I will start with:

  • 100% Penis Juice (100% Orange Juice)
  • A Valley Without Penis (A Valley Without Wind)
  • Avadon: The Black Penis (Avadon: The Black Fortress)
  • Fable: The Lost Penis (Fable: The Lost Chapters)
  • Finding Penis (Finding Teddy)
  • Giana Sisters: Penis Dreams (Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams)
  • Penis Brothers (Two Brothers)
  • Super Meat Penis (Super Meat Boy)

I hope that this is allowed. It is so immature, but I can not stop laughing at some titles...

Edit: Oh god, who revived this thread after 2 years? I recieved 99+ notifications. 馃槰

10 years ago*

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Funny thread, haha.

路Penis Kombat Kollection. (Mortal)
路Penis Puncher. (Fist
路Penis of Illusion. (Castle)
路Bang Bang Penis. (Racing
路Penis Island: Epidemic. (Dead)
路Penis Paradise: The ultimate box. (Burnout
路Penis in motion. (Cities)
路Deadly Premonition: The director's penis. (Cut
路Party of penis. (Sins)
路Frozen penis. (Synapse
路Penis wars. (Tower)
路A penis named TOM. (Virus
路Finding penis. (Teddy)
路Insanely twisted shadow penis. (Planet
路Samantha Swift and the penis touch (Golden)
路Really big penis. (sky
路Dark penis: Prepare to die edition. (souls)
路Alan Wake's penis nightmare. (American
路Hard penis. (reset)
路Tiny and big: Grandpa's penis. (leftovers
路FTP: Faster than penis. (light)
路Beast penis turbo. (boxing)
路Sleeping penis. (dogs
路Penis edge. (mirror's)
路Overlord: Raising penis. (hell
路Penis dash. (Dollar)
路Penisfight. (Hammer

10 years ago

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路"Tiny and big: Grandpa's penis"

10 years ago

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To the Penis
Penis Unlimited

10 years ago

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The Elder Penis V: Skyrim
Call of Duty: Black Penis 2
Mark of the Penis
Penis Conflict
Garry's Penis

10 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

cod made me lol

10 years ago

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Hitman: Penis Challenge (sniper)

Infestation: Penis Stories (Survivor)

Painkiller: Penis Edition (Black)

Penis Assassin (Velvet)

Super Monday Penis Combat (Night)

Just Penis 2 (Cause)

Penis in Motion (Cities)

Arma: Cold Penis Assault (War)

Penis Simulator 2013

ok thats enough i think

10 years ago

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Penis was Alone (Thomas)

Penisgirls (Skull)

Overlord: Raising Penis (Hell)

The Witcher: Penis Edition (Enhanced)

No More Penis in Hell (Hell)

Penis Selection 2 (Natural)

Metro: Last Penis (Light)

Dust: An Elysian Penis (Tail)

Deus Ex: Penis Revolution (Human)

Dear Penis (Esther)

Company of Penises (Heroes)

Brutal Penis (Legend)

Alan Wake's American Penis (Nightmare)

10 years ago

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King's Penis: The Legend
Penis's Edge
Rising Penis
Super Penis Boy
Penis of War: Red Tide
Penis Agent
Penis of Exile

10 years ago

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Half-life: Blue Penis LOL

10 years ago

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or Assassin's Penis :D

10 years ago

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(Most probably already done, but..)

Titan Penis (Titan Quest)

Tropico 3: Absolute Penis

Sword of the Penis: The Pit

Starseed Penis

Saturday Morning Penis

Penis Architect (or Prison Penis??)

Penis Piracy (or Pixel Penis?)

Mount and Penis

Knights of Penis and Paper +1

Jagged Alliance: Penis in Action

Jagged Penis 2 Gold: Unfinished Business

Kerbal Space Penis

Guacamelee! Gold Penis

Garry's Penis

Disciples 2: Penis of the Elves

Penis Quest: Valley of the Forgotten

Cave Penis+

Day of Defeat: Penis

Penis Danger 2: The Movie

Tank Penis: European Campaign

Arma: Cold Penis Assault

Age of Wonders: Penis Magic

10 years ago

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Draw a Penis: EPIC

10 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

Call of penis black cocks 2

10 years ago

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Penis inferno,

Mark of the penis,

Team penis 2,

Penis strike,

Penis Bros. ,

Arma: Cold Penis assault,

Penis Roller-Derby Disco dodgeball,

Penis: The Heist,

Penis of the Mad god,

Penis selection 2,

Penis defenders,

Grand theft Penis III.

