I get at least 3-4 people a week adding me out of the blue to beg for TF2 items, or at least make trading offers totally unsolicited. This in spite of my profile insisting that I don't want to trade. What's worse, I've even been cussed out for refusing to discuss trade offers. To put that in perspective, it's happened more than once that someone has added me out of the blue, then begged unsolicited for my stuff, then cussed me out for saying no. Edit: I'm not always polite in refusing offers (I figure my freaking profile text is more than enough fair warning) but I think it takes some true audacity to message people unsolicited seeking their stuff, then cuss them out.

Does everyone have that problem? Am I sitting on some valuable item I'm not aware of? Surely it can't be just me getting a ton of unsolicited offers. I'm almost to the point of making my inventory private, but I don't want to have to go through the hassle of remembering to switch between public and private every time I make a giveaway here.

Does everyone on Steam have problems like this?

Edit: I gifted my TF2 inventory to a close friend who plays TF2. thanks to everyone for the advice on figuring out which items were "valuable" enough to attract beggars. Still interested in hearing your own experiences, though!

12 years ago*

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But you do have a G: Three Rune Blade, which is worth quite a lot in the Genuine side of things. But either than that its probably because you dont play the game, and all the 12yearolds are jealous of your items,

12 years ago

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Well most people that add me do so because I regularly trade. I assume that people want your witcher genuines, which are not awfully expensive but are still cool. Just sell them or give them away and people will most definitely stop adding you.

12 years ago

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That's just it, I'm not a big trader either, or I wouldn't begrudge people looking for trades. Good to know what item it is in particular, though, maybe I'll give it to a friend.

12 years ago

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Yeah that's why I said you could also give them away. I'm pretty sure you know at least one person who plays, and if you don't you can always use tf2raffle.

12 years ago

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I'd rather not use any website associated with TF2 items; don't want to get even more people looking for 'em finding me.

On that note, how do I get so many people asking me? Are there really so many people who just search random strangers' inventories looking for interesting items, or might I be mistakenly on some kind of list somewhere?

12 years ago

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I have no idea. Maybe people from this very site or any other steam related site you might be registered in. Some people tend to look for people who don't play the game and hence don't know the value of their items to shark them.

12 years ago

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I think? you're allowed to have multiple Steam accounts? If so, create another one JUST for TF2 items. Send those items to the alt account and then raffle them off or whatever. Since it's not your main account, you wouldn't have to worry about people pestering you for items if you did decide to raffle them off or whatever.

12 years ago

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Never had it happen, of course i don't have tf2 so ....

12 years ago

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Never happened to me, that's odd o_O

12 years ago

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People wanted my summer cooler from 2010, so one day I decided to just get on tf2 so the item would disappear and the problem would go away

12 years ago

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Yup, it happens every once in a while. I used to play TF2 a while ago but not anymore, yet I'm not interested in trading my stuff, but at the same time nothing in this life is free so I'm not giving anything.

12 years ago

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news flash, you won 4 games for free.

12 years ago

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Well, they were free for me, seeing as how they come from preorder bonuses mostly and I didn't really care about that particular bonus.

Easy come easy go, I say.

12 years ago

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just you

12 years ago

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Every once in a while when I'm inactive from TF2 people try to trade me for my crates. Its because all of the trading FAQs for TF2 recommend getting items from inactive ppl.

12 years ago

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It use to happen to me quite often. They check your profile and see you don't play TF2 so add you to take all your items for nothing. I find it pathetic and insulting.

12 years ago

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Nope, never happened to me O.o

12 years ago

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so.. put your inventory as private, end of story. or raffle your items in Tf2raffle.com

12 years ago

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I'm a fierce advocator of a magic rule forbidding children younger than 12 from using the internet. I bet my broken carcass that most of the ones who annoy you fall under that category.

12 years ago

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It's your TF2 inventory , you only have genuine items tradable and people think you don't have an use for them and give it to them.

12 years ago

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Just give your items away to someone who plays TF2, someone that you think is worthy and not beggy. lol

Then your problems will go away.

Chances are that they are using a certain website that is commonly used to find profiles with valuable items, but little to no hours in TF2..
Which in this case, you are a "perfect target".

12 years ago

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I'm not sure what's worse, the existence of websites meant to target people for begging, or the fact that I'm not particularly surprised by that.

at some point we're allowed to just end the human race and start over, right?

12 years ago

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Yeah happened to me a lot, mainly it was "girl gamers" trying to use there picture that showed some clevage to get what they wanted. Normally at the end after I tell them no or make and offer they'll refuse IE tf2 items for such and such game they go on about how I have a small dick and no woman will want me etc etc haha, I just ignore random requests now and then block them after

12 years ago

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people add you because you have genuine items but only have 1 hour on tf2. they see that you never use it/dont have any use for it. if i was you i would sell them for keys and then use the keys to buy steam games

12 years ago

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asians have to make money somehow. Trading tf2 items seems to be the most popular other than working in apple factories

12 years ago

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you go boy, way to represent Australians.

12 years ago

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Added for begging purposes :D

Kidding. If you don't play tf2 and don't intend to, just give them to a friend and you won't be bothered anymore.

12 years ago

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I would recommend you to keep the items if you are ever going to play TF2, else just give them away to someone you can trust.

12 years ago

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Yes I get that a lot. I also find it absolutely infuriating when the person starts swearing at me for refusing. I have also never been rude when I told them I didn't want to. My text consisted of smileys and "No thankyou", or "please". I've now also gotten to the point where I mentioned in my profile description that I don't want people adding me for trades, yet the requests still come in. I don't think these people just want our valuable items because they find them fun or anything. They just lurk on the trading forums and want to trade our valuable items for other things. It makes no sense and I've now reached my brink xD I now tell them that they're dickheads or to fuck off if they cuss me out. It's bonkers xD Rant over

12 years ago

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I got added in-game to trade, but he wanted to trade a non-tradeable item i had (achievement hat) and i said i couldn't so i broke up the trade... he kept spamming me with trade invites and then he made a vote to ban me :3 (he got banned though ;) so you can see, it happens quite alot

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by SandyGunfox.