I skimmed through your wishlist at least, but I don't think I have anything you're looking for :') If you haven't already in another post, I'd really encourage you to post the names of some bundled games, because people really do want to match keys with people looking for them!
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https://s.team/y24/mbgvfjb?l=english thats what videogames are for
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It's a wonderful thing to receive a gift like this. I remember I've got Antichamber for Christmas years ago in an event like this. Since then I was lucky to receive more gifts like this, even for no occasion at all. It has always meant a lot to me and at the same time I couldn't comprehend why on Earth a complete stranger would be so nice to me. I don't know why I'm writing this. I guess I'm slightly emotional these days.
I've looked at the giveaways I've entered and I think I'm stuffed. I have some older leftovers though, probably dated a couple years back. I haven't had energy to create giveaways for them but I'd be glad to give them away. Last time nobody was mentioning older leftovers, that's why I'm adding this little note.
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I have the first Call of Juarez. Added you on Steam.
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and https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/entered for some reason shows only GAs ended no later than 4 months ago (or 20 pages) for me
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Had this one on my wishlist ever since I played the demo during a steam next fest. Really got my hopes up when it was bundled, but no luck so far.
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Was able to check.
High on Life
Doom 64
Citizen Sleeper (Thank you UnknownEAK)
Children of Morta
Karma Zoo (Thank you Dagat)
Just seem to run out of points before all these few hour giveaways. π
Been able to knock some off my list thanks to the wonderful community on here.
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Happy Holidays again friends! :)
I think I've been tryin to get these games in giveaways the most:
Heaven Dust
Valfaris MechaTherion
Agatha Hercule Poirot
Doom 2016
Bookwalker: Thief of Tales
Beautiful Desolation
Agatha ABC murder Thankyou insideAfireball :)
Alfred Hitchcock- Vertigo Thank you Aerctaure :)
Creepy tale 2 Thank you RGVS:)
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I have Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders. Added you on Steam. :)
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Probably my favorite event of the year. I love it. π
Eastern Exorcist
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Wasn't there an Operation Flashpoint on that list...?
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Good memory! Operation Flashpoint: Red River.
There was, but I felt bad asking for so many uncommon ones. TBH, I also thought the edit would give me better odds of getting one or two more. :)
EDIT: Thanks again! What a nice Christmas Eve surprise. π
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runs script for 500 pages
so much of this I either won, traded for, or got in some bundle since entering a ton for, got access via family sharing, or changed my mind on and have since hidden
had to scroll wayyy down... heres my top 4... top 2 were freebies from those giveaway sites that require tasks and such that I refused to do.
Experimentation at 75 entries
Through Abandoned The Refuge at 35 entries
some other unbundled game(not naming to prevent it being gifted to me as it can find a better home for sure) at 35 entries(don't think was ever bundled, AWA or something I think)
only naming to show how rare some bundled stuff is... Dave the Diver at 23 entries(clearly unbundled... all the bundled stuff I aim to enter for these days is rarer than unbundled game giveaways apparently)
throws script results away
as for bundled games I know I am entering pretty much every GA I see for(which... is not many... there are some older bundled games that have had 0 giveaways in the past couple years)
Yakuza 0... I want to get into the series, but its constantly shrinking discount(like seriously SEGA... make the entry point cheap!)... and me being unsure makes it hard to pull the trigger
OPUS: The Day We Found Earth, actually have the rest of the series on hold since this is the first one >>
Eden Managed to grab this in a trade*
, I missed some VN bundles in the past and it makes me sad, missing 3 games from this bundle overall... but only this one seems to have keys out in the wild still as the other two were in the highest tier so best bet is just grabbing them from steam store itself.
GRIS - Definitely one I debated on grabbing when it was 90% off... probably should have like I did with Journey.
Eastern Exorcist - I guess everyone wanted to keep this when it was added to the bundle it was in since it wasn't there at the very start... basically nobody was trading it since it got added, few giveaways to
adding this in on the 23rd(who is checking page 1 anyways :P), will likely just buy off gray market Heaven will be mine, more of attempting to trade for it since the number of giveaways isn't that many of them in the first place(of the 11, I was in 7... of those 4 I didn't enter... I couldn't(region locks/groups/wasn't active on SG at the time(pre bundle ones)) was able to snag a trade last minute :)
Time to check my Santa bags contents, as I will monitor this year for gifting just like last year... my tactics to avoid santas last year failed so... not attempting to hide from the list this year.
