Didn't see a dedicated topic for it, so if the info is included in another already ongoing Humble thread and this thread right here is redundant, point me to it and I will gladly delete this thread.

A week ago I got an Email that reads:
"Humble Choice member,

Starting next month on November 7, we’ll be retiring the Humble Games Collection membership perk. On that day, you’ll no longer be able to access games from the Collection through the Humble desktop app for Windows PC, though you will still be able to access the DRM-free titles available in the Vault.

We’re regularly evaluating our offerings in light of the ever-evolving landscape of gaming and what matters most to our Choice members.

Going forward we’ll be continuing to focus on curating great games that are yours to own, offering you exclusive Humble Store discounts, seeking out unique special offers we think you’ll enjoy, and looking for ways to bring Choice members the best entertainment value we can.

–The Humble team"

Now, for me as a non-native english speaker, the first paragraph is a little vague. What exactly are they retiring?
Apparently, the "Humble Games Collection" is made up of "original Humble Games titles", so their self-released games by Humble/IGN. Although we're still loosing something, this would not be thaaaaaaat bad of a deal as we're loosing around 50+ games.
But they connect it with the desktop app, so it could also be interpreted as that we only lose access to those games via the desktop app, but can still access them via the vault, since those games are also DRM-free.

1 year ago*

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"What made us Humble Bundle back in the day, promoting DRM-Free games, is not who we are now. Expect all games to be digital keys only going forward, and the problems you've had getting keys replaced are going to be compounded as we strive to make more money with less overhead."

1 year ago

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Pfft. Wow. Humble Bundle really is something else these days.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

1 year ago

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Closed 10 months ago by AmanoTC.