Mystery Goldrush Bundle

17 Jul 2019 - 14 Aug 2019

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1 - $1.00 | €1.05 | £0.95 | CA$1.29 | AU$1.49 | RUB79
2 - $1.89 | €1.99 | £1.79 | CA$2.49 | AU$2.85 | RUB148
3 - $2.79 | €2.95 | £2.65 | CA$3.69 | AU$4.25 | RUB219
4 - $3.59 | €3.79 | £3.39 | CA$4.79 | AU$5.45 | RUB281
5 - $4.39 | €4.65 | £4.19 | CA$5.85 | AU$6.69 | RUB344
6 - $4.99 | €5.29 | £4.75 | CA$6.65 | AU$7.59 | RUB391
7 - $5.55 | €5.89 | £5.29 | CA$7.39 | AU$8.45 | RUB435
8 - $6.09 | €6.49 | £5.79 | CA$8.09 | AU$9.29 | RUB477
9 - $6.59 | €6.99 | £6.25 | CA$8.79 | AU$9.99 | RUB516
10 - $9.99 | €10.69 | £9.55 | CA$12.99 | AU$15.59 | RUB740

Simply pick from one to nine gold nuggets, and you’ll have the chance to unearth popular AAA and Indie Steam keys from leading publishers and developers.

Better still, if you choose to purchase the Diamond tier, you’ll receive 10 Steam games and a guaranteed diamond-grade Steam key. Incredible games can be found throughout all the tiers of the Mystery Goldrush Bundle, but the Diamond tier will guarantee a top title!

