Historical Lowest Price: $40.00 at Steam on Fri Jun 20 2014
And the game isn't even out yet officially unitl it leaves EA.
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Paper Monsters. (Not the Recut version.)
Because the game was removed on the same day it was released.
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I suppose this counts - The Otherside: Realm of Eons - I can't buy it here, so I never know about sales. :P
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Used to be forbidden worlds dlc for sins of a solar empire
€5,- was to much for 4 new worlds. Compare to 4 new Powers in RPG.
Was on sale on some site where base price was €4 and there was -50% sale of it. And there was a code for another -25% or so ^^
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Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock
As far as I know have never been on sale at all.
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tug -
never got a discount even removed from store...
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Prey was fantastic. Never knew it was on PC at any point.
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Divinity: Original Sin. Never been enough of a discount for me to even think about it.
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Number 1 on my wishlist: Dragon Age II - wishlisted on July 1, 2011
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Didn't that sell for like 8$ at some point? I have it on origin obviously but still... I think the physical CDs were dirt cheap soon after its release because it wasn't good compared to origins. XD
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Emerald City Confidential - right owners went full mobile around 2012 (never go full mobile!), so they don't care about game Wadjet Eye Games made for them. So I guess I should be happy it even remained on Steam.
I was 100% convinced to buy it during winter sale 2014 from a Russian since the Ruble crashed hard and the full price, while still kinda high would be acceptable for my country, but then on the 17th of December the Great Regional Wall was built between Steam users. Sniff. [*]
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I could say Dragon Age 2, but I removed it from my wishlist a while ago.
The next candidate was World in Conflict until a secret santa gave it to me a month ago. (Gonna be my next game after I finish the last SG prize I have left, running currently.)
Right now… either the Room (last decent sale in 2014, the year of its release) or Karmaflow's deluxe edition/upgrade (no discount since release, only on the base game).
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Hmmm hard one. I "am" waiting for wasteland 2 ^& pillars of eternity to go on 75% though.
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I know they "probably" are, but it still doesn't matter to me much and I can wait, since I have countless unplayed games anyway in my library, that I do want to play. After the 30s you rarely get the free time you want so you end up playing everything 5+ years later than release anyway. I see no reason whatsoever to buy something early as far as games go. Tons of choices anyway at all times. So why care. xD
PS: And if you have grown up with Planescape torment / BG2 and other great stuff from the 90s golden era, you should think again, if you really think that these new games are on par. Cause they are not. They do try, but unsuccessfully in my eyes, at least most of the times. :)
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Well the OP asked to mention a forgotten game on your wishlist that never goes on sale. Both Wasteland 2 and Pillars of Eternity have had 66% off discounts.
I grew up during this "golden age" of RPGs. I was introduced to cRPGs with the AD&D Gold Box titles. I missed out on some RPGs during the late 90's due to being a broke college student, but thanks to GOG I've been able to catch up. How do you know these new games aren't on par with the classics if you haven't played them? I think you might need to take off your nostalgia glasses before you play them.
I don't like the path most AAA games are going, i.e. releasing incomplete games, sacrificing story and game play for fancy graphics, selling season passes before the main game is even out, and the tons of DLC. For those games I do wait for the "complete" game and buy it when it gets a big discount. I like to support to the "little guys," especially those reviving a genre that had pretty much died out.
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Agreed on most stuff you said especially the support little guys part. I have seen how these new games are however most of them from friends, who have also talked to me about them. Some I have even bought and tried playing till half-way+, such as Dragon Age/DivinityOS etc. Dragon age for example was not good enough to hold me to the end. Divinity original sin neither. Both easy. Biggest problem of modern titles. Can't say I'm thrilled. I did enjoy witcher 1, kotor 2 & legend of grimrock though. As well as Unepic. And I do plan to play darkest dungeon (since also a roguelike fan) and probably Numenera too when it get's released.
