Are you a PC or Console gamer?
I never heard of it before, reminds me of Dividends that I used to get from my stocks.
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As I recall it, Dividence implies intent behind it, while division is neutral in origination of the split. So if it's provoked or done with an intent, dividence, obsolete as it is, would be a better pick.
Ex. The division of the couple happened gradually, over time.
The dividence of the couple was easily accomplished, with just a few words in the wife's ear about her husband's infidelities.
In other words, assuming that usage valid and shared by the OP, they're implying that people are intentionally splitting themselves into groups for no good reason [versus it just happening on its own]. That seems a valid usage of the word. :)
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Wow. Went to look that up, and based on the Google results, not surprising Scrabble doesn't include it.
Looks like I probably only know it because of all the Elizabethan era writing [ie Shakespeare] I used to read, given that the one example I found online of the word was from the 1600s.
Pity.. that's a 16 point word pre-multipliers. :(
Theeen again, Pikachu is an 18 point word! (And clearly a completely valid animal reference.)
Hmm, Pokemon scrabble.
That actually sounds like a lot of fun :'P
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One thing I've noticed is, most people really do not give a damn about being precise in their word use.
Just consider how many people easily swap out "worth" (meaning intrinsic or static) with "value" (subjective or fluctuating).
Given that you likely don't need to know if a division was intentional or not by the word, as you're likely to have the nuance explained after, I can see why this one stopped being used.
Though yes, I'm fully in favor of precise speech: The more precise you are, the less easily people get confused by what you're trying to say, and actually understand what you intended to say.
Clearly, this topic will instigate the dividence of those who care about precision in word use, and those who do not. ~.^
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Yup, this. I like to use a phrase from Freud, it's the "narcissism of small differences".
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I think it's the idea that people want to have the superior system. It doesn't matter what the facts are. That's why people harass reviewers for giving a lot of hate to people for giving a game a different number than they think it is. They want confirmation that their decision was right, easiest way to do that is to gather an echochamber of people around you. :)
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It looks horrible. I got a PS4 but I'm afraid to spend money on it, despite all the acclaimed reviews.
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i could a reason to consoles in the past but this current bunch its pretty meh, what great game can i play on a console that i cant on PC? can only think of 1....
If i were complied to get one it would probably be one from Nintendo.
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Tekken, soulblade and such are games can't get on pc but at least there are some fighting games on PC these days like SF, MK, DoA, DBZ Xeno. I hope all console game will be available for PC one day hope they do like official Emulators & ROMs would be awesome :)
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the last of us, destiny, infamous, uncharted are about all that come to mind. i love playing on both pc and consoles myself why limit myself to one?
On pc i mostly play single player games for the superior graphics and short load times but i find getting a group of people together to play together a lot easier on consoles because if they are signed in it means they are looking to play unlike on steam were 90% of people are logged in 24/7
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those are on the old one :P, i do have a Pee ezz three.
but the framerate cap and aiming with a controller gets on my nerves, especially on TLoU.
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None yet. Waiting for it to get a few more games I am interested in exclusively for it. PS4 is for my multiplatform and few exclusives I like that I can't get or run on PC and Wii U is just because there's too many exclusives on it I enjoy. PC is for a little bit of everything and exclusives or games that just don't work as well without mouse and keyboard.
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The only reason that pc gamers hate on consoles that I know, is that multi platform games suffer on pc because of consoles. This also leads to developers showing footage that was never going to happen e.g.. watchdogs, the division.
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Nope. Look at all those Sony exclusives. I wish I could play Journey or TLoU on PC!
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What makes you say people will stop trying? Why would it be irrelevant? Emulation is a growing community that isn't stopping anytime soon.
As matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if 2017 is the year we get a fulling working emulator for PS3 or 360:
Dragon Ball Z Burst Limit
After Burner Climax
Disgaea 3
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Emulation will get a major push when 8core CPUs / 14nm fabricated GPUs get more affordable as emulation needs far more resources than the original console could muster. If the power is running in your PC chances that the emulation scene will make use of. That could coincide with mid end of 2016 roughly (AMD is going to release their 8 cores and both nvidia and amd should have released their new gpu lines already which are scheduled to start earliest at mid of year)
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We can hope but there is nothing to tell us that this will ever happen & with TPPA & such extending copyright further we might never see consoles and games come out of license especially within our life time :(
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Honestly every platform has people that will argue why their platform is best but in most cases it all comes down to "where can you get the best games?" Console wars have been a thing for a long time and it's usually due to one groups fanbase feeling personally insulted when you say that the console they prefer isn't what you prefer and the whole pc master race thing is about some people who fall under the mindset that a pc is the best way to play a game and every other platform is inferior while microsoft/sony fans will argue their side to the death with so many overused points (such as "my console has better games" or "my console has a better interface" or some other argument) while you have some people who say nintendo has the best games/consoles (usually under the reasoning that the games are "classic" or "original" or more "family-friendly").
Personally I own an Xbox one, ps4, wii u, and a custom gaming pc (can you tell I'm a huge gaming nerd) and I never really felt an affiliation with any specific group because they all have their ups and downs and I've never seen a reason to support one side more than the other.
tl:dr - all consoles are cool in my eyes
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I feel that in the internet the rift between PC and consoles is mainly about 3 things:
1) PC is superior in almost every way to a console as such it might make more console oriented players a need to defend their purchase.
2) Multiplatform titles feel badly ported making PC players seeing that console brought their game down for no reason.
3) Video games media is very "unprofessional" in a sense that likes to downplay or hype some games for marketing reasons; this leads to disappointed people trying to "prove" those sites wrong which leads to a clash between players (those that liked the game a lot and those that feel deceived).
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The only people who hate on any system are idiots.
Their opinion isn't worth shit.
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TabletMasterGamingRace ... no seriously. Only reason I can hate consoles is that some ports end up with poor controls on PC here have 1 button that do several actions
When comes to comparing , its hard to compare PC to Nintendo duo to different games but xbox/ps4 seems to try to compete with PC => you have the "war" between PC and Console games.
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The same reason there was a big Nintendo/Sega "war" for so long. Plus PC used to be quite different from consoles: different hardware architectures, different software implementation, different control schemes, different genres. Before publishers simplified all PC-specific genres down to nothing to port them over, blurring the line between the platforms.
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but some of the best games ever made where for console only (Legend Of Zelda and such)
But... but... only a single console game made it into my top 10 list (Super Metroid).
No, but seriously, when it comes to fanboyism of this kind, it's usually a way of validating your choice. "I picked PC because it's clearly the best one". Between PS4 & Xbone the difference is so small that it all comes down to those handful of exclusives, which one do you prefer? With PC you can introduce more arguments for or against it (harder to use, but more powerful and for anyone who plays more than a handful of games, cheaper). But in the end, you should go with the system that has the games that appeal to you the most. As I'm heavily into strategy games and CRPGs, PC is the natural choice, but for someone into sports games, one of the modern consoles is a better choice. Also, couch multiplayer has traditionally been better/more convenient on consoles (which incidentally is why I bought a Wii during the last gen), though I guess with things like steamlink, that might change.
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Consoles want to be artificially elitist, their entire being is composed of this, think about it.
What is a console? Hardware-level DRM/branding. So the primary "perk" you list for consoles, exclusive games? Exist solely to tout the brand and sell more hardware DRM, further locking you into their branded stuff and their control. I despise the console exclusive concept because it's entirely artificial, while some games exist only on PC, a whole industry hasn't been raised up to code PC-only games just to sell more PCs and PC-branded stuff. I can credit the console with the ongoing development of the gamepad and that's about it, in pretty much every other way consoles are parasitical and contrary to openness, and now what are they doing? using optical drives, USB, hard drives, etc? Oh right, they are using technologies developed in good will by cooperating PC hardware entities to further the PC form factor, total parasites.
