I will start with:

  • 100% Penis Juice (100% Orange Juice)
  • A Valley Without Penis (A Valley Without Wind)
  • Avadon: The Black Penis (Avadon: The Black Fortress)
  • Fable: The Lost Penis (Fable: The Lost Chapters)
  • Finding Penis (Finding Teddy)
  • Giana Sisters: Penis Dreams (Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams)
  • Penis Brothers (Two Brothers)
  • Super Meat Penis (Super Meat Boy)

I hope that this is allowed. It is so immature, but I can not stop laughing at some titles...

Edit: Oh god, who revived this thread after 2 years? I recieved 99+ notifications. 😨

10 years ago*

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Song of the Penis (Song of the Deep)

7 years ago

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Penis the Impaler (Vlad the Impaler).

7 years ago

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Deep Dungeons of Doom Penis

7 years ago

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Penis Remastered Collection
Dying Penis
Rocket Penis
Penis in Motion 2

7 years ago

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The Elder penis IV: oblivion!

7 years ago

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Chivalry Penis Warfare

7 years ago

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Assassin's Creed 4: Black Penis, Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Penis, Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Penis

7 years ago

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Intensive penis or penis exposure (intensive exposure)
A boy and his penis (a boy and his blob)
Penis box unlimited (Ark box unlimited)
Penis rising (advent rising)
Artificial penis (artificial defense)
Penis Bounce (beach bounce)
Penis Blaster or Beast Penis (beast blaster)
Penis reloaded (bloop reloaded)
Bloodbath penis (Bloodbath Kavkaz )
Bulb penis or Penis boy (Bulb boy)
Penis Knight 2 (chess knight 2)
Penis saves the world (Cthulhu Saves the World )
Penis of time (Crystals of Time)

7 years ago*

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Penis Clicker

Need for Penis : Most Wanted

Killing Penis 2

Rocket Penis

H1Z1 : King of the Penis

The Witcher 3 : Wild Penis

Gary´s Penis

7 years ago

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Penis Valley

100% Penis Juice

Epic Penis Fantasy 4

7 years ago

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Penis Orchestra...

7 years ago

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One More Penis
Penis Nation
Penis Ultimate Mayhem
The Penis Effect

7 years ago

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Some of these are probably repeats. Can't be bothered to check the whole thread.

Burnout: Penis / Penis Paradise
Super Penis Boy (since that's more funny than Super Meat Penis)
Endless Penis
Metal Penis Rising
Life is Penis / Penis is Strange
Nuclear Penis
Borderlands - the Penis-equel
Deus Ex: Penis Revolution (Insert "heavily augmented" joke here)
Penis Legacy
Penis Night 2
Saints Penis 2
The Binding of Penis
Brütal Penis
Shantae and the Penis' Curse
Zombie Penis Trilogy
Tower of Penis
Six Sides of the Penis
Hard Penis Redux
Insanely Twisted Shadow Penis
A Story About My Penis

7 years ago

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Rise of the Penis Raider

7 years ago

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Prince of Penis
The Witcher Penis
Assassin's Penis
The Walking Penis
Dragon Penis: Origins
Penis Dogs 2
Penis Raider
Mark of the Penis
Sleeping Penis

Got a good chuckle out of a few of these!

7 years ago

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Picking some random games from https://store.steampowered.com/account/licenses/

War of the Penises
Tom Clancy's Ghost Penis Phantoms - EU: WAR Madness pack (Assault) - FREE

the hands down winner is

The Sad Story of Penis Burns

7 years ago

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'Spooky's Jump Scare Penis' (instead of 'mansion') roflmao)))

7 years ago

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No Man's Penis
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Penis
Lovers in a dangerous Penis
Spore creepy & cute penis pack ... y'know.. that last one.. that's pretty much a description of spore anyhow.

7 years ago

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Brothers - A Tale of Two Penises
The Vanishing of Ethan('s) Penis
Age of Mythology: Extended Penis
Dead Penis
Elegy For A Dead Penis
The Penis of the Dragon
Where Is My Penis?

