Hotlinking from memegenerator seems to work fine. Stick with that.
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They mentioned the friendly AI to be "oblivious" while the alien AI to be "solid". That's about it. I personally think it's the other way around.
Especially if you've seen the Aliens: Colonial Marines - Pacifist Mode.
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A DS does have a good number of other games at least. I still like my PSP more, but I could easily name a good number of DS games in several genre.
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I understand it has several games, but 90% of them really don't interest me :P These days I get more than enough game time from Steam, so I doubt I'll be buying a portable platform. It's quite overwhelming when I think about all the different ways to play games >.<
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But.....but...but what about the Donkey Kong.
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I really need to try out that game some day. I have a DS but for the last year, I haven't played more than Pokemon and the occasional testing of newly purchased games that collect dust in my backlog.
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Yeah i saw that review yesterday. People are tearing him apart in comment section lol
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People elsewhere made something of the fact that the reviewer was the same guy who gave Halo 4 a 7/10. I don't know if that's supposed to mean anything or whatever.
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It wasn't just that he gave Halo 4 a 7. You can give Halo 4 a 7 if you justify it and you grade other games on the same scale. But he didn't give particularly good reasons in his review, and now he's given the almost universally derided Aliens: Colonial Marines a 9. Even if you don't like Halo 4, it should score better than the mess that is Colonial Marines. (If you check the collected Reddit information that is floating around sites now, even Gearbox knew months before release that Colonial Marines was a lost cause. Gearbox released it knowing it was bad, because Sega was getting increasingly upset after years of delays.)
The guy's Halo 4 review knocked the game for reasons like "ignoring obvious enhancements like big-ticket sequences and proper iron-sights mechanics in favor of their age-old addiction to slow, methodical combat in unnecessarily large environments."
His Aliens: Colonial Marines included stuff like "On an express elevator to otherworldly awesomeness" and praising the "excellent level design and solid alien AI". Even if you haven't played it, you can YouTube plenty of video evidence of the game's level design and alien AI...
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Thanks for elaborating. I don't own an Xbox 360 and the Halo series isn't something I'm all too keen on and follow closely. I didn't read this guy's review either. Yeah, I read about the issues concerning ACM's development and made a quick post about here. That said, I'm just watching from the sidelines, I don't own the game and I'm not interested in playing it.
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Oh yeah, that Halo 4 review; a true gem... Basically marking off for Halo being Halo. "No iron sights? Bah! Big environments? Bah!"
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Weren't they one of the publications involved in one of those scandals with reviewers being bribed individually or en mass (i.e. the magazine was taking bribes as opposed to individual reviewers). I don't remember if it was them or someone with a similar acronym.
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Don't recall his name or even the publication he worked for but he wrote an EXTREMELY generic review for NS2 giving it a 6/10. Problem was, he never really talked about anything specific to the game, not the gameplay or graphics or anything. The entire review read like it could have been written for any FPS really, and a bunch of people got pissed.
Then somebody discovered that he wrote a review of SMNC or MNC or one of those a while back that was very similar and the developers had actually gotten out and called him out on not having played the game prior to writing his review.
Both reviews were deleted and replaced.
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Yeah, some such scandal breaks every few years.
Back in 2010, Gamespot posted a review of Samurai Warriors 3 that was so cut-and-paste, the reviewer was talking about the wrong game. In his zeal to knock the game, he put it in the wrong country, time period, and event. He wasn't being sarcastic, either. He just wrote about the wrong stuff. When fans started replying with complaints, and questioning whether the guy had even played the game (since the rest of the review was a by-the-numbers knock at a Warriors game with only passing mention of features), Gamespot quietly edited the text and deleted all user replies from the review.
Way back in the early Dreamcast era, the web site Daily Radar posted an Ecco the Dolphin European import review where the guy roasted the game for missing features that were in the game. Not only did he barely spend any time with the game, he apparently didn't even bother to press some of the buttons (to miss some of the features), much less do something like look at the manual. That caused quite a dust up on their forums, but Daily Radar refused to pull the review.
Years back, the head of Working Designs had a dust up with a review site because he felt the guy reviewing one of their games had obviously barely played it. The stuff the guy had talked about had all been in the first few hours of a long RPG, but he'd implied that he'd played most if not all of the game.
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i have played this game for 4 hours. Some in game textures are good some are bad. Cut scenes are not good. Models are average. Music is awesome. Sound effect is average.
Aliens theme and atmosphere are there. So, I am trying to be objective to rate this game. then I give it 7 or 7.5.
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User: Why?
User: We know, but why is it great?
This is either a major troll attempt, or the guy actually reviews games that way and ended up giving CoD a 15/10.
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Here's one bad thing about it. The game is designed to look great and feel atmospheric, but it doesn't play too well :/
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The atmosphere looked really great in the demo, even better than the final product as far as I can tell.
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I would love to play this game, reguardless of what reviewers say, I want this game
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It was alright but it wasn't as good as Mary Kate and Ashley: Sweet 16 licensed to drive.
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I wonder how much money he got paid for doing a review like that, anyway in the end he got to pay bills somehow, i don't condone that, and lying to people and earning easy money is sad and unprofessional, yet many reviewers does that, and will keep doing.
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217 Comments - Last post 26 minutes ago by Zipsy
Despite my love for the film, I wasn't impressed with Aliens: Colonial Marines. It wasn't the worst game I've played, but it was far from the best. Now as I was looking through reviews on wikipedia, I noticed that Electronic Gaming Monthly had slapped a 9.0 on A:CM. So I had to share the surprising review of the game, considering the borderline hatred most other reviewers have given:
SUMMARY: Like most successful license-based games, Aliens: Colonial Marines is much more than a loving homage; it serves as one of the most robust story-driven co-op experiences to date. The concept definitely has room to grow, but as maiden voyages go, Colonial Marines is a clear winner.
THE GOOD: A modern Alien game that does much more than avoid being total crap.
THE BAD: AI teammates that seem to forget the alien menace must be obliterated.
THE UGLY: The cutscenes. Love-ya-mean-it, guys, but next time, can ya get Halo 4’s CG squad?
SCORE: 9.0
For the full review by EGM, see here. There are several of these moments to be had.
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