The only reason they have those nifty exclusive games is to sell you their DRM hardware and lock you in to years of buying their branded peripherals and overpriced games.
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I can credit the console with the ongoing development of the gamepad and that's about it
You mean the gamepad that on the PlayStation has received only slight tweaks in the past 15 years without actually changing anything to keep up with the development of the games itself? :)
If you meant Nintendo, who continuously try to improve how console games are controlled, then I said nothing. ^.^
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I think that lots of people like to justify their purchase to themselves. If, for example they spent their money on a PS4, it makes them feel better about it if they can argue to themselves that they made the right choice and they aren't missing out on anything.
There have been good and bad games on every gaming platform going back as far as I can remember. Even when there are multi-platform games with differences between each port, I don't think there's ever one single platform that always has the best version.
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It's just human nature. People act the same way about plenty of things, especially sports.
Personally, I'm a PC gamer because PC provides an objectively better gaming experience (more control options, better performance, better graphics, lower input lag, etc) and is not saddled with all the anti-consumer exclusivity contracts of the console market. I'd rather not play a game than support that business model.
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Because sometimes developers just make a shitty port to PC.
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When talking about 'best games ever' you're in totally subjective territory and that isn't going to be the same for everyone.
But yeah, I'm on PC primarily and for the same reasons as most. Cheaper games, better framerates and resolutions (generally,) more options regarding customization, modding etc. These days it's easier to install something on Steam than it is to play it on say Xbone too (seriously, I tried to play Halo: The Master Chief Collection yesterday, and with console updates, game install and game updates it was nearly an hour before I could play it >_>.)
There's always going to be a sense of defiance that whatever you bought is the best because God forbid that you make the wrong choice when purchasing a system, the console wars fundamentally got built on this idea.
But whatever, play whatever you want on whatever you want.
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Consoles were "king of the gaming hill" until the early/mid-life-cycle of X360/PS3 - hands down, anyone claiming something vastly different lived probably under a rock surviving on whatever digestible scraps got released on PC lol not knowing or disregarding what has been out there. I'm not kidding ... but then hardware got better and cheaper than ever before and was sufficient enough to compete with consoles easily (roughly late 2006) > PC's were useful anyway for work/interwebs/porn/whatnot so "worthy gaming" followed suit as well ... today's rational choice would be obviously > PC over anything.
What i don't exactly understand is why so many great console games take so long to release on PC ... this is mind-boggling and weird
considering some games have been PERFECTLY replayed a thousand times through emulation for quite some systems and some time.
^ Might be because the PC gamer is the typical pirate asshole who will steal all of your shit and never even bat an eye lol ...
(i can relate, i've been that guy, but it was pointless anyway - i've never played or touched most of that gaming trash) this would perfectly
correlate with the increasingly enforced business practice to make games "online only". Consoles still serve a purpose and probably
will for quite some time - likely until the platform/hardware doesn't even matter anymore.
^ So yeah i don't see any rivalry either ... its just different paths of different hardware serving various purposes,
that are bound to get unified and all accessible from one piece of hardware, sooner than later.
(which still doesn't change OBVIOUS gaming history lol - in regard of whats likely worthy of ones time)
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yes console exclusives are good, but emulators eventually (years at times) get through to pc's etc so always nice to have a pc, plus the very obvious, pc gamers have been using true hd resolutions for the last 7 years or more at 60+ fps, consoles cant even manage that today in some cases.
PC gamers do feel let down constantly by piss poor console ports, and pc games are pretty much always cheaper.
No end of companies have made inferior pc games or hidden settings to hide the fact that on pc the games just look and feel much better (watchdogs hidden gfx settings etc).
in my mind consoles are inferior, much worse in power, much more restrictive (having to pay more to play your game online due to xbox live etc) and the games cost more. Plus using a mouse and keyboard for a shooter is miles miles better than a controller, and before people retort saying well racers etc are better with a pad...nearly all pc gamers who play that type of game will have a pad too. PC of course has a much higher initial cost, a good PC will be £1000-£1500, thats the cost of pretty much all the consoles, however can do a lot more than just play games, and to a degree can be upgraded to last 1.5-2 generations of console.
