It was made by a friend of mine. Actually 2 friends made 2 avatars for me.
One of them was made by "Nordh", a nice puzzler around here! You should check his puzzles out! They are pretty well made and amazing!
The other one was from "Downward Concept" (I think he has a different name around here, I don't remember)... It's been a while I have seen him around, but I'm sure he is ok! :)
Thank you for the wishes! :)
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Hehe, thanks! But I'll say it again, it's just an opinion, not the real truth :)
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Happy birthday! I understand that people here in SG are very straight with a lot of things, but everyone has their own point of view and we must respect that. Let's be happy with all the incredible individuals here and learn a lot, even when we don't agree at all. :)
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I know, right? Too bad we can't change that a bit... Soften them a bit, so they can accept others...
But yeah, there are very good individuals, and they deserve all the praise for their deeds :)
Thank you! :)
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Hey I really loved how you made good point on the first part of your thread. Although personally I would add a bit of fairness to the equation. But fairness varies in the viewer's eyes, so the points on thread were top notch.
However second part is something i disagree partly. Mainly cause people are different. Not all are community oriented or even can be. Already because of their personality traits which they can't change. Some like smaller groups or even being alone. Shouldn't discriminate em just cause they aren't part of a community. But SG promotes such due having such functions that promote them, but I digress.
Many such "good" communities are also elitists. Meaning ratios, CV requirements and such are present. Those are usually the reasons group is small after all. Such few of the reasons though why it isn't so easy for all to find good place to be, or atleast a place which increases their chances on top of public giveaways.
Broad topic to talk about.
Oh and happy bday. Hope you having good time regardless of drama heavy topic. I don't use whitelist, but enjoy being part of it. One of the few. ;)
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Fairness differs from every person, so it's impossible for me to "meta" the definition in SG.
And I agree with your second opinion. Simply put, people wants to have certain rules in line, to prevent rule breakers from appearing and snatch the game away from them, and others would prefer to just give the game away, even though the game might have been won before by the winner.
I kind of overlooked that rule-breakers can actually win from me, and I'd be ok with that... I might... have a little flaw in how I think of giving away...
But so far, I've met awesome people, who have received my games without any questions asked, always thanking me for it, and being respectful to me, as I am respectful to them! :)
And about the groups, I do agree... It requires discipline to stay in a good group, keeping your ratios at bay and stuff, but in the one I am, it's pretty flexible (I can give away every 2 months, if I AFK from SG), and like I said before, THAT is the secret on winning games often, since you'll be having way less entries than in publics or invite-only gibs (in my case, the link exploded! I didn't think many would join, tbh! :O)
And, to end it all, I just came back from the party! And thank you for the whitelist as well! Even though you didn't have to add me at all, I appreciate your gesture :)
Thank you for the happy birthday wish too! :)
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Happy birthday! This site may have some weird "rules" (i put it in quotes because they aren't real rules) like ratios and what not, and some people come across as a bit elitist, but I think overall there's so many generous people on here and there really is a lot of inclusivity :)
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I guess the rules are there to have a certain order in the many groups around... If they are followed, you'll be rewarded. If not, then the designated punishment is given to you.
It's like a foolproof against rule-breakers...
You might consider them elitist (So do I...), but there are justified reasons for them... We, in SG, are charitable... To a degree...
And yeah! Many generous people have surfaced over here! They deserve all their praise and respect! :)
Thanks for the wishes! :)
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Oh yeah I'm not criticizing people who have stricter rules, they make sense and I don't have a problem with them :)
I do have a problem with the small amount of people on here that believe themselves better than everyone else because they have a better ratio, give better gifts, etc. Fortunately these people are few and far between.
This site has been a mostly positive experience for me and I hope it's the same for others too.
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...Yeah, I'm just a random guy who wants to tell you it's my birthday today! :)
...I also know I'm not well known around this page.
...I haven't contributed in a significant way to be recognized heavily (By contributing, I mean, implementing something that might change SG for good).
...I don't have special skills to show off what I can do for the community to notice me.
But I'm happy to be myself, nonetheless! :)
Now, at my 24 years old, I've grown up knowing many things about life, so... I would like to share to you what I think on SG.
First of all... The site is... filled with dark... So much dark... SG is supposed to be about charity, about giving away to others, not caring if your games are being played, or not... Or if your games end up being used for the cards.
If they aren't played, I don't mind at all, really... If they are used for the cards, it's their loss if they don't want to play an amazing game, right?
Also, one has to be very careful on your own ratio (Real CV is the one everybody should care), or else, you'll be classified as a leecher.
Wait, hold on right there...
Why I would be a leecher because of MY luck? Do I commit a crime if I want a game, and then I win it? Since you might be a person with a better ratio than a winner with a worse ratio... Do YOU deserve that game more than that person?
See what I mean? You could give away a ton of games for Real CV, but once you go beyond what you have given away for Real CV, you are then classified as a leecher... What happened to my contributions? Are they suddenly invalidated because I won more than I've given away? Can't you wait until I start giving away again?
Yes, I'm a poor guy... Yes, I sometimes do sacrifices to give, even the most cheap of the games, since I don't win as much as want... And yes... I need most of that money for my own family and for myself... Even though I would love to give 50 Fallout 4's to everybody... I really can't...
Yes... There's so much dark in the site... And about the nomination thing...
It's just for a little giveaway! There are so many more out there! You just need to work harder in how you communicate with people! Make friends! Make contacts! Make people happy! Then you'll eventually join up in a good group where you can give away games for games of WAY less entries than public giveaways, or even private giveaways. THAT... THAT RIGHT THERE... Is the secret to win as many games as you want. There's no secret super complicated formula to success in the site. That's the only way to make it around the site. And I'm always grateful for reaching where I am.
Don't feel bad because you weren't chosen... Instead, be grateful that you even have a family that cares about you, and only you. Don't start dumb stuff around here, when you aren't looking at yourself. Look at your son/daughter, tell him/her how much you love him/her, and tell him/her that they are the best things that happened in the world. In other words, for your family, you'll always be N°1. :)
But... There's so much light as well! There's so much support for people around here who are having a bad time.
There are people who cares about each other, who have made friends, who have found others with mutual feelings about certain activities.
There are extremely helpful people around here, WAY helpful than I'll ever be in a life-time.
You can even confide us your secrets, so we can cheer you up or have a shoulder to cry.
There are people who DO give away because they want to, not to check up in a certain person is going to play that game to keep him in his "kool kids" list.
I don't want you to sympathize with me because it's my birthday... You can even blacklist me for telling my opinion around, because why not? I deserve it for opening my mouth, while you prefer to keep it shut and be safe from the blacklisting, right?
I'm sorry... I guess it's pretty unusual for a birthday thread to be like this... But I wanted to share with you my opinion on the site as a special occasion.
But let's end it here, alright?
I'll post a couple of giveaways around here, so you guys can enter! No puzzles, no special requirements, nothing... Just the act of having visited my thread is enough to enter :)
Happy Halloween too! :)
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