And yeah the best part of the 90s was 2nd edition dnd to be honest for me. Board game not even computer. Playing and acting with friends will always be more memorable than pc games. :) Still, nostalghia glasses for some titles will forever remain. I care not. xD
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I grew up with BG, PS:T & Fallout, and I think Pillars is better than those. Pillars is similar to BG 2, but with a rule system that is not backwards (god I hate AD&D, teaching it is a pain as it's so inconsistent), and the writing seems sharper in many places. Also, it has the luxury of being developed today with better graphics and a smoother UI. Sure, there are details that are handled better in the old infinity engine games, but overall, I find Pillars to be a superior experience. The only one of the infinity engine games that has a leg up on Pillars is PS:T which still beats it in terms of writing & story, but Pillars beat BG2.
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So you are saying that the characters/villain/story of pillars is at least on par with bg2/fallout if not better right? That's actually the first time I heard of this, cause I've heard the complete opposite from rpg friends regarding this comparison. Obviously the gameplay/UI/graphics do improve, besides they are so many years apart. I don't care for rules much as long as I can understand them well enough and they fit with the game which they do in all of these decent games anywayz, but that's a heavy statement you make there regarding the most important part in rpgs which is stories/characters. You are certainly right about Torment, but even so, I've yet to encounter a better villain than Irenicus, and better characterized party members than in these old infinity games. It's like the more graphics you get, the most bland the characters become. Best example of this was certainly Divinity OS.
I do hope pillars proves I'm wrong. I really do. But I had already too many testimonies of claiming how easy that game is, and honestly, no easy rpg can hold me to play for long, unless with great story/chars. Even so, I'd wait for a difficulty mod.
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I've only got through the early bits of Divinity: Original Sin, so I can't comment on how it becomes later on, but it did not grab me the same way as Pillars did.
If you only look at the things that stood out the most in BG2 and compare it to Pillars, then Pillars will come up short, but that's not really a fair comparison, one needs to look at the game as a whole and compare the two. And as a whole Pillars feels like the better experience. It does not suffer from being burdened with the AD&D ruleset. And I know, the nostalgic in me screams "I LIKE AD&D", but nostalgia aside, AD&D is not very good. It's terribly poorly balanced (this is very obvious if you play the original BG by the way, if you play a wizard, the difficulty curve is inverted, and that's not good design, and this is due to how wizards scale, and it can also be seen in BG2 with the band-aid solutions they added towards the late game (which are also present in AD&D), where they just made some enemies impervious to spells). Pillars does not suffer from these balancing issues as every class scale similarly (you're never going to get a system that's 100% balanced, but Pillars is far better than any of the AD&D games). Combat feels more involved, and due to some interesting new spell mechanics, and more things for the warrior-style classes to do, feels more tactical. It's also a bit less random, as in you don't get "oh, you failed your save against power word death? Time to reload". Actually, I've yet to find a spell that I found as idiotic and boring as power word death and its ilk (It's one of those spells that does not work well in tabletop, and works terribly when your opponent have it in games, as it means that 1 failed die roll=dead).
The story is paced better. It's still not perfect in this regard, but I did find it to flow better, in particular in the early parts as compared to BG2 (BG1 has a worse pacing than BG1).
Side quests are better. BG2 had some great side quests for sure, but I feel that Pillars have a more even quality, and the quality is on average really high. It also does a clever thing with how it splits up minor side quests and major side quests into separate categories, so you can easily tell which side quest is just a small diversion and which is a massive undertaking, and it makes the massive undertaking quests feel more special. There also seem to be more of them, to I can't promise this (a better journal also makes questing more fun).
In terms of companions, I feel that BG2 wins out by a small margin due to a few standout ones, but you don't get any crap ones in Pillars (this was a bigger problem with BG1 than BG2, but Pillars still has a more even quality).
One area where BG2 does beat Pillars soundly is loot. The loot in BG2 felt more special than it does in Pillars, probably because Pillars plays it a bit too safe.
