Way to go, valve. Not only was I not able to buy what I wanted because the checkout kept failing, now I have to wait an unspecified amount of time before trying again?

Anyone else getting this?

7 years ago

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Sale ends in two weeks. You'll have time.

7 years ago

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Be honest, how many times did you click the button?

7 years ago

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Clicked it once, waited, it gave an "unspecified error". Tried again, waited, same thing. Did this about 5 times before it told me to stop trying to buy things.

7 years ago

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I've already had that, but it was after actually performing a few purchases (not sure if it was 5 but that sounds like the approximate number)... I guess their red flag is a bit "misplaced" :s

7 years ago

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I keep getting that there was an error communicating to the servers.

7 years ago

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imagine the cashier at your local McDonalds saying that.

7 years ago

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Or anywhere, for that matter. It sounds like something Impractical Jokers would do.

7 years ago

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Yeah, it can't get any more counter productive in capitalism thawn that.
But I like the image of too many purchases in a few hours in McDonalds.
Like how do you even manage to do that?

7 years ago

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I know Starbucks sometimes has a 'visit us and make a purchase x times in y days and get a reward' promotion, I imagine others like McDonalds might too.

So if you want three things, you walk in, buy an item, walk over to the next cashier, buy the next item, walk back to the first and buy again. Three 'visits' for a reward in a 5 minute span!

7 years ago

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the sale just started. chill. they still updating the price.

7 years ago

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They just don't want your money, that's all.

7 years ago

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Yeah you should try all the buying tomorrow :^) they won't go out of stocks ever ;)

7 years ago

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I made a purchase and the money was transfered but i dont have the games yet... is this because of the server overload?

7 years ago

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Still lucky you because flash sale no longer here.

7 years ago

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relog , worked for me , just change user , and log in again

7 years ago

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I don't see how multiple visits would affect your purchase.
I don't think they'll have different products in an hour or so.
It's as if they don't want you to take their advertisement serious.

7 years ago

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LOL, the time IS specified.
A "while" is two moons and one day (57 days), as the Moon's day is 28.53 Earth days but the ancients didn't get the .03
Before it came to mean an ordinary weekday, "Monday" used to refer to that 57th day, 8th day of 8th week.

3 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by Cjcomplex.