I can understand why Steam had to increase the amount of time for cards to drop, but it's hard for someone like me who relies on buying and selling cards to build my steam wallet. I've been idling Antisquad now for 6 hours and it still hasn't given me all my drops.

I am, however, thrilled that Steam introduced the refund system. I bought Metro: Last Light Redux last week, encountered a bug at the 4 hour playtime mark to where I couldn't progress anymore, and I've already been refunded for it. With that being said, I guess I'm happy to wait a little longer for my cards to drop if I have the ability to get a broken game refunded.

9 years ago

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Do you ever buy games just for the card drops?

View Results
Used to... not anymore though


You know, there didn't used to be cards at all

9 years ago

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I haven't known a Steam world where cards didn't exist. Semi-noob here.

9 years ago

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Some of us have been around since the Great Steam Crusade. Where GOD EMPRAH GABEN waged war against the unholy forces of Chaos who sought to kill PC gaming. The big named publishers cared not for innovation, fun or creative content; they only wanted to bleed their customers dry for every penny they got while providing dull and repetitive rehashed entertainment each year. The war was bitter and long fought, but in the end GABEN prevailed with his final act of releasing Steam Sales, turning a dying platform into the Master Race today. He saved us all at the cost of his soul. There were good times for a while but now those times have ended; the forces of Chaos once again eat away at him and are hungry for revenge, bitter about not being able to kill PC gaming when they had the chance. Harassed from all sides and from within, Steam erodes, no longer to live out the glory days. It was said that in the darkest hour a title would cast a shinning light, illuminating all before it and driving the forces of Chaos back into the dark pits from where they once came. Unfortunately the prophecy of the number "3" has descended into legend, never destined to see the light of day. We now wait, besieged from all sides to stay true to the almighty GOD EMPRAH and hold our ground that in the hopes that one day he might be reborn! Meanwhile some of our forces fall to HERESY by being tempted by the shiny games of Chaos, only to be enslaved by their mediocre titles broken into chunks of DLC.

In the Grim Darkness of the 21st Century Vidya game market, there is only DRM!

9 years ago*

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Escriba Comissar wrote.

9 years ago

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Well said.

9 years ago

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One day... The legendary Half Life 3 shall appear, and the forces of chaos shall be destroyed forever

9 years ago

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That's one of the best text walls I've read on these lands, you're a great story teller Commissar!

9 years ago

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+1 :D

9 years ago

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But they got us used to good stuff and took it away. You don't do that. That is messed up.

9 years ago

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Principle #1 of drug dealing; free samples.

9 years ago

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Don't know if serious or not. Hope not.

9 years ago

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Haha, I was a loyal customer for years

At least now on Steam we can get refunds :P

9 years ago*

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bug at the 4 hour playtime what? how did u refunded it if u passed the 2 hrs:/

9 years ago

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I guess they're not too strict on that 2 hr mark?

9 years ago

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tried with 5 hrs, they told me i passed the 2 hr mark :/ god damn

9 years ago

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Is there a time limit? Because I bought sanctum 2 ages before the policy came out but none of the computer I have access too can play it. It just crashes.

9 years ago

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Officially its 14 days or 2hrs. You can always submit a request and see if they will do it.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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People have apparently gotten refunds from games they got months back as well, so it's not all too surprising.

9 years ago

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so ur saying i gota get lucky with the support staff?

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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A couple of seconds after I clicked 'View attached image' Get Lucky started playing on my playlist.

9 years ago

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That must have been the best moment of your day, or at least the most unique.

9 years ago

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Yes, my refund support staff man gave me a refund for a game I had for 6 months and over 2 hours on it because I pleaded my case

9 years ago

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Lucky for them. I asked for a refund on Kentucky Route Zero that I bought in mid 2013, no luck. Have never played it, probably never will :P

9 years ago

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They have to recover from the shekel deficiency from refunds.

9 years ago

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cards actually make them money. Just so you know.

9 years ago

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That actually was a joke. Just so you know.

