I've played quite a few, but I still want more. For reference I have played Sniper Elite (both the original and V2), ARMA 2 (I know its not a dedicated sniper game, but with a certain mod you can make it one :P), and Crysis (just like ARMA its not dedicated to sniping, but you can attach a sniper scope and silencer and tada). I know of Sniper Ghost Warrior, but from what I have heard it's not that good.

I'd like a game that is open with a set objective and will allow me to set traps (claymores, mines, etc.). Preferably a wide array of weaponry too that is customizable (such as different zoom scopes, silencers, etc.). I know this sounds a lot like ARMA, but I'm looking for something more dedicated to just sniping. As for graphics, I'm not really worried about them (although I would like them to be good). I'd rather have a nice plot with minimal bugs/glitches.

Thanks for anyone who contributes :) if I think of anything else I'll edit this below here.

11 years ago*

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Sniper Ghost Warrior suck bad but IF you really like sniper-like games maybe you should try by yourself.

11 years ago

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Is the second one any better than the first?

11 years ago

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MUCH MUCH better. Personally, i really liked the second one.

11 years ago

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I'll look into it then :) Thanks for the suggestion!
Edit: Downloading the demo on Steam now to see if I like it

11 years ago

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Don't expect much from the story, or the graphics, or the AI. The sniping is fun and so is the multiplayer (which was a big surprise for me).

11 years ago

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i wasnt brave enought to try S:GW2 after i had my painfull expirience with first one :P

11 years ago

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Its alright :p I'll look up some gameplay videos and see if I'm interested.

11 years ago

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BTW: try Planetside2 - its not exactly what you looking for but MAYBE you 'll like it.

11 years ago

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I've loved Far Cry 3's sniping. Give that a shot if you haven't already. I prefer to silently snipe my way through most games if possible as well. You can try the Operation Flashpoint series as well, for a more realistic ARMA like experience.

11 years ago

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I have Far Cry 3 for the 360 and I have played all the Operation Flashpoints as well. My approach is the same as yours in many games. I love stealth based games such as Metal Gear Solid. One of my favorites :p

11 years ago

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I heard good things about Alpha Protocol, but it was ages ago since I played that.

11 years ago

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Looks kind of like a mix between Mass Effect and Deus Ex :P is that about accurate? If so I might enjoy it just for the fact that it is a mix of 2 badass games.

11 years ago

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About right. Great game with a few minor flaws like weapon balancing and the occasional glitch. But well worth playing.

11 years ago

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I'll put it on my to-get-list than. Thanks for the suggestion guys :D

11 years ago

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Have you ever played the original ghost recon (from way back in 2001)? I played that campaign so many times... Anyway, playing through the campaign as a sniper (or having an entire squad of snipers) is hugely fun. Check it out! The expansions were also a lot of fun, though island thunder was somewhat more difficult.

11 years ago

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Might wait till the summer sale and get the Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Complete Pack :p I loved GRAW and GRAW 2 on Xbox 360

11 years ago

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Is Sniper Elite v2 any good? (related, hopefully helpful to the discussion)

11 years ago

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In my opinion, it fell a little short. I was a huge fan of the original Sniper Elite and loved everything about it. Hyper-realistic while still being fun. While the gameplay and graphics of V2 arn't "bad" they feel nothing like the original. To me it seemed they just wanted to make a game based around the x-ray killcam instead since it happens in almost every kill and also the center of all their ad campaigns.

11 years ago

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You realise you can turn down how often those kill cams happen. Just pause the game and go into options. But I liked the game for the game-play mainly, didn't really get into the actual story.

11 years ago

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Hitman Sniper Challenge, and choosing to be sniper-esque in Absolution.

11 years ago

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Should have mentioned this in my OP. I already own and love Hitman Absolution and have beat it multiple times trying to be super sneaky. I also have almost every challenge done on Hitman Sniper Challenge :P but thanks for the suggestion.

11 years ago

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I haven't played Absolution, but the earlier Hitman games had some sniper bits.

Also, the Soldier of Fortune series had snipery bits if I recall correctly. Nothing dedicated though.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

11 years ago

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I have already played both of them as stated in my OP but thanks for the suggestion :P

11 years ago

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COD4 is worth getting just for the two sniper missions in Chernobyl.

11 years ago

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I was gonna leave a troll comment before suggesting COD. But COD4 was the best for sniping (which "quick scoping" does not qualify as): those missions and in multiplayer, even if less realistic than the sniper games OP is interested in.

11 years ago

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The sniping itself is fairly basic (still lots of fun), but those single player missions were really good for immersion.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Battlefield 4
Got all options youre looking for.

11 years ago

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Battlefield 3 & 4 feature the super realistic, always present scope glint feature. /sarcasm

11 years ago

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My most favourite among all of them is Real Life v1.0. Good graphics and stuff, very realistic. You should try it.

11 years ago

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Sad but only Sniper Elite got this.And there's no other game better then SE so far.

11 years ago

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Rising Storm

11 years ago

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Sniper Elite V2 is ok.

11 years ago

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ARMA arrowhead or ARMA 3 in multi with a friend to do the spotting. Get disecretly inserted by heli or APC on a flank, find a good position, hide in the shadows in a bush or in the shadows in a house, and shoot from 1,5 kilometer away or more while giving info to your progressing infantry about enemy movements. Since you play multi, expect the enemy to react, showing their head for half a second to try to determine your direction, listening to your bullets wizzz, looking at the bullets impact, and possibly if you piss them off enough one of them might get aboard some vehicle or heli, find you via thermal imagery, and blow you up because you were not discreet enough. Just make sure to play on good pro servers with a military/ex military guys.

You can perfectly do JUST sniping, and you can easely create your own missions and use other people made missions. Nobody forces you to pilot a plane.

11 years ago

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I used to play Far Cry 2 on Sniper No-cross maps all the time, twas pretty fun actually.

Multiplayer might still be alive, seeing as Far Cry 3's multiplayer sucks.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by MtnDewster.