Hi friends, today im receiving some e-mails like this:

"Dear Steam User,
This is an automated message generated by Steam account administration. It is being sent in response to a query made by a Steam user to discover all account names associated with this email address.
Steam account name: My account name
You can use the above account name to log in to Steam. If you can't remember your password, click on the "Retrieve lost account" button on the Steam login screen.
The Steam Support Team
http://www.steampowered.com "

What is it guys? O.o
Someone trying to steal my account?

12 years ago*

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12 years ago

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Hello pointless comment

12 years ago

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Good manners are never pointless.

Hello :)

12 years ago

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yeah, it happens a lot

12 years ago

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but, what does that means? Someone trying to steal my account?

12 years ago

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its a fake email, just don't click the link and you're fine.

12 years ago

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Someone tried to redeem the (public) gamekey you already used. There will be a button in case you forgot your account details.

That person clicked that button :) - nothing to worry about. If in doubt, use steamguard.

12 years ago

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Oh, thanks! I redeemed a key for runespell that a member gave just a moment ago, and i think that some people tried to redeem this to... Thx for the information!

12 years ago

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^^ that is the correct answer

12 years ago

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Probably someone tried to redeem a key you already got and hit the button that sends you an e-mail to help you if you forgot your login or whatever. Nothing to worry about.

12 years ago

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that happened to me as well

12 years ago

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That happened to me too last week Oo

Honestly it seems fishy to me. As far as I know you can only have one account per email address, as is the rule pretty much everywhere. [edit: which is untrue, it seems. Huh].

The way it's written is strange too. "a query made by a Steam user to discover all account names associated with this email address" is highly illegal, since Valve does not have the right to do that (Ctrl+f Third-party in their TOS only tells me of websites and termination of my account by myself) - either giving my email address (as in, someone asks what's the address associated with DereckShiller), or the account associated with the email address (as in, someone asks who subscribed using dereckshiller@provider.com) is not something they can do and, for the record, I don't think they could ever do it even if it were in the ToS (some things cannot be waived, like your right to sue - but check your State's laws first).

In conclusion, to me it's definitely someone trying to score some free accounts.

12 years ago

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So sue them.

12 years ago

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I'd need proof for that before making a case;

in any case, what I'm saying is it's basically a phishing attempt. I'm just wondering how it managed to only target email addresses associated with a Steam account.

12 years ago

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You can have more than one account per email address. I know because I have 3 accounts tied to my email address.

12 years ago

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They don't reveal the information to anyone who clicked the button. They send you that email. So the only one who receives the steam logins connected to an email address is the owner of the email address.

12 years ago

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yeh you should be fine

12 years ago

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ignore it and you will be fine.

12 years ago

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my reaction:. "mkay"

12 years ago

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i got that email too

12 years ago

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i don't think that scammer fears you

12 years ago

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I did not got this email

12 years ago

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i just got this email...

12 years ago

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This happens all the time.

When people post commerical retail keys, one person will get it, but the other people will go to a screen which will give them an option to retrieve the account the code is on, by using a scanned image of the retail car.

Some people click that option, but unless they have a photo of the retail card (Very unlikely, as most 'ninja events' only post the code in text form) they can't get the account.

12 years ago

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Does that mean that someone can giveaway a key and then claim the winner's account this way. That is kinda scary.

12 years ago

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Dont be alerted , i have received many letters like this , my steam guard is disabled , havent got any problem with scammers, my account is almost 5 years old

12 years ago

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You'd better enable it, what with the recent intrusion last year

12 years ago

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You are being stalked

12 years ago

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Trolling time! Let's get a key and give it to yatter, then, everyone on the website uses the key and send the e-mail to Yatter so he gets mad! WOO!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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1 week ago
The f*ck?

12 years ago

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It doesn't work when I read it.

12 years ago

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I support this man!

12 years ago

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If someone tries to activate a cd key you own, you will get this email.

12 years ago

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You're a little late to the party.

12 years ago

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I only clicked this topic because of the title, and now I'm disappointed.

12 years ago

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lol! Now I know why I got the email yesterday and today. Because of the Lucid key. Seems like someone tried to use the same key ^.^

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by gabrieldrs.