9 years ago

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I also have 16 card drops for the Summer Badge, 3 days left, great marketing, Valve, force people into paying more money for getting drops for cards they won't receive...

9 years ago

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That is actually how many cards you earned for that badge. The wording is wrong at event badges.

9 years ago

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This is not only new policy. Even now usualy I get all cards in 3 hours, this night I use idle master for last BTA HB - 5 games for 16 hours, but even before the new system some games drops them after 4-6 hours... So now it's plus 2 = 6-8 :/

9 years ago

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You could also, you know, try playing the game.

9 years ago

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I'll but just want to get cards fast... I can't play 16 hours right after buying the bundle.

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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Not everyone is rich you know. And selling cards was a good way of earning some additional money for buying games. What's wrong with collecting cards from games you own without playing them? What's that .gif supposed to mean?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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The gif was more about how we're here for the GAMES, not the meta-game of cards for games. But I guess I'm in the minority now

9 years ago

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People are here for what they want to be here. It's up to the individual. In case you haven't noticed it's ALL about games on Steam, whether you like collecting cards, achievements or whatever, it's all about games still.

Not to mention everyone gets a lot of games they would never play from bundles but they have cards = free money. So it's only natural people will want to collect them and sell on the market.

9 years ago

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And I guess I get that. Sorry if I irked you or something. I was just trying to help in saying that cards are better to think of as a fun extra, not a source of major stress.

9 years ago*

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No worries, you didn't irk me. I just always try to understand different people and not everyone has the same outlook on everything :)

9 years ago

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Yea... I bought the bundle becouse of Tourchligt 2, idling for cards, sells them and now I have 1.50 euro more in Steam credit (one of the cards was foil) witch I'll use to buy something that I want from Summer sale before it ends and thats way I want them fast... So it's about playing games... I know that this is pitty and year ago I'll laught to somebody that do it, but the things can change... One year and few mounts ago I have very good own buissnes, I wasn't reach, but with very good income especialy for the cournty where I live... but with some paper work one "client" steal the project from the main investor and trys to inolve me, but I stay loyal with investor... and now I'm out of the project... So last year I literally try to survive and have very little and bad payed work and not much money to spend outside, so more time for gaming then before, just becouse don't have what else to do... I'm not complainig, becouse it's my choice, I can start very well paied job any time (I'm embedded programer), but I'm not redy to surrender.. yet... and I try to start new own project... So in mean time choices where to go money are hard, but I'm not going in piracy, becouse I know wtaht others people work cost (even Gaben's).

9 years ago

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What if I have like 300 games to drop cards from? It's physically impossible to collect them all.

9 years ago

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You'll probably spend more in your electric bill than what you'll get from the cards now. 300 drops might actually take you a year to get. :O

9 years ago

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Now? With the +2hrs per game rule? Yeah. That's why I'm not going to do it anymore.

9 years ago

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you can allways run multiple games at the same time until the 2h mark. yesterday i had 5 games running at the same time.

9 years ago

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Damn that's weird. But I may try that :D

9 years ago

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In my experience, 30~60 minutes per card is still the case. Assuming ofcourse you only run a single game.
Its when you start running multiple games at once that the droprate skews.

9 years ago

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Bought Despair for 0.09 Euros, sold the cards and earned 0.15 Euros.

Clear profit, earned 60% of my investment in a day.

9 years ago

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Yep. Requires about 8 seconds of your day. It certainly adds up, too, if you buy several.

9 years ago

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I have bought a few games where the deciding factor was that it had cards, but all games I enter for or buy are things I eventually will play or have played since then. I also don't farm for cards until I actually start to play the game.
The whole card system even with 1 USD bundles is so small change that even though I live at the edge of the Balkans in a country where 500 USD is considered a great monthly salary, it is just not worth it.

Plus, you know, I am one of those rare old people who buy games to play them, not to look at a collection of bits I am legally not even owning.

9 years ago

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For me, it's not so much just collecting games as it is making a profit from cheap games to buy the games I'd actually like to play. If the game I buy for cards is even worth playing, then it's just a bonus at that point.

