I guess this makes it officially the "overwhelmingly negative" game on Steam with most reviews? As far as I can think of, anyway.


Edit: up to 45k from 32k before, and 1% lower total positive reviews.

Edit²: now up to 106k reviews and only 9% positive reviews.

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1 year ago*

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One day I will give it negative reviews as well... Just lazy at the moment.

I bought Overwatch in 2016 for full price and had hundreds of hours on record, the game was so good I even bought Loot Boxes just to support it. PvE events were awesome! They promised to give us more PvE content! But instead they stopped making new content, started to recycle the old, made awful balance changes, made punishing rules for players (like you have to paly even if you are the only one in team who is trying to win - leaving such matches lead to punishment from getting a longer queue time and up to suspension).

At some point they made the purchased game free... promising that it will lead to a better gaming environments with a lot of new players - but in fact it created a heaven for ruiners and other low responsibility people. Then they took it Oberwatch away altogether, giving a clown costume as a gift in return (seriously?). There is no way I can earn or re-buy lost cosmetics in Overwatch 2... But I don't bather a lot. Balance is ruined, only old badly recycled original content is avaiable, unhealthy player base...

They killed the game with their own hands just because of Bliz greed.

1 year ago*

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The director of the game should resign and have you replace that person.

1 year ago

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Does it really matter if there are 60k people currently playing it and growing on Steam only? I dont play it by the way.

1 year ago

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Well, there are good points that people make about it, but I dont know... I played since season 3? (in ow1) and I came back now and its still awesome to play with friends. I can say I am enjoying it right now.

1 year ago

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Bump - it remains overwhelmingly negative after 106k reviews.

1 year ago

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This isn't gonna have a "No Mans Sky" redemption arc.

I'll still never understand who didn't want it to succeed this badly. The core mechanic is there, but they can't say they haven't heard the complaints. Also empty promises just to cancel later more than likely pissed people off. They shouldn't have promised a single player campaign just to cancel it with claims they will work on the multiplayer instead, because to this day they haven't succeeded to get people to like it.

1 year ago

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Yeah, this might just be the biggest thrown-away video game success ever. The reverse No Man's Sky.

1 year ago

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worth playing then?

1 year ago

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honestly..... its ok.
it does have far less content than overwatch 1 soooo why would i ever want to play a game i have already played but worse and unlocked a shit ton of stuff that now has less stuff.
its more of overwatch 0.4

1 year ago

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its more of overwatch 0.4

Yeah that pretty much sums it up. All that content the devs were working on for awhile, flushed down the toilet.

1 year ago

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The gameplay of Overwatch 1 was fun, this is basically the same game. If you like PVP FPS games give a try.

1 year ago

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9% now

1 year ago

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Sound investment there Microsoft. Yes, I'm aware that CoD generates the money, but still. 'Monetization' will be a downfall of any game.

1 year ago

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I don't know anything about the game. What exactly makes it so bad?

1 year ago

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Blizzard shutdown Overwatch 1 which was a paid game and announced Overwatch 2(free 2 play) awhile ago which was coming with PVE story content and progression. They just recently cancelled the plans for the original PVE story content with progression which was basically the big talking point for the game that got people interested in it. Overwatch 2 is basically Overwatch 1 with updates like balance patches. There was honestly no reason to shutdown the original, they could have just switched the business model to free 2 play. I think a lot of people are mad about this and a lot of the reviews probably aren't about the game actually being bad itself. With it being free 2 play there's going to be a lot of people in general adding the game just to make a review because of their dislike for Blizzard(as AvidWriter posted below this comment).

I did my best to try sum it up.

I owned and played Overwatch 1 for a little bit, the gameplay was fun.

1 year ago*

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Yikes, what a cluster@$#%! Thanks for taking the time to explain.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

1 year ago

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I gave my negative review on a dlc, I got completely scammed.

1 year ago

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I got completely scammed.

How so?

1 year ago

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The dlc containing all heroes, plus 3 skins and 1500 credits.
I had all heroes already, because of OW1, but I thought those 1500 credits were actually overwatch coins.
The symbols are really close to each other, but they differ in color and in the borders.
If you see the reviews, there is a long list of people who fall for the same "scam".
Blizzard couldn't even do two completely different symbols for premium and non-premium currency like every good game on earth.

1 year ago

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Blizzard couldn't even do two completely different symbols for premium and non-premium currency like every good game on earth.

Good games don't have "premium and non-premium currency". But, other than that, I get your point and this really is even more scummy than usual.

1 year ago

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Almost all multiplayer-only games have premium and non-premium currency, like League of Legends with RP and Blue Essence, Apex Legends with Apex Coins and Crafting Metal, etc. That currency I got is actually the same as Crafting Metal in Apex.
E tu é um corno add pra jogarmos algo junto.

1 year ago

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1 year ago*

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Why is "can't play" not a valid reason for negative review?

Seems good reason to me.

1 year ago

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No you didn't understand, they can't play on Battle net. They CAN play on Steam (obviously how else could they review if it was unavailable). My wording was weird but you could have read the article.
Also 'can't play' if the game is unavailable is not valid either, but technical reasons sure.

1 year ago

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Все одна гра заслуговує на такі відгуки.

1 year ago

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Well Chinese players are known for review bombing, so this is not too surprising.

1 year ago

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Blizzard initially withdrew from China earlier this year due to failed negotiations with a Chinese partner over a contract (seeking significant profit increase). Consequently, all Blizzard-related tournaments explicitly barred Chinese players from participating. This move led to a significant backlash from Hearthstone and World of Warcraft players and fans in China, resulting in an overwhelming negative sentiment, with negative reviews likely exceeding 75%.

1 year ago

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Not just profit % increase, Blizzard also was doing tax avoidance iirc

1 year ago

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Blizzard hasn't released a good game since they merged with Activision.

1 year ago

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