Mystery Goldrush Bundle - Diamond and Gold tier games explained

💎 💎 💎 The chart for the Diamond Tier game is here. 💎 💎 💎

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
10 Second Ninja X 90% of 51 🏆 1.50 CV app/435790 W 7 $9.99
Hidden Object Bundle 4 in 1 92% of 121 - 1.20 CV app/347610 W 6 $7.99
Flashing Lights 70% of 1871 - - 2.25 CV app/605740 W M 2 $14.99
Tracks - The Train Set Game 91% of 311 - - 3.00 CV app/657240 W 2 $19.99
Batman: Arkham Knight 79% of 23380 🏆 19.99 CV app/208650 W 1 $19.99
PAYDAY 2: Ultimate Edition No user reviews (Included game has cards) - 0 CV sub/184279 0 $ -
Fantasy Versus 80% of 356 🏆 1.05 CV app/787400 W 2 $6.99
LEGO Worlds 76% of 10311 - 🏆 4.50 CV app/332310 W 1 $29.99
Jump Stars 43% of 21 - 🏆 1.50 CV app/486990 W 5 $9.99
Rescue Team 7 93% of 15 - 🏆 1.05 CV app/666050 W 2 $6.99
Shoppe Keep 68% of 1780 🏆 0.75 CV app/381120 W M L 4 $4.99
Alter Army 80% of 10 - - 0.75 CV ⚙️ app/602300 W 2 $4.99
VelocityUltra 85% of 81 🏆 1.50 CV app/244890 W 8 $9.99
Heavy Burger 100% of 16 - 🏆 1.20 CV ⚙️ app/922250 W M 1 $7.99
The Town of Light 80% of 759 🏆 2.85 CV app/433100 W 3 $18.99
Manual Samuel 82% of 531 🏆 1.50 CV app/504130 W M L 10 $9.99
Oriental Empires 77% of 1445 🏆 4.50 CV app/357310 W 2 $29.99
Porcunipine 92% of 38 🏆 1.50 CV app/352620 W M 9 $9.99
Bad Dream: Coma 92% of 497 - 🏆 1.35 CV app/538070 W M 4 $8.99
Iron Fisticle 87% of 208 🏆 1.35 CV app/306700 W 3 $8.99
Dark Strokes: The Legend of the Snow Kingdom Collector’s Edition 100% of 21 - - 1.35 CV app/765690 W 1 $8.99
Adam Wolfe - All Episodes (Episodes 1-4) No user reviews (Included game has cards) - 3.00 CV sub/126575 6 $19.99
Serial Cleaner 86% of 164 - 🏆 2.25 CV app/522210 W M L 13 $14.99
Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth 54% of 10654 🏆 6.00 CV app/65980 W M L 2 $39.99
Naval Warfare 54% of 166 - - 0.00 CV ☠ app/98500 W 15 $2.99
Hue 94% of 338 - 🏆 2.25 CV app/383270 W M L 9 $14.99
Mad Max 89% of 24371 🏆 3.00 CV app/234140 W M L 5 $19.99
Pumped BMX + 90% of 109 - 🏆 1.50 CV app/392070 W 8 $9.99
Stikbold! 88% of 125 🏆 1.50 CV app/429330 W M 5 $9.99
Lust for Darkness 70% of 957 🏆 2.25 CV app/523650 W 1 $14.99
Gauntlet Slayer Edition No user reviews (Included game has cards) - 19.99 CV sub/51739 2 $19.99
Laser Disco Defenders 88% of 41 🏆 1.50 CV app/452920 W M 1 $9.99
Wings of Vi 85% of 840 🏆 2.25 CV app/318530 W 3 $14.99
Qora 72% of 175 🏆 1.50 CV app/304460 W M 7 $9.99
The Little Acre 85% of 282 🏆 1.95 CV app/423590 W M L 8 $12.99
Valnir Rok 58% of 545 - 🏆 3.00 CV app/658980 W 3 $19.99
Stealth Bastard Deluxe 88% of 477 🏆 1.50 CV app/209190 W M L 12 $9.99
Snake Pass 87% of 633 🏆 3.00 CV app/544330 W 2 $19.99
BeeFense 72% of 18 - - 0.75 CV app/609990 W 3 $4.99
Jalopy 78% of 4269 🏆 2.25 CV app/446020 W 4 $14.99
Batman: Arkham City GOTY 94% of 18070 🏆 3.00 CV app/200260 W M 4 $19.99
Perfect Universe 92% of 14 - 🏆 1.50 CV app/405720 W 9 $9.99
Prehistoric Tales 76% of 30 🏆 0.45 CV app/466780 W 6 $2.99
Circuit Breakers 78% of 28 🏆 1.05 CV app/390870 W M L 4 $6.99
Smoke and Sacrifice 79% of 105 - 🏆 3.00 CV app/695100 W 3 $19.99
Explodemon 74% of 31 - 🏆 1.35 CV app/281820 W 8 $8.99
Rad Rodgers 83% of 24 🏆 3.00 CV app/805660 W 2 $19.99
The Flame in the Flood 75% of 1679 🏆 0.00 CV ☠ app/318600 W M 10 $14.99
Dad Quest 91% of 59 - 🏆 1.95 CV app/524250 W 1 $12.99
Middle-earth: Shadow of War 78% of 18400 🏆 49.99 CV app/356190 W 0 $49.99
The Low Road 77% of 83 🏆 2.25 CV app/603700 W M L 1 $14.99
Rush for Glory 57% of 19 - 🏆 2.25 CV app/303470 W 12 $14.99
Learn Japanese To Survive - Hiragana Battle 93% of 1223 - 1.05 CV app/438270 W M 4 $6.99
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection No user reviews (Included games have cards) - 0.90 CV sub/322690 0 $6.02
LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens 77% of 1380 - 🏆 19.99 CV app/438640 W M 1 $19.99
Endless Legend - Classic Edition No user reviews (Base game has cards) - 0.00 CV app/297800 0 $ -
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition 95% of 12935 🏆 3.00 CV app/35140 W 14 $19.99
Badminton Warrior 86% of 14 - - 9.99 CV ⚙️ app/956360 W M 0 $9.99
Stealth Inc 2 70% of 65 🏆 0.00 CV ☠ app/329380 W 8 $14.99
Shtriga: Summer Camp 70% of 20 🏆 0.60 CV app/560740 W 5 $3.99
Inked 78% of 65 🏆 19.99 CV app/690120 W 0 $19.99
Mafia III 49% of 15059 🏆 6.00 CV app/360430 W M 2 $39.99
BioShock Infinite 95% of 61131 🏆 4.50 CV app/8870 W L 2 $29.99
Hidden Object 6-in-1 bundle 81% of 72 - 1.80 CV app/448400 W 4 $11.99
Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition 85% of 7362 🏆 3.00 CV app/242700 W 13 $19.99
Shoppe Keep 2 63% of 808 🏆 1.50 CV app/684580 W 2 $9.99
Call of Duty 2 90% of 2394 - - 19.99 CV app/2630 W 0 $19.99
Mainlining 80% of 167 - 1.95 CV app/454950 W 5 $12.99
Conarium 80% of 825 🏆 19.99 CV app/313780 W M L 0 $19.99
Construct: Escape the System 83% of 42 🏆 1.20 CV app/497080 W M L 4 $7.99
Kill to Collect 70% of 108 🏆 1.50 CV app/241760 W 1 $9.99
Giana Sisters: Twisted Bundle No user reviews (Included games have cards) - 2.70 CV sub/31710 2 $17.99
Rogue Stormers 66% of 568 🏆 3.00 CV app/299480 W L 2 $19.99