Consoles i feel are only good if you cant afford the higher initial cost of a PC, or if they are so unique and different like the wii (interactive games and the motion controllers makes for very amusing games).
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Fallout New Vegas is an example I know of. The big capital city was supposed to be 1 continuous "area" and populated. But because consoles... it got split in 3 small "parts" (with loading time between each) and is way too deserted to be called a city. There are other examples, but this is the one I can't forget.
Fallout 4 and Skyrim suffer in terms of UI, it's really a crappy UI for PC 'cause consoles. Funny thing it doesn't seem that great even for consoles. Fallout 4 has some completely retarded controls 'cause consoles too... such as a common key for melee and grenades.
Dead Island Riptide suffers from a severe stuttering problem unless played with a gamepad-thingy. But I'd rather use a mouse.
Mods can fix some of these things, but not all of them.
edit: I find it stupid when people argue the dividence is made because people want it. There are reasons for it, it then just creates an unnecessary snow-ball effect.
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Mullins' comment about being part of a tribe is related of the cognitive biases to which we are subject. Another is that people rationalize their inadequate choices so that they feel better about the decision they made. Someone out there decided to go Xbone this time while most of his friends went with PS4 and he's rationalizing how awesome the exclusives he has are and other things instead of acknowledging that he wished he bought a PS4. (Note: I'm not saying Xbone is worse, this is just an example.)
But to me personally, most of the time I see console gamers and PC gamers arguing--when people are making serious points, not merely trolling--PC gamers tend to have a much better understanding of what advantages consoles have that PC games don't. Console gamers tend to not be quite as educated on the advantages of PC and the disadvantages of consoles, and vastly overstate the cost of a decent gaming PC.
Now, I'm exclusively a PC gamer, so obviously my anecdotes might be a little biased, but I see PC gaming converts all the time say about how cool this was or that was or how it wasn't as much as they thought or whatever. They're happy to have switched. And then obviously there are those who do both consoles and PC. But you know what comment I never see? I was a PC gamer and then I became a console gamer. I never see that. Maybe I have a selective memory.
Another thing is most people don't carry a PDA and a portable music player and a cellphone. They just carry a smartphone. I don't want an optical media player and a DVR and a game console and so on. I have a computer. I can do the things people typically do with their computer, as well as play games, watch movies and television shows via HDMI on my TV, listen to music, and so on. For me, a console is less convenient, less powerful, less awesome. It's a nice idea but an expensive redundancy. To me. Like an Amazon Fire TV stick, which I like. Or a Blu-ray player. And so on.
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I referenced a specific rationalization--not rationalizations in general. People rationalize all the time due to a variety of motivations. None of them alone adequately explain fanboyism. Which is why I pointing out that Mullins mentioned a specific bias and inclination and then mentioned another. I could have specifically mentioned things like post-purchase rationalization, choice-supportive bias, small degree irrational escalation, or illusion of asymmetric insight.
Applying your own criteria to others is just one of the many mistakes people make that lead to fanboyism. It isn't fanboyism itself.
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You referenced a specific rationalisation, but I think a minor one. Most people are fanboys because they are first of all fans. They have used something and it worked well for them. They are NVIDIA fanboys because at one point their AMD card caused them trouble and they switched to an NVIDIA card which didn't. They think that PC's rule because played a game where they used tons of mods. They are Android fans because they like value for money of openness or they are Apple fans because they like simplicity and good design. They are GOG fans because they had troubles with DRM. They then build fanboyism over that, but it's built on a good choice, not a bad one.
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I did not say that my specific rationalization was a major factor.
"Most people are fanboys because they are first of all fans. They have used something and it worked well for them."
Some mere exposure effect. A little confirmation bias.
"They are NVIDIA fanboys because at one point their AMD card caused them trouble and they switched to an NVIDIA card which didn't."
