Are you hate rule "Your account is not allowed to have won the same game multiple times."?
I can't be sure, but I suspect Tzaar mostly meant to warn you about the veritable firestorm of hostile responses that this is likely to be met with. It doesn't seem like he intended disrespect.
I'd give you a similar warning. People on here tend to dislike the breaking of the multiple-win/non-activation rules. They will meet your thoughts with hostility (and likely black listing). I'd take down the thread now.
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Look, you can't win the same game twice, because it's a steamgifts rule. You can enter any steamgifts giveaway, now that your suspension has ended. The special rule "Your account is not allowed to enter, because you have won the same game multiple times" is from sgtools giveaways, which is a different site and not affiliated to steamgifts. But I agree that sgtools rules are a bit cruel, because they aren't giving you a "second chance". Steamgifts is more fair though. You can enter any public giveaway of your level, as long as you aren't currently suspended.
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You are welcome. Everyone deserves a second chance. Sadly, restrictions always create problems. Don't forget though that you did something that is against the steamgifts rules and, as Undac said below, there's a way to fix it.
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I thought the dev changed it so the rule can be modified to "can't have a double win in the past year" or some other time frame. So it's really the people using it who you should disagree with, not the site itself. It's just a tool
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I didn't know that the dev changed the rule to have a time frame. If the time frame is short, then yeah, it's fair. But one whole year is a bit big and it isn't giving any second chances. Of course, the people are to blame for breaking the rules, but they deserve a second chance, don't they? A second chance only, not a third too. :P I only said that it's a bit cruel for not giving a second chance, that's all. Just like the Draconian laws, in a much simpler way, of course. :P
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I think so at least. I remember seeing one of Yirg's posts about it, but since I don't make giveaways I can't verify I don't think.
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The rule hasn't changed, but there is an option to set a timeframe if you want to.
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I wonder if it isn't also forgiveable in the unlikely event where one enters two GAs for the same game, and before seeing that they have won the one, they win it again (esp. in case the GAs were to end at the same time).
I have luckily never been in this situation before, but I have hurried my *ss to the 'entered giveaways' -section after winning a game to make sure that didn't happen. It's unlikely, but we have this saying in my country that comes down to 'good luck and bad luck are always found together' :p.
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The multiple wins rule applies when you mark both giveaways of the same gift as received. It's very possible to win the same game 2 times at the same time, but you must ask for a reroll in that case for one of them.
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In general, it's better to activate the gift, and then mark feedback. So if you win the same game twice, Steam will pop a notification and then you know to not mark the second giveaway.
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ask one of the gifters of your double win to reroll and provide them a key / gift of the said game -> this way you will clean your double win history :)
PS, about the poll: I think that it's a fair rule, but I don't wish you to burn in hell... those poll options are too hardcore!
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True, true, I forgot there's a solution about that too. You can do this thing, confessoris.
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Just ask one of the 2 giveaway creators to reroll, not both. ;P
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Its just shit, that the support wont/cant do something. I mean srsly I am flagged for winning free dlcs (Guardians of Middle-Earth Shit) 2 years ago and marked it as received without using them, because I was dumb and didnt read the rules.... since this time I created 178 giveaways with "Real CV for Sent Gifts on account Xeeran: 1,097.20 $" and "Real CV for Won Gifts on account Xeeran: 878.10 $" But hey... rule is rule...
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+1 Also, don't blame support since they have to follow the rules. If they delete the giveaway, then the giveaway creator would get pissed off. They can't reroll because most winners either have the DLC or are inactive, and so would create a lot of work. And the giveaway creator might be annoyed that that is happening since a pending giveaway ties up a slot until it's marked received.
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Did you ask for the giveaways to be rerolled? It's your responsibility to contact the giveaway creators. They can't automatically reroll giveaways since they don't know what you did with the second key, so it would screw over the giveaway creator if the key was used.
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Attention: you can start adding me to your big blacklist.
why do you create a thread that you know it won't change anything, except to get on blacklists?
ok, here's a tip if you want to fix your mistake and being able to get past sgtools checks (since you already called you out with your multiple win).
- get a copy of steel storm, it should be very cheap (like 0.5-1 tf2 key).
- contact one of the creators of those steel storm giveaways (ss1 - ss2), i see one of them is still active and logged in yesterday.
- give him the copy, and either ask him to reroll the winner (that means you) or to delete the giveaway.
the worst that could happen is if the guy refuses to help you since it's a burden to reroll old giveaways and it wasn't his fault this happpened.
btw, sgtools isn't an official filter from sg, so don't expect support to help with this.