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I never had trouble with the AD&d rules, because their only real problems were manifested in the board adnd game to be frank, and as DMs we always strived to fix these with our own custom rules, custom changes, custom improvements. In pc games on the other hand, they never mattered that much as you say, especially for those of us that did play the board game in the 90s and 00s and knew these already. Saving throws always seemed natural, unlucky rolls were always part of the game. A wizard weak in low levels, and powerful in high levels was always normal for me, and I loved it as it was. And most of the times I did play with wizard anyway and immensely enjoyed it in these games. The thief was indeed unbalanced but did it really matter? No because he was still useful as a party member for other reasons.
However, in the end none of that stuff mattered man, all of those things were just means to an end. What made torment and bg2 great unforgettable games were completely different things (that maybe escaped you? I don't know). It had to do with immersion, with atmosphere, with great dialogue and choices, with characterization and memorable npc personalities including an amazing villain which is essential to make a good game of this genre, with "goals" in-game, and certainly with epic-ness and challenging stuff such as epic hard fights with enemy parties/dragons/liches. I wonder if you ever fought the demon prince in Throne of Bhaal ? A hell of a fight. Still, in order to replay such a game many times which I did, I had to resort to mods once again, and especially remember the hardcore Tactics Mod. :) In any case, graphics do not make a game necessarily great or bad. There's much more important stuff in rpgs and all of us rpg fans know that fact pretty well.
And I do know it for a fact from dependable sources that Pillars is way too easy as an rpg as of now. Same as wasteland 2. Their biggest problems. It's more than enough for me at least for now, to stay away from Pillars. I may be playing it after some years of course, but only with the proper difficulty mods from the community. xD
Some of us, just seem to enjoy these games only on our own terms.
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I never had trouble with the AD&d rules, because their only real problems were manifested in the board adnd game to be frank, and as DMs we always strived to fix these with our own custom rules, custom changes, custom improvements.
Of course you can tweak any pen & paper RPG. Personally I prefer systems that are more intuitive though.
In pc games on the other hand, they never mattered that much as you say, especially for those of us that did play the board game in the 90s and 00s and knew these already.
It does matter for first time players. It's very easy to fall into beginners traps if you're not familiar with AD&D.
. Saving throws always seemed natural, unlucky rolls were always part of the game. A wizard weak in low levels, and powerful in high levels was always normal for me, and I loved it as it was.
Saving throws always seemed natural, unlucky rolls were always part of the game.
Saving throws is one thing, having a character vulnerable to something is not a bad thing. What I'm opposed to is the "one unlucky roll->You're dead". That is just putting the need to reload into a single dice roll. There's a reason why pen & paper RPGs have moved away from such things to a large extent these days. I'll address the issue of wizards as well. Having them super weak early on and super powerful later on resulted in some rather boring play-sessions when one player would feel useless. That's why TSR introduced band-aid fixes, rather than doing something about the root of the problem, the fact that one class was so powerful that it broke the game, they just said "against these things, wizards can do nothing".
However, in the end none of that stuff mattered man, all of those things were just means to an end. What made torment and bg2 great unforgettable games were completely different things (that maybe escaped you? I don't know).
Why do you feel the need to have such a condescending tone? Just because I don't fully agree with you does not mean that it escaped me.
It had to do with immersion, with atmosphere, with great dialogue and choices, with characterization and memorable npc personalities including an amazing villain which is essential to make a good game of this genre, with "goals" in-game, and certainly with epic-ness and challenging stuff such as epic hard fights with enemy parties/dragons/liches. I wonder if you ever fought the demon prince in Throne of Bhaal ? A hell of a fight. Still, in order to replay such a game many times which I did, I had to resort to mods once again, and especially remember the hardcore Tactics Mod. :) In any case, graphics do not make a game necessarily great or bad. There's much more important stuff in rpgs and all of us rpg fans know that fact pretty well.
I play games by Spiderweb, so I'm well aware of the fact that graphics does not make the game. Does not mean that I don't like some eye candy, but it's far from the most important bit.
