Yes. If you become a potato you won't be able to eat other potatoes anymore. It would be considered cannibalism.
Try to imagine yourself as a fried croquette potato with chocolate topping riding a half-peeled banana named Bob, while munching on other potatoes. Would you still be able to consider yourself a full fledged member of society?
Well, there's your answer.
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Potato with chocolate? What's wrong with this world? ;_;
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If you're talking about death, then yes, death will taste better while eating them. xD
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I would prefer harakiri over them any day. xD You can't combine something salty with something sweet. Like, companies nowadays make popcorn with chocolate, popcorn with caramel, chips with chocolate, etc. >:( I can't eat something like this. xD
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But Greeks don't want a salty and sweet combination. Maybe some alcohol with it, but that's all. xD
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Deep fried mars bars? That looks like death! XD I don't understand how people eat these things. ;_;
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it is like a walking heart attack waiting to happen :)
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So what is the point with Whitelist and Blacklist if people abuse it? plz tell me more.
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Not true. Breaking the rules may get you suspended or banned by the site management. Blackisting is an arbitrary choice of users.
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Individuals choose, true. But I think Jim meant that a lot of people have chosen to blacklist people they observe to have broken the rules. Certainly that's something a lot of people say they do.
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People blacklist for no reason. Creating a blacklist thread and trying to understand the reason will only give you more blacklists.
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There is no "abuse". Everyone is free to do with their list whatever pleases them. But you really should close this thread and simply read similar threads.
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Check the GA. He coudnt redeem the key but marked as received anyway,
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Yes, dont understand why someone would mark as received when they didnt receive it. Just wanted to tell you the reason he had non activated gift.
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Deleting giveaway after end is possible only with winner's permission, or VERY good reason. If guy is rude and clearly states that he doesn't agree (for example in private), then there is really no reason to send ticket. Of course, one can always try to convince support, but being SG user taught me many useful time-saving rules regarding such things.
However, yes. It is possible to delete such giveaway without winner permission, I had one very exceptional incident in the past regarding that, but I doubt that OP's case falls here.
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he hadd all the time to add me on steam and say "Mark it as NOT Recived"
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A reaction that perfect deserves a WL. Welcome! :)
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TwoStepsAhead can mean something what you do or something else. If you like to know what "Two Steps Ahead" Means i could probly post a link to a blogg that describes the word TSA and the meaning. If im allowed to post links in the forum ofc, if not just search on google the meaning of when a person is "TwoStepsAhead". if someone send you a package, is it "Recived" or "Not Recived" got the key marked it as recived and it was left that way untill i got a 4day ban.
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Why the heck do people keep making these threads?
And why do we keep reading them?!
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Boredom... Well that's why I read them. Don't understand why it's a big deal being blacklisted. Way I see it, there are two reasons for it... One, you did something wrong so someone blacklisted you, or two... Just trolls trying to get a rise out of people, in which case, odds are they won't even do giveaways so... Meh.
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hmm i think it's becus new people come here and dont understand everything 100% so they make a post on the forum, and hope they will get some good response.
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There's drama everywhere and anytime on SG and mostly of the artificial and inflated kind.
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Nope a giveaway creator. When you win on the lottery you will go to prison for 4days becus you did not say when you wanted the 5milj dollars on the account. And also the Money was fake. (:
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mm who cares about this rule breaker, we need as a community to venture to El Dorado! FOR REASONS
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saved for reasons! it will help in our expedition, thanks for the contribution Sir Delta
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Take these then :)
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read comments here
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idk if he was a troll but he did not even contact me to even say if i could mark the gift as "Not Recived" why i marked it as recived from first place was becus if he send me a cdkey ofc i mark it as recived but it was left like that. have not seen him reply to the messeage becus i have hadd some giveaways with alot of comments popping up in "New Messeage's" just dont understand why he could not try to speak to me on steam like we did when he sent me the key, instead he choose to report me without trying to contact me. thx
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There's no way to know who reported you, only staff members might know that. But knowing how the forum works, I'd exclude all those who commented, as the kind of people who blacklist and report without further investigations, are usually silent.
Although by reading the comments, it seems unlikely he was the one to do it.
Actually, he told you to mark as "not received", although he didn't reply to one of your comments, so you didn't get a notification.
An advice for the future: try to activate a won key first, then mark it appropriately.
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yes ofc, no it says clearly ho reported me and why. Have try to get in contact with him also but he just ignore the friendrequest. but it's all good now, will do it next time! (;
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You can actually know who reported you? Sounds weird, it's supposed to be totally anonymous.
Although I have no former experience with this side of user reports, I've only ever sent them.
I even got someone perma-suspended, so I just hope they didn't get to know it was because of me...
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Nope clearly states ho got me suspended :) lol yeah im not gona report enyone before i have hadd a chance to get a statement of the suspect. If it was me i would have added him on steam and said if he could "Mark it as Not Recived" Worst thing about it was that i made 3x giveaways on the same day so people have w8 4days to get the gift..
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If user reports state who got someone suspended... I guess I can somehow know where the majority of my blacklists come from.
Well, at least this weird situation is now over. Although I'm a bit salty that you got suspended so quickly for such a small, easily fixed mistake, while I have multiple reports pending, for worse rule-breakers.
Like a beggar with 10 unactivations, a multi-win, and a regift for that multi-win, who will most likely be perma-suspended.
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sounds like you have alot of problems, guess i have to prepare myself for the worse.. another thing i noticed was that no one read the ticket i made, it says "Pending" 4days.. how meny Admins are on this site?
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No, don't worry! Getting on many blacklists is perfectly normal while being active on the forum, even the nicest people get a lot.
Besides, those who blacklist for silly reasons are usually those who don't make many giveaways, so there's nothing to lose.
But we also get a lot of Whitelists, those are actually more important. Myself, I'm on 200 WL and 66 BL, after 4 months of activity.
As for the staff, we currently have: 1 Admin, 1 Super Mod (who hasn't logged in 2 months), 4 Mods (the most active with user reports is now on vacation), and 6 "standard" support members.
Here you can see all the users separated by their ranks, and here you can see their roles.
As you can see, user reports can only be handled by the Mods, the Super Mod, and the Admin.
And half of them are unavailable right now, so it's natural that tickets are processed slower.
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sounds good, just checked the list, not meny active users :/ ok i get it :) im trying my best to giveaway more then i win, thanks for the long reply and the info <3
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Just noticed that someone blacklisted me yesterday? What will this mean in a long term if people continue to blacklist me?
Guess people are uppset when i give away games.. and this 2 blacklist came on same day i made the giveaway?
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