Finally got the new script working... for the longest time it would only scan page 1 but changing year from === 2024 to >= 2022(making sure it didn't skip 2023 for whatever reason) fixed it, I missed a few things in the scan amongst the pile of old stuff cluttering it up.
with all the old junk gone from the scan I can see I missed the Kojimas interpretation of a Fedex/UPS driver at 37 entries, I am above the law as a truck driver in europe simulator 2 at 38 entries, Bandai Namco hates the USA in giveaways Strikers at 41 entries (don't gift these to me, make a GA or give them a different home)
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Fellow lover of mystery bundles, I have something for you
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I can give you Frog Detective 1. Added you on Steam.
EDIT: it will be a little while before I can send it. Just accept my invite and I'll send it as soon as I can. :)
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This year, the most attempts were surprisingly on Gotham Knights - 170 entries
Apparently, no one really wants this game, since there are so many giveaways
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Not sure if these are the ones I've entered most, but a few I've been chasing this past year are:
Superliminal - 77 entries
Fae Tactics - 60 entries (Thank you very much ev)
Lost in play - 23 entries (Thank you very much BanjoBearLV)
Happy holiday season/month everyone!
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I have Lost in Play from Humble Bundle with your name on it!
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I've already won my fair share of stuff this year so I don't really need anything, but I'll just say a couple I've really been gunning for. Extension isn't working for me so I'm just eyeballing these. My overall entries also tend to be kind of low since I started using the site earlier this year.
Sable - this one is recent so haven't entered as many thanks insideAfireball!
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark - I'm a big FE/tactics fan so interests me, probably entered like 20-30+ GAs thank you Swordoffury!
Lost Eidolons - I must have entered 50+ for this one, same reasoning as above thanks cheeki7!
Telepath Tactics Liberated - same as the above 2 thanks Pebbletool!
Symphony of War - Another tactics game I entered a bunch for
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Just wanted to thank you again, really appreciate it :)
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Fell seal : Arbiter's Mark is about to find a new home
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Builder Simulator - 88 entries
American Fugitive - 58 entries (thanks Pebbletool)
112 Operator - 56 entries
Toki - 52 entries (thanks dowsky)
Snowtopia: Ski Resort Builder - 42 entries
West of Dead - 40 entries
Going Under - 38 entries (thanks Moony1986)
Black Book - 36 entries
Arcade Paradise - 33 entries (thanks jiggakills)
Zoeti - 33 entries (thanks M4xEx)
Punch Club -33 entries
Eternal Edge + 32 entries
Dead Age - 32 entries (thanks sobbiebox)
Frog Detective 1: The Haunted Island - 31 entries (thanks ArcanaMaze)
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Call of Juarez: Gunslinger (55 entries) - I know it was free just a few weeks before I started looking for free games on Steam
I also won and played the first game, but it was too old and wonky for me. Gunslinger looks obviously more modern.
112 Operator (105) - I already got 911 Operator, but the European πͺπΊ in me yearns for 112 Operator. π
Monster Prom (only 19 entries so far) - I won Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp from icaio. I played it recently and loved it, so now I'm very interested in the first one.
The Inner World (86) - I've already won a few point-and-click adventures on SG and enjoyed some of them, but The Inner World keeps eluding me.
Five Dates (88) - Last year I think I got "Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus" in a thread like this. Then I played it over Christmas with my family and had a lot of fun. This is a similar game from the same dev, so I've had my eye out for it ever since.
At the top of my wishlist are High on Life (11) and The Outer Worlds (11), but I guess that those aren't just something people have lying around.
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According to, the script - Counting the number of GA you entered for each game, here's my top 5 most entered games. Among the list, Hi-Fi RUSH and The Callisto Protocol are the only games that I truly regret not buying when they were bundled. Especially Hi-Fi RUSH which has been on my Steam wishlist for over a year. However, I couldn't buy the bundle at the time. I'm also shocked by the fact that it isn't on sale this year
This list contains some big titles and I'm not expecting anyone to give them.
I also would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone within the Steamgift community for all your generosity and devoted time. Happy holidays everyone :)
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I've got The Legend of Tianding for you. Added you on Steam.
It may be a little while before I can send it to you, but I'll get it to you for sure.
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I can't extension, so I'll eyeball it as well. I've been lucky this last week, and have really enjoyed some of the wins I've gotten (so good! Thanks gifters). But the ones I'm aiming for have been elusive.
More common lately:
Coral Island - big fan of cozy farming slice of life games, and curious about this. thanks Oppenh4imer!
Descenders - love snowboarding and motorcycle racing, and this looks like it fits that niche. Fierce competition in these giveaways. Thanks Moony!