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The giveaway creator could also opt to delete the giveaway instead of rerolling, since it's been a while.
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Well, that makes me wonder, why didn't you activate the game straight away?
I get when people have double wins for developer giveaways of several copies because these developers usually don't care if someone won more than once, but in cases like yours, double wins are so easily avoidable, just activate your damn wins...
As for a solution, others already said that you can easily provide one of the giveaway creators with a key for the game and ask for a reroll.
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I wrote a big reply to this but SG decided to delete the whole thing instead of post it when I pressed "submit", so whatever. I basically just said to keep in mind that SG has to sync with steam in order to recognize the game as owned, which might not happen too soon after activation unless you do it manually. Of course this isn't an excuse, and anyone paying even a modicum of attention should notice a double win, but it could be part of an explanation at least.
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You might wanna check out the "Lazarus" add-on then. It's a real life-saver and recovers posts like yours.
I mean, yes, that's true, but it should be the first thing you do after you win something, right there with leaving the all giveaways for the game you just won. Honestly, I don't understand how things like that can "accidently" happen..
(also, in this case: March and July are more than enough and auto-sync should do the trick.)
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Thanks for the advice, I'll check it out. And yeah, I didn't notice the 2 times he won were months apart.
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Either way, you have to activate them to your account within a week.
Steam won't let you double-activate.
It ought be pretty easy to realize when you own something, regardless of any other factors involved.
If you weren't aware of the rules and didn't think to read up or ask about them, then you still would presumably have the other key unused, so the other giveaway creator could simply reroll it at any time, as soon as you note that. In that circumstance, staff may even honor the reroll without requiring the usual 'if the giveaway creator approves' option, even if a long duration has passed.
If you did activate it to another account, then it becomes a Non-Activation misstep. I don't really get the mentality behind that, so I'm not really certain how to give an opinion on it. I don't get why anyone'd assume to redirect won games, to the point of not confirming the rules before doing so.. so yeah, not sure how to justify that, either.
Now, flip side to all of this, it's the giveaway creator's responsibility to check if someone already owns the game in question. DLCs are a pain in the ass to verify ownership for, and in that regard, I'd say full responsibility goes to the winner to inform the creator that they can't activate; but past that, the blame is certainly shared to some degree.
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The rule exists for a reason. While in some cases it's unfortunate in that it lingers forever, there are ways to avoid it.
Ultimately, there are times that this rule is unfortunate for people, but other than SGtools users (who are probably the least receptive to loosening the rules anyway) there's no punishment beyond the initial ban, and without a first strike the rule would not be followed. You can clean your profile to get rid of the multiple win stain that SGtools picks up, but punishments for rules violations exist as a deterrent. If people could "multi-win" without repercussions, I know that many of my giveaways which winners requested re-rolls for would have given someone two copies of the same game. Some may have said "I have no use for two copies", but the activation rule (which I DO care about, without any room for discussion) alone does not keep them from reselling or regifting the game. That, I think, is unacceptable.
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"Cruel" sounds like a big exaggeration. It's not like being able/unable to enter a part of somebody's giveaways is something lifechanging. Personally, I prefer to use no multiple wins within the past X months (haven't yet decided what my X should be), since after some time multiple wins becomes hard to fix, but at the same time I am tired of asking for rerolls (after a group of public lvl 0 giveaways some months ago I developed an allergy to rerolls) and I don't like the idea of sending somebody something they might regift either (been there, done that, didn't like it). It might not be the best solution, but it's the one I chose for some of my giveaways to avoid myself some stress.
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It's not like being able/unable to enter a part of somebody's giveaways is something lifechanging.
I dunno, your giveaways are pretty sexy- you'd think they'd get people to budge on their unwillingness to clear their past rule-breaks.
:eyes your profile:
Hmmmmmm. Sexy indeed. :marks calendar:
It might not be the best solution, but it's the one I chose for some of my giveaways to avoid myself some stress.
And yeah. That's the main problem- rule-breakers, regardless of their circumstances, view the matter as a personal attack on them.
It's not. It's a fully reasonable way of giveaway creators doing their best to remove any regrets/concerns/stresses from making their giveaways [and, of course, helping to maintain the overall trustworthyness of the site].
If you're feeling left out, you explain your circumstances to each giveaway creator directly, and then make an assessment on their personality based on their response to you.
You don't hypocritically and with needless hostility insult them, accuse them of being 'cruel', or so forth (without even making an attempt to actually get an idea of their personalities beforehand); something which every single one of these threads seems to do without fail.
