I started playing old open world games (started with Grand Theft Auto 3) and now while we have Steam Summer Sale I wanna buy more. What will you recommend for me ?

Edit: I'm looking for games released between 2000-2010.

7 years ago*

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Not sure if that's what you mean with "old" but.. bascially any Saints Row game. Always had a ton of fun with those.

7 years ago

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Games released between 2000-2010 They are much better than new ones

7 years ago

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Why? what makes them better in your opinion?

7 years ago

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Saints Row 2 is a great game and it was released on 2008. The other Saints Row games are a piece of crap anyway.

7 years ago

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Saints Row 2 is a great game.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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If you say that you don't like any Saints Row game, I'll say it's ok and that you just don't like this specific kind of games. But if you say that you don't like Saints Row 2, but you like the other Saints Row games, I'll say that you should really go visit a doctor. xD
Anyway, I think it's great. Much better than a GTA game.

7 years ago

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I don't have time for an in-depth discussion right now so let's keep this short:

I do like the genre but I've only played Gat out of Hell from the other Saints Row games.

However Saints Row 2 was fundamentally broken. The vehicle controlls are the worst I've ever seen in an open world game (although somebody else claimed Just Cause (1) was even worse) , physics pretty much non-existant and 80% of the game were the same ~ 8 types of generic sidemissions like literally spaying liquid shit over buildings with a firetruck and taking over gang territories. And all that is ignoring that the game is unplayable on PC because the speed the game runs depends on your processor. I played it on pretty much the only system where the game actually worked and I still couldn't stomach more than 20 hours of it.

7 years ago

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Saints Row 2 had an exceptional storyline, great boss fights, your own gang, rival gangs, attacks of the rival gangs to take your turf, etc. The vehicle controls were fine. Honest, I can't say if they were good or bad. They looked ok, I experienced no problems, and I could drive just fine. Not sure about the physics. I don't really remember. Like, you wanted someone to fly away when hit by a bazooka or something? But I don't remember, to be honest. The missions were really good and no mission was identical - you probably haven't actually played it. Only the side missions (activities) were identical (I mean, a septic truck mission was the same like the other septic truck missions), but they existed in order to help you unlock rewards. You didn't want to play them? Then don't. But what did they have to do with the main missions? There were so many main missions and you're stuck thinking about the activities that helped you unlock rewards. The gang territories were your main target - what was the problem with that? The game was working just fine on the pc. It's another thing to say that you simply don't like it and it's another thing to say things that aren't actually true.

7 years ago

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If you're saying the vehicle controls are fine please replay the game instead of looking at it through your nostalgia goggles.

Like, you wanted someone to fly away when hit by a bazooka or something?

When I hit somebody with my car at top speed I would like them to tumble over and fall and not keep standing in the exact same position they were in before I hit them while I shove them around in front of my car like a shopping cart.

Also Stilwater looked and felt quite boring even considering the games age.

7 years ago*

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Yes, the vehicle controls were just fine. Sorry, but if there was a problem with that matter, I would surely remember it. I dislike driving, so if there was a problem too with the driving, I wouldn't support that game so much.
I don't really remember about the physics. Maybe you're correct about that.
It wasn't boring. The whole map was infested with rival gangs. You weren't even feeling safe to explore at the beginning.
You could have multiple hideouts that you could upgrade.
And the violence.....so beautiful. The decapitation scene and the demolition derby with the car crushing.....damn, they were just so awesome.
I keep thinking what else could I ask from this game and I can't think of a simple thing. Maybe the physics that you said? But I don't even remember its physics.

7 years ago

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That's just petty of you....Also should have played 3.

7 years ago

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Saint's Row 2 is atrociously bad. The port is just a major failure and should have never happened. The only good SR is SR3 because 4 just took it too far with the dumb superhero gameplay.

7 years ago

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The port was just fine. I could play the game on pc without any problems. SR3 was a bad game and this was actually the game that was defying physics (since somebody said that about SR2). They just stopped caring about the storyline and started caring about implementing stupid humor in their games, that's the problem.

