Should we take action?
It's the site responsibility in regard to justice. But you know that in this justice almost doesn't exist and doesn't do it's job. As for the consumer responsibility, this is the kind of coward bullshit that let happen deportation, WWII etc...
Like it's a women's responsibility not to get raped when going out, it's not a consumer responsibility not get scammed when buying something, otherwise you are justifying the crime and defending the perpetrator.
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Nothing to do with trust, it's still utter nonsense.
Seriously if you want to create "awareness" calm the hell down, aside from comparing scams against rape, deportation and child molestion, you already used the words wtf, fucking sense and shady as fuck, do you think people would find you reasonable with such language or perhaps more if you atleast try to argue your points in a more normal way?
If you are angry because you got scammed, no need to bring that anger here.
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People who are willing to let themselves be shocked by tone or language rather than actual content and facts, are the kind who would let their children be raped for political correctness.
I'm not kidding, this is the same strand of mentality, which in psychology is called stooge syndrome. Accusing people being scammed of being responsible for the scam when they expect to buy (especially if their handicapped, ederly or limited in any way) is like accusing women who are raped of being responsible for the rape. SAME logic.
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Nothing to do with shock, and just as psychology would say if someone thinks he needs swear words to make a point across then it usually shows (deep) anger issues or a lack of maturity.
There is no logic in your words, atleast it's your "logic" but by far not the logic of many other people.
Anyway i am done, because it just seems like talking to a brick wall, good luck.
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I agree. The comparisons are bad hyperbole for a problem that focuses on money.
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always check on any questionable storefronts.
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I've been waiting forever for them to check out a site I flagged.
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If you type in a Key Reseller they've never heard of it will have a message at the bottom saying
"We have flagged this site for review, please check back later."
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If the site is running ads, if anyone clicks on that link, then the website will get a little bit of money. If you truly want to stop sites like this, don't post the link and don't give them any traffic.
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I agree with you that posting the link in a post that basically says "don't go there" DOES make sense.
Claiming that the site will "get a little bit of money from it because it runs ads", seriously......... that just doesn't outweigh the benefit of warning people against it. Although maybe the best path would be to indicate the URL without turning it into a link.
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I once got scammed from G2A for a copy of Shadow Warrior. It was only $2, so I didn't really care that much, but I didn't blame the seller or the site. I instead blamed myself for making a stupid purchase that I was unsure about. It was my fault because I trusted somebody else instead of doing my research on the seller.
In my opinion, it's your fault if you get scammed because you didn't do your research and just quickly bought a cheap game.
Regarding the website that you posted about... In all honesty, aside from a few of their AAA title deals, almost everything else can be picked up for cheaper elsewhere. I could get most of their deals for cheaper from BundleStars sales or even HRK.
Also, I decided to no longer use G2A after the whole BulletStorm fiasco. That really pissed me off because I absolutely loved BulletStorm.
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However, you have to purchase their protection plan. That in itself is shady as hell. I just don't like how they run things at the moment. Sure, their new bundle deals are pretty nice, but the rest of the site can be utter madness.
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i honestly adore G2A, ive bought a hundred things from them so far and still never had an issue. bought the last 2 or 3 world of warcraft expansions from them as well. you really gotta watch who you buy from just buy from people with 100,000 positive feedbacks and you will never have an issue.
even if i did have a n issue i know g2a would fix it super fast and refund me
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Rule of thumb: Never buy anything from amateur looking websites.
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Shady websites can also look professional depending on the amount of money they expect to make off of it.
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I really dislike polls like this. Please don't "guilt" people into choosing the option you want people to pick. That's not nice. :P
That aside, I voted "no", but not because I want people to get scammed - but because you can't "block" every scam website in existence. If someone goes buying stuff from extremely questionable websites, it's their problem for not having the common sense of being aware of the risks involved.
To be fair, you also did not specify what you mean by taking action. Blocking them from where? Steamgifts? Steam? Elsewhere?
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I understand, but I don't need to guilt: either you care enough to ask or act, or you're one of those people who won't do shit and don't care, plain and simple.
Some people simply would not give a shit if a child who's not their was raped in front of them or their jew neighbours was being deported, that's how some people are, period.
As for solutions and actions, well that's why I ask but I think as for everything, the start is awareness.
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you know child molesters are put in with snitches because the sicko killers hate pedos and kill them.
they also don't deport jews. if you're referring to Germany after ww1 people were in poverty but since the jews had a tight nit community and took care of each other they were rather well off and as you can guess the starving people where more than happy to "deport" them. not saying its right but that's people and both sides were wrong in that case.
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I disagree. You are comparing two extremely different things. Online scamming is a huge thing that, no matter how much you wish it were that easy to get rid of, won't stop existing. Block one website, they'll just make it again under another URL. I work in the online moderation industry, and trust me - it's much easier to warn people and teach them to avoid scam than to try to block, remove or hide scam websites.
Again, you are guilt tripping me in agreeing to your opinion by comparing this with child molesting, two things that are so extremely far from one another that I can hardly believe you'd even think of comparing them. Online scams only take your money and are avoidable. They don't ruin your life forever.
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Nope, it's a legit comparison, here's another one: accusing people being scammed of being responsible for the scam when they expect to buy (especially if their handicapped, ederly or limited in any way) is like accusing women who are raped of being responsible for the rape when they simply expect to go out or party.
While this are exaggeration for the sake of clear exemples, this is the exact same logic. But I agree that you need some awareness and warning about scam, but it won't replace justice and solution against scam like there are fortunately for us, hundreds that have been implemented in browser, security and apis to avoid lots of them. It's never enough because it'll always continue, this doesn't mean we should fight against it
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Alright, fair enough. Then instead of complaining about it, why not suggest a fair, possible and decent solution for it? If our opinion on the matter does not matter (or so it seems), the poll is useless. Asking us our opinion is a waste of your time. Go straight for the solution instead.
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i can see what you mean but it would be rather annoying for support to be adding these shit sites all the time. making threads like this help as they should come up in google and part of being a consumer is to look into anyplace you buy from so they should be googling it before they buy anyway. if they don't well they will when they get burnt.
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you can still charge back your cash by your bank!paypal
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Had the same experience you're describing with that store last year. Regarding further examples: there is an Australian key seller, who obviously doesn't have many games on stock, but is still offering everything (at least they're fast with refunding).
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So, there are legal platforms and then there are grey platforms. Both have in come on that beside their practices, they at least deliver what you order.
But then, there are platform, sometimes referenced or recommended on gaming aggregators, platforms or forums, which are 100% scam, not just shady practices, but straight-up lowly money stealing scam
So this topic, is not just an awareness thread for people who might get scam, but also a call to action because too often I see these platform being referenced or even advertised on forums or even price aggregator websites.
So my question is: do you know other websites that are mostly scam like this one, and what actions can we take to have them banned, blocked or suspended for ours and other gamer's sake?
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