7 years ago

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Hehe, I've been playing 100% Penis Juice a lot lately

There's also...
Penis Inc: Evolved
Penis Capitalist
Penis Night at the Inventory
Penis Princess
Penis Simulator
I am Penis
Holy Potatoes! A Penis Shop?!
The Next BIG Penis
Nuclear Penis
Penis Architect (Oh this ought to be a fun one. BUILD ALL THE PENISES! \o/)
This Penis of Mine
You Must Build A Penis (BUILD THEM ALL!!! \o/)
Broken Penis

I'm having way too much fun looking through my games and replacing words with "Penis" xD

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Penis, you are beeing hunted
Melissa K and the penis of gold
The long penis
company of penis
day of penis
7 penis to die

7 years ago

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Penis Kings II
Penis Quest
Penis Manager 2014
Alice's Penis (that's Patchwork, rather obscure game)

It's silly but more fun than it should be :D

7 years ago

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Penis Knights: Penetration
Crazy Penis Shop
Dragon Penis Soup
Penis Knight 2: The Beast Within
Go! Go! Penis! My First Trip To Japan
Attrition: Penis Domination
Fabulous Penis Truck
Penis Island - VR MMO
Goodbye Penis

7 years ago*

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Counter-Strike: Penis Offensive

7 years ago

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This oughta acratch that itch:

7,62 Hard Penis
9 Clues: The Secret of Serpent Penis
A.I.M.2 Penis Wars
AGON - The Mysterious Penis (Trilogy)
Ahnayro: The Dream Penis
Penis Shooter 2: Reloaded
Amnesia: The Dark Penis
ARMA 2: British Armed Penis
ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead Penis (Obsolete)
Assassin's Creed IV Black Penis
Avalanche 2: Super Penis
The Penis Saga
Batman - The Telltale Penis - Episode 1
Battlefield: Bad Penis 2
Penis Eyes
The Blue Penis
Penis Karate Foolish
The Penis Lady
Charm Penis Quest
The Chosen Penis
City of Penis
Corporate Penis Simulator
Crusaders of the Lost Penis
Penis Crush
Penis of Fear
CUPID - A free to play Penis Novel
Dark Penis: the Carnival
Death to Spies: Penis of Truth
Penis Hunter 3: Revelation
Penis Doomsday
Penis Hunter 2: Deep Dive
Die for the Penis
Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Penis
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Penis
Penis Matador
Elements: Penis of Fire
Eternal Penis
Eventide: Slavic Penis
Everlasting Penis
Penis Rising
The Penis of Hope: Underground
FATE: Undiscovered Penis
Penis Twig: Midnight Puzzle
Penis DOOM
Penis of Gods (RPG)
Frontlines: Penis of War
Frosty Penis
Penis Kiss
Grand Theft Auto: Penis City
Grim Penis
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Penis
Guardian's Penis
The Guild II: Pirates of the European Penis
Penis Shot
Heavy Penis Machines
The I of the Penis
Incitement Penis
Jesus Christ Penis Trilogy
Journey of a Penis
King's Penis TD
Kingdoms of Penis: Amalur
Konung 3: Ties of the Penis
Penis Noire
Last Penis
Left for Dead Penis
Let the Penis In
Penis is Strange
The Longest Penis Demo
Lost Penis [diary]
Penis Planet 3
Mad Penis
Magical Otoge Penis
Penis Shooters 2
Penis Levels for DOOM II
Max Penis 3
Mellisa K. and the Penis of Gold Collector's Edition
Memories of a Penis
Metro Penis
Middle-earth: Shadow of Penis
Penis Masters
Mount Penis Blade: Warband
Penis Destinies: Serendipity of Aeons
Namriel Legends: Penis Lord Premium Edition
NecroVision: Lost Penis
Nosferatu: The Wrath of Penis
One Penis Lies
Penis of Exile
Pirates of Black Penis Gold
Penis Puzzles Ultimate
Penis Star
Planet Penis
Pristine Penis
Realms of Arkania: Penis of Destiny
Red Penis 2: Heroes of Stalingrad - Single Player
Penis Hope Episode 1
Relaxation Penis
Penis in a Dream
Rising Penis: Reborn
Penis Classic
Penis Horror Story
Russian Horror Penis
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Penis
The Sad Story of Penis Burns
Penis Legends: The Phantasmal Light Collector's Edition
Penis Tears
Penis Warrior
Penis Returns
Shadowrun Dragonfall: Penis Cut
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Penis
The Silent Penis
Sleeping Penis
Penis Elite
Stone Penis Wars
Sweet Candy Penis
Penis Heroes
TASTEE: Lethal Penis
Penis Fortress 2
Teddy Floppy Penis - Kayaking
Penis Hacker
This Penis of Mine
Penis Clickers
Penis Quest
Penis Raider
Torchlight Penis
The Penis Project
Two Worlds: Epic Penis
The Ultimate Penis
Penis Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior
Wasteland Penis
Wasteland 2: Penis Cut
Penis So Evil
Why Penis Evil 2: Dystopia
Wild Animals - Animated Penis
The Witcher: Enhanced Penis
Wizardry Penis
Penis Tree 2: Worlds
World of Penis
World of Guns: Gun Penis
World War II: Penis Claws
Wrath of Penis
Penis in the Sky

7 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by Credipede.