The behavior the rule-breakers take is self-centered and thoughtless, even when not being openly hostile.
Or rather.. it's like having someone with a leechy ratio. If they're polite and friendly and nice, well, hey, I get along with them well.
When they pull the whole 'Ugh, people are such assholes, picking on me just because I'm lucky'..
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It's funny how SGT users create GAs with that rule so they don't have to check their winners, but then they have to check their winners anyway to see if they entered through SGT or through a leak :P
It's a very useless system really :P
Ok, so the % of rulebreakers gets lower, but a check is a check :P
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It's not a matter of "having to check someone". I just feel better if I know that the possibility of the game being regifted / not activated is lower than without these checks. ^^
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But then they get the satisfaction of having them banned from SGT, not like "slap on the wrist" bans supposedly of SG. Some people are pretty unforgiving and militant.
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It's not a useless system because if I gift something without using SGTools and John123SexyBoy wins, but he has not-activated wins from 1 year ago, I cannot reroll. If I use SGTools however, I can reroll for leaked giveaway (since he obviously couldn't enter if the link was not leaked).
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Or maybe we just want a quick and easy single check- even with add SGTools links to profile it's a a few more steps.
But most importantly, train checks are reduced to a single page rather than having to check each giveaway.
So yeah, that saves a lot of work.
(And there's Undac's rather notable point above, as well- you've a lot more control with giveaways with SGTools, even before you include the ability to apply rules that aren't just based in rule-breaking.)
That you think it useless and assume noone checks winners, makes me feel you're a bit out of touch with its actual implementation by users.
Then again, perhaps my familiarity with how giveaway creators utilize it is the unusual perspective.
Either way, for me it's an extremely valuable tool that's helped allow me to become a lot more relaxed about making non-group giveaways.
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Unfortunately there's a lot of people that don't check their winners.
If only there was a "check winner" button instead of the "send key/link" button, so all GA creators checked their winners. And re-roll receivers got a message "Your win got re-rolled because you broke 'this rule', if you want to win something on this site again please fix this infraction."
I dream of a world without SGT...I guess it's time to wake up... :/
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That does sound lovely. But SGT is a useful tool either way- the key realization is that people should be free to give gifts in a manner they feel comfortable with, no matter how restrictive or or silly their preferences may seem to someone else. IE, it should function with the same freedoms whitelist and blacklist [ought be considered to have].
I'm just not at all a fan of the entitled sentiment that many have, that they ought be allowed to join every giveaway they want. It's honestly rather absurd, not to mention extremely distasteful.
Especially when they start insulting the giveaway creator for their approach- that's not a representation of your subjective perspective, that's you being petulant and disrespectful, all because you can't have everything you come across.
Even using the sentiment that leechers like to profess "This is a site to freely give games, without restrictions!" doesn't necessarily correlate into "This is a site to freely get games, without restrictions".
The fact is, the belief that you have a right to get free games is..
Wow. People are giving you free luxury goods, out of generous sentiment, and you're being ungrateful and demanding more?
Take a moment to go back and show a bit of appreciation- which is a notable request, given that many of the individuals involved are the very ones that fail to even leave 'thank you' messages [on winning].
In other words, it's not a binary conflict between two groups of users, one more rule-oriented, and one less so- it's a conflict between entitled and rude users and users who just want to allow the site to function comfortably for all giveaway creators, and see that site abuse/exploitation doesn't run rampant.
That the first group occasionally throws in the rare nice-sounding argument doesn't make their overall perspective any less dubious.
Moreover, you're allowed to use all the rules SGT provides when doing group giveaways, to begin with-
The only difference is, SGT both facilitates the process, and can prevent someone from betraying your trust by disregarding certain group rules later on.
In other words, it doesn't block anything extra, that oughtn't be blocked in the first place.
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Give the key back, change to unreceived. Or something like that.
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I'm only referring to the OP's situation here, not every situation.
His two wins were 9 months ago and a year ago - unmarking them now after they've been marked is misuse of feedback.
In your case, leave it unmarked, let the creator know somehow, and don't use the key. After that, it's the creator's responsibility.
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The permanent 'abuse of giveaway feedback' suspension rule is basically only applied when you refuse to acknowledge a game as being received, that you actually did receive.
In the situation described, if you didn't make a point of clarifying the situation with the GA creator and staff beforehand, giveaway feedback abuse seems like to be determined to have occurred.
If you're lucky, you can make use of SG's lenient policies and get unsuspended to resolve the matter.
