The final version of the mod, restoring all broken (or cut) content of KOTOR 2: the Sith Lords was released today through official Deadlystream forums.

Restored is all that messed the gaming process - quests, characters, lots of scenes - and ending as well. Huge work has been done by the team of enthusiasts and I can't say how happy I am now!

For those not familiar with this mode: "This mod's intention is to restore much of the cut content to The Sith Lords, that was lost to the main game due to a rush to release the game. This rush also left the game with a plethora of bugs (some of which also blocked out content, so not everything restored was really "cut", for example the quest 'Corrun Falt'), this mod should seriously decrease the buginess that plagued TSL.
Overall, our goal is to make the KOTOR2:TSL experience closest as possible for us (as modders can do) as Obsidian originally intended it to be..."

Now we gotta get KOTOR 2 on Steam and wait for M4-78EP.

Personally although I have a hard (4 cds) copy of KOTOR 2 - I would love to get it on Steam as well. CAUSE IT'S AWESOME, especially with TSLRCM.

12 years ago*

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They released it finally? Awesome. Thought it stopped development but now maybe I should install and replay KOTOR 2 again.

12 years ago

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Team Gizzka screwed it up, but (if I'm not mistaken) Deadlystream Team was not connected with Team Gizzka.

Personally I played much earlier version of TSLRCM 1.4 and it already awesome back then. A lot of things that were blurred, suddenly appeared in different color - the whole game became so clear - regarding the plot, characters... Can't wait to play 1.8 now!!! ^_^

12 years ago

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I wouldn't be shocked to see it show up on Steam sometime soon. It's just been rereleased in a retail bundle that might make its way to digital outlets at some point.

I might have to revisit this at some point. The KOTOR games are some of my all-time favorites. I played through one of the various "fix the missing content" mods a few years back, but it looks like significant progress has been made since then.

12 years ago

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This mod is simply huge - not in size, but in scope, it restores a lot of content.

Regarding the scope I can compare it only with VTMB: unofficial patch only.

12 years ago

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And please note, if you ever heard about some sort of prior KOTOR2 restoration mod, THIS IS NOT THAT GROUP. That old group was Team Gizka, a worthless group of conceited chumps who never put out anything worth a shit and strung people along for years.

This is an entirely new group, and I've already played an older version of this mod and it is awesome. Enjoy!

12 years ago

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With people acting like this, it's no wonder Team Gizka didn't put anything out.
I played the leaked beta, and while it wasn't perfect (being a BETA and all) it was nice. But when you have people hounding them for stuff and constantly calling 'bullshit', then what do you really expect?

12 years ago

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Yeah, it's not like those people are using their time and knowledge to provide something they're not required to do at all...or even make a game better for you to play. sigh some people...

12 years ago

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You two are obviously clueless about what all occurred with that group. You can spend your own free time working on a community project, and not be a totally conceited group of douches sitting up on your throne acting like you are all high and mighty.

12 years ago

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Thats awesome news! Long long time in the making. And yes, kotOR II needs to go on steam because I only own it on Xbox so atm I can't experience this great mod.

12 years ago

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So, I jest M4-78EP is not yet compatible with this, and they didn't include it...

Still, I'ma go and see what changes they did this time, the latest build before this was so amazing, it even brought an ending to the game. You know, the one thing that kept it away from being about as good as the first game. It was still a bit primitive and "underdeveloped", but it was an ending, and I loved it.

Just a quick question, will we be able to use Steam Greenlight for this? I'd love to participate in a campaign so they bring it here. And if you really want dreams to come true, let Obsidian restore these contents too, with (preferably) or without this awesome bunch of guys. Looking at your ugly face now, Lucasarts.

12 years ago

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Regarding M4-78 EP according to this thread:

"We've got a new version of a beta - finally containing some proper side quests, side characters, some VOs, this sort of thing - and it was released to testers few days ago. Along with that, we've got some new people on the beta team, so I'm very much looking forward to reading new guys' impressions.

What's left to do? Finishing some side-quests. Quite possibly adding one or two more. Maybe another side-character to talk to. Then there's VO recording. And of course fixing any issues that still exist in game (and ones that don't exist yet). Plus some other surprises."

And yeah, if KOTOR 2 is not released through Steam while released via Amazon these days, then Steam Greenlight would be an option.

12 years ago

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They're recording VO's for it? Uh, I sure hope it's not as bad as the ones for that other mod with the added sidequests and additional team member... Anyway, They should not do too much for it, since it's a completely droid-ish planet, so just recycle the ones that exist in the game ot begin with, and add some dialog. Then maybe recover some selkath sounds from the first KOTOR to add some "VO's" for the hidden selkath on the level.

Or maybe they're thinking about giving the protocol droids some VOs... Well that sounds actually interesting. Just don't record it with a $2 poppy microphone and it's good.

12 years ago

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Is there any way to get this game as a digital download? I own KOTOR on steam but I'd like to get this one as well.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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do you guys have heard anything kotor mods and what you would recommend?

Well, I COULD make entirely new topic about it...

12 years ago

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do you mean KOTOR 1 or KOTOR 2??

12 years ago

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димко не по теме, можешь посоветовать как в Faerie Solitaire найти все яйца питомцев, не могу достижения выполнить связанные с ними))

12 years ago

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яйца там случайно выпадают. поэтому нужно для начала пройти сюжет, потом все challenges и потом играть рандомные игры.

12 years ago

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спасибо, а то всю игру с удовольствием прошел, и две последние ачивки выбить не могу +rep!!

12 years ago

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I was so sad to the the original proeject shutdown. Now I finally have a reason to reinstall Kotor 2 :)

12 years ago

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Finally 1.8, yay! :D

12 years ago

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looks like that Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic I and II PC Bundle Pack is out at lest on amazon and it is on DVD :)

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I'll eventually play this, but I have too many games to play.

Maybe if they release kotor 2 on steam.

12 years ago

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Oh my, I shall have to download this mod! Picked up KOTOR 2 many years ago for about £1.80 :D

12 years ago

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Okay, must download now. Thanks for the heads up OP

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Dimmmkko.