☠ - Game was free at some time and does not grant any CV if given away.
⚙️ - Steam is learning about this game, therefore some features will be limited (no card drops, achievements won't count, the game will not give a +1 to your library etc.) More Changes Addressing Fake Games

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Wondering what games you already own from this bundle? There's an extension/UserScript for that! It's called the RaChart™ Enhancer!

This script enhances the charts by showing you which games you already own from the ones in it. If you own it, the row will be highlighted with a green color.

View attached image.
5 years ago*

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Lootboxrush much?

View Results
[I'll try my luck with 1-9 games] It's probably not worth it, but I'll take take one for the team. At least I can make this chart even bigger than it is.
[Diamond Tier (Buying 10)] My preciousssssssssss... I have faith that the 10th game will be something exceptional. Or not.
[Have games, Want less mystery bundles] The grass Is NOT always greener on the other side, but my chart surely is.
[Not this again...] 'Goldrush' for who exactly? Certainly not for me...
[Go away Mystery bundles] The more you do it, Fanatical, the more loathing you'll get from your customers.
[Potato 1] Mystery bundles are banned on Reddit's GameDeals. When will we ban them from SteamGifts too?
[Potato 2] Honestly, 'all-new games added'? Who are you fooling, Fanatical?

Reserved for chart extension.

5 years ago*

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Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
StarDrive 2 55% of 1622 🏆 29.99 CV app/252450 W M L 0 $29.99
For The King 84% of 5250 🏆 3.00 CV app/527230 W M L 1 $19.99
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam 82% of 18157 🏆 3.75 CV app/418460 W 2 $24.99
Starship Corporation 50% of 327 🏆 19.99 CV app/292330 W 0 $19.99
LEGO Jurassic World 84% of 2134 - 🏆 19.99 CV app/352400 W M 2 $19.99
Circle Empires 85% of 1026 🏆 7.99 CV app/834740 W M L 0 $7.99
Starpoint Gemini Warlords 73% of 2223 🏆 34.99 CV app/419480 W 0 $34.99
Redout: Enhanced Edition 86% of 2439 🏆 5.25 CV app/517710 W 2 $34.99
Sudden Strike 4 70% of 2810 🏆 4.50 CV app/373930 W M L 1 $29.99
Ziggurat 88% of 2372 🏆 2.25 CV app/308420 W M L 2 $14.99
Swag and Sorcery 49% of 1350 🏆 12.99 CV app/929010 W 0 $12.99
LEGO MARVEL Super Heroes 2 77% of 1074 - 🏆 19.99 CV app/647830 W M 0 $19.99
Homeworld Remastered Collection 86% of 5500 🏆 5.25 CV app/244160 W 3 $34.99
HITMAN 2 89% of 6541 🏆 11.99 CV app/863550 W 0 $11.99
Project Highrise 82% of 1796 🏆 3.00 CV app/423580 W M 3 $19.99
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 69% of 41924 🏆 59.99 CV app/289070 W M L 2 $59.99
Porcunipine 92% of 38 🏆 1.50 CV app/352620 W M 9 $9.99
Pandemic Express - Zombie Escape 67% of 1305 - - 14.99 CV app/939510 W 0 $14.99
Observer 82% of 2446 🏆 4.50 CV app/514900 W M L 2 $29.99
Rise of Industry 81% of 1521 🏆 4.50 CV app/671440 W M L 0 $29.99
5 years ago*

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I got Hitman 2 for my diamond tier fwiw

5 years ago

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History repeats itself.
Goldrush bundle weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Mystery >:(

5 years ago

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[ideal]((o(´Θ`)o))ooO(I like this kind of thing.It turns into someone's pleasure at roughly SG.)

[reality](´・Θ・`)ooO([Cucumber 1] I can not afford my wallet now. Priority is given to eating cucumbers.)