Separately: Some kind of tower defense - my kid really loves them, and I'm looking for one we can try. Gemcraft maybe? Or...something TD. I'm not a TD person. I distracted him with Ageis Defenders. But then I might not see him till Christmas break. thanks guys!!
Some rare ones that come thru:
Battle Chef Brigade Deluxe - matching game, cooking, and stabby battles? Nice. I think most people kept their copy.
Tactical Breach Wizards - was this even bundled? I saw a few pass thru. Looks so cool. Try to enter when I see it
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I've got a key for GemCraft: Frostborn Wrath. I guess that works? Added you on Steam.
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I played the gemcraft series a lot back when it was just a flash game and the steam version is very much the same system with more features. Definitely a good series for tower defence and the combining of gems/building of towers aspect differentiates it from the Bloons series which I also like but is more casual.
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How about the first Kingdom Rush? https://store.steampowered.com/app/246420/Kingdom_Rush___Tower_Defense/
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Happy cakeday!
I just got a key for another Gemcraft game (Chasing Shadows). It's yours (or your kids, that is) if you want it.
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Just eyeballing my entries..
World of Goo - Thanks! Yamaraus :-)
Thanks for organizing this event for the holidays! I'll let the list build up before fulfilling any wishes. :-)
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Let's see...
For the recent ones:
For the older ones:
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i already say this on the steam chat, but thank you again! i finally can get to play this game :)
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Whoa, thanks in advance! I have always been wanting to get it for a long time :)
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the walking dead the definitive edition because im missing a last frontier
Could 'The Walking Dead: A New Frontier' be of interest, because then I have a spare key you can have, or would you rather wait for the "definitive edition" and play that?
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That would be the perfect option actually. I didnt put a new frontier because it wasnt in a recent bundle :)
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Thank you! I accepted the request. Im on phone tho so i wont be able to respond to your chat quickly, but i'm ready now! I also messaged you about it but you dont have to be in a rush to do it :)
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Whoa, you are giving me a massacre! Thank you in advance :)
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If believe the script, my top entries for the last year look like this:
Saints Row - 105
Ultra Street Fighter IV - 47
A Plague Tale: Requiem - 38
Sifu - 20
Aliens: Fireteam Elite - 19
Life is Strange 2 - Episodes 2-5 bundle - 13
I deleted a few games from list that have already been purchased.
Interesting fact: most of the giveaways were deleted due to regional restrictions.
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Oh, I love this event <3
For me this would be Inua, Mail Time, and Stranded: Alien Dawn. Thank you, lovely people: Oppenh4imer, cheeki7, and Yamaraus!!!
I'm inspired by others posting their lists.
I'll add
Alfred Hitchcocks Vertigo Thank you, Santa β₯,
Verne - The Shape of Fantasy Thank you, eeev β₯ (bought it ;P),
Dome Keeper,
How to say Goodbye,
To Hell with the Ugly Thank you, Swordoffury β₯,
When The Past Was Around,
Creepy Tale 3 Thank you, eldonar β₯
Skald Thank you, Vee79 β₯
The Invincible,
Venba Thank you, CommissarCiaphasCain β₯ .
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A stranger approaches with a T-shirt on which it's written "to hell with the ugly"
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Noooo wayyyy, omg, you're amazing, Vee!
I'll play this immediately, this was wayyy high up there at the top of my wishlist.
Can't thank you enough.
May your days be blessed and full of warmth, companionship, love, friendship, laughter and cuddles. Cookies don't hurt either.
Much love, thank you!!!
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If you still want Venba, I might have a key with your name on it :D
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390 Comments - Last post 31 minutes ago by ZeePilot
326 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by uvi
16,721 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by AmikoNovich
96 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by lostsoul67
29 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by scap
914 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by wigglenose
37 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by spodamayn
94 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by SkeetSurfer
1,317 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by Meeprulez
165 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by Empory
6,634 Comments - Last post 44 minutes ago by Timelya
109 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by 0ldNick
56 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by vigaristti
191 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Shanti
Welcome to this years 'What are you trying to win lately' thread! The rules are the same as previous years:
In a single post, state the name of the game(s) you've been entering the most giveaways for recently but have been unable to win.
Then, if someone with a spare key for it is feeling generous, you might just get a nice little Christmas present :)
Last years thread was the most successful yet, with hundreds of games being given away and almost 2000 posts in total by the time the thread closed! Lets make this yet another year to remember :)
NOTE; If you're using the tampermonkey or greasemonkey browser extension, check out this script to see what games you've entered giveaways for the most often.
EDIT: That's it folks! Thank you to everyone who chose to give this holiday season, and happy new year to all!
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