BDO it's just kill monsters over and over and over while you run in circles to spam the same skills to kill a group of monsters over and over and over and over and over and over and over until you die. but if you like "trading" fishing etc.... you will like it for sure.
but but take in mind the next:
if you buy black desert online take in mind that you will need 4 pets to get the loot that means you will need to pay more money for them 10$ for each, less if you get a bundle of pets or offer etc.... at least will cost you 25$ all 4 pets.
if you are not going to buy that pets = don't buy BDO never, or you will pass 2 seconds killing monsters and 20 seconds getting the loot.
believe me about pets, i played BDO during a lot of hours in steam and another huge amount outside steam, no pets = the worst thing you can do and you will only suffer and suffer and lose loot and more loot and you are going to pass 90% of time looting and 10% killing.
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I heard you can get pets free, but seeing everyone say that is a grindfest, Im not too invested in playing BDO now. And I have Elder Scrolls Online sitting in my backlog, so I should play that first
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well for free... yes i think some but not in a short time, but more in a long term.
however yes.. it's a grindfest, ultra mega grindfest, even the PvP win the best geared character or best leveled character, skill in PvP it's like 20% of the win.
if you are level 58 and fight VS a lvl 55 or 56, you will win 95% of times with one or two attacks.
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MMOs are grindfest and boring. MHW is fun only when you play with other people.
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Precisely a friend told me to buy it so I am covered on that deparment xD
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MHW can be fun. Especially with friends. Especially since they decided to actually go and fix their broken arse online system. Trust me, my rage at this has been legendary
Some of it's major issues are that it can get incredibly grindy to try and get the weapons/armour you want. Do the same mission over and over just to get one of the ten needed item for the armour set you want.
And of course a very VERY large number of the missions are locked behind dates. "Oh yes you can only do that mission during this specific time period. Want the item? Oh dear best wait till our next festival you sucker!" Needless to say a lot of people do not like that!
And having to share the same respawn pool as your friends/randomers playing with is often very dicey. Doesn't matter how good you are if generic player XXXProskillz420XXX is garbage and causes you all to fail the mission! So be wary.
There is a decent sized weapon variety. So you have a good chance of really finding a weapon that suits your playstyle. As all of them are unique enough in their abilities and how they operate to give anyone a good chance of being comfortable with at least one.
It's also a lot easier to actually track monsters than in previous games so it is far more begginner friendly (known for being more accessible for new players than any previous title).
Also you get to customise your cat (palico) companion. Who is the cutest little muffin that could ever exist in the game and you're a filthy heathen for not spending ages agonisingly making him look perfect. And if you dare not prioritise crafting him armour and weapons over your character then you should feel ashamed and shouldn't be allowed to play. KITTY NEEDS THE VERY BEST!!!
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"Also you get to customise your cat (palico) companion" Say no more, Monster Hunter bought
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Excellent. The sway of the kitty is one that cannot be resisted.
Also I hope you like puns. The cats will all bombard you with them
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Monster Hunter World. I was hoping Monster Hunter World was in a deep sale but it didn't happen lol. Still hoping it ends in a deep sale or a bundle on HB. It's one of the few games I stop the other games I am playing to play lol. I'm playing Dauntless till that happens though, which is a pretty good game itself. It's worth playing. A lot of people like the combat in Dauntles over Monster Hunter World but you get a full and complete experience with lots more to do in Monster Hunter World.
I was a big fan of MMORPGs for the longes time. Black Desert looks really beautiful but many people quit at the beginning due to there being no end game content really. I recall reading something recent that stated the game is still lacking in a lot of end game stuff. I also recall that with them dropping the price of the game they also made some in game items a big need to have and those cost extra.
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Yeah, I was expecting a deep sale too, but I guess its worth still so I ended buying it. Black Desert seems a grindfest, so I am going to pass
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The breakdown:
MHW is generally speaking, better than BDO. However, it is NOT great as an open-world MMO, as you can't play with more than a certain number of players in every instance of a "hunt" (as far as I know). I think it was 4 players per hunt instances, and the hub had a 12-24 limit (don't recall the exact number, but something around that range).
BDO is an extremely open-world MMO, with a huge, beautiful world to explore without any split areas, loading screens, etc. Every player on the server is doing their thing on the same map along with you. However... that's about it. It lacks in everything else. Large, beautiful world, character creator, and decent action combat, but that's all that it has to offer - It's fun at first, but quickly becomes an insane, boring, frustrating grindfest.
Of the two, I suggest getting MHW if you're into that kind of game (and NOT for the "open world MMO experience" since it offers little of that), and try BDO during a free weekend/free promo - There have been quite a few in the past, some of which even offer you the full version if you reach a certain level before the free period. Try it then, and if you like it, then buy it - But I have a feeling it'll go F2P in the near future at this rate.
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Yeah, its the visual part what really made me want to get Black Desert, but seeing how everyone says is a grindfest, I am going to abstain from it.
I ended getting Monster Hunter, seems like the world is more lively and generally more fun to play with friends.
And as you say, probably Black Desert ends as a free to play
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I'm surprised no one brought up the forced PVP once you hit level 50; this can be quite a shock to people who unsuspectingly start grinding at the wrong map. I think the first time I was ganked was the only time in the game I used the quick escape key (It didn't work). I think the devs response of don't level past 50 is also kinda BS. To me that was the main reason I didn't play further, the always looming threat of getting killed adds stress and that's counter to what I'm playing games for.
If you don't need it on Steam and can wait a bit, BDO has events every now and then where you can get the game for free (eg. Grind to level 50 in a week and get the base game for free) That way you can check out the beautiful world without getting too invested into the Pay-to-Win portions.
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Now that Steam Sales are coming to an end, I was wondering to get two games, sort of MMO types: Black Desert and Monster Hunter World.
I have a friend that wants to play them with me, but I am not sure if I am going to enjoy them as well.
I tried a little Monster Hunter 4 on 3ds but did not get into it. But looking at gameplays the world in this pc version looks gorgeus and very inmersive. I like open worlds like Breath of the Wild, The witcher 3 and so on, and always wanted to at least try a mmo type of game (I downloaded Dauntless to get a feel of a game with similar gameplay mechanics, but maybe they arent that similar).
Now with Black Desert, is very cheap and it does looks stunning as well, with an enormous world. But there are things which I dislike in mmos: people constantly running around breaking the inmersion in the world, the giant chat window, overly complicated mecanics and interfaces full of things and timers.
The question is to people that played these games. Are these games worth it?
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