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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I tried my hand at this in the past, and I'm not falling for this noise again. There are so many bundle opportunities where I know exactly what I'm getting and can decide for myself if the games are of the value they're being sold for or not. The HB monthly deal is another version of this, and you at least know of one game that will be coming out next month to help you decide if it's a good choice or not. There's no benefit of gambling like this.

5 years ago

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There are so many bundle opportunities where I know exactly what I'm getting and can decide for myself if the games are of the value they're being sold for or not. The HB monthly deal is another version of this, and you at least know of one game that will be coming out next month to help you decide if it's a good choice or not. There's no benefit of gambling like this.

Very true. I'm against this lootbox crap as well.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

5 years ago

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This must be a joke, can't believe it

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

5 years ago

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It seems even worse than the previous mystery bundle

5 years ago

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it is a pretty solid bundle. arkham kgnit. lego worlds payday 2 goty...pretty awesome games

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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lol, do you even realise how lucky you are

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

5 years ago

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The diamond one isn't that great, but there are some games I would like! But I'm not sure if I'll spend money on it. =P Have fun =)

5 years ago

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Rescue Team 7
Shoppe Keep
Alter Army
Velocity Ultra
Heavy Burger
The Town of Light
Manual Samuel
Oriental Empires
Diamond : For The King

5 years ago

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10 game set

1 bad dream coma
2 iron fisticle
3 Dark Strokes The Legend of the Snow Kingdom Collectors Edition
4 Adam Wolfe All Episodes
5 Serial Cleaner
6 Sid Meiers Civilization Beyond Earth
7 Naval Warfare
8 Oriental Empires
9 Hue

10 For The King

---- Crap Bundle

5 years ago

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I'd like numbers 5 and 6, I already have 9 =P
It's not crap for me, but the other games aren't that great.

5 years ago

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Serial Cleaner is a cool game :D

5 years ago

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PAYDAY 2 Ultimate Edition
Batman Arkham Knight
Iron Fisticle
Flashing Lights Police Fire EMS
Stikbold A Dodgeball Adventure
Oriental Empires
Mad Max
Shoppe Keep
Pumped BMX
Rising Storm 2 VIETNAM (diamond Tier)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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actually not that bad imo

5 years ago

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I always seem lucky in mystery boxes :D

5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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Round 2

Naval Warfare
Stikbold A Dodgeball Adventure
Batman Arkham Knight
Lust for Darkness
Gauntlet Slayer Edition
Laser Disco Defenders
Wings of Vi
Pumped BMX
Starship Corporation (diamond Tier)

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Seems like a legit Steam sub, so feel free to create a ticket on it

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Bundles can't be linked to [by SG], and the only store listing for it is in bundle form. Thereby, we've an explanation as to why it wasn't in the list to begin with. Since it exists in package form as well, it may be possible that it could be listed. Either of "Add Game to List" or "Other" will work for the ticket category.

5 years ago

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But there is a package AND a sub, so shouldn't it be possible to add the sub?:

5 years ago

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Package and sub refer to the same thing [>>].
But yes, both a bundle and a package version of the game collection exists and, inherently, the existence of a subID (as used by packages) or appID (as used by individual games/software/DLCs/Movies) is all SG needs to be able to list something on the site. There may be other reasons why SG wouldn't list it, however.

For example, SG has a dislike of manually applying value to listings which aren't fully taken down from the store (as that requires them to continue to manually edit the listing any time any further price changes occur, rather than simply applying the item's last list value a single time). This is something they'd have to do for any item which isn't actively in the store, as delisted items no longer properly return price values when SG attempts to dynamically request such.

With something that is both listed (as a bundle) and unlisted (as a package), Payday 2: Ultimate is in an unusual position. With a complicated situation like that, it's hard to surmise how staff would approach the matter (at least, personally speaking, as I've no clear recollection of a previous staff answer on the matter). As such, why I only offered a noncommital "it may be possible that it could be listed" in the previous comment.

Technically speaking, it's certainly possible, hence why it's likely a good idea to put in that support ticket either way, so as to get a clear answer as to whether staff can push it through or not. :)

5 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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OK, GOT it

5 years ago

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I did a double take there too.
But apparently it includes a “diamond tier” game if you buy 10 keys instead of 9.
(Not sure that this is for me though.)

