So after a long time I came into AWA to get Calendar point & gather ARP. Now I'm from Bosnia & Herzegovina & it says Twitch option is "COMING SOON".

So I tried to use a VPN to change to England , Germany or France & watch Twitch through there as the "PLAY A GAME FOR AN HOUR " Quest seems to be broken for me too. 😥😣

Then I got a message that said smn among the lines "Proxy detected, pls use your IP address (My IP in bracket). 😮 It seems AWA remembers your IP now, so you won't be able to change to another site to get a key now it seems.

Anyway I don't use AWA that much & I even quit Steam & SG for a while bc of health problems :( 😞 and when I did I mostly did if the eu store ran out of keys on the EU store so I had to check the FR, DE & NA sites.

Anyway what's your opinion on this.... Were they in the right to do this, was the abuse of ARP getting too high by some users who are logging in daily & changing to US & other EU countries? Or should they have just let it slide like they did so far?

Is the abuse really that high?
I'm most sad bc I worked hard to get above lvl 25, uploaded pictures while you could do so, stayed up late until 6 am to open the Daily Quest topic only to be beaten by smn else seconds faster than me, many times ... :(
And now if I see a topic too late (like I usually do) bc I don't check often & am easily sick bc of allergies & sinuses, I won't be able to get a key & that makes me slightly upset simply bc I worked so hard to get to lvl above 25. 😑😥😕

Funny to mention I'm actually sick righ now with plugged nose & cough. I had a temperture up to 39.5 for the past 3 days. Now just eyes burning & itching & plugged sinuses & cough still.
Now sure if it was Corona, didn't go to doctor. Is it that you can't taste or smell anything when you have it ? Bc I ate a little smn yesterday & can taste & smell things it seems. Hope it isn't serious.

Last time I had it I couldn't taste or smell anything , my tounge was numb & was sweating & passing out as well as coughing furiously ....

Anyway I just wanted to let everyone know in case they didn't & to hear your guys opinions on this. I might voted for the text option " Abuse out of hand" and it seems most other users so far are too.

Anyway I really want to hear your opinions on this so lmk in the comments what you think...

If I get enough replies I will add a small Giveaway to the topic, nothing special :)

Also anyone who tells me to get well & wishes me to beat this flu fast will be added to my WL💙, especially if they add a GIF :3 I looove gifs 💖

Edit 2:

I managed to find this old key, so pls allow gw deletion if it doesn't work.


Do you want more old keys for giveaways? Bc if you agree to gw deletion I might have 1 or 2 more to add.

Also if I & my mom (bc she got sick too intm) survive this, so help me God my WL 💙 will get a Humble bundle key (either earlier bundle or earlier HB Monthly, will see what I can dig out) This will most likely be around or after New Year's Eve.

3 years ago*

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Was it time in your opinion for AWA for catch on to us & block abuse of getting ARP, GW keys etct & do you think it's fair or not?

View Results
I think the abuse was getting a bit more out of haaand than usual by some users more than others
I'm not sure myself
Potato :0:

Bona, želim ti puno zdravlja i da čim prije ozdraviš!!!!
Kupi si brzi test u ambulanti, obavezno se provjeri. Nije sa koronom za igrati se, vjeruj..
Pozdrav od susjeda sa zapada ;)

PS. Skoro sam napisao "jarane", u zadnji čas primjetih da si žensko! ;)

3 years ago

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Svi smo mi jarani one way or another

3 years ago

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Naša riječ za "dude" - sveobuhvatna :)

3 years ago

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Joj pa kolko nas je ovo, hajte svi u WL!💙 😁

3 years ago

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Joj xarabas ti si mi na WL od pamtivijeka.... Mislim da bi bio ondje i prije nego sto su izmislili SG i Steam da sam te znala🤣

Nego kad cemo se mi upoznati kad smo već oboje u SA, moramo to nekako izvesti haha XD 😁😏

3 years ago

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U Banjaluci sam trenutno ali Sarajevo mi je ionako 3 sata autom. Zadnji put sam bio tu prosle godine dok je jos korona malo stagnirala ali gledat cu da opet dodjem. Veliki grad ali vrlo brzo sam se snasao. I bio sam u onom restoranu povrh Sarajeva gdje imas odlican pogled dole na sav grad, zaboravio sam mu ime sad