7 years ago

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"Can't have that disgusting humor, not on my watch you can't", the guy who thinks 24fps is more cinematic anyway said.

7 years ago

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All Saints Rows are great

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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Only Saints Row 2 is a good game. The other Saints Row games are.....dunno.......not even games?! They look like a bad parody, trying to win a golden raspberry award for the most 'Murican game with the most stupid humor.

7 years ago

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Too bad if he wants to play SR2 he will need to get an X360.

7 years ago

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Why is that? o.O I could play it just fine on the pc.

7 years ago

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You're mixing SR1 with 2 I think. Only the first one is still a exclusive to consoles.

7 years ago

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Saints Row is a parody series to begin with, with stereotypes and cliches trown into gang wars. Same could be said about GTA which parodies and makes fun of America.

7 years ago

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Saints Row 2 wasn't a parody. It had stereotypes, but it wasn't a parody. And people can't possibly compare the 2nd game with the other Saints Row games that looked like bad jokes. I don't get how some people liked the other Saints Row games. :/ Saints Row 2 could easily win over a GTA game, at least in my opinion.

7 years ago

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Nah their all good.

7 years ago

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The first title that jumped to mind was The Saboteur, but after looking it's no longer on Steam! Boo. It's on Origin, not currently on sale.

How old are we talking? Assassin's Creed 4 was great, came out in 2013. Currently 50% off.

Mafia 2 from 2010 is 75% off. This was a great game but arguably shouldn't have been an open world.

7 years ago

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Played Mafia 2 and enjoyed it soo much. I'm unlucky that I can't get Mafia 1 on Steam. Also I dont like Assassin's Creed games, didn't played any before. Just watched videos and got bored.

7 years ago

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Somebody here from SG managed to trade for a copy of Mafia last year. He wouldn't say what he paid for it but I'm sure it was a small fortune :D

7 years ago

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there's open trade of first Mafia in collectors group for 225 keys

7 years ago

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Yeah, I estimated it would be somewhere in that region. But it was really cute to watch. Probably most people have a Collectors Holy Grail they've been looking for for ages, whether it is a videogame, a comic or something else and it was adorable seeing him get his :D

7 years ago

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"I don't like Assassin's Credd games"
"didn't played any before"

....if you've never played them before, how do you know you don't like them?

7 years ago

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I saw them at my friends when I was a child and it wasnt interesting for me. Still getting bored while watching it. I dont know if I'll like it when I play.

7 years ago

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Torrent it, same with The Sabouter, both are absolutely worth it.

7 years ago

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There is a legitimate way to get The Saboteur, why would you suggest him to pirate it?

7 years ago

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Well watching is generaly boring , if you were to play them yourself, you would have more fun, torrent them first to see if you're right.

7 years ago

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The Saboteur is on GOG as well, if someone prefers DRM-free

7 years ago

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The Saboteur doesn't work if you have more than 4 cpu cores :(

7 years ago

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"[...] The Saboteur, but after looking it's no longer on Steam! [...]"
Don't feel too sad, just disappointed -- although it has an AppID, it was never released on Steam.

7 years ago

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That's odd, I thought it was an old enough EA game to have been on Steam. Like Dragon Age Origins. Personally I played Saboteur on the X360.

7 years ago

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Mafia 1, Just Cause 1 and 2, all GTA games, Saint Row the 3rd, Far Cry 1/2/3... Sleeping Dogs... State of decay...

7 years ago

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Mafia 1 for sure!

7 years ago

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It will be hard to... buy, though.

7 years ago

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Yep it's really hard to find and buy it since it removed store. :/

7 years ago

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Amazon? Ebay? The game is a true gem worth looking for :P

7 years ago

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Disk copies go for 10-15 bucks usually.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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Just saying because I saw you asking multiple time why you are blacklisted yesterday:
Advocating piracy isn't a particulary good idea here on SG. Nobody really cares what you do at home but advertising it isn't a particularly smart thing to do. Everybody here knows piracy is an option. It's not like you're telling them anything new here.