But even then, from what I understand of it, you're likely to remain suspended until you can fix the Multi-Win/Non-Activation, so it's a rather less favorable circumstance than the one you had before that point.
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That's what the "give the key back" bit was about. Presumably he took both of them.
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You said change to unreceived. If he changes the feedback at all now, he can be perma-banned for misuse of GA feedback, especially since he has already been suspended for the multi-win and they have record he marked both as received. Only support can approve a feedback change now, either through the OP providing a working key for a re-roll or the creator allowing the GA to be deleted.
Regardless, the OP shouldn't change the feedback at all, or the creator can report him, and misuse of GA feedback is a perma-ban.
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Let's say you entered 10 Fallout 4 giveaways that end one after another within a couple days. You won the first one, and the system starts automatically rejecting every other possible win of the same game. But several days later it turns out that you won a "fake" giveaway. I doubt you would be happy with those automated rerolls in that case.
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Fake giveaways strike me as probably being a lot less common than Multi-Wins, however. :'P
Besides, you wouldn't have won any of those other FO4 giveaways anyway, and you know it. >.> :P
While there's complications in both approaches, I imagine the 'can't reliably check DLC ownership' element definitely leans things toward the current system.
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DLC ownership checks should not be an issue here, because the proposed system is about automatically rejecting every win of the same item, regardless of whether or not it's present on account - simply because it's registered as a win on Steamgifts.
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Oh, quite right.
Well, hard to say, then.
I personally wouldn't mind the automatic rerolls, but then, I 1: already leave all giveaways for games I've won and 2: have never experienced a fake giveaway (well, several 'key not working' ones, but, eh. Whatever.).
That is to say, I wouldn't ever have a multi-win issue, and I don't have any stress whatsoever over a giveaway ending up not going through.
[Well, except for one, but that wasn't at all directly related to not getting a game. :P]
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There's however no valid case why that would not happen after marking giveaway as received. Marking giveaway as received means that user received and activated successfully exactly the same game he won, and it doesn't matter what Steam API says - SG should prohibit him from winning the same game twice.
That doesn't solve the problem if somebody wins same game in short period of time, but it'll greatly cut problems already, and I can't see any possible drawbacks apart from people who don't know that received means activated, but we have those already.
So why not?
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Let's say I create a GA, I give the key and the winner marks it as received. A few days later, this same winner contacts me asking for re-roll, since he is suspended for having won the same game twice. This happened to me a few days ago, and I had first to trust the winner when he told me the key was still unused, and secondly, bother to ask myself the re-roll.
It all went ok, but what if the key was used? Why should I take the risk?
This is what I thought:
-Once sent by the GA creator, keys should be hidden for the winner, just like bundle sites do. Once the winner reveals the key, there will be no possibility of re-rolling. This should give the winner time to check that they have not won the same thing twice, or that they don't have already that DLC on their accounts.
-If the winner already revealed the key, they should have themselves the possibility of making the same GA, but without involving the first GA creator and without getting CV at all.
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Hey, If I won game and activated it on my account - why should I be punished by not getting CV if I decide to buy and give away the same game?
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If someone break the rules - he should be aware of consequences. I would not blacklist you for this (some time ago I decided to clean blacklist, and I like it that way), but I would keep setting this rule whenever I use sgtools. If you don't like it - try to fix it - you already wrote the correct steps to do it.
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The GA owner might not want to reroll with the key you provided to him, as he needs to take the risk of having a not-received on his account in the event that the key you provided is not valid.
Also, you need to take the risk of trusting the GA owner to reroll with your key. Nothing is stopping him from stealing the key and not reroll.
There is quite a heavy mutual trust involved in here. But yeah, this could be a good solution for getting a pass from the spyware tool.
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Hi, I won one game twice ones and got suspended too long time ago. Since that time I gave 18 GAs for $421 (more than 842$ if calculate including rouble's fall (russian money)). A short time ago, I created steamgroup for my personal GA as a main target and sent some special gifts already.
SG rules usually allows 3 suspends (third is permanent ban).
Most part of countries have cancellation guilt after some time after punishment.
Recently I can see very-very increased number of GA with special rules include favorite one wich says "Your account is not allowed to have won the same game multiple times"
Why I said that?
I think that users (who like to use this rule) usually are cruel or they don't think about this theme like me
Attention: you can start adding me to your big blacklist.
Thx all for answers
Have a nice day!
Thanks to Undac, TheLuckyShamrock, MuIIins and other users who adds the same advice.
P.S.: I'm glad to see your corrects if you find mistakes in my text.
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