I think he was confirmed not to work on the TES 6 even before this news.
That's the problem with rape accusations after such a long time from when it supposedly happened. Unless Soule admits he did it, there's almost no chance this case will see any resolution in court or anywhere else. So we're stuck with people on both fronts being dicks to each other.
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I did see some statistics on how common common they estimate it to be that people falsely accuse others of sexual misconduct (rape, sexual harassment, that sort of stuff), and it's estimated that roughly 5% of all cases are false accusations. So yeah, quite likely that he's guilty here, but it's going to be hard to really prove, without either him admitting or reliable witnesses stepping in.
Kind of a tricky situation, people should not go and harass him, obviously, but it's yet another blemish in his already tarnished reputation
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Even if that percentage was true at some point after the whole metoo thing if most certainly isn't.
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5% in case that actually go to the police, and there can be consequences if you lie.
In an era where Morgan Freeman was falsely accused, it was proven it was false, and the journalist who straight lied didn't even lose his job, while he lost multiple contracts, like VISA, the number change.
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From reading that, it sounds genuine. There's no real benefit to these women coming forward about the abuse. It's bound to harm their careers and direct a lot of hate and harassment toward them. A female vocalist has accused him of the same thing.
I dunno. As a woman, I've found myself in potentially weird situations. One of them... A boss was repeatedly throwing the "I'm a millionaire" thing at me at a staff party. I'm not a gold digger, I couldn't give a toss how much money he had. Later, my co-worker and I were going to get a taxi home. We often did this, taxi would drop me off first and I'd pay half of the fare. But... Then my boss was like "Ah no, sure I'll walk her home, it's only down the street." I was kinda drunk, I'll admit that, so didn't see the intent. Then he asked me for a kiss outside the door of my apartment. I went inside, said "Goodnight (insert name here)" and closed the door in his face. I was telling my co-worker and manager about it the next day and they were like "Oh my God, we had no idea he was such a lech." But... the manager was like "I was feeling a bit wary about him walking you home alright, but didn't want to say anything." I was like "Eventhough, I'll never let that happen again, feel free to intervene if he tries it again." All of my co-workers there were male btw... and none of them were lecherous dicks like my boss.
You get a not ugly female employee, and a lecherous male in a position of power and you get situations like this. I'm a much stronger person than these women though. I am quiet, but if it came down to my integrity or losing my job, I'd happily walk out of the job before getting fired. No job is worth allowing someone else to have that kind of power over you.
But... I can see how it can happen. =(
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Unfortunately that's the type of story I heard a lot, working in the food industry. And talking with some of the guys, I often hear "the flip side" of the story as well, which is basically that they don't even realize when they're crossing the line. They just don't see how them "taking an interest" in a female co-worker who works under you, can sometimes be pressuring them into something they don't want, or being perceived as such.
I know it's not an excuse, obviously, and it definitely isn't what happened in this case because rape is not something a guy just does "without realizing" but it's a perception that's reinforced by society. Hopefully with a lot more of these stories becoming public, some of these guys are bound to revisit some of their interactions and change their behavior. I don't know. I hope so because it shouldn't be on the women to change things.
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I dunno though. In my situation, the guy was my boss, the owner of the company and not a superior co-worker. Pretty sure that he knew what he was doing was wrong except he didn't care. These middle-aged guys think that their money will easily bag them a 25-year-old, and that's why he kept bringing up his wealth. shudder
You are right about the "chain of command" thing in the workplace though. A guy might not see how his advances toward someone under him could be perceived, especially if the other party isn't interested. At least when someone is plaguing you outside work, you can escape it. But... I'm not afraid to literally tell someone to "fuck off" if diplomatic versions of that don't seem to have the desired effect. lol. When it's happening in the workplace, you have to see them every day. A couple of studios I worked in, relationships between staff was frowned upon, so it just didn't happen. At least not that I was aware of at the time. XD.
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Pretty sure that he knew what he was doing was wrong except he didn't care. These middle-aged guys think that their money will easily bag them a 25-year-old, and that's why he kept bringing up his wealth. shudder
Oh yeah definitely a sleazebag in that case. And probably one who crossed the line many many times.
You are right about the "chain of command" thing in the workplace though. A guy might not see how his advances toward someone under him could be perceived, especially if the other party isn't interested.
Exactly. I've had this conversation with friends at work. Even if you feel like they may be interested, it's always tricky to get involved with a subordinate. You can't really know if they feel pressured into going further than they would in other circumstances. Doubt is unacceptable in those situations.
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There's no real benefit to these women coming forward about the abuse.
That's the thing with these 'years later' accusations. Because there's no real benefit to it, it's easy to assume the worst of the women coming forward. I'm not saying that stance is right or anything like that whatsoever, but I can definitely understand the doubts because these kinds of cases, with so little chance of punishment, just seem like smear jobs by vindictive people. There's usually less evidence, less way it can be proven, less chance of any kind of punishment for the 'perpetrator' -- which is why they're harder to believe.
