for now, the idea of folks seeing GA links either on the cool dedicated threads (Positivity/Cozy/Word/Anti bot) or elsewhere like SG using discord groups is fine by me. I do not think the default SG GA methods are enough, hence why I prefer Sgtools over a public GA.
I can sense the potential incoming question, Why do you care?
Becz games cost money, and i feel that when i win, someone paid for me to enjoy that game. Not for me to crank up meaningless digital numbers like Steam Library count or earn pennies 'farming' cards. So that does irritate me enough to consider SGtools occasionally.
I know it is quite pointless, this is a raffle website. You can never ever police an eternal problem like greed. But with SGtools, the least I can ensure is that those who receive, have at least given back in some little capacity.
Going back to my example in the previous comment, when I think of someone passing 0.4 real CV filter... Its someone who has give less than half of what they have received.
Filters can be super simple and uncomplicated if one wants them as such.
And yea, the next level of filtering would be usage of groups that demand one plays their wins or maintain ratio. But those aren't accessible to some random indifferent user who decided one fine day, to check out SG. Checking out discussions, is still more accessible imo. I sometimes imagine that if a newbie casual student with limited finance can enter that 0.4 ratio Sgtools GA, then it doesn't matter if there are 30 entrants instead of 300.
But that is my GA philosophy for now. And that is fine.
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The other ones answered your question.
So i give a additional advice.
Always check your winners with . If something red appears there then request for a reroll and copy the sgtools link of the user in the ticket.
Only this way get the ones that don't activate a win (trade or resell the keys) are punished.
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This is incredibly good to know. Wow. Thank you for relaying this.
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I assume it's just the title of a list, but as the list is empty, nothing appears.
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as far I understand, it matches your current games with the ones you won in here and if a game wasn't activated on your account it will appear there (marked as received but wants to resell or activate on another account or smth like that). Not sure, i've just joined few months ago but i think that's the point ;)
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Ahhh so if someone doesn't activate the game THEN it should be listed in that website. Then tats when it becomes a Red Flag.
If someone redeems all their giveaways in time then it should be EMPTY and that's a good flag, right?
In that case I think I had a bot who won. I had to contact the person because it was going to become 10 days old to select a new winner.
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I know you’re asking all these questions but they’ve been asked many times before.
I recommend doing a search through the discussions before asking any further questions. Also read the FAQ and guidelines for more info about this site and it’s workings. If you still can’t find your answer then it’s cool to ask.
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What's the point of a Help forum if I can't ask these basic questions? lol I will read the FAQ but this was still an open ended question pointed to actual users in this website!
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Exactly what you said, these questions are "basic", easily findable and searchable and common considering how basic they are. If you are gonna ask a question ask a complicated or more specific one
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Dude, this forum does not have rules on it that say "you cannot ask a question that can be found or searched." Myself and literally anyone can ask any question they want on a "Help" forum...
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I wouldn't sweat it. There are a handful of people here who will give you shit if you ask questions and will also give you shit if you bump existing threads on the topic. Ignore them. Most people here prefer being helpful, and the few who have decided they are the arbiters of what everyone should or should not do are not to be taken seriously.
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EDITED: I visit this site daily (at least 5 times a day). I was at my cousin's Family Group Thingy but he took me out because I didn't have enough "good games" 🥲. Now I want to Turn the Tables!!
I wish I could level quicker but reading the comments I never thought about bots so it makes sense. I already got blacklisted by 1 person and now I’m thinking somebody already thinks I’m a bot for logging too much?!
Anyways, I’m relatively new to Steam, so I thank and appreciate all the lower levels giveaways (and also understand those who make the higher levels limit).
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Serious answer: using an exclamation mark!
You might like this page:
Welcome to SG btw. Feel free to send me a funny gif to test your new-found linking powers 🔥
bonus pro tip: Use ESGST, it will do it for you! You then simply need to paste the gif link, ESGST will take care of the formatting.
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Schmetti is right, but i feel like showing off Line Code thingy. Now u need to send another funny gif to compensate this mistake.
btw we were all noobs at the beginning :)
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Check out Unlucky 7(U7), Taleplay and maybe the monthly Play a Game You won On SG topics. Each has different rules, but neither is hard to get into, and if serves you well if you want to win more games that you also intend to play. U7 lets you stay until 7 wins after you get in, Taleplay requires to play the game ypu won there within 3 months, and PAGYWOSG has monthly giveaways for playing games that fulfill one of the listed criteria (some categories apply to any, non-win backlog games too), and participating lets you access the group.
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To reward generous people why would I want to give games to someone only interested in taking.
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Or, folks who don't have any games to give away and are grateful to have the opportunity....?
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if you dont have any games to give away you don't deserve games in return simple as that
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But what if a person doesn't have enough money for games? I think they shouldn't be excluded from receiving.
And I personally think nobody should be excluded from receiving (EDIT: except if they do cheater/bot things or something). I don't mind if a user only uses the site for receiving gifts (not forbidden). Everyone is free to blacklist such people if they dislike this, of course.
^ I edited this post because reasons (I am just a bit stupid that's all)
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Thankfully getting level 1 shouldnt be too hard. There are ton of ACTUALLY GOOD games being sold at 1 €/$ constantly on legit sites.
ITAD has filters for "below 1$/€, DRM steam". Dont have to wait for "great bundles for leftovers"
Its not quick run to get into level 7 or something. It can be "marathon". Everyone should do some gifting within their means of course! Even with 1€ gift per week is 52€ in year (given that you get "1€ CV" per game at least and not 0 CV)
And that 1€ wont even get you cup of coffee anymore in most EU countries.. :(
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Yeah you are right, level 1 shouldn't be hard to reach at all. Even a cheap key from DIG should be enough (I think it was 0.01c value to reach level 1)? Getting higher levels will be much more expensive, and at some point it takes a lot of money to level up, and not everyone can reach high levels quickly because they don't have so much money to buy enough games for the higher levels. BUT with not much money in hands, eventually you can still reach higher levels, even if it takes years. The other question is though - do I actually want to spend money on this site? That's up to each individual.
Hope it makes sense!
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I live in Russia. I have some money for games, everyone thinks i buy them cheap, but that’s not true. Because to access really cheap bundle (global) key websites, i would need to buy a quality VPS (‘easy’ part, but no one is born with the knowledge of how to do even that and not get scammed) and establish a valid payment method for those bundle websites (trickier part). And when we Russians get too active exchanging games among ourselves (as Steam gifts during sales), everybody believes we’re doing something shady and try to at least reduce the CV credit we get. Years of such life we didn’t actually choose.
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The reason I post giveaways for higher levels is to reduce the volume of entries and give the people who gift a lot of games here a more reasonable chance to win.
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Like you said " I'd prefer to give it to anyone (human at least)"
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My reasons (which echo what others have said) is that I want better 'quality' (entirely based on my own opinion) games to end up with people who actively contribute to the community here. Bots are inevitable, but to some extent I can mitigate this for my own GAs by using this system. It has been a long while since any of my GAs were open to all levels (and most are level 1).
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I recently posted asking about how to level up, but as a secondary question, when you create a giveaway, you can select the tier of whom the giveaway is available to.
What's the point or reason of that? Like, for me, giving a game away, I'd prefer to give it to anyone (human at least) so anyone can enjoy it. I don't see a reason why I would give a game away to someone who is, let's say, level 7, only.
The ONLY reason I can think to set it to Level 2 at the highest, is because I'm sure there are a-hole bots on here that just try to snag games away from actual real people.
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