7 years ago

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Dude, I even made a spoiler. so it won't look like advertise, BUT no some person still says that I am advertising piracy. Piracy is one of the best options nowadays, cuz developers now are too lazy to make good,finished products. Look how many Early access games are there in steam for 4+ years.

7 years ago

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I'm not getting into a piracy debate. Not worth my time and effort. Check one of my public GAs and see if I blacklisted you.
I was just trying to help you since I find all that "Why am I blacklisted?" complaining in general rather annoying.

7 years ago

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ok, sry I misunderstood u :(

7 years ago

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Don't worry about it.

7 years ago

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Does that really matter? There are plenty of ways of finding out whether a game is worth playing or not. And Early Access is an Early Access because there is always a chance that the game may remain unfinished, which is why it is not advertised as a finished product.

7 years ago

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Happy cake day! ;)

7 years ago

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Morrowind is a fantasy game, but may be a bit hard to learn because of its age. Oblivion and Skyrim are much easier to learn and while they're both great games, Morrowind I think has the most interesting setting.
I recommend the whole set.

7 years ago

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Played Skyrim for long hours, loved it soo much. But I don't know about others.

7 years ago

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I second Morrowind... It's graphics and UI are a little dated but that can be helped with a few mods. Morrowind was the game of my young life. I will forever buy any TES game in the future simply because of Morrowind. There's a lot more reading and trying to find your own way then the hand-holding of skyrim/oblivion. But it is definitely worth it if you're interested in "old" open world games.

7 years ago

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Morrowind is a must. You have to play it. Try playing it vanilla tho if you can't then mod it.

7 years ago

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They're earlier entries in the Elder Scrolls series so you'll recognize many features like some of the Skyrim books were ported over from those games and you'll hear about the same nations, races, and religions. If you liked Skyrim, you should like those as well. Just have to say again that Oblivion will be more similar to your Skyrim experience, while Morrowind is an older style (for example it took me a while to get used to the game rolling dice behind the scenes to see if you hit an enemy when you swing your sword instead of the skyrim/oblivion system where if you swing at the right spot it just hits)

7 years ago

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It was a great jorney at that time. Laaarge world, great music and explorong! But gameplay is much harder than Skyrim or Oblivion. Now in games you have a marker on your map and compass, and its not hard to find something. But in Morrowind quests says "somewhere north-east" :)

7 years ago*

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It's not for PC, but Red Dead Redemption was probably the most satisfying open-world experience in my life.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Can I play it without a console ? I don't think so :(

7 years ago

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Yes, Through PS Now.

7 years ago

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You'd still need a PS controller though

7 years ago

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Sony claim only the DS4 is compatible but so are the DS3 and Xbox 360 controllers amongst others. Regardless of what controllers are supported it can still be played without a console.

7 years ago

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Amazing game! I still have to finish Undead Nightmare the next time I set up my 360. But curse those filthy, illusive beavers!
(required for the Icarus sidequest)

7 years ago

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Borderlands (even if 2 is probably better), The Witcher, Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition are all ones that are good and I think fit your time stamp.

7 years ago

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I thought Dark Souls and the first Witcher game weren't open world - am I wrong?

7 years ago

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The first Witcher has zones (loading screens between areas), but it feels fairly open. If you're willing to try it, check YouTube for swordplay tutorials. Otherwise, it takes time to get used to the combat and you may feel frust4rated. (I know I did, until I eventually figured it out.)

7 years ago

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The first dark soul's game is nearly complete open world in the VERY traditional definition (where each and every area interconnects with near no loading zones, ignoring the first zone and Anor Londo), with the following two games being very similar and definitely are open world.

7 years ago

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I checked Witcher 2 before and I saw it doesnt work good. Is Witcher 1 fine ?

7 years ago

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For me Witcher 1 is one of the best game of the last decade. Anyway, most people playing it nowadays for the very first time usually do not like it that much.