5 years ago

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yup, the 10th key is the diamond Tier

5 years ago

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the Diamond tier (the 10th game) is supposedly a higher grade title than the other 9, hence the increased price.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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They call the 10th one "diamond tier" so one would assume that you'll get something better for the last game but so far, I haven't seen anything that I'd consider "diamond tier". xD
Which means you can technically get more out of it for about the same amount of money if you just pick the 9 and 3 or 4. :D

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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FYI - Average stats of gold and diamond rated games are not provided or linked to on the store page, but is on their recent Fanatical blog:

Opting for the Diamond tier will give you 10 great games to add to your Steam library, one of which will be a guaranteed top title from inside the mine.

Here are some stats on the Diamond tier games:
Average SRP: $39.82
Average Historical Low: $7.20
Average Total Reviews: 1,600
Average Review Score: 87%

Here's a breakdown of the Gold tier:
Average SRP: $22.05
Average Historical Low: $4.33
Average Total Reviews: 622
Average Review Score: 84%

Choosing one to nine gold nuggets in the Mystery Goldrush Bundle gives you the chance to grab some hidden wonders, with AAA and Indie Steam games all buried deep int the dirt, waiting to be discovered.

Incredible games can be found throughout all the tiers of the Mystery Goldrush Bundle, but the Diamond tier will guarantee a top title!

I would take this with a grain of salt until we collect our own sample of game drops (thanks so much Lilly!).

A few other warnings about these stats:

  • We don't know what the drop chance of any given game is, as its possible that certain games could have different drop rates/chances.

  • We don't know if SRP or Historical Low are specific to Fanatical, Steam, or all stores. If it is specific to Fanatical or Steam, then this would make the Historical Low higher than what ITAD would report

  • If Fanatical excluded review scores deemed by Steam to have "too few reviews" to give a % score, then this would distort the average review score. We also don't know if 0 reviews is included or excluded from the average # of reviews.

If you must have something to compare these stats to, I took Fanatical's last mystery bundle's drops, and put together 3 of the 4 stats - Take these with a grain of salt too as this doesn't consider drop rates by game:

Average SRP: $12.71

Average Total Reviews: 3573

Average Review Score: 76%

5 years ago*

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The Little Acre
Adam Wolfe All Episodes Episodes 1-4
Batman Arkham City Game of the Year Edition
Valnir Rok Survival RPG
Stealth Bastard Deluxe
Snake Pass
Alter Army
Diamond : LEGO Jurassic World

5 years ago

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Alter Army
Mad Max
Batman: Arkham City GOTY
Perfect Universe
Naval Warfare
Tracks - The Train Set Game
Circle Empires (diamond tier)

5 years ago

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Noo, I can't decide which poll answer to pick! :D

[Not this again...] 'Goldrush' for who exactly? Certainly not for me...


[Go away Mystery bundles] The more you do it, Fanatical, the more loathing you'll get from your customers.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Going by my wishlist, these Diamond-Tier games are pretty good. But I own too many of the mid-level titles to get any satisfaction from this, so I'll just watch from the sidelines.

5 years ago

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I like some of the games so far, but it's too expensive to risk for me. I'd rather go buy those games =P

5 years ago

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Got the Diamond Tier one

Starpoint Gemini Warlords -- this is the diamond title
Mad Max
The Town of Light
Prehistoric Tales
10 Second Ninja X
Fantasy Versus
Manual Samuel
Circuit Breakers
Hidden Object Bundle 4 in 1
Flashing Lights Police Fire EMS

5 years ago

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So does Fanatical order page tell you which one is the diamond tier, or do we just assume based on what is in the 10th slot?

5 years ago

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It does show you, the Tier 10 has a different icon with a diamond next to it.

Edit: Example here:

5 years ago

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They have hit gold... Now they don't even mask their gold mining...

5 years ago

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More like rushing away from this. But hey, gold/money saved!

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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Serial cleaner
smoke and sacrifice
laser disco defenders
the town of light
flashing lights police fire EMS
velocity ultra
stealth bastard deluxe
lust for darkness

Diamond tier game: Redout enhanced edtion

utter shit upon shit, of games they can't move through their normal store

5 years ago

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Well Serial Cleaner (and supposedly Smoke and Sacrifice) is a great game ;)
(Not saying that these stupid lootboxes aren't utter shit, mind you.)

5 years ago

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Lol ,you can tell they had a focus group meeting ," How can we shift these games that aren't moving on the store?"

Products that can't stand on their own always seem to end up hidden behind lootboxes.

5 years ago

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Yea, my ''diamond tier'' has had its own repeat bundle, for months now

shame Fanatical has dropped this low

5 years ago

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