Steam version isnt that great really.
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Looks like its the exact same as me popping in my actual FF7 disc and playing on the emulator.
Lol, dunno if I'm gonna rebuy it just for that.
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Achievements aren't really a big deal for me. I half expect most of them to be either Story related or character advancement related.
The other problem is that I see no reason to have a version of my game pinned down to Steam. The only useful aspect would be for me to buy it is to have a digital copy when my disc decides to pooch, other than that, I still feel the emulator is alot better. Portable, can be taken to any computer and run even offline without problems.
Just no real incentive I guess. =/
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Its PC.. there are mods.. take this ^^
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Um.. do you have eyes? ^^ Feel free to compare with the original:
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Only if its a remade version of the game with better textures and that, otherwise, nah
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I don't think FFVII would ever come to Steam, and even if it did the PC version has absolutely horrible compatibility issues with any OS newer than 98 (I tried patching the PC version, running it in compatibility mode, everything and it still wouldn't run), and Square has Already announced they are doing nothing more with FFVII, no new ports, remakes, or compatibility improvements.
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Yeah I know. Just like there was a leak for a Spore movie, an FFVII PS3 remake, a Chronotrigger remake, an Xbox handheld, ect. These kind of leaks have been going on for many years. The information isn't that easy to fake.
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Plus the supposed leak page is (It was supposedly taken down by Square, but still in google cache)
How legitimate does that sound? (Especially since FFVII already had a PC release, so this domain would make no sense)
If this information was true it wouldn't be given it's own domain, it probably wouldn't be posted anyways. It may be password locks but I got through it anyways without even entering the password via a glitch (Which doesn't normally exist on such password lock systems) However the rest of the pages (like features, characters, ect.) are non-bypassable, (You get error 401, authorization required, and it leads you to [but outside of the Google cache yet somehow functioning, suggesting these webpages were built to make the site seem more legitimate] for this error no matter which link you tried to use) even though it appears such information is already listed on the home page. The copyright is still listed as 1997-98 (They may need an update to these rights if they were to edit the game, but I'm not sure) And the SquareEnix links lead to the SquareEnix website rather than having this webpage being integrated with the rest of Squares web assets. The page also includes a large amount of information that was already in the original game (Like character bios), but no screenshots or other such information, ie nothing useful to any Square execs., and very little useful for press release. With all of this information considered the likleyhood of this being true information and not a farce is extremley low.
If such is true I'd suggest getting the game, I hold this as one of my most favorite games of all time, and even so it's an important piece of gaming history, without it games would likely still by made by teams around 20 or so, maybe 100. Looking up a professional review from when the game came out and a review looking back on the game would be most advisable before making your choice though.
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I don't think so. All they've announced is that they are not currently working on an FFVII remake, that newer games are a higher priority, and that if they ever remade the game they'd look for a platform like the PSP to port it onto, as doing it on one of the current high definition platforms would be much too expensive.
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Yea, I saw this posted on the Steam forum yesterday or the day before. Would be neat. I'm just wondering if it's the "as is" PC version that released all of those years ago, or if it's a remake of the PC version. The original PC version wasn't very good to be honest.
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Who cares. It's tied for the most overrated rpg of all time, along with Chrono Trigger.
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I'm sorry for you. Play FF2/4 and FF3/6. Both VASTLY superior to 7.
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I was told it was better then FF3/6. Unrealistic, and unmeetable, expectations. So I'm biased against CT, and I'll grant you that. But that doesn't change the fact that even if you disagree on the CT part, that FF7 is stunningly overrated.
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FF7 may be the only RPG I've ever played, and I didn't make it very far...too much talking about big swords and nonsense, but anyway, I'm here to say it's the BEST RPG I've ever played.
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Because the vast majority of people that support FF7 as "the best gaem evar" (Or best Final Fantasy if they're somewhat more reasonable individuals.) have either never actually played it and are just going off of word of mouth hype, or have never played any other Final Fantasy than 7 and therefore have no logical basis for comparison.
