Is it that time of the month yet?
hmm not the anniversary edition ? so again a good way to buy dlc
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No, you could get this sub:
And that one does not include the Season Pass.
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Fuck yeah! I alaways held back to get ROTTR and now I can have it for 12$ plus some by-catch ;)
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Even better, think you're getting 6 Steam games by $2 each :3
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And got 5 free games with it, plus the RoTR with a huge discount.
It's a matter of perspective. Everyone sees different the half empty/full glass of water.
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If this is the game with all the DLC then I feel a bit salty for buying it during the summer sale but I'm still happy with my purchase either way.I think even if it is the base game it's well worth it if you want to play ROT this one imo improves on the last one in good ways.I'm on the fence If I will get it I will wait to see what other bundles come during the months.
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The key you get in the bundle is for the Rise of the Tomb Raider - Standard Edition, Steam itself does't sell that version serately anymore why the standard store page links to the 20 Year Celebration edition.
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First unlock I'm extremely excited about! Yipeeeee!
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so what? like me, you helped to ensure that we will see the third one on PC as well. be proud of it! :)
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Even as your edit makes it more understandable you're basically saying that you regret buying one of the objectively best games ever made because they are giving a higher discount for the complete bundle than for just the DLC pack.
Also, your edit is technically wrong since existing customers are paying exactly the same amount as everyone else. You just don't want to pay for the content you already bought, and probably enjoyed, earlier to get a higher discount.
I get what you're saying though, it just comes off as overly harsh in this case.
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Sensualshakti, I didn't get any warning message upon trying to gift a copy from RU/CIS (which is usually most locked out region together with Brazil). I guess there is no such for this title then? Pretty good if so though unexpected.
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Today, the clownfish at ²Enix and HombleBonduul present: The Womb Raider Mystery
They bundled the Standard Edition, which technically is listed for $59.99 - the same price as the 20 Year Celebration 'GOTY' with DLCs.
In addition, they didn't bundle the version that most of the world can <pointlessly> gaze at on Steam, but the one that is only (again technically) listed on the Saudi Arabia and Japan Steam store, -- the contents are identical though. Base game and no DLCs. No region lock.
The full 20 Year Anniversary package, sold for the same $59.99, is - and it's not included here.
Buying this you are thus missing out on = ($29.99)
Now $12 @ Squeenix - (thanks to gearsofcrabs)
All-time low Steam price $11.99
*Captain Obvious flies away*
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This would be incorrect. The giveaway listing for Rise of the Tomb Raider™ is for the AppID and promises the game only. If you wish to use the store variant which is the GOTY, you would use the Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration listing.
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^ This.
Had a look through the site and these are the following items which one can giveaway on the site:
Rise of the Tomb Raider™:
This is for base game only. No longer on sale on Steam, though the version being sold on HB.
Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration:
This is the GOTY version which is currently being sold on Steam.
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I just enabled Rise of the Tomb Raider - Standard Edition: on the site so GA creators can select the correct game.
Slight correction: It does not appear to be needed. Just had a look and the current posting is correct. The giveaway is for the Appid, which promises the game only. While the Steam Store only sells the current goty edition, the giveaway posting on the site only promises the game. To promise the store GOTY version, one would have to make a giveaway using the "Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration" listing.
Sorry about this. I acted too hastily:/.
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Not report since it might be a legit giveaway for that version for all we know. It would be up to the winner to correctly mark the giveaway as "Not Received" if they only received the base game only.
We only take action on a misleading giveaway when it is clearly displayed as such "e.g. This is not GTA V but Woodle Tree because they are totes the same thing." We give each creator the benefit of the doubt and allow it to run its course unimpeded. If the winner does not get what was promised and shows us that the creator never had any intention of following through with their giveaway to begin with, then we can hit them with a fake giveaway.
In this case, we wouldn't need to go that far since it is one of the few instances where a "Change Giveaway Game" request would be approved. If someone incorrectly made the 20th edition gib and wanted to switch to base only, we can do that so long as the winner is okay with it.
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so is this right - or is this wrong - cause I am still confused :((((
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The goty edition being sold is secretly base + season pass and not it's own separate appid. They just hid the price for base only and force everyone to buy the dlc with the game.
You will not be flagged on our end if you win one of these great gibs.
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So if you buy the DLC on sale, in the end, you will pay about the same as the 20 Year Celebration edition so I don't see the big deal seeing how the next big sale is almost here and really the DLC is not needed to enjoy the game and is over priced anyhow.So thus you're not missing much unless you're OCD about collecting or chevos.
Seems like no matter what Humble or any publisher does for a bundle there will always be at least one person that will pick it apart because they think it's their civic duty to complain or point out the obvious.
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Glad I picked up September's, but this one I'm not 100% sure... well, I have a whole month to decide.
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I've been seing a bunch of RotTB Anniversary ed GAs, however the game in this bundle is the standard ed. Won't people have a problem with sgtools if they mark it as received?
Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration: Sub ID 90033
Rise of the Tomb Raider - Standard Edition: Sub ID 88037
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So long as the giveaways are using the AppID listing, then they are correct. The AppID only promises the game itself, but because base only is now hidden, you only see the goty edition on the Steam store page.
A pain in the ass, but this is what we get when Steam gives free reign to devs/publisher to use their mess of a Store any way they like -.-.
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Well folks were selling those, as was the norm at the time with nvidia promos. That is the only explanation I can think of that makes any sense :/.
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Probably a clearance sale then. It happens with physical stores since they need to clear space for new inventory coming in.
Grats on being lucky then :D.
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☞ Purchase the OCTOBER 2017 Monthly Bundle! ☜
A curated bundle of games sent to your inbox every month. When you subscribe, you'll immediately receive Rise of the Tomb Raider™ with more to come and enjoy 10% off in the Humble Store!
Subscribe before the FIRST FRIDAY OF OCTOBER (6th October) for $12* to receive the OCTOBER bundle
Also, it's too late to buy the September Monthly Bundle. You will therefore NOT receive that bundle by purchasing this one!
Notice: ⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
Pay early and get "Rise of the Tomb Raider - Standard Edition"
Note: Instead of the Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration, the bundle contains the Standard Edition which is not sold on Steam any more. This means that you will get only the base game, without DLCs and without the Rise of the Tomb Raider - Season Pass.
No wonder that the Season Pass is not included though, considering it's discounted on the NA Square Enix Store
Chart created with Lex's SG Chart Maker
Humble original: Getting Over It by Bennett Foddy.
Steam keys added!
Read Rachel's detailed Q+A to these Humble Monthlies! Also, read HB's FAQ!
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!
Thanks to luckz for providing the poll answers!
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