3 years ago

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Samo da smo živi i zdravi, svega drugog će biti! ;)

3 years ago

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Jest hvala bogu, valjda ću pregurati i ovo! 👍

3 years ago

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onda "jaranice" :D
nije pogresno

btw, SlatkaDalilo nije karakteristicno za svaki slucaj korone da osoba izgubi miris i okus. Imas testova u apotekama za po 7-8 maraka, za 15 minuta znas imas li ili ne. Ako se naravno ne zelis naruciti u doktorice, pa da te ona spremi na besplatno testiranje. :)

Brz oporavak @SweetDalilah

3 years ago

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Joj loše mi je da idem a slabi smo sa parama... a i mama se boji pa nesto i u testu nema, mada ja mislim da nema...
A mi smo skepticni prema ovim vakcinama, nešto je tu sumnjivo... Billl Gates je sam reko na AMA na Redditu da hoće da kontroliše poulaciju, a u stvari hoće da je smanji.....
Sve ode u p.m. Čim su to sve velike korp napravile vakcine i iznose tijela u metalnim kovčezima i ne otpuštaju po mjesec i više, vade organe i prodaju a hoće što više da ljudi od Corone i umre....

Mama otišla prije koji mjesec zbog srca htjeli odma da je operišu na torokalnoj... Bože sačuvaj sve. I otad i ona bolesna a tamo bila par sati znači. Juče i ona imala 39.5 temp.

A zamisli tamo ići i biti danima. Bolje pregurati sam nego ići...
Djevojka otišla zbog lmoždanog, umrla od Corone tamo pog video što je snimala...

A mislim i da nije Corona nisam sigurna. Prošli put sam se sva znojila i visoku temp imala, hroptala, nisam ništa osjetila ni njušila i nisam imala apetita, nisam jela ništa pa sam opet pregurala u Aprilu/Augustu prošle godine....

Hvala na željama, hajd na WL ❤😄

3 years ago

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Ma evo rekla sam mami, al em smo slabi sa parama em se mama tolko boji vakcina da misli da se i ovim testom moze prenijeti nešto 🙄 :facepalm: Ja joj kazem to je najvjerovatnije samo bris ko ono u CSI. A opet ništa taj test ne znači, stari je radio i nije imo a nakon toga počeo kašljati i on mi i prenio šta već.

Ja se samo-izolujem i nemam vise temp. Fino sam jela al mi je danas loše imam glavobolju ogromnu pa sam i povraćala pozlilo mi jer je stari galamio na čistu miru.
A još mi se i menga potrefila, nisam gore napisala da ne znaju baš svi....

Nezz samo da uspijem da jedem veceras supu i još nešto, valjda cu biti onda bolje abd.

Hvala na željama, hajd na WL 💙😄

3 years ago*

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Uf uf.. meni to sve kao simptomi omikrona, gle ja se sam testiram svaki dan jer mrzim cijepljenje.
Po meni, obori barem jedan test. A ne bi ti se javila svom doktoru pa da te naruči na PCR test?
Kod nas u HR kad imamo "simptome" javimo doktoru i on pošalje na besplatan PCR test. To kod vas nije tako?
Moja preporuka da se testiraš ili o svom trošku ili na račun zdravstva.
Inače, sada i grip vlada, tako da može bit svašta..

3 years ago

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Isteklo mi zdravstveno jer nisam isla na biro svaki mjesec.... Nije mi rekao da se prijavim odmah nakon faxa a ja radim freelance od kuće... A ubrzo ova Korona pošla.... Tako da bih morala to da odem da riješim a nezz kako... Tako da može samo otac da mi digne lijekove na sebe...

Nisam se raspitivala koji sojevi Korone imaju. Nezz vidjeću za taj test, ako je stvarno 7-8 KM taj test rađe bih kupila hrane ili Božićnih/Novog ukrasa ili odjeće ili lijek za nos i oči kakav nego bacala pare na test.... Svaka marka je bitna... A štedam i za mobitel.

Izgubio mi i otac posao tokom Korone tako da zivimo od njeg instrukcija i mojih komisija kolko mogu.

3 years ago

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Stvarno mi žao to čuti.. no, preživjet ćemo mi nekako, ako smo do sada budemo preživjeli i tu boleštinu!
Drž' se, ne daj se! ;)

3 years ago

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Hvala, valda cu pregurati ovo nekako.