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It's far from being the "best game ever" but I think FFVII was the best Final Fantasy and I played every FF up to X-2 (FFVI and maybe FFV being on a close second place).
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Then clearly you didn't play FF3/6, and arguably FF2/4. Both are miles better then 7.
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It's overrated because even the mention that it's overrated draws people replying to you and questioning how you could say such a thing, when really it's just how you feel on the subject.
I never said it's bad, in fact it's a great game, I just feel some people go a little overboard with how much credit they give it.
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Well I was going for this but now I know how to call you in my time of need, your bat signal if you will :D
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Xenogears, FF IX, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, FF VI, Suikoden II and many more are better RPG than FF VII IMO. Most overrated games all the time and its fanboys are annoying.
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Wrong! So you judge my opinion on games based on my age? I've played and completed most of JRPG on PSX when I was like 11-12, yeah maybe a little too late, but I'm sure as hell enjoyed Xenogears, Valkyrie Profile, CT, Suikoden I, Suikoden II, FF IX, LoD, LoM more than VII. You just name any JRPG title on PSX, there is a great chance I already finished it.
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OMG, soemone said XenoGears! The Evangelion of JRPG'S!
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If this actually happen, I hope it will sell well then I'll make a petition for Xenogears to come to PC as well, anyone?
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Now that would be one of the best years there could be. Should add FFT too for good mesure.
Although thing is, this is most likely a rework of the old PC version of FF7 so it wouldn't be the same work as making those games fully working on PCs.
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I think I read before that FF7 has been up on Steam's servers for some time but not available to the public. Let's just hope that SE has done some polishing on this. It would be very embaracing if this version was worse than a PS1 emulation or the fan modified original PC version.
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I'm just curious why 7. Out of all of them why 7, well, besides the obvious crazy amount of fanboys... most of which haven't even played it to begin with.
I just hope this means they'll end up putting the collection on steam, or at least 6-9 because IMO 7 is one of the weakest of that generation. Probably cause I'm so sick of people trying to tell me how it's the best RPG of all time, not even best Final Fantasy, best RPG period. -.-
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6 or 9 are probably the best IMO, although now that I think about it 6 really isn't in the same generation as 7. 4 was great too, but lets be honest here, Final Fantasy Tactics is easily the greatest Final Fantasy of all time. Quite possibly in the top 10 best games of all time, or even top 5. :P
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What are you talking about, you're insane!
FFT is the best game EVER MADE. Period.
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That's another good point, 7 and 8 are the only Final Fantasies to have legit PC versions, and 8 was super hard to find so almost no one had it. Naturally 7 got a lot more publicity on the web that way. Also it costs them literally nothing to make it cause it's already made, just needs to get put on Steam.
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my cellphone is full of Chrono Cross OST, that game is awesome. Chrono Cross and Xenogears remake, my life will be complete.
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Creators of the original can't make a direct Xenogears remake as the rights belong to Square and they no longer work with them. But they already rebooted the series with Xenosaga, in case you missed it. And if Square decides to do a Xenogears remake with an entirely new team, blood will be shed.
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Well that was odd, I commented and it randomly stuck my comment as a reply....
Oh well, deleted, let's try that again.
Final Fantasy 7 isn't my favorite Final Fantasy, but I still loved it and there's not many good JRPGs on PC so I'll pick it up, haven't played it in years after all.
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6 is my favourite, but every single game in this series is nice, so hurray for FF7 on Steam! ^^ Well, I dont realy care for 2 or 12, but everything else works for me :) I hope this is only the beginning!
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6 was, IMHO, neck and neck with 4 as the best of the series. I lean to 6, but I do love 4.
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If they add FF8 anf FF9, too, my life will have meaning again.
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I uh... sure hope they fixed the bazillion problems with the previous PC release in this.
And I'd like some FF8 too just like others here, but with a fixed 8-bit palette compatibility for the "new" nVidia cards.
Anyway, good news is good, thanks for the heads up!
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