Either way, it's a shit deal for whoever happens to be the victim -- whether they're someone who's been wrongly accused, or someone who has been wrongly treated and has had no one acknowledge what they've gone through D:
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i'm all in when it comes to defend victims, but it's wrong when social media turns into jury and executor (judge dredd style).
with this social media crap, the guy is already guilty without any kind of trial. a post on twitter/reddit isn't valid proof to condemn someone.
this isn't how justice works, this is just a mob of angry people, and an innocent person always end up getting blamed or hurt.
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Mully has a point though. Two parties are going to get abused here... or well three since there are two women involved now. People who agree that he's guilty will target him. People who agree that she's lying will target her. The online lynch mob doesn't really care, they only pretend to care because it makes them feel great to have something to champion or fight against. That's not justice, it's lynching someone's character without knowing all the facts.
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Reading a few other threads, it seems like other women commented about Jeremy Soule, mainly attempts at coercing them to have sex with him.
Ain't gonna comment on the rape allegation, only that Soul is a well known asshole
More importantly, these stories share a common ground of companies treating employees like trash, not sure why that takes backstage to the story
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If the "victim" only goes to social media, and doesn't bother to go to the police, call me doutbful.
Guilty or innocent, his life is ruined.
Lena Dunham famously claimed he was raped, in a book, not in front of the police. When the "rapist" threatened to go to court, she had to admit that she had fully consensual sex, but since she didn't feel like it, it felt to her like rape. Which is NOT rape whatsoever.
So I really hope she goes to the police and clear this out. If she was really raped I hope they throw his ass in prison. But if he is not, she is basically destroying his life.
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Well we don't know if she went to the police.
she had to admit that she had fully consensual sex, but since she didn't feel like it, it felt to her like rape. Which is NOT rape whatsoever.
I don't know the specifics of the case there but it can't be consensual if she didn't "feel like it". You can be pressured into things you don't want. And it being in a relationship doesn't make it consensual.
Just arguing vocabulary here.
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If I don’t feel like going to a party, but my friends pressure me to go to a party with them, can I, years later, accuse them of kidnapping me, in social media, destroying their lives?
If I am kissing somebody, not being drunk, not being disabled in any way, well, I don't really feel like it, but since I am at it, I go till the end, never saying anything that I don’t feel like it, can I accuse the other person of rape years later in social media, and destroy its life?
There is a reason doubt people that only post in social media and don't go to the police in this kind of cases. And if she had done it, she would have already said it.
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If I don’t feel like going to a party, but my friends pressure me to go to a party with them, can I, years later, accuse them of kidnapping me, in social media, destroying their lives?
Come on. You are smart enough to know the situation is different. And again I'm not saying this is what happened with her. Just that if a woman "doesn't feel like it", there's no "full consent". Being in a relationship with someone doesn't imply full constant consent.
And I'm fully aware that these are accusations that can destroy a person's life. So I'm not even talking about that. Just consent in general.
The very nature of consent is that you feel like it.
IF the guy remained unaware that she didn't feel like it throughout, which is a little weird to me because I think you would know if the person you're having sex with is into it or not, but ok, then no he's not a rapist.
But again, haven't read the book, or anything about it at all. If she felt raped, no amount of discussion about it can make her perspective different about what happened.
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I see your point but I find it hard to believe that you can have sex with someone and not figure out that they are not into it.
Just talking in general here because I don't know the specifics but even if she didn't express it verbally... I mean...
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Coercion into having sex can be rape if it's done under duress. Like making someone believe that they are going to be destroyed if they don't co-operate. Just because he didn't force her down and rip off her clothes doesn't mean it isn't rape, or that it is in fact consensual. Often times, the victim in those cases are groomed into thinking they are worthless and need the abuser and that no one is going to help them, except their abuser. Like when I read that blog about the developer. I don't know if she's telling the truth, but if she is telling the truth, it sounds like she was groomed in this way.
Some of us can look at it and think "why did she let this happen?" and some of us would never let it happen. But... people get themselves into some horrible situations when they are desperate and none of us can truly judge them for letting another take advantage in such a way.
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If you haven't heard of Soule, you almost definitely know his music from one of the many games he's composed a soundtrack for: The Elder Scrolls series (Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind), Guild Wars 2, Total Annihilation series, Baldur's Gate, Dungeon Siege and many, many more. Even though he's obviously talented, I've heard some stories about him being a huge dick, this is however on a next level. Of course those are just accusations and we're yet to see his response on the whole matter.
Apart from that, the blog post shows some horrible realities of working in (some) game dev studios. Sad.
Reddit thread
Blog post
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