You should try the demo on the chrome store, if you want your own opinion. I've tested it quickly, and it's a fun game ^^
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Get it. It would be worth the full price even for the one copy. And especially now, with basically $6 for it. GET IT.
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Ermagawd. It's just a lame Minecraft Clone. Ever since minecraft invented the survival genre everybody's been jumping on the bandwagon. Just like how COD invented the shooter genre, now everybody's doing it!
Seriously though I haven't played it but it looks very promising. Tempted to get it but I have my Autumn sales backlog to deal with.
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Ah, and COD DID invent the shooter genre!
Learn 2 sarcasm pls :(
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Lol ur such a fag. I bet you cant even 360noscope.
((C0d360N05c0p34PwnN0085)) 4life
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Survival games are fun so people make them to make money.
CoD invented the sh!tty shooters, Doom and Halo made/revitalized shooters.
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Apart from the fact that it's quite obvious that he was being sarcastic. The firs two CoD games and CoD 1's expansion were brilliant. Much more than Halo, Halo is not even a good shooter.
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That's a matter of opinion. I play Halo for the story and I think it's a great game, there are some flaws but I still play it more for story...
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Well I disliked it. I guess it's a matter of opinion as you said.
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Have they given an estimated time they'll finish it by?
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I shall try my best to get a mate to buy a copy so i get a copy for free.
It's how I got Portal 2 and FEAR3 and Dungeon Defenders and EYE Cybermancy etc. :D
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and The Ship and Saints Row 3 and Red Faction Armageddon and King Arthur RPG....
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It looks really good. Most interesting game of the year for me. Just needs some more end-game content, it seems. I'd love to get it, but I have not the money right now. Which is a shame, because the price seems damn good, especially since you get a copy for a friend.
In my opinion, it looks like the next Minecraft. I loved Minecraft originally because it felt like a great survival game, but it doesn't feel that way anymore. If they can keep the survival feel in Don't Starve and add even more content in the future, it'll be amazing.
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They update it every 2 weeks max. And by "update" I mean new creatures, weapons, stuff like that ^^
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I suppose when it gets released, new content won't be released as often as now, so no worries probably
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My friend gave me his extra copy of Don't Starve and it's an interesting game. The art style is... Different... Which is what sets it apart, it's challenging to maintain survival and remember to eat as most games don't require you to eat at all. I enjoy the game but every time I die, I rage and just quit the game because it pisses me off (just like terraria does).
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I've played Terraria more but I rage on it too much... Like any time I frickin lose all my frickin stuff when I was in a corruption area...
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Hahahah, me too, I just Alt+F4 when I die xD When I calm down, I just create new world and start all over again xD
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I think the art style looks similar to Deathspank.
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I thought it was okay.
It's currently in beta so the issues I have with mouse control are not totally relevant. I played for thre or four hours but will await the full release for any further play as my most recent death struck me as immense bullshit - again, mouse issues undoubtedly to be resolved in the future.
It's got a lot of potential though, even if it is a little vague on how the game actually works. There's no real introduction to speak of, but that can be part of the charm.
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I've played it and my opinion is that its somewhat overrated. Its a good game, but I wouldn't pay over $5 for it.
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it starts out... incredibly. after the initial "wtf am i doing" and quick deaths, you learn to really struggle to survive. Then, it gets too easy, though i did play mostly (about 50 hours in 4 days.. yep!) before the dogs and ranged weaps, which admittedly are directed at addressing that stage of the game. But, thats just it- after that it seems too settled. raising farms, ranged weaps, fancy hats, artificial lighting, it seems too far removed from the initial awesomeness of just roughing it outdoors.
So, idk, if i like the direction the game is going as it goes further into development. But, it sure was AWESOME for a while. Also, i learned that there have been games like this in the past but oh well they still have their own spin on it.
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As times goes by, they're adding more features to address the 50+ days boredom... Last patch put in the Krampus, that smashes your chests and steals your equipment. I'd really like to see a plague of locusts to mess with our crops :P
Also remember that there isn't still any kind of story, nor a main goal, but they've said it will be there when the game gets out of beta.
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Its fun, but needs to be worked more and adding more features, lol at those who said waste of time -.-
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People need to understand it's still in beta and it's like 4 months until the set release date. Don't you rememeber Minecraft? :P Anyway, I suggest you try it out. I've had a blast even and there's content patches every couple of days. And if people want to buy it it's like $11.99 on their homepage and you should still get two keys if I'm not right. So yeah, buy it, it's a fun game.
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Believe me, It's an awesome game.All people who say its boring are just don't know how to play it.
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What do you think of Don't Starve?? I've been entering giveaways, haven't won yet. Might get it with Christmas money. What are your opinions of the game?
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