Well howdy doo,

I just wanna know what you think to these specs:

AMD FX 4170 AM3+ Quad Core 4.2Ghz

M5A78L-M/USB3 Motherboard

1 TB Serial ATA Hard Drive

8 GB DDR3 1600 PC 12800 Memory

ATI HD 7850 2gb GDDR5 PCI-E Graphics Card With HDMI

750w PSU


Windows 7 included

I know it doesn't look amazing, but is it ok £500 and will it be able to run top-end games (such as Crysis if that is still good)?

My biggest worry is the CPU as it is an AMD FX. Will this actually be a problem and could I just swap in an inel i5 easily?

Thanks in advance.

12 years ago*

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It's actually good enough. I would pass, since I can't take AMD anymore. But still.

Swapping CPU would also require you to switch motherboard since they only support either Intel or AMD btw.

12 years ago

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Are you getting this pc for only crysis, crysis warhead, and crysis 2?

I'm asking this because crysis is a nvidia the way its meant to be played game. Also the crytek engines are greatly optimized for intel.


Proof that AMD is at a disadvantage towards Crytek engine games which includes the Crysis series, Nexius, and the Need for Speed The Run, and NFS Most Wanted 2

12 years ago

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That's the sweet spot or most bang for your buck for an AMD build cpu and gpu wise. Also it is a very good build overall when comparing it to intel's equivalent core i3-3320, just make sure the FX-4170's price hovers around the intel core i3-3320 price.

Intel beats AMD at every price range except for AMD FX-4170 vs Intel Core i3-3220, AMD ties Intel; However the FX-4100 vs i3-3220 price range is irrelavent because its better to buy an Intel Pentium or Intel quad. Also Intel's Haswell processors are comming in Q2 2013 and are based on new architecture, not a die strink like ivy bridge was.

For AMD's FX 8 core cpu vs Intel's core i5 or core i7 4 core cpu, AMD's 8 core, high end FX processors are rubbish, the low end FX-4100 is okay for the price. First, most of the new games only fully utilize 3 cores, except GTA IV and Borderlands 2, to a lesser extent. Second, the FX processors are not energy efficient. Third, Intel's core i5 and core i7 are better in games, the FX bottlenecks in Metro 2033 and Skyrim.


However in the future, about the year 2020, games will fully utilize 8 core and FX may be better. Also Playstation 4 and Xbox 720 are rumored to have 8 core AMD cpus so console port games may become better optimized for AMD.


For graphics AMD or Nvidia doesn't matter. However if you get an AMD cpu in theory it may be a good idea to get an AMD gpu.

Edit: Motherboards only support AMD or intel and are not interchangable between AMD and Intel. Also worth mentioning changing a cpu on the motherboard is probably the most intensive upgrade to perform.

12 years ago

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It's ok. Ofcourse I would have recomended an FX 8120 for CPU ,but hey, no big deal.

12 years ago

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Better off with Intel but really it will run most games perfectly fine, if thats a pre-built its priced nice.

12 years ago

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What is the exact model of the PSU?

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Mullac.