Did anyone mentioned Gothic 1 and Gothic 2 yet?

And something that is not OpenWorld but OpenUniverse: X3: Terran Conflict

7 years ago

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You mean old like never winter nights one and two? I think you could consider those open world sadly steam doesn't sale.

Dragon age? But I don't consider that old gah I am feeling old if it is.

7 years ago

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I miss my NWN persistent worlds.... (

7 years ago

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I know! I wish they would bring the old ones to steam. I have them on cds. OOOO remake them and the dlc's on steam I would be all grabby hands for that.

7 years ago

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I don't think Dragon Age counts. Only the towns are "open", everything else happens inside closed scenarios, and even some of the open towns become unaccessible when you finish the main quests there.

As for NWN, honestly it's been so long since I played that I don't even remember how the world works. I think it was semi-open

7 years ago

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The Gun.

7 years ago

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If you did GTA3, why not do the first open-city crime simulator, something that came out before GTA3?
(No other store carries it, sadly. But at least it is cheap and DRM free!)

Other possible mentions are Mafia 1, El Matador (a half-decent GTA clone), or for historical value, True Crime: Streets of LA (which is a hilariously terrible GTA clone). Also, Manhunt to see how insanely sadistic savages the GTA creators actually were.

7 years ago

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Manhunt isn't open world, and you forgot to mentioned True Crime: New York, loved that game even if it was a mess, I loved it.

7 years ago

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http://store.steampowered.com/search/?sort_by=Reviews_DESC&tags=1695 or
Thats for a start. check it out. you can see the release date on the preview screen
Recommendation Already so many on top ^^
take anything GOTY. :P
Fallout 3 GOTY
Fallout Vegas
Lego and FF series
Dead rising series
DARK SOUL series
Assasin Creed series
divinity series
etc. too many to mention.

7 years ago*

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If GTA III so Vice City and San Andreas... Mafia I and Mafia II, The Saboteur, Gun.

7 years ago

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Played all other GTAs. I just didnt finish 1 2 & 3. Also finished Mafia 2 and cannot find Mafia 1 for good price. Maybe I'll buy Gun but The Saboteur is so expensive for now. Thanks

7 years ago

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Finish 3. And maybe put some mods in it, GTA games can be fantastically modded.

7 years ago

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Sleeping Dogs, unsure when it came out tho.

7 years ago

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Off the top of my head, the original Mafia was something special.
Also, Morrowind is still the best Elder Scrolls game to this day

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Mount & Blade: Warband

7 years ago

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Gothic 1,2, Gothic 3 (with community patch). Also Risen 1,2 (the worst of the mentioned ones, but still ok if you like the other mentioned games),3.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Gothic 1, Gothic 2 with Night Of The Raven expansion, Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 1 and 2, Demon Souls, Final Fantasy X, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, TES Morrowind with Expansion, TES Oblivion with Shivering Isles(It's great!).

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I'll check all thanks so much

7 years ago

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Batman: Arkham City is more open-world than Asylum, but I highly recommend playing them in the order they were released~!
Here's a great price for the series: https://www.bundlestars.com/en/bundle/batman-complete-bundle

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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red faction 👌

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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i didn't even play it because i disliked how they changed the game style xD

7 years ago

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Bully: Scholarship Edition obviously. It's a masterpiece. <3

7 years ago

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I'm gonna start it when I finish GTA 3

7 years ago

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Glad to hear that. It's such an awesome game.

7 years ago

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Driver: Parallel Lines

7 years ago

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+1!!! And Driver San Francisco too.

7 years ago

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I've did not had the chance to play the Driver San Francisco :( but Parallel Lines is great lol

7 years ago

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Kingdoms of Amalur it's past your time frame but a very good game

7 years ago*

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+1 wonderful game

7 years ago

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I just got through playing Shadow of Mordor. It's simply amazing. Must play.

7 years ago

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M&B Warband.


(beta was best)

7 years ago

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Played them alot thanks anyway

7 years ago

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L.A. Noire... but it's 2011...

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by doguscank.