Will it be as good as?
"CRPG + from Obsidian" is all I need to know for a purchase.
I'm on that boat.
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I hope that with support from a publisher since the beginning they can fix eventually balance issues. About mechanics, this game will basically be PoE with different assets, so I doubt there will be a major difference in gameplay overall. Hope not.
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Hopefully a combat system where they don't try to reinvent the wheel yet again and end up patching, rebalancing and tinkering it for like two years without finding a working solution.
And I also hope that the companions will be closer to NWN2, not KotOR2.
But it should be a good game. That bunch made really nice cRPGs in the past, I don't see why shouldn't they continue to do so.
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KotOR 2 companion: "I have a very tragic past and I would love to tell you all about it, but let me brood a little first until you finally get annoyed enough to ask me about my tragic past. But oh, woe me, my past is so tragic, I can only tell you a small chunk about it. But if you earn enough XP to get two more levels, I will continue lamenting about my own tragic past. What, no, I don't want to have a conversation about it, I want you to listen to my endless monologues and say a few words that suddenly make me reach a revelation and either turn me into a heartless bastard overnight or a jedi. What, jedi training takes years? Pfft, if you ask me nicely, I'll be a jedi knight by the end of this sentence. *lightsaber buzzing* See, I also magically happened to manifest a lightsaber. Now that my tragic past is solved, we don't need to have any kind of conversation ever again."
NWN2 companions: "I have a somewhat tragic past and/or carry some kind of a strange secret, but I am revealing it to you through actual dialogues. Where I may sometimes even react to what you are saying. My past is still tragic or my secret is still dark, and I still only reveal it to you as you level up, but at least I do it in a way that almost looks like two sentient beings exchanging communication, not as if some really badly-written drama hero is talking to an uncaring audience with a puppet next to him/her that prods me to say the next paragraph."
Hint: PoE follows the first type. Try to level up a lot without progressing too far into the story and try to do Durante's "quest" in one sitting. It's about 30 written pages of endless text of him having a theological debate of himself of how much his religion sucks and how a supposedly emotionless bastard he is.
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Do that, because it is still probably their best game since they formed Obsidian. Also, a tip if you play it: actually listen to your companions, because based on how you interact with them and handle their personality, the last two battles may have quite interesting outcomes.
(Although if you played KotOR 2, what Obsidian did in NWN2 won't come as too much of a big surprise.)
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While I'm not quite like companions in KOTOR2 (I hate this old woman, but I quite like the first male companions), maybe because of Dark Side I'm playing, not sure, but I like companions in the NWN2 OC, especially Khagar, Neeska most. Although I literally don't like anyone in MOTB, perhaps except One of Many, so cruel.
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Probably worth putting a link to Tyranny in the OP?
I've only played PoE for a few hours to know I liked it and added it to my baclog ;)
Tyranny certainly looks good but who knows whether the hype is worth it until the game is released. MY gut feel is that this one will not disappoint :)
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Did it, ty for the reminder!
Didn't even knew it was on Steam already, even tho I'm following the game on Facebook for a while!
And I have the same feel. For me, its hard not to be hyped after Poe.
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I supported Project Eternity on kickstarter, and I will probably get this one too (though not at full price if it comes out in Early Access at more than €20).
It looks like a refreshing concept,lore-wise, instead of the usual "stop the evil lord from conquering the world" we have a "deal with the aftermath of a victory of evil", a concept often explored in Marvel (i.e. Old Logan) and DC comics (Superman Red Son), but not that often in videogames (you are either the good hero, or, less often, the evil lord, but rarely a more or less reluctant minion).
Gameplay wise I don't expect it to be much different from PoE with improvements (which is a good thing, so they can focus even more on storytelling)
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Don't people learn anything from being overly hyped for a game and then get disappointed. Just wait until it's out and then see if it's good or not, no need to waste too many thoughts before it's even done.
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Can't condemn you on that. But it is what it is. :P
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I want to like it but..... I hate to control more than one character in real time games. Baldurs Gate 2 was a pain in the ass.... Dragon Age 1 to 3 I played on easy mode (my friend found a mod to instakill enemies in DAO, how i would loved to have it available when I played).
Havent bought Pillars yet, waiting for 75% off. But I dont see enjoying the combat on that one, it will be just for the writing.
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It's funny, I love isometric rpgs like PoE but have barely played it, meanwhile since owning it I have replayed Planescape and IWD2 (EE, just because I wanted to see the differences for myself). I still have a lot of interest in this because of the concept, and have faith that the team will do it justice.
That said...no preordering for me, ever.
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If it's good as Neverwinter Nights then I'm sold, the only thing I don't like Pillar of Eternity is bad teammate AI, which is fixed in Tyranny.
I also like the idea of 'being bad' but not being black.
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it looks interesting, although I tend to prefer the option to zoom further into the action now that such detail can be done well. much as I love the classics I'd personally, for example, prefer Dragon Age: Origins to Baldur's Gate (though both are, of course, excellent games). Obsidian have delivered some great games, usually only hampered by budget and/or time limitations (resulting in cut content, bugs and/or malevolent artificial intelligences that take over the known universe and are only defeated due to an easter egg code that made it go back in time and delete itself) so I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it
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So, the hype is starting to grow around Tyranny, the new game from Obisidian (creators of Pillars of Eternity, among other prestigious titles such as Fallout: New Vegas), this time not kickstarterd, but with full support from Paradox.
What are you expecting from it? Should I be hyped? Are you hyped?
Also, obligatory GA: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/FKxHS/jackal
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