Sad mi je opet kriza manta mi se i glava me boli zato ne odg na replyje ovolike, valjda ce biti bolje abd. Molit se bogu i mislit pozitivno!

Sretan Božić ako slaviš! :)

3 years ago

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Hvala ti, da slavim!
Ma bit će bolje, bez brige, svako zlo kao ni dobro ne traje vječno!
Drži se!

3 years ago

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I think it is quite lame of AWA to be like: "We are the central hub for gamers.", to then pretty much split these gamers based on some supposed customer-value per country.

I mean, when a site is clearly about promos and having restricted access e.g. only for US-residents, because the sponsors of that site care for US-customers only, well, not great to not have access, but at least it is somewhat clear what it is about. But for a site to lure users in, to then pretty much have some users be like 2nd class users, like restricting some features for them because they are not that valued gamers based on where they are located at, that just seems lame.

I don't use that site though, and it sure is a business. But from their ads and from what you mentioned, it does sound somewhat as if at first they are like: "All gamers are equal...", to then be like: "...but some gamers are more equal than others." (reference to George Orwell)

And I'd wish you to get well soon, but I don't want to do it for the WL. So I'll just say that generally speaking, it sure would be nice for persons, who are sick, to get well soon.

3 years ago

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I agree. At least bfr I don't know now (they keep changing the earning system & I just saw new earning options) they gave US Weekly quests as well as daily (so more ARP for them)
Also it seems on gw they distribute amount of keys differently smn mentioned.

Thanks. I'm pretty bad atm, which is why I'm replying slowly, hopefully it gets better.

Merry Xmas if you celebrate ! :)

Your last reply sounded a bit weird, I wish you'd truly want me get better, every wish/prayer helps I feel. If you don't want a spot on my WL np, but I think you deserve one given your ratio :)

3 years ago

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At the moment AWA is like swarm of bots/multi-accouters and I don't think that "switching regions" allows to get > 500 ARP per day - I think these are all multi-accounters/"cheaters" who use some scripts to farm ARP (they just switching regions with links/queries or something like that) - support ban them almost each week (how to detect - they all have the same amount of ARP and have 0 posts, some don't bother to hide it - nicknames like John001 .... John050).

If you use some free VPN - 99.99% IPs are banned by AWA (usually error is "something wrong with your IP. contact support"). Not free VPN services - AWA will work on 40% IPs (don't forget that AWA have mobile app and I think authentication is a bit different there).

as the "PLAY A GAME FOR AN HOUR " Quest seems to be broken for me too. 😥😣

ASF works fine with these quests (just need game in your Library and no need to install it. just play ASF sub/12345. stats will be updated next day or with shorter delay). Twitch - not yet implemented (but AWA have Twitch channel).

The most important thing is your health!

It could be just flu or something like that, but anyways you need to see a doctor (or, if you can, visit more than 1).
2 or 3 years ago I cough very often (it was January) and was not sure what is wrong (body temperature was fine, but cough) - I was able to visit 3 or so doctors (insurance from work) and they said like "take that peel and you will be fine". OK - peels didn't help, next doctor - "oh, that was wrong treatment. Now take another expensive peel". OK - they also didn't help. Third doctor was a young girl (I assume she was working here first month) - first impression was "wtf I'm doing here", but... BUT she was like genius! In 5 minutes she found cause my cough (some inflammation of sinuses which caused small purulence that got in throat - I hope I translated it in correct way) and after 7 days or so I was very happy :)
So it can be flu (self isolation and masks are not healthy after all. All bad thoughts - throw them away, you don't need them now :) ) and again - visit doctor (100% he/she can say what is wrong with you)

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3 years ago

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Ditto for everything except the self-isolation and mask not being healthy bit. Please for the love of god do not go to your local doctor without a mask.

3 years ago

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Thanks for the information. For me, european AKA second class user, it's not good news

Anyway, get well soon. Aaaand, maybe be careful and stay isolated, just in case

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3 years ago*

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Yeah I'm from Europe: Balkans too, & keys always dissaper by the time I see gw.

I am isolated but my dad came coughing & transmitted smth he works as math instructor.