9 years ago

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Start buying from GoG then, my friend.

9 years ago

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I already do. I actually had an account there before I had one on Steam.

9 years ago

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So, are you like a Steam card day trader? How lucrative is that business? How did you get into it?

9 years ago

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I wouldn't say I'm some guru or card master, but I've probably made close to 200 dollars since January. Spent some on games, spent some on leveling up, and invested the rest in buy orders. I did a little research after the winter sale because I wanted to give myself a goal for the summer sale: be able to purchase Lords of the Fallen with just money from cards. Now I don't really even want that game... :D

9 years ago

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I'm a Steam card trader myself, but i haven't noticed any difference really. I'm unsure if we're doing it the same way though. I buy cards from other people with scraps (tf2 metal) and then sell the cards on the community market, buy tf2 keys with the money i got from the cards, and sell the keys for tf2 scraps. Are we doing it the same way? Because this is very profitable, you get around 4++€ for 170 scraps =1 key (= 2€), so a 2€ minimum profit per key.

9 years ago

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Definitely a different approach. I buy booster packs that will give me a profit when I unpack the cards and sell those. A nickel and dime approach, but it's the only way I've tried at this point. I might have to try your method now...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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What is Valve's rake? It seems fairly high on the low end (e.g., they take $.02 out of a $.10 card transaction). I'm just surprised that there's room to both buy and sell as a market maker and still make a profit.

9 years ago

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Oh I don't buy cards, those purchases are from back when I bought TF2 keys for trading with Russians :) The good old days haha!

The sales are all from cards (got a few lucky foils back in beta when they used to sell for $5-20) plus one $60 TF2 "strange" weapon.

9 years ago

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What was the bug?

9 years ago

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Well if you're familiar with the series, then you'll know you need a mask with filters to go outside. My brand new mask and filter wouldn't work properly when outside and I would just suffocate on the spot. I couldn't get past this spot no matter what I tried.

9 years ago

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Is the bug common? I'm asking because I'll probably get Metro Redux on the encore day (it was top seller on the 1st day, so it should be featured).

9 years ago

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I haven't heard of anyone else having this, so you're probably safe to get it.

9 years ago

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Some games are different. Antisquad took 6 hours for me because those developers are cruel while other games are less than an hour.

9 years ago

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Not any more. With the 2-hour refund policy, cards start dropping after 2 hours.

9 years ago

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That's simply not true. I have been collecting cards the past few days and have many games completely drop their cards under 2 hours. Has that fact been stated anywhere because otherwise my account is some weird anomaly.

Edit: Okay so I see a post from Idle Master but nothing official and it uses words like "approximately" and "most" so that may explain some games. As an example though just today I got all of Deponia's cards in 75 minutes.

9 years ago*

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And I have been playing another Daedelic game (Edna & Harvey 2) for 100 minutes and the first card is yet to drop.

9 years ago

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The point was you said cards drop after 2 hours. That is still not always the case. My point was some games are different which is still the case.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

9 years ago

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I was going to comment on the same thing, I completely agree with you.

9 years ago

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Will be great if Valve give us some kind of choice, like some EULA, were we can agree do not ask for refund, to avoid the 2hs refund period.

9 years ago

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eu law dont allow such agreement, because of eu law introduced valve the refund system, they should have done it for EUR regions tho, they made it worldwide instead, but if they would such agreement it would be available only for nonEU regions. Dont know if technically possible that games in one region drop cards right away and other not. You all should understand that Valve introduced this only because there were humans who exploited this, bought games, got the cards, refunded game, blame them, not valve.

-run multiple games at the same time until the 2h mark, everyone could run 5-6-7 indie/rpgmakers games at the same times without any problem.
-make Valve to remove 2h mark and make it so, that it will drop cards 2weeks after the purchase as games refundable for 2 weeks only.