In terms of dialogue choices, Pillars has more substantial ones than BG2. Torment still beats Pillars in this regard, but Pillars does the whole "Dialogue as gameplay" bit better than BG2. Same with the consequences of your actions, they're more far reaching in Pillars than they were in BG2.
And I do know it for a fact from dependable sources that Pillars is way too easy as an rpg as of now. Same as wasteland 2. Their biggest problems. It's more than enough for me at least for now, to stay away from Pillars. I may be playing it after some years of course, but only with the proper difficulty mods from the community. xD
But BG 1 & 2 (and Icewind Dale for that matter) are pushovers in terms of difficulty if you know the system. The AD&D system is filled with beginners traps that can make it a lot harder for a first time player, but if you know your way around the AD&D system, they're really easy. Pillars has a far more balanced difficulty, as you don't end up with characters that are as super-powered as some of the late-game characters will be in BG2 in particular. So yes, to a first time player BG 2 will be a harder game than Pillars, but not to someone who knows the rules and a bit about character optimization.
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But why are we now talking about first time players? Yes to first time players it may be easier to recommend wasteland 2 and pillars. Obviously. It won't mean that any of these games are "better" than all other rpgs either. Different things for different players. But I respect your opinion regardless.
And yeah every game becomes easy once you know all about it, but still, those games were harder in vanilla than these modern isometric ones, you can't deny that. And besides, I did however mention that I only enjoyed these even more, with hardcore difficulty mods. (and yes even dragon age/icewind dale and witcher were played in difficulty higher from the max from mods. All too easy by default to be enjoyed) No replay value unless something is challenging enough either. Only in Torment you didn't really need it. It was too immersive and dialogue driven, so difficulty didn't matter at all in the end of the day. Combat was not even important.
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But why are we now talking about first time players? Yes to first time players it may be easier to recommend wasteland 2 and pillars. Obviously. It won't mean that any of these games are "better" than all other rpgs either. Different things for different players. But I respect your opinion regardless.
And yeah every game becomes easy once you know all about it, but still, those games were harder in vanilla than these modern isometric ones, you can't deny that.
I think you misunderstood me. What I was talking about is BG 1 & 2 really only being harder for first time players. The BG series, unmodded, is really easy if you know the rules, more or less a pushover. Yes the final boss in BG1 was challenging, but up until that point, the game was, unmodded, so easy that combat got rather dull. BG2 introduces more variety and thus easy combat won't get as dull, but it's a very easy game, easier than BG1 due to how classes scale.
That is, unless you start modding it, but if you allow for mods of BG when talking about the difficulty of the game, then you should do the same for Pillars & Wasteland 2, and then the challenge will just be dependent on the mod.
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My favorite part about D:OS was the combat and the co-op. I only very briefly played older RPGs like Baulders Gate, as I was more into RTS and FPS at the time. I did enjoy Wasteland 2 as well, but it might be for the same reason. I'm not sure I liked the combat as much as D:OS but I think Wasteland 2 had a better story/characters.
I have not tried Pillars yet, but I did have it installed using family share from my brothers account.
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Indeed combat and co-op was pretty good. Unfortunately I didn't play it co-op though, so I got bored after becoming way too powerful in the game. Even with source difficulty mod max setting, it only lasted till the middle. Then everything too easy. I did enjoy half of it, it just couldn't keep me to the end. Wasteland 2 has higher chances for me from all these games however, due to the nice alternative setting. Besides, 90% of isometric rpgs are high fantasy realms. How much high fantasy can you take before getting bored with it ?
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It's hard to say what would fix the D:OS difficulty, as it had so much to do with level, gear and the class you play... it definitely needed some balancing done. If you were under-geared and under-leveled, some of the fights could be impossible. On the other hand with decent gear and being 1 level over, the fights would be a breeze. I prefer it to be more casual myself, but being too easy does bother me a bit. Have you tried the enhanced version? I'm not sure they did anything with the difficulty or not. I know a lot of people complained about the difficulty, but I think a lot of people complained about the story towards the end as well. It seemed more developed from the start and kind of got worse as you went on.