Some base rate neglect. Maybe confirmation bias. A bit of anchoring.
"They are Android fans because they like value for money of openness or they are Apple fans because they like simplicity and good design."
Could be some pro-innovation bias there.
And so on, and so on. What you referenced in your first reply was naive realism--people thinking that their preferences and opinions are objective facts and that everyone else is just a fanboy.
"Mullins' comment about being part of a tribe is related of the cognitive biases to which we are subject. Another is that people rationalize their inadequate choices so that they feel better about the decision they made."
That's about biases, not about fanboys specifically. I never said that people become fanboys because they made a bad decision and want to rationalize it. The use of "[a]nother" hints that many there are more than just the one I am referencing and the one I'm asserting Mullins referenced.
I wasn't trying to engage in an encompassing opinion on the genesis of fanboyism because as you can see my posts can be quite long. I was just throwing out one thing that happens that helps people prop up and defend their purchasing decisions. It wasn't meant to be thorough or complete. This post is not thorough or complete. But hopefully it is more illuminating regarding what I was referencing initially.
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Okay, thanks for the clarification.
To me, your choice of talking about a specific bias, especially one that I thought was minor, felt like it wasn't just random but was designed to string into the rest of the argument, implying that console players are justifying a bad decision. That felt wrong, which was why I commented.
Anyway, I was a PC player until I was gifted a Wii, and at that point I understood that at least some consoles have types of interaction that the PC doesn't offer. I still think that Kinect Party on the 360 is an unparalleled experience for little kids. Still, I'm currently a member of the mobile master race. PC's are mainly tools to me and consoles are for the family experience.
Edit: Actually, the PC is also a major part of the family gaming experience. I'm still a PC enthusiast, the kind of masochist who actually draws some enjoyment from obsessing with how well games would run on the hardware, playing with game settings and thinking what can of upgrades I can make. And I'm also a cheapskate who likes the deals found in bundles. So the HTPC does have a major place in my living room gaming. Still, like me, the kids are happier playing on a tablet than on either a console or a PC.
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Yeah, I realized with your second reply to me that I had not quite been clear that I was just giving an example of a cognitive bias rather than specifically indicating a major factor in fanboyism.
I'm at the tail end of Generation X, so my early gaming experience was with the arcade, consoles, and a little bit with computers like the Commodore 64, which were game-oriented anyway.
I didn't get into PC gaming into I got into PCs much more at the beginning of the internet age.
One thing overlooked about the fanboyism of PC vs. consoles is that when I was a kid, it was only about which console you had. PCs had little role in the fanboy conversation back then, especially since the best-remembered PC games of the 80s, and the 90s, were adventure games and then the birth of the FPS, and these genres were mostly absent from the console scene. It was really Nintendo vs. Sega until Sony jumped in. And I used to hate Nintendo because of the way they'd take the spotlight off a Sega announcement by announcing something themselves. Seemed like it was vaporware or hyped up nonsense every time.
I still hate Nintendo. It's not wholly rational, but it's not wholly irrational either.
I've played mobile games. I own hundreds because of Humble Bundle. I can't get into them too much. I used to play sometimes to kill time in a waiting room or on the train but nowadays I just read saved articles in Pocket.
Personally I find the fanboyism silly but that doesn't mean I don't mock my PC gamer friends when they talk about their consoles. Too much fun.
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Tempting, but I'd rather read an article I no longer find interesting because I don't even remember why I saved it seven months earlier.
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I had a short conversation with a few people about the whole 'PC Master race' and such. I dont really get why people divide up consoles gamers and PC gamers'. Yes okay sometimes PC can have better graphics and run faster but some of the best games ever made where for console only (Legend Of Zelda and such). I just don't really understand why it has divided up. Both PC and Consoles both do what the gamer wants, to play games on them, so why divide us up? I myself have a few consoles, including a Gamecube, Xbox, Xbox 360, PS2, Wii & a GBA. I also play on my PC sometimes. What do you guys think of this? Please do share your thoughts :D
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