10 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

Path of Penis (Path of Exile)
Fallout New Penis (Fallout New Vegas)
Beyond Good and Penis (Beyond Good and Evil)
To the Penis (To the Moon)
The Stanley Penis (The Stanley Parable)
Team Penis 2 (Team Fortress 2)

10 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

Counter Srike Global Penis
Finding Penis
Post Apocalyptic Penis
PenisSide 2
Bad Penis
Shufflepuck Penis Delux
Chivarly: Medieval Penis
Penis 4 Dead 2
Dear Penis
Naval War: Arctic Penis
Arma: Cold Penis Assault
Among the Penis
The Penis : Enhanced Edition

10 years ago

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The Elder Penis (Elder Scrolls)

10 years ago

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The Elder Penis V: skyrim
Penis 4 Dead 2
Tha Amazing Penis - Man 2
Penis warzone Earth
Arma: penis war Assault
Penis Project
penis of juarez
Penis Island: Epidemic
Penis Badgers
PenisDay 2
Penis Nation
Shattered Penis
Sniper: Penis Warrior
Penis Dogs
Super Penis TD
Penis Assassin
Penis Have to Win The Game

that's mine XD

10 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

Day One: Penis Incident (Day One: Garry's Incident)
Penis Box (Musaic Box)
Penis Rush (Oil Rush)
Penis Overdose (Painkiller Overdose)
Post Penis (Post Mortem)
The Binding of Penis (The Binding of Isaac)
Penis Unlimited (Scribblenauts Unlimited)
Serious Sam: The Random Penis (Serious Sam: The Random Encounter)
Penis Dispenser (Vertex Dispenser)
Unstoppable Penis (Unstoppable Gorg)
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Penis Rampage (Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage)
Doc Clock: The Toasted Penis of Time (Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time)
Penis in Motion (City in Motion)
Bloody Penis (Bloody Trapland)

10 years ago

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Penis (Fortix)

Am I doing it right?

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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On the Rain-Slick Penis of Darkness

10 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

A Penis Named TOM

Age of Penis II: HD Edition

Alan Wake's Penis Nightmare

Anomaly Warzone Penis

Assassin's Penis Brotherhood

Penis Infinite

Penis Paradise: The Ultimate Box

Calibre 10 Penis Series

Penis the Gathering

C&C: Red Penis - Uprising

Company of Heroes: Opposing Penis

Company of Heroes: Penis of Valor

Penis 2 Maximum Edition (or Crisis 2 Maximum Penis)

Dead Penis

Penis Power Expansion

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - The Missing Penis

Dirt Penis

Penis Age: Origins

F.E.A.R. 2: Penis Origin

Faerie Penis

Fallout: New Penis

FTP: Faster Than Penis

Penis Dev Tycoon

Giana Sisters: Twisted Penis

GTA: Penis from Liberty City

Penis Evolution

Half-Penis 2: Episode 1/2

Half-Life: Blue Penis

King's Bounty: Warriors of the Penis

Legends of Penis

Little Penis

The Longest Penis

The Lord of the Penis: War in the North

Penis of the Ninja

Napoleon: Total Penis

Penis's Edge

Penis Selection 2

Need for Speed: Hot Penis

Penis from Hell

Operation Flashpoint: Penis Rising

Operation Flashpoint: Red Penis

Penis must Die

Overlord: Raising Penis

Post Apocalyptic Penis

Red Orchestra 2: Penis of Stalingrad

Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Penis

Penis of the Argonauts

Risen 2 - Dark Penis

Red Penis: Armageddon

Penis Sam 3: BFE

The Showdown Penis

Sid Meier's Penis V

Spiral Penis

Specs Ops: The Penis

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Penis

Star Wars Jedi Penis: Dark Forces 2

Strike Penis Infinity

Supreme Penis

Super Penis TD

Penis Shock 2

Team Penis Classic

Penis Was Alone

Penis Raider

Tropico 3: Absolute Penis

The Walking Penis

War of the Penis

Warhammer 40000 Space Penis

Warlock - Master of the Penis

X3: Penis Conflict

X: Beyond the Penis

XCOM: Penis Unknown

10 years ago

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Blood Omen 2: Penis of Kain (Legacy)

Devil May Cry 3: Penis Edition (Special)

Goodbye Penis (Deponia)

Sang-Froid - Penis of Werewolves (Tales)

Sid Meier's Penis Patrol (Ace)

Sid Meier's Penis V (Civilization)

Penis Park: The Stick of Truth (you can pretty much replace any word in this one and it's still funny)

10 years ago

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Hard Penis: Extended Edition(Reset)
Papo y Penis(Yo)
Sleeping Penis(Dogs)
Company of Penis 2(Heroes)
Street Penis Syndicate(Racing)
Penis War in Europe(Strategic)
Age of Penis 2: HD Edition(Empires)
Crusader Penis II(Kings)
Penis Activity(Paranautical)
Nuclear Penis(Throne)
Space Penis and Zombies(Pirates)
Mini Penis Racing EVO(Motor)
Penis Road(Spice)
Post Apocalyptic Penis(Mayhem)
The Penis Lady(Cat)
Broken Penis 2(Sword)
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Penis(Eyes)
Ethan: Penis Hunter(Meteor)
Go! Go! Penis! My First Trip to Japan(Nippon)
Marc Ecko's Getting Penis: Contents Under Pressure(Up)
No Penis to Explain(Time)
Penis of Life(Signs)
That'll be enough, dear god.

10 years ago

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Super Penis(Super Hexagon)
Penis Must Die(Orcs Must Die)
Penis of the Ninja(Mark of the Ninja)
Penis Paradise (Burnout Paradise)
The Elder Penis V (The Elder Scrolls V)
The Penis of Isaac (The Binding of Isaac)

10 years ago

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Half Penis
Killing penis
Penis :Total war
Penis-strike source
Penis Orchestra
Cry of Penis

10 years ago

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Dead Penis Epidemic Beta

10 years ago

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Half Penis Opposing Force

10 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by Credipede.