I would like to try but can't right now. How much time will the GA be open for?
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Hey. I would like to participate. I usually like stealth games. But I'm not at home right now. How long do I have?
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looking at OPs profile looks like the giveaways are open for 4 weeks
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Not to get caught 😜,
I have a lot of experience with stealth games.
Only yesterday i finished 'Thief' (2014) on a master diffuclty with no kills or knockout - just like your game.
Assassin Creed, Dues Ex, Shawden and etc..
Search me on twitch if youre interested to see ❤️
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Hey thanks for playing. Could you clarify, what do you mean when you say jump? There is no jumping in the game. What do you mean under platforms? Not sure I understand the stealth part either. What does a stealth game look like in your opinion? There is no shooting in the game, did you finish the first level at all?
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Could've been better. The game being third-person only really annoyed me, but you did mention it was a top-down style game, but coming from a first person enjoyer, it's something I'd like to see implemented to some extent. The maps didn't have much explaining on where you should go, making me extremely confused in level 1, giving me little desire to try and play through the future levels. The go to main menu button doesn't function on the death screen (at least for me). There is no way to run away from the guards, it's essentially game over when you even see one going towards your general position which is also super annoying comparing it to other games. The main menu would've been nice if it had smaller buttons, with a different texture, plain white just doesn't really fit in. Yes, I'm aware it's a demo, just doesn't meet my expectations for the moment, I'll wait for a future, more finished build. I'm writing the issues that I've had (which can sort of be considered biased) as I don't feel like I can participate in the survey because I haven't fully played through the levels.
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Hey, thanks for the feedback, I totally understand your frustrations with the demo. Just to clarify your comment about the game being over once enemies walk towards the player, was the part about crouching in bushes making the player invisible to enemies not communicated well? Were you able to get past some enemies or did you feel like you were lost from the start?
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I don't feel like it was communicated wrong, I personally found myself being game overed before I could get into cover after popping up. I got confused about half way into level 1.
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Hey hi, I just played your game, look, I'm not the biggest fan of indie games, only liked a few ones, but there's potential, maybe some other players will love the game just as it is, but I also know how hard it is to make a game, when I was younger I put my heart and effort into a whole world I made in RPG Maker, it's not even close to what you did, creating everything from scratch, so all I can say is congratulations Op, you did an amazing job and I hope you keep up with the great work, achieving more and more every day!
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15 minutes total gameplay, just submitted the form.
Reiterating here my feedback on the form: instead of adding more stuff or leaning heavily on the story side, I'd like to see camera and AI polished, and possibly a better integration of sound mechanics, which felt very secondary if present at all. Once these things are smooth, I'd consider new enemies, locations, gadgets and etc
Great work so far
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Oh I also just realized I did not get the link to the train at the end of the survey (or didn't pay attention to it) - I can blaze through it again unless you can send me it some other way, OP? You can easily find my survey entry because I left my SG handle there
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I got the request - will check the link now. Thank you!
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About 2% of Steam users use Linux. Roughly 30 people completed the survey so far, that means that statistically, even if we had a Linux version we would only have one Linux user. Now what if that user says the game ran poorly on his system, while most Win users report that the game ran fine? Since we only have one user, we would have to exclude his experience, because we don't know whether that was caused by an OS issue or something else, whether it was a one off issue or a system wide problem and we can't recreate the bug to solve the issue.
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Interesting project you've got here! Is there a way to offer some contribution?
I mean, I am an amateur digital artist with a drawing tablet and ambitions to make my own game one day. My skills are a little rusty as beside work I've barely had the chance to practice for quite some years now. And it does not look like I will have an ocean of free time in the future either. But if a few little digital drawings would help, I would gladly try myself at it.
Also, is there a plan for adding voice acting later on? No experience with that, but it would be fun, trying that out too. :,D
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Is it over, or is it possible to still participate?
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Bump and meow. I found that too hard, but I'm not that experienced at stealth games. I would add a skill setting with in-level hints for the easier skill setting.
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Would love to try it, but can't since I'm on mac.
So, I'll give you a Bump instead. =)
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Hey everyone!
We need a bit of playtesting help with the first few levels of our stealth game. All you have to do, is play three levels and then answer short survey. Of course I wouldn't ask this without some kind of reward, so there will be a link at the end of the survey to an SG train with the games below.
About the game: The demo is focused on 3D, top-down stealth gameplay, there is not really a narrative element present at the moment, but long story short, the game is set during WW2 Hungary and you control a Crown Guard. Your task is usually to sneak by undetected and alert no-one. The demo has three, mostly complete levels, if you enjoy playing those, you can also try out three, work-in-progress levels, which do not have finalized art assets, but place some twist on the gameplay.
You can check the itch.io page here for some screenshots:
Follow the Crown demo itch page
The demo takes somewhere between 15 and 45 minutes to complete, depending on how good you are with stealth games, the survey should take less than 5 minutes. Please let me know if there are any technical issues. Restarting the level usually fixes all issues that come up.
Here is the link to the demo.
Demo Download link
Alternate Download link
The survey link is in the game.
The games you can win if you play the game and complete the survey:
(These GAs are now over)
Alien Isolation
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter
Resident Evil HD REMASTER
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Episode 1: Penal Colony
Beat Cop
Outcast - Second Contact
Lifeless Planet
Grey Dawn
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
Tropico 4: Collectors Bundle
Aarklash: Legacy
Whispering Willows
Fractured Lands
...will add more depending on how many participate.
...and here is a GA, in case this doesn't interest you:
Thank you very much in advance!
If you feel like the survey wasn't thorough enough, please message me on Steam or add a comment here. We would love to know how you played and what you think.
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