And thank you for the wishes & that gif cheered me up. Love Snoopy.
for some reason you were on my BL, I don't know why, maybe you argued smwr, but your comment was nice so WL it is :)

3 years ago

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I believe that this Alienware Arena IP restriction will affect even more users from other countries obviously.

An example is me, I've always tried to get my daily ARPs correct and have a high level, and because I live in Brazil, it's hard to find GAs on the site for us, because when it happens to be open to the whole world, it's always we arrived "late".

In my opinion, AWA should block the region, because of many users who end up abusing the system. But in the best of hypotheses, they could limit a specific and equal amount of keys to be distributed for each region, then yes, it would be very good.

I also hope that you get better soon after this flu and bad symptoms, I've been through this and I was feeling a lot of pain in my body. I don't know, but maybe it could be Covid, I ask you to get medical help. All the best to you and Happy Holidays! 😉❤️

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3 years ago*

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I wish you that you get well and that you beat this "flu" fast.

I don't use AWA because i don't want to spend so much time for leveling up to get then MAYBE the chance to join GAs and battle there against bots and multiaccounters. And i don't like the "america first" handling, on AWA, of the most big publishers.
So not worth my time for that few, possible, bread crumbs and i don't support "america first". When enough do that, they will change something....

But i help them sometimes and deliver multiaccounters to a AWA mod that i know.

That VPN's don't bring the wished result is good from my point of view because cheating is then limited (or at least not available without to pay something) and the advertising publishers get what they paid for (with keys) [advertising of game X in region X+Y+Z].

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3 years ago

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Sounds like it could be coronavirus so i would get tested if i was you.

Hopefully it wont be long before you get better. Isolate and rest at home with plenty of fluids and paracetamol. You should be better soon.

With regards to AWA, got to level 30 just by doing daily's over time but now it seems relatively pointless as keys are taken quite quickly. If i get a key that's a bonus, if i don't, i don't. Its not the be all and end all.

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3 years ago*

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I'm no doctor but some people apparently had the thing and they still had taste & smell sense, so YMMV I guess.
As for the AWA thing, I'm sorta glad I havent spent too much time & effort in leveling the thng, I didn't knew how and Im a bit lazy and/busy so...
Flus (flues?) are crappy, sometimes I have allergies, you know drippy nose, if its bad enough turns into plugged. Either too much hot (summer season here now) or too cold and yes, catching a cold does that too.
Get better soon, our sweetDalilah, here's a gif, from a friend!

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3 years ago*

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I lost my senses of taste and smell when I had Covid last December. It lasted a few days.

Recently, I got sick again (not Covid this time) and lost my sense of taste and smell again for a few days. I really hope it's not a trend because it's no fun! Hope you feel better soon.

3 years ago

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I'm sure it has been like that for months. At least I remember trying to use VPNs to get America exclusive giveaways and it always detected mine.

3 years ago

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Not members using a VPN to access giveaways are the problem but AWA with their America first attitude driving a wedge in their member base.
I still remember fondly the days when people did interact with one another and even wrote essays about games they loved and thought worth to be played.

There are still some nice people active on the forum but most members I knew and respected are gone. Nowadays the site is plagued by bots and multi-accounts and I have the feeling of being among ghouls on a graveyard sometimes. I did an experiment and tried to give away Killing Floor 2 on the Veterans sub forum here's one of the two responses I got:

I feel bad saying this but your time is better spent on SG than on AWA.

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3 years ago

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Yeah, i still remember the old days. People back then was actual people who care about the forum, not just there to grab some ARP then left.

3 years ago

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Pazi na se' i nadam se da ćeš ozdraviti brzo! :* <3

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

3 years ago

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+1 on calling a doctor. With different Corona mutations symptoms vary a lot, and in case of early infection keeping watch on your saturation is crucial, so just to make sure to talk to her/him. But it's a flu season, so hopefully it will be over in a day or two :)

3 years ago

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Sounds annoying. Dunno much about it. Hope you get well soon!

3 years ago

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These days it's awful to suffer from a flu, many people would be worried if it's COVID. Doctor's advice is always the best, if you're not one. Get enough water, food, and rest.

As for AWA that sucks, I don't understand why they put such restrictions. Personally I've been using an Alienware for more than 4 years, but there's no merit for me to be an actual Alienware user on that website. A user in certain region gets more advantages over a real customer from the other area. I would call that such a great marketing strategy.

3 years ago

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