235 participants a little while ago, 16 have broken that rule. Not "many" in my opinion. I really don't understand how they can miss the subject of the thread though. ;)
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The very first question (QA1)? It's just the first thing that comes to your mind (assuming everyone recognizes where that video is from). ;)
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I'm sorry, but I hope you understand the reasons for the rule. There will certainly be other opportunities for you.
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You have registered 11 months ago and have a giveaway created 4 months ago in your profile, I don't know why you doubt.
Don't worry, people who entered multiple giveaways have zero chances to win here.
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Very well, you will have more opportunity to pick your giveaway the next round probably. You forget the puzzle though, that is a more recent game maybe you don't own it...
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Perhaps Q3 (the final question) is easier than Q2, depends...
Anyway the puzzle isn't that hard, a very low number of solvers so far for the first real question. You guys aren't used to questions easy like that, you don't need telepathy really. Don't overthink and use the clues I provide properly.
Edit: It seems you weren't stuck at Q2, but Q1...
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These "puzzles" are always nuts. I never understand what the hell I'm supposed to be looking at. I guess it's a meta thing.
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Rarely do they ever make sense, only to the creator. It's never hard when you know the answer; gee E=mc2 why didn't anyone figure it out before?
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A bit of trust is needed when you solve a puzzle. I tried to do what I could to give everyone the same chance to start this puzzle. It isn't nothing of meta but based on common sense instead.
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A mumbling pyromaniac imitating an air guitar is far from what I would consider "common" friend.
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I would not insist, but take a look to what you just wrote here when the puzzle is over and the solution posted.
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See, that's what I thought, but I tried every rational conclusion from my observation and was still wrong. I also don't know if the answer has to be formatted a certain way, so I don't know if I'm getting it right and not putting some arbitrary qualifier in there that's keeping me from getting it right.
tbh I've never gotten any of these puzzles because I don't know what the standards for answering are. Ah, well. Nothing lost.
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Depends on how much time you've spent on it. Personally, my time is way too valuable to me to waste too much of it on obscure puzzles or trying to read someone's random inane thoughts, an experience akin to banging one's head against a wall repeatedly. There is no game that one could possibly give away to make it worth the effort -- personally speaking anyway. That's how much I value my time.
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Well, I"m just assuming it's meant to be "common knowledge" to those who have shared the same experiences with the puzzle creator. Perhaps those who play Team Fortress 2 are more likely to get the references, which makes the first puzzle effortless.
I try not to play too many team based games because I'm not that great at them and don't want to bring a team down, so that excludes me. Plus, I only just got a PC that could play it a year or two ago. Other than that, I'm like you. I can't fathom the answer and can only spend so much time on it before I assume that I'm not going to get it. Kudos to those who succeed, and thanks to BrutoDetestsSB for the opportunity, regardless.
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I'm stuck at QA2, let alone Q2. It's supposed to be more general than Q2, right? I'm not finding any intuitive answers.
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You already solved QA1 and Q1, so you can simply follow a similar logic. An auxiliary question is something where you practically don't need to search to get the right answer, for normal questions that may help instead.
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Hoo, boy. Q3 is a doozy.
Edit: I don't recognize the clip at all.
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If you don't recognize the container, you can still recognize the contents. Of course it's a movie entirely based on a real story and QA3 should help you to suggest the theme.
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The second one is performed much better. I used two videos of the same song only for cosmetic reasons.
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Maybe I am giving up on the puzzle too easy, or maybe I am just more interested in waiting to see what is in the next round. Either way, I think I will holdout and see what comes up next time. Thank you for the event and the puzzles, much props!
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That puzzle is probably one of the best opportunity to win something in this event.
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Not yet in the puzzle giveaway though! (2 solvers, 1 entry so far)
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260 Comments - Last post 37 seconds ago by Adamdoodles
38 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Adamdoodles
2,433 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Spiralll
48 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Sklurm
119 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Vasharal
108 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by IronKnightAquila
27 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by grimfandango8888
10,075 Comments - Last post 16 seconds ago by ngoclong19
147 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by ngoclong19
2 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by cabfe
88 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by VinD3
5 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by andremarques971
124 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by FateOfOne
129 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by Deleted2137
I'm posting today and in the next Fridays a series of private giveaways for forum members. Your SteamGifts account must be at least 3 weeks old and you can enter only one of the giveaways of the list.
There will be more rounds but the special rule applies to all giveaways linked in the thread, you can't enter in one of the giveaways of the first round and later enter again.
You will not know what giveaways will be created and how long this event will last. You can try to guess, though. I don't want set my Steam inventory privacy to private, but you can't be sure all the giveaways will be from the Steam store, or if I buy the game after the giveaway has been closed, or if the giveaway is always from me, or so...
You will have to pick your giveaway wisely, considering what you can win and how many chances you have to win.
This special rule was approved by Support. If you ignore the rule and enter multiple giveaways and win one, I'll request a new winner.
All rounds will start, indicatively, Friday, and end Monday, 19:00 CEST (17:00 GMT, it's the time when the Steam store front page gets updated with the new deals). They can be private giveaways or puzzle giveaways (not hard puzzles, presumably).
Everyone is welcome to enter my giveaways, just make sure you follow the rules.
--- Round 1 (10 April - 14 April) --
Total participants: 760 (69 invalid)
Total entries: 923 instead of 760 (163 invalid)
They are all quality games. That is critically acclaimed games or games I enjoyed. And I'm going on with this.
--- Round 2 (18 April - 21 April) --
Total participants: 1021 (102 invalid), 305 (round 2 only, 37 invalid)
Total entries: 1214 (193 invalid)
More good games here. Sorry, I was forced not to use direct links, due to an unwanted number of invalid entries. I feel like I forgot something but let's start...
--- Round 3 (25 April - 28 April) --
Total participants: 1117 (106 invalid)
Total entries: 1316 (199 invalid)
They are hungry and want to eat you. Do you hear them coming? You should, they are not sweet-smelling. I don't know how can they always attack by surprise so easily in the movies and so...
I hope you aren't disappointed for the number of giveaways, there is no fixed number for that.
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