9 years ago

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Or just revoke the cards from your inventory if you get refund... If you sell or trade them... well it's like to get refund for a car after you sell it's tires or for a console after you giveaway the controler to somebody, they can deny it if you can't return the whole product, so it's your choice.

9 years ago

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I was thinking more along the lines of a check in Steam if the game was activated by key or bought from the store as keys cannot give refunds. Not ideal but a partial solution especially for bundle buyers

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago*

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Ok, I obviously missed this one. When DID they change the drop rate?

I did notice this the other day as I'm off from work this week, went out with 3 games running for cards and not one drop after 4 hours.

9 years ago

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About 3 days ago I think.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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[...]"but it's hard for someone like me who relies on buying and selling cards to build my steam wallet"

So you "need" to buy games for Trading Cards so you can collect them to buy more games with cards? That doesn't make any sense at all.

9 years ago

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Some people are not too intelligent.

9 years ago

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See response to MP5.

9 years ago

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I'm not exactly sure what part of that you don't get. I don't pay for games using money out of my own wallet. I use the profits from selling card drops to buy the games I want. Understand?

9 years ago

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Buying games solely for cards won't get you that much profit. The electricity that your PC consumes while farming those cards most likely exceeds your "profits"...

9 years ago

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Well that's more likely the case now with the 2 hour delay. Wasn't so before.

9 years ago

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Think about what you just said. The guy is buying games with card drop profits only, do you think he pays the electricity bill? :P

Besides, he's most likely buying bundles and farming those games for cards to get Steam wallet for the sale. Not that crazy.

9 years ago

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It's a shame only because it's another change made because people were abusing the refund system

/me but I guess the steamcommunity has pretty much been changing in this way since they introduced trading/gifting

9 years ago

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I win games for the card drops :D.

9 years ago

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Happy they did it, at least people cannot abuse refund. They already abuse idling so...
Anyway I happen to buy games for cards if they are cheap enough, if weren't for cards I wouldn't have tried many of my games

9 years ago

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It could be fixed by just holding your card drops for 2 hours and then releasing the ones you've earned once you reach that mark. However, I'm not sure there are logical people working at Valve.

9 years ago

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I don't think they changed the drop rate. Sometimes a brief disconnection from Steam will cause it to stop dropping cards. I used IdleMaster and during the night once I must have been disconnected (I could tell because the friends window closes when it reconnects) and it sat on a game for 6 hours with one drop remaining. I restarted it and got the card in 5 minutes and the rest dropped at the usual rate of 1 card every ~20 minutes.

9 years ago

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They changed it a few days ago to prevent refund fraud. Here

9 years ago

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Well that sucks. I'm glad I finished idling all of the games I wanted before this change. They should just change the refund policy to state that selling/trading of the cards voids your right to a refund.

9 years ago

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I know why they did it,but they could have done it a bit different i would think anyhow,like say no card drops until past the 14 day window.This way you could wait till after that to get the cards as sometimes you get several games with cards and not ready to play the game the old fashion way.

They could also just take away the cards if you get a refund and make them trade locked for at least 14 days so you could not trade them until after you can not return it.

Though Steam has never been knowing to do things the simple way,though this does not effect me much since i do not collect games nor buy games just for card does not mean i do not care,i wish they would have done it a bit different.

They also could make you agree before purchase cards will not be available for trade for 14 days after the return window so people are aware of it or something along those lines

9 years ago

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shit was 19 cents & it had cards!
I will sell cards!!
eh buys cards cuz it's 4 cents n creates level 5 badge. ;.;

9 years ago

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I get two cards everyday

9 years ago

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That's probably for playing the monster game. Something completely different.

9 years ago

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oh ok sry.

9 years ago

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For me the change made me to use idle master. I used to have this week or so period before sales where I tested all the excess bundle games to get some extra bucks for indie game sales from the cards, where I really gave each game a try. Now that I would have to play for 3-4 hours I'll just make the idle master do it for me. I probably will still play those random bundle games when bored/drunk, but I kinda feel sad for them, them only being in my library because I wanted to play some other game.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by drewmb10.