As far as your fantasy question goes, I think as long as the combat is fun and the game is decent/well written, I would not have any problem with it. I can't say exactly what would turn me off about certain games, I tend to change "moods" as to what I want to play at times. Sometimes I am up for FPS or RTS, but since I started playing RPGs I have really enjoyed them... but still do not always feel like playing them. It has been a while since I played a good RTS though. I played the first installment of Starcaft II and it was enjoyable, but I wanted to wait for the protoss to be released, as it was always my class of choice before :P But now that it's out, I will probably wait for it to go on sale to buy it. There are also some other RTS I have been looking at that I might try instead.
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Yup, you summed up D:os pretty well. Indeed after the middle, the scenario/script also had issues and was just not that interesting any more. It did have a downward curve which only seemed to get worse. You can't love your characters if they don't have back stories and unique personalities to affect the scenario in many ways. Bioware has always been infinitely better than everything in this regard. Haven't played the enhanced version, maybe some day, or maybe not. And yeah mood is important and easily changes. Usually it's much easier from me to start a hybrid indie of platform/puzzle or an adventure that I know I can finish in 5, 10 or 20 hours, then start a game that may take more than 50-100 hours even if it's an rpg which is one my fav. genres. I also happen to love roguelikes/lites. Loved FTL and will gladly try darkest dungeon.
As for RTS I did love back in the day to play countless hours of Warcraft 2/Starcraft and especially Command and conquer & Red Alert, but I can't say I was thrilled with Starcraft 2 or other recent ones. It's been a while since I played a pure RTS anywayz. Hybrid indies are the meat these days, for me at least.
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I enjoy an occasional puzzle/platformer, but not really that big on them. I had fun with FTL, but I am more casual gamer and roguelikes are a bit too hard for me. Although, Darkest Dungeons looks like a lot of fun, and I'm sure I would like it enough to justify buying it on sale. It has been on my wishlist for a bit.
I never got into Warcraft 2, but did enjoy a few of the C&C games (mainly RA 2 and C&C 3 I think?)
Blizzard spent too much time on WoW to give a shit about Starcraft II, but who could blame them when people were going to keep throwing money at WoW (I know I did). Starcraft II almost seemed like a HL3 dream at first, but at least they finally put the game out, and it wasn't bad... but I definitely did not enjoy it as much as I did the first Starcraft. I actually never even beat the campaign, because you only received so many upgrade points throughout the game and towards the end I could not afford the special battlecruiser and I would have had to start all over to have enough points to get it, and it sort of bummed me out... lol I have a problem with finishing games though, as I will spend so much time trying to loot/explore every little detail, so by the end I am kind of burned out.
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Man I have the same issue I want to do everything 100% and I usually drop the game before finishing it because this usually makes me get bored at some point.... all games become huge due to that and you do get burned out. :P and yeah I threw money to wow too, and I kinda regret it though I did have fun. It just became overkill after some point...
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Drakensang the river of time was in a bundle like 1-2 months ago. That is how I got it. Bundles count as sales, yes?You should make a waitlist on isthereanydeal and have it email you whenever it drops below the price you want. It helps me a lot with all the games I want to buy. ;)
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Nameless - The one thing you must recall- and Dandelion - Wishes brought to you - both only got 20% off
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Tiny Thief :D
I've played it on my phone quite a long time ago and it's an enjoyable little game, but honestly I don't want to pay €5 for it.
Never been on a discount so far, if I'm not mistaken O.o
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Ah, I don't think I've been keeping an eye on bundles back in 2014 that much, that is probably why I never seen that discount.
Well, maybe one day... maybe one day :D
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That would be the numb1 game on me wishlist The Adventures Of Pip never seen on it sale I could be wrong tho usually am =p arf
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Mine: SiN Episodes: Emergence (last seen on sale in 2012 to 75%)
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